Oh! My D E A D (GxG, Lesbian)

By FallinginReverze

848K 31.1K 16.6K

"l'll tell you a secret" I said to my friend almost whispering, she leaned closer then looked at me intereste... More

Author's note and Cast Of Characters
Ch.1 Because I got high
Ch.2 Fly
Ch.3 No Woman No Cry
Ch.4 Wake me Up
Ch.5 Small World
Ch.6 Mine Again
Ch.7 Ghost
Ch.8 Pepper for President
Ch.9 Casper no more
Ch.10 Faking it
Ch.12 Feeling down
Ch.13 Brilliant lies
Ch.14 Hello Heather
Ch.15 Lee the Devil
Ch.16 Jealous
Ch.17 Keena
Ch.18 Past, present, future
Ch.19 Pepper the potato
Ch.20 Marry me
Ch.21 Torn between two lovers
Ch 22. I don't wanna be your friend
Ch.23 All the things she said
Ch.24 Give you what you like
Ch.25 Temptation
Ch.26 Closer
Ch.27 Can't remember to forget you
Ch.28 Indecisions
Ch.29 Thirtieth
Ch.30 It's always the father.
Ch.31 Almost a happy ending.
Ch.32 The End
Ch.33 My Heroine
Ch.34 All I ask
Ch.35 Let love bleed red
Ch. 36 The ghost of you
Ch.37 - Epilogue

Ch.11 Hello ex-girlfriend

18.3K 774 439
By FallinginReverze


"I'm grounded" I said irritably while eating the pancake that Heather cooked for me.

"Why?" She asked as she sat in front of me.

"I did something" I said while chewing.

"What are you grounded of?"

"Money, I won't be having my allowance for the whole year" her eyes widen in disbelief.

"How can you and Pussy eat then?" She's more alarmed than me. I laughed because she's cute.

"Heaven will give me money but it'll be only enough for food" I took a sip of my coffee but spit it back on the mug.

"I told you, don't put sugar on my coffee" I said in a low annoyed voice. She pouted before throwing the coffee on the sink.

"Next time make your own" she said while rolling her eyes at me.

"Wait where's my morning kiss?" She floated beside me and kissed my cheek. It's always like that, I want to kiss her lips but I'm afraid that she'll be mad. I can't believe I'm being contented with just a peck, it is very boring.

"We don't have a problem then if Heaven's gonna give you money for food"

"No! How can I buy the things that I want?" I blurted out in disagreement.

"What things? You already have all the things that you wanted" I sighed heavily and didn't respond.

"I can't buy weeds" I said after a while. She gasped before she slapped my forehead.

"That's bad for your health!"

"No it's not. Marijuana is a herbal medicine!" She glared at me.

"So what are you curing?" I swallowed the pancake before I spoke.

"My heart ache" I said pretending to be sad.

"I thought I'm the one that will help you cure your heart break" she said frowning.

"Weeds can make me forget the pain even just for a while" I insisted.

"I can make you forget the pain entirely" she argued. I sighed in surrender but smiled afterwards when I realized what she said. I know she really does want to help me nothing more nothing less, there's no romantic feelings involved since we're faking it.

"Okay fine, I can't afford it anyway" I lied for her to stop arguing with me, I'm gonna find a way to have money.

"Is there any news about my body's location?" She's now feeding Pussy. I shook my head in response.

"The investigator haven't called yet. Let's wait for another week" I stood up when I'm done eating. She sighed before she started cleaning the table.

"I wanna wake up already"

"Don't you have any hobbies? I mean you can touch things" I said glancing at her.

"Oh I have a hobby" she smiled when she remembered.

"Oh what is it?" I asked curiously.

"I'm attending class" I frowned at her.

"You mean you're listening to lectures? I assume it's education"

"Yeah college education major in math" my eyes widen in disbelief. No one wants to major math, I'd rather major physical education.

