My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arsh...

Galing kay amira039303

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My Imperfect Mr Perfect Prologue
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 1
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 2
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 3
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 4
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 5
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 6
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 7
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 8
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 9
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 10
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 11
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 13
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 14
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 15
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 16
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 17
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 18
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 19
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 20
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 23
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 24
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part II)
Chapter 26 (Part I)
Chapter 26 (Part II)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part I)
Chapter 30 (Part II)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Maha Update)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part I)
Chapter 50 (Part II) Teaser...
Chapter 50 - Part II (Last Chapter)
Epilogue A
Epilogue B
Epilogue C
Nominations/Thank you Note

My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 22

11.8K 470 16
Galing kay amira039303

Khushi opened her eyes the next morning to find herself wrapped securely in a pair of manly arms that she could recognise anywhere now. She was initially shocked to find his calm, peacefully sleeping face centimeters away from hers as she looked up. But then everything that happened last night came rushing back to her the next second and she tightened her hold on his collar, which she had been holding while sleeping.

Her face turned a darker shade of red by the second as she realised what she had done in the heat of the moment last night.

How could she?! She had kissed him all over his face and neck... Just the thought of it made her blush, her face putting tomatoes to shame. What was wrong with her?! How could she do all that? And that too with Arnavji! Gosh how would she face him now? This was so embarrassing!

Just as she was about to pull herself out of his embrace she felt Arnav stir slightly beside her. She quickly closed her eyes, not ready to face him yet - to be honest she didn't know if she would ever be ready to face him!

As soon as Arnav woke up, the first thing he recognised was the feel of Khushi's body molded against his own. He looked down to see Khushi lying there with her eyes closed, her face so close to his.

Khushi was doing her best to pretend to be asleep but Arnav was too smart to fall for her trick. Their bodies were practically plastered together with his hold on her, and he could feel her heart beating really fast - in fact it was as fast as his was. He could feel her erratic breathing against his neck, and he could see the rosy blush that covered her cheeks.

Arnav smirked as he figured what must have been running through that tiny head of hers. He could tell that she was too embarrassed to face him and she was probably berating herself for acting the way she did yesterday night.

Arnav probably should have felt the same way, considering his strong resolve to maintain his distance from her since yesterday. But he just couldn't get himself to even think of that after last night.

He had no regrets about last night. It was new to Arnav in the same way it was to Khushi. But hearing her confession yesterday had tugged at the heartstrings he had buried deep within the past years. And now he just felt a kind of acceptance. Acceptance of his feelings for Khushi. Maybe he wasn't ready to name that feeling just yet, but he was able to admit to himself that Khushi meant a lot more than a friend to him too.

I guess you could say that in a way, they were both at the same stage. But Khushi being the innocent girl was shyer to openly admit these feelings in front of him. Last night in the dark, while she thought he was asleep, it was easy to open up to her own feelings. And later she had just lost herself in the happiness that he was now with her again, that she hardly knew that she was kissing him all over. But now... it wasn't so easy for her to come to terms with her actions, and Arnav understood that.

Last night had miraculously (or not) completely lightened Arnav's mood. He was in a playful mood and thought he could be a little mischievous. What's the harm in a little teasing early morning?

He loosened his arms around her and using his left hand he slowly brushed the back of his fingers on the curve of her hips. The sensation left Khushi breathing harder and harder by the second. Arnav smirked seeing the effect he had on her.

He lifted his hand slightly so that his fingers hovered over her hips, no longer touching her. And then he moved this hand up her body slowly - up her waist, then her arms, her shoulders, her neck...

His hand didn't touch her skin even once but Khushi could feel the heat of his fingers caressing her skin sensually as they moved up her body. She tightened her arms on his collar unconsciously, unable to take this sensual torture.

Arnav was enjoying every single reaction of hers as he traced over her facial features, still not touching her. After a few seconds he finally let himself touch her face, tucking a few strands of loose hair behind her ear.

He then leaned forward towards her steadily.

