Forever Together | Heroes of...

By ricksheroes

13.8K 719 451

'Piper wallowed in regret. She sat on the cold concrete floor in misery, dwelling on the pain she had caused... More

Author's Note
Piper's POV
Percy's POV
Jason's POV
Rachel's POV
Piper's POV
Leo's POV
Annabeth's POV
Hazel's POV
Percy's POV
Reyna's POV
Jason's POV
Nico's POV
Dylan's POV
Calypso's POV
Annabeth's POV
Percy's POV
Jason's POV
Author's Note
Annabeth's POV
Frank's POV
Sneak Peek!!!
Jason's POV
3rd Person POV
New Story!!

Piper's POV

392 29 29
By ricksheroes

Six days. Six days, and counting. Of all things she could be thinking about, her life, the other's lives, getting out of here alive, her only thought was Jason. How stupid could she be? Jason was the sweetest guy, he would never hurt her like that! If anything, he would hurt himself for her. Somehow she bought that he a) fell for Reyna and b) could ever think of hurting her. Once her mother came to her in her dreams, Piper felt like a train just came and slammed into her face. She was so oblivious to the truth when it was right in front of her! When her mother came and treated her when Dylan attacked after her? Yeah, she basically told her that she was at fault for everything happening. And Piper was too naive to realize that. Or maybe unconscious. Either way, Piper should've been able to decipher the truth from a nightmare of a lie.

She sat in her "grand suite" according to Dylan, that she was recently moved to. It was like a prison cell. The walls were stripped of any color, the floor a hard concrete surface. There was a window on the far side, but too small for even little Hazel to manage to get through. In the corner sat a bucket, meant to be a toilet. Dylan really knew how to treat a girl.

Every day, Dylan would come in and find some kind of new type of torture. Whether it be the classic beating, or electrocution, the whole gagging-her-with-a-wet-rag; but that didn't bother her. The pain was temporary, as it's said these days.

But on the 4th day, something different happened. Dylan came in, unarmed, and made her stand up. Regular procedure. But, he did something he knew would torture her the most. He started to touch her, the way he did before. The exact way he did before, almost as if he had practiced and practiced this repeatedly, waiting for this very moment.

Piper had to do something to mask her discomfort, so she did the only logical thing. She fought back. Now that she was stronger, she had the ability to defend herself better. Though she was beaten and in a weaker state, she channeled all of her remaining energy into him. She punched, kicked, kneed whatever she could. Dylan tried to defend himself but didn't get through it without some battle scars of his own. She socked him right in the nose, punched him in the gut, and used her desperately-in-need-of-cutting nails to her advantage. She clawed whatever she could, harder each time. She was sick of his game. He thought he had control over the situation? Not this time, buddy.

Once Piper thought she had done enough, she stopped. Just stopped. Dylan stood there, breathing heavily for a moment. Piper was as well. He didn't do anything but stare at her, a smile forming on his face. He came up to her, far faster than humanly possible, and slapped her to the ground. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at his ugly face, blood dripping down from her lip onto his fingers.

"I love it when you're angry. Makes this so much more entertaining. But alas, if your sweet little Jason hasn't found you by now, I don't think he ever will. So, that gives me more time to finish you off. Lucky for you, the physical aspect of this is over. Now, onto the emotional." He pecked her forehead and went off, closing the cell door behind him. Piper sat there and gathered her knees to her chest. She sat and hoped that Jason and the others would find them soon. She had so much damage to repair, and she could only hope it was repairable. Jason may hate her now, or had given up on her. Maybe even moved on.

Piper laid on the cold, concrete floor and cried herself into a deep slumber, dreaming of a way out of this horrible life of hers.
Piper awoke to someone kicking her gut, making her lose her appetite. She coughed and gasped until she regained her bearings, but the person was already gone. As usual. They only came to bring in a meal and left immediately after. Although the meals were disgusting, food was food. Fortunately, they provided her with three meals a day. This only solidified what Piper had been thinking. Dylan didn't want them dead, just scarred for life when this was over. He wanted to be caught, but he wanted to do as much damage as he could to the girls before then. Was he doing the same things to the others though? Piper couldn't help but feel guilty for it all. She should've come to Jason for help. She should've known she could always trust him. She deeply regretted her decisions and the way she left things back at home. Where's the magical undo button when she needed it?

Piper reached for the tray and pulled it close to her, poking at the food. She was exhausted; she wanted this to be over. She could only hope the others weren't going through such a torturous experience.

Piper couldn't help but think of what the guys were doing. Shouldn't they be out looking for them? There was no way they could fight their way out of this place with their numbers, and their physical states. The one time Piper wanted someone to fight for her and she can't even guarantee that help is on the way.

Every day she would pray to her mother, asking for help of any kind. And every day, she got nothing. She also couldn't stop herself from thinking of what Dylan had said. Onto the emotional aspect? Like this wasn't emotionally scarring enough? What more could he possibly have in store for her? Piper could only imagine what went on in his sick mind...

She had given up on her food and was waiting for a servant to come and take the tray. Happens like this every day. How much longer would this have to happen though? If anything, this should only be happening to Piper, not the others. It was her fault, and she should have to take the punishment. Piper wallowed in regret. She sat on the cold concrete floor in misery, dwelling on the pain she had caused. Because of her secrecy, the people she loved were suffering, even dying.

"What's so interesting about that wall?" Piper jumped a little, startled by the voice. She realized she had been staring at the wall, deep in thought. It was another one of Dylan's minions who had asked her that. She wasn't sure if she should feel sorrow or hatred for them. She looked up at him but didn't answer. He smiled coldly, then nodded behind him.

"Meet your new roommate." In came two men dragging a girl, barely conscious. Her long, light brown hair was sprawled all over her face. Bruises were scattered across her entire body, cuts dried with blood and not seeming to heal. Other than that, she seemed to be okay. Piper muttered a silent message of gratitude to her mother for hearing her prayers.

The two men abruptly dropped Calypso and Piper had to rush to catch her.

"Don't expect any more company." One tall, gruff man muttered, and they left. She held Calypso, trying to calm her shaking. Her skin was frigid to the touch. Piper gently brushed away the hair from her face and quietly gasped. Calypso's once gorgeous, blemish-free face was replaced with a very pale, pale face. Her eyes were bloodshot, skin oily and sweaty. But most importantly, her veins. All over her face, veins bulged out a very dark black. Either that or... No. Her disease! It was spreading through her... And now it was almost done. The disease must target the brain... And the bruises weren't bruises... The disease was...

The disease was taking over her body, controlling its every move. Piper took a shaky breath, knowing what was to come next. Calypso slowly started to regain consciousness and tried to sit up. Piper helped as much as she could, but there really was nothing she could do. Judging by Calypso's reaction, she got the message. She inhaled deeply.

"If I- when I, you know, just tell Leo that I... That I'm sorry. I'm sorry it wasn't-" Calypso started coughing uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry it wasn't-it couldn't be real. That I wasn't meant for him. And he wasn't meant for me. Give the others my love, but tell Leo to move on and forget about me. I know I'll forget about him." Before Piper could even respond, Calypso gasped and fell into Piper's torso. Her dull eyes remained open as a single tear escaped and fell down her cheek. A few seconds passed, and so did Calypso, the only love of Leo Valdez's life.

Oh my gosh over 2k reads?!? Insane! Thank you so much! Ahh, I can't wait to continue on with this story! Oh and yeah... Hoped you liked this chapter(; let's face it, she was bound to die anyway 😊 please vote and comment your opinions! I love reading them(: have a good day!

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