"Oh yeah I remember you're the one who answered my entrance exam, that's good you'd be able to help me for midterms" I said grinning. I don't need to review, all I have to do is to let her possess my body.

"No I won't do that" she said while shaking her head.

"But why? You're my girlfriend you're supposed to help me"

"What's the use of your brain if you're not gonna use it" I made a face before leaving her, I need to go to class already.

My hut is quite far from the engineering building so I made a shortcut at the back of the high-school building.

I smiled when I saw Karla sitting on one of the benches on the football field. I ran to her direction to greet her, we're classmates but I don't think she's gonna attend our first subject.

"Why are you staring into space Koala bear" I snapped at her, she's holding a lollipop. I took it from her and brought it to my mouth immediately, her eyes widen but she didn't complain.

"Nina doesn't want you calling me that" she said flatly.

"But she's not here, Nee chan seems serious don't you think?"

"Nina doesn't want you calling her that" she said hastily. I rolled my eyes at her.

"What's wrong with you Koala bear? You seem afraid of her. I can call anyone in this school anything that I want because I'm gonna be the student council president soon" I said cockily and then leaned closer to whisper something.

"But don't tell Allison about it, you know she's a monster" she obviously didn't believe what I said. Everybody thinks Allison is an angel sent from above.

"Okay back to our topic" I said hastily.

"Well it's terrifying when she's mad" she said sighing heavily.

"Who Allison?" I asked her confused.

"No Nina, you said let's go back to our topic" she said sighing again.

"Oh. Yes but I think she has a wild side" I said winking.

"You do?" Her eyes widen, she's cute. She's been with Nina for I don't know how long, how come she doesn't notice it.

"Yes. Based on a survey and my experience they are wilder"

"But why do you look so problematic?" I asked her curiously.

"Well, is it a sin if I have a crush on someone else aside from Nina?" I didn't expect her to be interested to someone else aside from Nina.

"Well. It's normal to have a crush, I have lots of crush--"

"But you're not in a relationship" I glared at her and poked her forehead.

"I am in a relationship" I said cockily.

"With whom?"

"With" I paused and thought for a while, she won't believe me if I tell her that I have a ghost girlfriend.

"With whom?"

"With my Pussy, she's so jealous and all" she shoved my hand away and sighed heavily again. She haven't seen my dog yet, only Pheb.

"Please be serious"

"Okay, okay let's get serious"

"So who's this girl?" I added while crossing my arms.

"Secret" she said flatly.

"Come on! Why would you keep it a secret from me! I'm your friend!" I argued.

"You're friends with Nina as well. I don't want you to have a burden of keeping a secret from her so it's better that you don't know" I gazed at her for seconds. I gazed at my clock, we're ten minutes late already.

"Okay if you say so. It's not a sin if it's just a plain crush but if it involves wanting to touch that person then it's a sin. Remember you're already taken" I preached before pulling her up.

"I don't wanna go to class"

"You have too Koala bear, you can't ditch class until the election is over. Remember we should be a role model" I said while moving my finger sideways. She sighed in surrender and started walking with me. I'm really curious to the girl that she has a crush with, she must be pretty.

"I can keep secrets you know" she ignored me.

"I have a crush on Lee" we're about to step inside the engineering building but I stopped when I heard what she said.

"The fuck for real?" I asked her amused. She nodded shyly.

"Please don't tell it to anyone" she pleaded.

"Yeah sure sure, can't blame you. That chick is hot, don't worry my lips are sealed, a secret is a secret and I value your trust" I said while pretending to zip my mouth.

"Come on we're already late" I pulled her before running to the elevator.

"Pre! Koala bear has a crush on Lee!" I whispered to Pheb's ear as soon as I sat beside her.

"For real?" She said chuckling.

"Shhhh! It's a secret, don't tell it to anyone or I'll kill you" she gave me a bored look.

"Then why did you tell it to me if it's a secret"

"Because I love you" I said and about to kiss her when she slapped my forehead, my face retorted afterwards.

