My Life With One Direction (N...

By LatonaStar

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I couldn't believed this. I'm leaving my best friend in the whole world. Niall Horan, the only person I trust... More

Chapter 1-Carly
Chapter 2-Sera
Chapter 3-Carly
Chapter 4-Sera
Chapter 5-Carly
Chapter 6-Sera
Chapter 7-Carly
Chapter 8-Sera
Chapter 9-Carly
Chapter 10-Sera
Chapter 10.5-Isabella
Chapter 11-Carly
Chapter 12-Sera
Chapter 13-Carly
Chapter 14-Sera
Chapter 14.5 - Isabella
Chapter 15-Carly
Chapter 16-Sera
Chapter 17-Carly
Chapter 18-Sera
Chapter 19-Carly
Chapter 20-Sera
Chapter 20.5-Isabella
Chapter 21-Carly
Chapter 22-Sera
Chapter 23-Carly
Chapter 24-Sera
Chapter 25-Carly
Chapter 26-Sera
Chapter 27-Carly
Chapter 28-Sera
Chapter 28.5-Isabella
Chapter 29-Carly
Chapter 31-Carly
Chapter 32-Sera
Chapter 33-Carly
Chapter 34-Sera

Chapter 30 -Sera

36 1 0
By LatonaStar

I played with the cats while I was back home and Harry smiled at me.

"I'm bored. I'm going to go chase grasshoppers" I said going outside(I really do chase grasshoppers I catch them too,then I hold them till the they calm down and stay in my hand for a while)

"Alright babe. Don't forget about dinner tonight" he called out. I giggled as I caught a grasshopper and then I randomly started singing Little Things. I didn't even notice Harry was watching because he clapped his hand.

'I never knew you sing"

"I love to sing. But not very much in public" I admitted. Talent show doesn't really count for me.

"Well you're really good. Might want to get ready if you want to see your twin before dinner." I smiled and pecked his lips before going into the bathroom to take a shower. I love how he call Carly and I twins. Just before I enter the shower I took a look at my arm which is now forming a long scar. I still don't understand why I did that in the first place.

I went into my room, well I should call it my walk in closet. Harry was pretty smart that I love clothes. I knew what I should wear for dinner tonight. My favorite strapless, baby blue dress that grandma got me. It was my favorite and I don't wear often because I don't want it to get ruin. I smiled to myself and did my Katniss spin. Just then Harry walked in and smirked at me. I giggled and walked up to him.

"Now that sexy," he said and I slapped him playfully. He gave me a kiss and lead me out of the house. Or flat. I don't know. United Kingdom confused me and Carly I knew almost half of my life. From Ireland!


We arrive at Carly's flat -yay I said it for once- and just then Bella and Louis arrived as well. They are never on time.

"Somebody here on time" I joked.

"Oh shut up. I'm wearing this stupid dress and I hate dress!" Bella complained. She's such a tomboy and I'm pretty sure she picked it up from Carly but two times worse.

"You're beautiful in it though! I'm glad I picked it out" and gave her a hug.

"Oh whatever!" I rolled my eyes at her and Niall opened the door.

"She's in her room" he informed us and we both nodded and saw Carly on her bed. I smiled and I saw her guitar. So he did get her one.

"Come on let go" Carly said and she grabbed her guitar and we went down and saw our boyfriends waiting for us. I blushed and walked up to Harry.


We all arrive at dinner and Liam and Danielle was there already saving the seat. I have to say, it quiet there. Somebody decided to be smart. I joked to myself. I sat next to my twin and gave her a small hug. She looked at me and smiled a little. Just then the music came on and I enjoyed it. As we were talking I notice Carly was not happy at all.

"Car?" I asked. She looked at me confused. I turned to Niall and asked for his help. He looked at me and looked down at Carly and did a quick signing at her for a while.

"What's he doing?" Danielle asked

"Signing for Carly. I don't think she happy right now." Just then Niall nodded to my cue.

"Vas Happenin'!" I overheard behind me. I saw Zayn and his beautiful girlfriend, Perrie.

"Zaynie!" Carly cried out. Right she's best friend with Zayn and brighten up with him. Since then she quiet almost the entire time because she couldn't understand us. Bad idea I guess.

"Haz, is there a place I can sing here?" I whipsered to him. He nodded.

"I had it all planned out for you." Just then they said to welcome Carly and I. Poor Carly looking all over the place. Niall helped her and she looked at me shocked. I shurgged and went up on stage. She followed and I mouthed 'Little Things' to her and she nodded. I went over to the woman and asked to make it very quiet for Carly. Just then everything quiet down and Carly smiled.

"Ready?" I asked her. She nodded and played it. Just like we did at the Talent Show before we met up with the lads for the first time. And without her having the guitar.

We finish and Carly smiled. I gave her a hug and we went back and joined everyone once again.

"You are amazing!" That pretty much what everyone been saying when we return. Once again Carly can't hear any of us.

"You really need to see Uncle Simon about this." Louis said. I looked at Harry and he nodded. I had an idiot smile on my face. My dream was coming true.


Latona is the best writer! I wish I saw her first one. She wrote one and somehow she losted it. So I feel bad that she have to go through 2 weeks rewriting a lot. She gave up with this. Oh well. She still awesome.

Like Latona said, we have Regents/Finals Exam to study for. (Eh, I never study) I has one more test than Latona lucky bitch it's called LOTE (aka foreign language)


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