Khushi may have her eyes closed but she was hyperaware of every single movement of Arnav's, and feeling him nearing her even further, her heart started to race, and her breathing became even more laboured. She could feel his breath caressing her lips as he brought his face so close, that if she moved in the slightest, she was sure her lips would be on his skin...

He stayed in that position for a few moments and just as Khushi's tension was reaching its peak, he moved his face to the side slightly.

"Khushi," he whispered into her ear huskily, "You can stop pretending now."

And with that Khushi opened her eyes to look straight into a pair of the most beautiful, molten caramel orbs.

"A-ap ko k-kaise pata chala?! (H-how d-did you know?!)"

Arnav smiled smugly while his eyes shone with amusement. "Your body is betraying you Khushi."

"Tumhaara pher... (Your feet...)" That's when Khushi realised that she had scrunched her toes, unable to bear his sweet torture.

"Tumhaara haat... (Your hands...)" Khushi accusingly looked towards her hands which were clutching his shirt with a death grip.

"Tumhaari saansein... (Your breathing...)" Khushi realised she was so breathing hard that it was the loudest sound in the silent penthouse.

"Or... (And...)" Arnav paused, gazing into Khushi's hazel eyes.

"Or? (And?)" Khushi questioned, mesmerised by those eyes.

"Or... (And...)" Arnav slowly placed his one hand over her racing heart, causing it to beat even faster. "Tumhaari dil ki dhadkan (Your heart beats)" he completed huskily.

Khushi didn't know what came over her but she then put one of her hands on his own heart which was beating in sync with hers.

And they didn't know for how long but they stayed in that position, gazing deep into each other's eyes.

Both of them were so lost in the moment that they didn't even realise that their faces were unconsciously moving towards each other...

And just when their lips softly brushed against one another, they were jolted out of their reverie with the ringing of Arnav's mobile phone.

Both of them moved back, shocked with their own actions. Neither of them had realised what they were doing.

Khushi's face was as red as a tomato by now, and she was looking everywhere but at Arnav.

As soon as she saw him engaging in the phone call, she grabbed the opportunity to run away with the excuse of needing to freshen up.

Later during breakfast and lunch, Khushi hardly spoke. Arnav isn't exactly used to talking much but today for Khushi's sake he actually tried making some small talk. But to his disappointment he only got one worded answers or otherwise very short answers. Arnav hadn't even gone into office today as he wanted to spend some time with Khushi but it looked like neither fate nor Khushi was on his side today. She just avoided any communication as much as possible.

Khushi was still stuck in her actions last night, and the events today morning hadn't exactly helped her forget the awkward situation.

Just after they'd cleared up after lunch, they'd both silently settled down to watch TV, each sitting on the far ends of the bed. Arnav asked, "Is this some kind of revenge Khushi?"

Khushi turned to look at him, confusion etched on her face. "Pardon?" she asked, not sure if she had heard right.

"Is this some kind of revenge? I wasn't talking to you yesterday so now are you trying to punish me by giving me the same silent treatment?"

"What are you saying Arnavji!" Khushi was a little taken aback that this thought had even arisen in his head. She had almost forgotten the previous day's events in her anxiety over her kisses and... their half lip-lock.

"Arnavji how could you even think that?! Why would I even do that to you?! And I have been talking to you. I responded to you quite a few times today, so I don't understand why you think this way..." Khushi was appalled that she may have just hurt her Arnavji again unintentionally. "Arnavji I'm really sorry if I hurt you or anything but I wasn't giving you the silent treatment. I swear!" She looked at Arnav, silently pleading him to believe her.

"Well yes you have talked to me but... it's not YOU. Normally YOU are the one who talks to ME. You are the one who starts conversations. And even if I do start the conversation I only get in one sentence before you start talking. And when you start talking you don't stop. Now that is the Khushi I'm used to. This girl in front of me," he gestured towards her, "is not the Khushi I know."

Khushi just blinked, her mouth slightly parted. She was speechless. She knew he was right but she never expected him to point it out. She thought he would just leave the issue alone and ignore it, not caring too much about it. But it seems she was wrong.