"You don't know how many girls and boys wanted to feel my lips. Now you have the opportunity but you rejected it" she rolled her eyes at me.

"It's like you're asking me to kiss my sister. That's incest" she said in disgust. I smirked and trailed my finger on her shoulder.

"Isn't it fun?" I said chuckling and about to kiss her again but she pushed my face away.

"Stop pestering me or I'll tell Kar--"

"Fine fine shut up already!" I said irritably.

"I'll kiss Doritos girl then" I said before facing my side to kiss Doritos girl.

"Do it" she said while pointing her sharp pencil on my face.

"Jeez chill" I said while lifting my hands in the air. I'm bored, I really hate Math, I'm gonna ditch all of my class if I win the election.

"Yes miss Anderson?" The professor asked me frowning when I raised my hand.

"Sir can I go to the clinic? I'm not feeling well" I faked a sick and very tired voice. He gazed at me for a while before he nodded yes. I stuck my tongue out to Pheb and Doritos girl before running out the classroom.

I stopped on the hallway and started whistling. I should go to the clinic for real because I'm sure the professor will ask the nurse later.

"Lee what are you doing here?" I asked curiously. She's sitting on one of the bed.

"I'm sick of this body" she said flatly, she's closing and opening her both hands.

"Why what's wrong?" She glanced at me.

"What are you doing here? You're not sick" my eyes widen.

"I'm sick that's why I'm here, I'm not feeling well" I acted like I'm going to faint.

"You're just pretending to be sick" she said before standing up. I'm sure I'm good in acting so I don't know how did she know that I'm just pretending. She still kept on opening and closing her hands.

"Are your hands fractured?" I asked changing the topic.

"I don't fit in this sick body" she replied annoyed before she left. I don't get why she kept saying that she doesn't fit in her own body, she's acting weird today. I threw myself on the bed and drifted to sleep.

"Fuck!" I blurted when I heard the song down with the sickness by disturbed, it's my alarm tone. I checked my phone, it's already time for me to come back to class.

I stretched my arms and yawned, I frowned afterwards when Heather appeared.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I heard you're sick" she said anxiously before touching my forehead to check if my body is warm.

"I'm not. It's just my excuse to sleep" I said before yawning again, she's so close to me.

"Pepper when will you ever learn?" I ignored her and smirked.

"I like it when you're worried" she blushed before moving away.

"Go back to class now"

"Wait why don't we go some--" my face retorted when she disappeared.

"My ghost girlfriend is worried eh?" I said chuckling before jumping off the bed.


"You should answer politely when being interviewed" Heaven said while glancing at me. Today is my interview for a waitress position, I forgot the name of the owner. I don't have a choice but to work in order to have some extra money.

"Can't you make me a manager?" I said snorting.

"Why don't you apply in our company then" she said smirking, I rolled my eyes at her. Dad won't allow me because he knows that I won't work and people in our company won't dare to give me work to do as well.

"The owner is a Filipino, In fact the girlfriend of the owner is King's best friend" Mischa said flatly, she's busy texting.

"Oh, that makes me a hundred percent sure pass on the interview.

Can't she make me a manager then?" I rolled my eyes because they both ignored me.

"I know a few Tagalog words!" I added cockily. Pheb taught me a lot of Tagalog words.

"How do you say good morning in Tagalog?" Mischa inquired curiously.

"I think it's magan...magandang gabi"

"Oh, what about beautiful?" Heaven asked as well.

"Maganda, like me I'm Maganda" I said chuckling which made Mischa roll her eyes at me.

"Pheb said when I talk to a Filipina I should tell her that she's mabaho, it'll definitely make her smile"

"Oh what's that mean?" They both asked me in unison.

"She smells good"

"I'm gonna tell that to the owner later" I said grinning, I should impress the boss so that I'll be promoted as a manager immediately.

We're welcomed by two beautiful women, they're both stunning.

"Alessa, Ginger" Mischa said before she gave them a hug, Heaven did the same. I groaned to myself because I wanna hug them too.

