Anyone, Except The Alpha

By Nolanee

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'Sky who devoted herself to protect her little brother and her pack. She's a care free person and doesn't wan... More

Anyone, Except The Alpha
Pack Ruined
New Pack
Leave Me Alone
What Did I Do?
What? Really?
A day without him?
How far can you go for me?
giving him a chance
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (Part 1)
Chapter 26 (Part 2)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 10

962 26 1
By Nolanee

I give thanks to a friend for doing a cover page for my story! Doesn't it look f'n awsome!

Want a cover page for your story? Message me and I could ask her to do yours <3


Sky's P.O.V

    It's been a week and a half already since we stayed at our new home.

From the beginning I didn't enjoy my stay thanks for a certain someone, but now I felt a bit more relax and comfortable here even though Travis and Jack was a constant annoyance. I enjoyed their company once in awhile, which I'm grateful since I wont be distracted about the incident that happened from my previous pack.

I even met a few members who was living in this huge mansion like Trey whose the third command, Ray and his mate Haley, the pack doctor Kyle, and a few elders who wanted to meet me named Greg, Tony, and Tiffany. They were all very kind and welcoming, even though I hardly spoke a word to them they didn't mind. They just kept talking nonstop about me, and of course about themselves which I find intriguing.

Kaden on the other hand is really trying hard for me to accept him, even though I never rejected him fully in the past, just didn't want to be with him and all. He spent most of every hour hanging out with me, even though I know its just his over-protectiveness which to add pisses me off since I can defend for myself. But he did the most sweet things I could never guess he would ever do like cook for me, waking up with beautiful flowers in a vase right next to me, etc.

That boy is going to be the death of me, I hate to say it but I'm caving in already and just want to do the unthinkable things towards him!

Today is Wednesday, March the second of 2013 and I, Sky Alps went wondering around the forest without telling anyone.

I will probably get yelled at by Kaden when I get back, but hey he was busy and I wanted to look around since I haven't really done it since I got here. I might as roam around by myself before I get forced to have a fricken bodyguard am I right, even though I will probably still sneak out without letting the guards notice me gone.

Heh, I usually think of the possibilities on whats going to happen to me while in wolfs form or just calm myself, and forget the everything that happens to me.

I'm free while I am in my wolf!

I stood near a huge lake I never seen until now, and I was dazed in amazement how dazzling it is in my eyes. the water was so clean and clear you can see little fish swimming around.

I was still looking around when I landed on small looking dock now thinking this is where the pack goes if they wanted to go swimming.

I layed down on the near edge of the dock, looking down at the lake while seeing my own reflection of my white wolf.

Now it looks like I actually talking face-to-face with Belle!

'aha' Belle playfully growled in my mind.

'Sorry I haven't shifted in awhile Like I usually do.' I sighed,' Our mate doesn't want us running alone.'

'He doesn't want us to get hurt. He's worried, so I'm completely fine. Plus I want to run with my mate everyday!' Belle yipped putting images in my head showing me and his wolf running together and playing tag, etc.

It sure looked fun, maybe I shall ask him to run with me one day soon.

I smiled at myself, but soon had a huge frown when I saw the sun going down and was now nearly dark.

dammit I spent too much time out here not I'm for sure going to die if I don't hurry back! My pack link was cut off since I didn't want no one to know where I am or try contacting me.

It takes practice to completely shut off the pack link yourself, but it doesn't mean I left for good and the alpha would still know my presence is still with him in the pack, its like a tracking device not working, since you turned it off and just waiting to get turn back on.

I ran as fast as I could towards the pack house, clothes awaiting near the tree I put them by.

I quickly put them on, not caring about the wrinkles on them.

I took a peek at the mansion and I saw no one was outside, but I saw the living room and kitchen lights on which I ended up seeing a bunch of people crowding around there.

I didn't dare move, and used my wolf hearing to see what was going on; which most likely know why maybe.

Kaden was the first person I heard since right now I heard him using his Alpha voice and growling at everyone there," Where the hell is she!"

I put both my hand towards my mouth trying not to make a sound; I was in deep sh!t now!

Why oh why did you choose an alpha as my mate! I yelled in my head to fate.

"Calm down Kaden, she probably has a good reason for not telling us where she is going." Trey explained, He had a cute voice I admit ever since I met him.