Seeing Khushi just looking at him speechless, Arnav just sighed. "Khushi is this about last night and... this morning?" he asked tentatively.

As soon as these words came out, she looked down, unwilling to meet his gaze. She couldn't get herself to talk about it. It was just so awkward. She didn't know what had come over her last night! She regretted it a little. But it wasn't because she didn't like it or she thought it was wrong. Because after having to spend a day without talking to Arnav and not having his presence at times, she had started to accept her feeling for him. Somewhere she knew that she had started to fall for him... But she still regretted the kisses a little because she was 100% sure that her feelings weren't returned. And she didn't want to lose this friendship between them by bringing her unwanted feelings in between.

And now when Arnav brought the subject up directly, she didn't know how to respond... She just felt like hiding under the flooring so that she didn't have to discuss this with him.

"Khushi?" he called as he was getting no response.

"Ummm..." Khushi just fiddled about with her fingers, really not knowing what to say. And to make the situation worse, her cheeks were reddening, betraying her.

Seeing her blush and fiddling fingers, Arnav understood that she was embarrassed. And somewhere along the way he understood what might be running in her mind.

Slowly, he shifted so that he was sitting close to her on the bed. They were close enough to be able to feel the body heat of the other, but they were not touching.

Then Arnav placed a hand on her hands, stopping her from fiddling. "Khushi... I just want you to know that... I don't regret whatever happened between us last night or this morning."

It took a lot from Arnav's side to confess this. After all, this was the man who had no belief in love and marriage. And not so long ago, he had resolved to maintain a safe distance from Khushi.

But all of that disappeared the moment she confessed his importance in her life last night. His every intention of staying away was broken. And to be honest he just didn't care anymore. Especially not after getting a glimpse of her real feelings for him through those kisses last night. The happiness threatening to engulf him was too irresistible for him to deny it.

And then seeing Khushi so hesitant around him after the almost-kiss was just too much for him. He just wanted to see her back to normal around him. And so he decided to risk it and let her know his feelings with the hope that it will give her assurance.

As soon as Khushi heard his words of not regretting the kisses, her eyes widened in shock. But she still remained looking down at the bed, afraid to look into his eyes. What if she didn't see the acceptance that she wanted to see in them?

But Arnav wasn't having that. He gently lifted up her chin with his hand, while his other was still holding her hand safely. Arnav made her look in his eyes as he said, "I don't regret it at all. And if I had the chance to go back in time, then I wouldn't change a thing that happened between us..."

Looking into Khushi's bewildered eyes he continued, "Khushi last night you told me how much I meant in your life." Khushi looked down at the mention of her confession, her red blush intensifying. It seemed like there was no rest for her blush today!

"You said that I am more than a friend for you... Khushi I..." Arnav struggled to put his feelings into words. "Khushi... I want you to know that... you are more than a friend for me too."

With that Khushi's eyes shot up to meet his, shocked by his words. But what she saw there shocked her more! Because in his eyes she saw immense love for her. So much love that she was melting under his gaze.

Khushi had always known that Arnav was good at hiding his feelings - in fact she had witnessed his eyes going to feeling to unfeeling within fractions of a second several times.

But only today she realised how much he had been hiding all these days. She had seen care for her in his eyes during all these days she had spent with him. She had seen a softness in them, reserved for her only. But today, she was seeing boundless love and passion in his soulful eyes. So much passion that she felt like her whole body would go on fire. And all of this was just for her. How did she get so lucky?

Today, she knew what it was like to be loved by Arnav Singh Raizada. He loved with all his heart - actually no. He loved with all this being. He loves so much that it consumes him as well as the person he loves. Khushi felt so blessed to be with him.

To be loved by Arnav Singh Raizada was like drowning in an ocean of love. Just like his name. Arnav. The ocean. And he was hers. Her Arnav. Her ocean of love.