"This is Pepper Anderson my cousin" Heaven introduced me to the blonde lady.

"Magandang gabi" I said before extending my hand to shake with hers.

"Oh it's still early, gabi is night" she corrected me politely.

"Magandang umaga, that's the right Tagalog word" I scratched my head in embarrassment.

"And this is Alessa Mendez, the owner of this restaurant and she's Ginger's fiancé" Mischa continued. My eyes widen in understanding and nodded afterwards.

"Hello" I extended my hand to shake with hers as well.

"So let's go to my office, while your cousin and Mischa will chat with Ginger while waiting for you"

"Sure" I said before she led me to her office.

The room is cozy and it feels like I'm inside the anime world.

"You're a fan of anime?" I inquired while looking around.

"Yeah, considering I'm already old" she joked mindlessly.

"You're not old, you're just" I thought for the right word to say. She gazed at me while waiting for what I'm gonna say.

"I don't know, I guess just old enough to marry the love of your life"

"Anime is for all ages, I still read manga" I added chuckling.

"Oh that's cool" she said before sitting on the reclining chair. She motioned me to sit down as well.

"So, since you're an Anderson I assume you don't have any experience of being a waitress"

"Yeah" I said while scratching my head in embarrassment.

"It's fine, the other crews will help you. Is it allowed to work part time in your school? I mean it's private" I pouted when I thought of Allison.

"Yeah it's prohibited but I can talk to the owner about it" she nodded in understanding.

"So when do you want to start?"

"Next week I guess, Monday" I can't start immediately because I don't want Heather to suspect that I'm working.

"Okay that's cool"

"I think that's enough" she added before standing up.

"Thank you Alessa" I said before standing up as well, I shook hands with her again.

"You're mabaho" she frowned at me.


"You're mabaho, that's the Tagalog word for you smell good right? My friend thought me that" I boasted, she laughed then shook her head afterwards.

"Tell your friend she's a good teacher" she said before opening the door.

Ginger and Alessa invited all of us to their wedding next month, I like their motif which is black and violet. Same sex marriage isn't allowed in Philippines that's why they chose to held their wedding in Los Angeles. We chatted for almost two hours before Heaven and Mischa drove me back to St. Bernadette.

"You both want to say hello to Allison?" I asked the moment I stepped out of the car.

"Maybe some other time, we need to go home to feed Potchi"

"You haven't met Pussy yet. Next time you visit here bring Potchi so that Pussy have a playmate" I closed the door afterwards and watched their car disappear from my sight before I started walking back to the hut.

"Hello ex-girlfriend" I frowned when someone spoke. I turned around immediately and saw Keena standing while leaning on the trunk of the tree. I hesitated for a while if I'm gonna talk to her or not, I'm still quite far from the hut.

"What are you doing here outside?" I asked her after a while.

"Where's Luna?" I added when she didn't respond.


"Oh, so that's why you're talking to me" I said while nodding my head in understanding.

"So what's up?"

"Can you walk with me to my room?" She inquired then gave me a small smile.

"I can't, I don't wanna cause trouble at this hour" she reached for my hand and pressed it gently.

"Please?" She gave me a puppy dog eyes. Heather is waiting for me but I'm still weak when it comes to Keena, I sighed heavily before nodding yes.

"Oh thank you" she said in rejoice before she pulled me to walk. She's not releasing my hand, I smiled because I missed the softness of it.

"What time will Luna come back?" I asked as soon as we entered her room.

"She won't tonight plus it's my room" she said flatly. She's still in commoners dormitory but Luna didn't allow her to have a room mate. I sat on the side of her bed and stretched my arms, I'm kind of tired already.

"She's home with her parents if you're wondering" she added before removing her shirt. I closed my eyes immediately, I frowned when I opened my eyes after a while because she's staring at me.

"Why are your eyes closed?" She asked chuckling.

"I haven't saw your body ever since" she walked closer and bent down to face me afterwards, our faces is only inches apart.

