Attached // Ruby Rose // GXG

By terryakibowl

94.3K 2.9K 245

"Don't get too attached, I'll just hurt you", she whispered onto my lips, walking away right after. More

Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note


5.1K 151 10
By terryakibowl

Chapter 7
"Cousin Phoebe"

It's been weeks since I've last seen Ruby and we had our little moment. I even had went to go see her perform at the Neon Room but she quickly left, obviously avoiding me. It was awkward at first but avoiding one another seemed a bit too extreme in my opinion. This girl was totally confusing.

Today was my only free day since last month when I babysat Nancy and I was determined to find her. I know, I may sound a bit creepy, I just met the girl but she gave off this vibe that attracted me. Could it be the way she could stare at you while also staring into you, if that made any sense. Or was it her smile that she only ever gave out at chosen moments? Moments I was fortunate enough to witness. I sighed happily as I thought about her smile. "Enough, Erin. You're being a tad creepy", I thought to myself.

I put on my coat and beanie as I walked out of my apartment, closing and locking the door behind me. I quickly ran to my car as the rain began to pour heavily. I groaned as I got my seat wet due to the door jamming. I was suppose to meet Melissa at her place for lunch and I was already running late. If there was anything I hated more than any pet peeve was definitely driving in the rain. Not only were people more stupid than usual, for instance swerving into lanes without signaling but also reckless to the point of causing fatal accidents.

"Want some marshmallows?" Melissa asked from the kitchen, finishing up with our hot chocolate. "Yes, please!" I yelled out from the living room. I was currently wrapped in about twenty blankets. Okay, maybe not twenty but I was shivering like hell. Melissa walked in with three cups and a pack of chocolate chip cookies. I looked at her confused, "Why three?" She smiled as she set them down. "We're having a guest over, trust me you'll love it."

The doorbell rang, signaling Melissa's mystery guest was here. I was excited to see who it was, luckily Scott had left and gone back home, and so I knew it couldn't be him. "Welcome to my lovely estate, she's in the living room." I quickly turned my head towards the door, waiting impatiently for the grand reveal.Soon after Carter, our old friend from high school walked in. I grinned, quickly getting up and running over to her and engulfing her into a bone crushing hug. "It's so good to see you!" She laughed, returning the hug almost immediately. "I missed you guys! I just moved here about a week ago and once I remembered you guys planned on moving here after graduation I had to get in touch!"

Melissa smiled at her, sitting down on her bean bag across the room. "We definitely have to go out!" She suggested, clapping her hands together. I rolled my eyes playfully, "Definitely, because there isn't rain pouring heavily outside." Carter laughed, shaking her head, "There's this inside party I got invited to by my cousin and it'll be cool if we all went! Come on Ernie!" I looked at both of them, contemplating whether or not to go.

"I can't believe I actually agreed! Not only is it cold but this dress is a bit too short for the weather and my liking! It really isn't my style." Melissa rolled her eyes, "Well we didn't ask and we're here already so too late to bail, come on, loosen up!" I sighed but nodded, attempting to lower the dress a bit. "You look hot anyway, just leave the dress alone!" Carter teased, winking. I laughed nervously but did as told. "I can't believe I agreed to this, oh boy", I thought to myself as we walked into the crowded house, the loud music causing the floor to vibrate.

"Guys! Come over here, I want you to meet my cousin!" Melissa grabbed my hand and literally dragged me over to Carter. I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw who her cousin was.

It was the blonde girl who Ruby was with that one day! Her smile grew as she saw me. Her eyes then began to trail down my body. Carter noticed but shrugged it off, "Well, Phoebe these are my two close friends from high school, Erin and Melissa. Guys, this is my cousin Phoebe!" I turned to Melissa who noticed Phoebe's stare and who also, along with myself, looked a bit uncomfortable. "Well, it's nice to meet you Phoebe, although I've already sort of met you, I guess", I joked, trying to lighten up the mood. "Yeah, I guess we did but I never got your name, fortunately here we are, meeting again", she winked. Carter laughed awkwardly, nudging her elbow. "Well, thanks for inviting Carter to this amazing party", Melissa finally spoke up. "Oh, no problem! It's great she brought you and Erin along." We both just smiled politely before excusing ourselves.

"She was definitely eying you", Melissa whispered, a bit suspicious. "I know! She was the girl who I told you hit on me on my first day of work! And guess what?" I explained. She nodded at me to continue. "She's dating Ruby, the DJ we want to go watch and I almost kissed..." Melissa gasped, covering her mouth. "You two almost kissed?! When was I going to learn of this??" I sighed, explaining to her the night it happened. She shook her head in disbelief, "that's not good, Erin. Especially if she's still dating the horny blonde over there!" I sighed, "I know, it's just so complicated!" I groaned out loud as I took a seat on the empty couch behind me. Suddenly I realized something. "If Phoebe is here then Ruby is too! Oh no, she's been avoiding me..." Melissa just stood there shaking her head. "If you want we can leave?" I shook my head, standing up. "We came here to have fun, and that's what we're going to do! Come on, you're the expert in the drinks, help me loosen up." Melissa laughed before grabbing my hand and walking us over to the mini bar.

Many drinks and shots later, I was bumping past couples making out, trying to find the nearest bathroom. Finally, I found a door expecting it to be the bathroom but hell was I wrong. "Sorry!" I yelled out, giggling as the couple who were in the middle of their make out session stopped. I stopped my giggling fit as I saw who the pair was.

// Ending Note \\
Thank you for reading!
Hope you enjoyed, even the cliche cliffhanger! Hehe.
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