I'll Wait Hurting - A Rimahik...

By tinpin

6.1K 137 61

"Hey. Hey you." She poked me. "Hmn?" "So me and my boyfriend..." and there it is. Those words taunt me every... More

Chapter 1 : Just Bestfriends.
Coffee Boy #1
Chapter 3 : Only
Coffee Boy #2
Chapter 4 : Congrats, I Applaud You (Part One)
Chapter 4 : Congrats, I Applaud You (Part Two)
Chapter 4 : Congrats, I Applaud You (Part Three)
Coffee Boy #3
Chapter 5 : Pros and Cons
Coffee Boy #4
Chapter 6 : "How do you feel?"
Therapist Session #1
Chapter 7 : Practice
Coffee Boy #5
Chapter 8 : A Day in the Life of The Fujisaki Mansion
Coffee Boy #6
Chapter 9 : Whispers To You
Coffee Boy # 7
Chapter 10 : December
December 25th, January 1st
Chapter 11 : Passing Time?
Coffee Boy #8
Chapter 12 : Replacement
Coffee Boy #9
Chapter 13 : Show Yourself.
Coffee Boy #10
Chapter 14 : Where?
Coffee Boy #11
Coffee Boy #12
Chapter 15 : Encounter And Embrace.
Chapter 16 : Let Me Just - Nagihiko
Coffee Boy #13
Chapter 17: Angeru
Coffee Boy #14
Chapter 18: Heir
Coffee Boy #15
Chapter 19: Yazuski, Aika
Chapter 19.5 : Claim.
Chapter 20: Birthday
Coffee Boy #17
Chapter 20.75: Kiichirou.......
Chapter 21: Proposed.
Ending Credits: Thank you.

Chapter 2 : Parlor

280 9 0
By tinpin

Rima's POV :

Today my boyfriend asked me out on a parfait date. I love parfaits! Can't wait to go afterschool.

I walk into the classroom, as usual I see Nagi sitting in his seat looking out of the window. I sit right beside him. YAS. I have to tell him about the date.

"Boo!" I grab him by the shoulders. He didn't flinch. ARGH EVERYTIME.

"Oh, Hi Rima." He smiles. I glare at him.

"Well whatcha thinking about now?"

"Hmmm, mostly about the new cake I made his morning. You should come over afterschool."

"Shu-" wait a second. I love cake and parfaits...but I can't diss my bestfriend. And I've never canceled a date before.

His smile slightly faded. "If you're busy that's ok. I'll just bring you a slice tomorrow."

"Oh, thanks. I have a date with my boyfriend at the parfait parlor."

You mean the one I always take you too. The one that I even get coupons that are multiuse and get free parfaits? The one that we always have fun times. But unfortunately that is not ok to me. I will not give up our favorite parlor to him. I will not.

"Oh yeah that's fine." He smiled. He's sooo nice. Maybe I should get kindness lessons from him? Mmm, nope. Nevermind.


"Nagi! Go mein!" As we walk out of the school gates I apologize. I hated upsetting and letting people down. It just isn't somehing I do normally.

"Rima I told you not to worry. Remember you worry, I worry." He gave a sweet smile. I hated him for smiling so much. How do I know if they are even genuine? Well of course they are, but you know what I mean, right?

"Ok." I kiss him on the cheek. "Bye." I run over to my boyfriend. I wave one last time to Nagi. Ne waves back and crosses his fingers for me. I love him, Nagi.


All parts of me are ripped. My heart, my brain, our friendship. This is like the 100th time this has happened. And all I show her is my kind friendly 'It's ok' side. But if I told her my real feelings, could the outcome be a fight? Her argument to just tell her? The problem is, I've tried it before. It doesn't help.


"Babe, I'm getting the Cookies and Crème Brûlée." I love it when he calls me cute nicknames it might be a name someone else gets called, but as long as he says it to me I'm perfectly in love with it. Nagi calls me chibi-devil or goldilocks. Alice or Snow White's little dwarf. But other days, usually in sleep overs, he wakes me up with a morning hot cocoa and calls me Nagi's Sleeping Beauty. I love that too. Especially.

"I'm getting... let me call Nagihiko he knows exactly what I am craving." I pull out my phone and I already see a text message.


Purple-Headed Freak : Get the taro cake supreme with triple whipcream, chopped banana bits on top with a sponge cake to the side for your double sweets time. Also add sprinkles. Everyone likes sprinkles. And add anything else like double ice cream.

Me : Thanks!


"I'm gonna get it." The waitor came, took their orders and headed into the kitchen.


Normal POV :

"Hey guys, I think Rima got a new boyfriend." The worker said, placing the order next to the maker.

"Nooo, it's Nagihiko and Rima forever." A girl worker replied. They all knew that even if Rimahiko said they were 'Just bestfriends' that they were just lying.

"Yeah, but look." The working crew peered out to see Rima laughing with some dude.

"NO WAY." The owner of the shop popped in and screeched with disbelief.

"Our OTP!" (One true pairing for those that had to search it up.)


"So Rima." The boyfriend said.


"I have a basketball game Friday night."

"Tomorrow? Awsome." She smiled and took a big bite out of her whipped cream.

"I was wondering if you could come?"

"Or course. It's a Friday. What do I have to do a Friday night?"

"Also, could you recruit Nagihiko?"


"One of our players are down and as captain I think Nagihiko should join this game."

"But he's not even part of the team."

"That why I need you to convince him. Besides, we all know he has the skills."

Rima sighed but replied with a yes. Secretly she knew, persuading Nagihiko is the hardest thing to do... if it involves joining a sports group. (The fangirls and the other sports groups.)

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

That was the end of Chapter 2! Now I think I might upload whenever, but mainly once a week unless I get busy. Well look forwards to Chapter 3! Or not...

Also if you did get what I was conveying in this chapter... Rima continuously thinks about Nagihiko whether with her boyfriend or not.

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