"You're drunk" I stated when I smelled her breath. So that's the reason why she's acting weird, she shook her head immediately.

"Tipsy is the right word" she corrected me.

"Why did you drink? Oh you probably miss Lun---" I'm interrupted by her kiss. My eyes widen in disbelief, I can't believe she's kissing me right now.

"You're drunk" I said after I pushed her away.

"Then you should take advantage of it right?" She smirked then pushed me so hard on the bed, she positioned on top of me afterwards.

"Why did you chose to lie to me?" She asked me while caressing my cheek. I don't know what to say, never in my life I imagined this kind of confrontation from her will happen.

"I think it's best if we talk while we're not in an awkward positio--"

"Answer me!" She yelled to my face.

"Because I don't want you to know what happened to me, I'm afraid that you'll leave me if you discovered that I'm still doing the things that you don't want me to do" I explained sighing.

"I don't know what to do when I heard the news that you're in the hospital. I loved you Pepper, you don't know how much hurt you've caused me" I flinched when her tears started to fall on my chest.

"Keena, I know it's my fault but I apologized already" I said feeling guilty.

"Why do you have to come back here? You could've just enrolled to other school"

"I came back for you remember, but you're already taken" I said chuckling. I'm trying my best to lighten up the mood.

"Please don't make things hard for me, stop competing with Luna" she pleaded.

"Is this why you're like this?" I asked in a low but annoyed voice.

"You're drunk and you're on top of me now because you want me to stop competing with your girlfriend" she didn't respond. I sighed heavily before I pushed her away gently.

"I know you just want to have sex with me, now I'm giving you my bod--" I laughed out loud to stop her from talking.

"I fucking love you Keena, you're the first person that came to my mind when I woke up. I went straight here to enroll because of you and now you're telling me that I just want to have sex with you" I shook my head. I'm insulted but she's right, I really do want to have sex with her.

"For me our competition is not about you anymore, I have my own reasons why I want to be the student council president. I'm sorry but I can't do your request" I said before getting off her bed. I was about to open the door when she spoke.

"Please take me tonight" I turned around and frowned at her, I don't know what to say. She removed her pants and walked closer to me.

"I already rejected your proposal" I said while massaging my temple, she grabbed my right hand and placed it to her breast.

"It's for free" she said seductively before closing the gap between us and kissed me passionately. It's been months since I last tasted her lips, she still has the power to turn me on.

I kissed her back and brought her to the bed immediately, I've been longing to have sex with her for a long time. I refused her but she insisted so I'm innocent, she's taking advantage of my feelings for her right now but I don't mind. I removed her undergarments and threw it on the floor, I licked my way down to her center and played with it.

"Pepper" she said between moaning out loud.

"You're not gonna forget this" I said smirking before I made her come.

I jumped off the bed gently when I'm sure that she's already asleep, I picked up my clothes on the floor and wore it hastily, it's already ten in the evening. I took a final glance at her before I scooted out of her room, I know there's a problem between her and Luna. If I'm the Pepper before Heather appeared I might brainwash her to leave her girlfriend but things are different now, I still love her but it's not as strong as before.

"Where have you been?" Heather asked me while focused on watching a movie.

"I...uh Heaven and Mischa treated me to a ramen shop" I said nervously. I smelled my shirt, I bit my lower lip because I can smell Keena's scent on it.

"Oh, so you won't eat tonight?" I shook my head immediately.

"I'll eat! What did you prepare?"

"Just check it on the table" she said flatly.

I frowned by her response but I didn't complain, I wanna ask for a welcome home kiss but it's not a good idea because Keena's scent is all over me.

It feels like I haven't eaten anything yet, my energy is drained because I moved too much a while ago. My eyes brightened when I saw the food that she cooked.

"I love you Heather" I yelled out loud but she ignored me. It's been a while since I last ate rice and I really missed it, Pheb must have told her that I love sinigang. I put all the rice on the big bowl as well as the Sinigang, I gave Pussy one fourth of it before heading to the living room.