A loud growl erupted through out the mansion holding so much power, Never tell your Alpha to calm down while the alpha is trying to find his mate.

"umm Alpha sir..." A scared little voice mumbled towards him which I barely heard, but now noticing it was Travis!

Kaden better not yell at him or he will be the one dead by my hands right now!

To my surprise Kaden calmed down by the sound of his voice," Yes?'

I give him props for try to act gentle towards Travis even though he's in a real pissed of mood right now.

"I know my sister very well, and the fact I know she probably traveling around the woods right now in her wolf."  he explained knowingly.

"are you sure" Kaden lowly growled in frustration.

"Yes sir! But... She could have run off to town and get drunk alone in a hotel like she usually does when she's depressed." Travis lied.

"what!?!" I yelled accidentally not thinking twice on what I have just down.

I now frozed and whacked myself in the head and mumbled," Stupid. Stupid. Stupid."

The front door slammed open and guess who? Yep Kaden was there standing about to go wolfy on me.

I gazed at him he really looked like he was going to kill somebody. It looked just like the time when we first saw each other and he forced me to join his pack. But this time the only thing that was different was his worried face showed more then his angry face right now.

"SKYYY !!" He growled.

oh crap, scratch that he's extremely angry right now! I looked left to right seeing which way I should escape before I could be held prisoner by this person.

By the looks in his eyes it seems like he isn't going to let this one go for a long time.

Kaden noticed what I was planning to do which was to run away.

Which I took the initiative and ran while he chase.

I don't know what came over me, since Alphas just love a chase. Maybe I just like doing the impossible.

I giggled out randomly while I heard him catching up to me.

"Sky! Get back here this instant!" He yelled towards me.

"No! You got to catch me first!" I yelled back, I said excitedly wondering how long it would last.

"Sky... What the hell? Was Travis right? are you seriously drunk right now? I never thought you were that type of girl." He said.

My mouth fell," Are you kidding me right? I never got drunk ughh! Travis was obviously lying!!"

My eyes got widen when I was pushed down to the ground softly by kaden himself.

I grumbled I was played," That's not fair... You obviously distracted me."

Kaden's eyes was pitch black right now, obviously his wolf took over right now and he dark.

He put his body weight on top of my body then put his head towards my shoulder inhaling my scent then whispering," It's what you get for making me have to chase you all the way here."

"Oh hush up! I know you liked the chase, every male wolf does. aha" I laughed.

He growled playfully, and I smiled liking his wolf already so I shall continue talking to him right now," So Kayden's wolf, whats your name?"

"Bad wolf."

I tilted my face a bit and wanted to smack him, like are you kidding me!

"Lucius," He grinned liking my expression I putted on my face.

"Lucius, what a lovely name." My wolf purred in my mind.

"What's my mate's name?" He purred.

I laughed, he must mean Belle's," Her names Belle."

He smiled,"Belle. What a lovely name."

I was awed they both said the same thing! How cute yet freaky at the same time!

I noticed that Kaden's wolf Lucius was now gone and Kaden was now frowning at me, still laying on top of me.

I blushed and covered my cheeks.

"Why did you not tell anyone you left especially me!" Kaden yelled at me, gripping me like if I might leave again.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to roam around since I really haven't ever since I got here. And well I didn't want you guys to know since I know you or Jack would want to accompany me, when I really don't." I looked into his eyes showing how Honest I'm being right now.

He growled lowly and held me tighter then spoke," And why did you run when you saw me a few minutes ago?"

was that a hurt yet depressed looking Kaden I just saw right now!

"I don't know." I mumbled but continued," I guess I just wanted to run with you."

And just by that he looked like a cheery little puppy who got his toy back.

"Well then want to run back together?" He pulled me up and grabbed my hand now waiting on my reply.

"why of course, lead the way!" I said excitedly, but of course I ruined the moment and screamed," SIKE! RACE YOU BACK! WHO LOSES HAS TO DO WHAT THE WINNER ORDERS YOU TO DO FOR ONE DAY!!"

I took the head start, leaving the shocked Kaden behind my tracks, But soon enough was now right behind my back yelling," IT'S ON!"

I smiled, Time to give it my all this time.


Hope you enjoyed it!

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