Although Khushi had admitted that he was more than a friend to her, she had been afraid to name her feelings as love.' Because she was scared that if she admitted it to herself and her feelings weren't returned, she would break. She had wanted assurance from Arnav's mouth. But she didn't need words anymore. She got all her answers from his one loving gaze now.

They were lost in the depth of each other's eyes when Arnav's eyebrows furrowed, seeing her eyes glazing over.

"Khushi?" Arnav was worried if he'd said anything wrong, hurting her feelings.

Khushi was just so overwhelmed with her revelation that she couldn't control the tears of happiness that came rolling down her cheeks.

"Khushi?!" Arnav was really concerned now, seeing her tears. He cupped her face in his hands and wiped her tears with his thumbs.

"Khushi why are you crying? Did I say something wrong? Khushi?" Arnav kept questioning her but he didn't get any response from her. She was just looking into his eyes while the tears were cascading down endlessly.

"Khushi I'm sorry if I hurt you. You know what forget everything I just said! And let's forget whatever happened between us in these past few days ok? Khushi talk to me! Please! Why are you quiet? Khushi!" Arnav's worry was just rising and rising seeing her unresponsive.

But then all of a sudden a small smile peeked out from Khushi's lips.

And that only added to his worry.

"Khushi are you ok? You were crying one second and now... Are you ok?"

Without giving a reply Khushi threw herself into his arms, hugging him towards herself tightly. And Arnav instantly put his arms around her, pulling her closer.

"Khushi?! Khushi are you ok?" Arnav's worry was reaching its peak now...

"I'm fine Arnavji," she finally replied. "And these are tears of happiness."

She pulled back slightly so that he could see the full-fledged smile that had formed on her lips.

"Are you sure?" he asked, uncertainly.

"Haan Arnavji, I'm double, triple, quadruple sure!" she exclaimed, smiling happily.

Seeing her back to her crazy self, Arnav sighed in relief.

He pulled her closer to him once more and buried his face in the crook of her neck. "You had me scared Khushi," he said, feeling vulnerable.

For a minute he had been scared that he had truly lost her this time, because of his confession. What if she didn't want them to be more than friends? What if she regretted the kiss? Even if it had just been for a brief second, what if she hated it?

Khushi tightened her arms around him, giving him the reassurance he badly needed. "I'm here Arnavji. With you. Now and always. I'm not going anywhere I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Khushi," Arnav said against her skin, sending a shiver down her spine.

"I won't. This is a promise I can and will keep," Khushi replied confidently, while she pulled him closer.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, both relishing the moment when all of a sudden Khushi pulled back.

"Oh I almost forgot! Arnavji I need something from you!" Khushi exclaimed.

"What?" Arnav asked curiously.

"A promise. You will give it to me right?" Khushi asked, her face pleading.

"What is it?" he asked suspiciously.

"First promise me you will give it to me. No matter what," Khushi insisted stubbornly.

After a few seconds of thought, Arnav relented, "Fine. But what is it?"

Khushi's lips stretched into a full smile while she jumped up and down in happiness.

"At least tell me what it is!" Arnav said.

Khushi's face became serious the next second as she started, "Arnavji... I need you to promise me that in future no matter what happens between us, you will always talk to me." Arnav was surprised with the request. "Even if you are angry with me. Even if you feel betrayed. Even if I am angry with you. Promise me you will talk to me and won't ignore me. You can shout at me as much as you want but just promise me you won't stop talking to me."

"Forget days - even one moment of you ignoring me is hell Arnavji. Yesterday had taught me that much. Without you, every second I feel like I'm suffocating. And I don't have the strength to go through that again Arnavji. So promise me. Please." Khushi looked up at him expectantly.

Arnav was dumbfounded with her request at first. But then his heart melted seeing Khushi so upset. And somewhere in his heart he was happy to be wanted. Not for his wealth or his looks. But just him.

Arnav lifted his hands up to cup her cheeks and gently kissed her forehead, before saying, "I promise."

And the next second, they were both hugging again.

A while later, Arnav called, "Khushi?"


"I think it's finally time for you to know who I am," Arnav said.


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