"What are you watching?" I asked as soon as I sat on the couch beside her.

"Unfaithful" I almost choked upon hearing the title.

"Oh Richard Geere huh" I said chuckling nervously.

"That's an old movie" I commented while chewing.

"I hate the girl" she said frowning.

"Why?" I asked though I already know the answer, of all the movies in my hard drive she chose unfaithful, what a coincidence.

"Because she's cheating" she said annoyed. I swallowed my food nervously and I glanced at her, she's so carried away with the movie.

"Did Pheb told you that I love sinigang?" I changed the topic to distract her.

"Yeah" she's holding the remote so tight, she's really annoyed with the heroine.

"Richard is old, you can't blame his wife for having sex with a younger one. They're more adventurous" I said smirking. She poked me using the remote.

"So you'll have sex with a girl younger than me just because I'm old?" She asked frowning, I shook my head immediately.

"Of course not! I will never do that to you!" I lied hastily.

"Make sure you're not Pepper" she's glaring at me, I avoided her gaze and focused on the movie.

"Aaaaahhh" we're interrupted by the heroine's moan, my body heat up when I remember Keena.

"Hey don't fast forward it!" I grabbed the remote and brought it back to the sex scene.

"That scene is awkward!" I gave her a bored look.

"We're both girls" I reminded her. She ignored me and covered her eyes, I raised the volume to tease her.


"Hmmmm ahhhhhh"

"Pepper turn it off!" She yelled in embarrassment.

"You're watching a semi porn movie and you're covering your eyes"

"I guess the definition of a horror movie to you is different" I added chuckling.

"Give me the remote please" she pleaded but I ignored her.

"Open your eyes Heather! Oh the guy is kissing her breast, oh now he's gonna remove her underwe--"

"Give me the remote or I'll break up with you!" She's pissed off.

"Fine!" I gave her the remote and continued eating my food. She skipped the sex scene immediately.

"Boring" I said annoyed but again she ignored me. I pity Richard's character, he loves her wife so much.

"Will you be mad if I had sex with other girls?" She glared at me again.

"You're asking a rhetorical question" she crossed her arms afterwards. We're already in the scene where Richard killed the man her wife's having an affair with.

"I won't if I'm not your girlfriend, why do you have to when you have me" she added flatly.

"So you're gonna have sex with then?" I asked grinning. She shook her head immediately.

"No? So how am I supposed to move on from Keena without that?"

"Pepper, sex is not the answer to moving on" she said sighing.

"But it's a big factor!" I argued grinning.

"Still" said dismissing the topic.

"Don't you find me sexy?" I asked after a while, she looked at me confused.

"You're sexy on your own way"

"Define sexy" I crossed my arms and waited for her response patiently.

"You're sexy as in sexy, that's English Pepper" she rolled her eyes at me.

"I mean when you look at me, do you have the feeling of wanting to touch me?" She gawked by my question.

"How am I supposed to know? I'm not a man and I'm straight" she blurted out while frowning after a while.

"I'll help you" I said before putting down the bowl on the table and faced her. I removed my shirt afterwards.

"What are you doing?" She asked me frowning.

"I'm gonna help you define sexy in men and gay's point of view" I said smirking before removing my jeans as well. She closed her eyes when the only thing that's left are my undergarments.

I leaned so much closer to her face that we're almost inches apart.

"Open your eyes Heather" I said seductively, I traced my finger on her neck when she didn't oblige.

"Open your eyes" I repeated.

She's uneasy when she opened her eyes because of the close distance of our face, she tried to move away but she failed because she's already on the corner of the couch. Her eyes landed on my face and she started to blush, I licked my lips before I leaned so much closer, our nose is already touching.

"So do you find me sexy?" Her eyes travelled down from my breast to my legs before her eyes locked on mine.

She nodded shyly. I chuckled lightly and about to kiss her for real when Pussy licked our face.

"What the fuck Pussy!"


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