The Shining ¥ Teen Wolf

By AintThatDevine

1.1M 41.6K 10.7K

Winnie Jones never asked for what she painted or drew in the brief blackout spells that a shining within gave... More

twenty-one pilots


29.2K 1.1K 213
By AintThatDevine

Winnie went hesitantly through Beacon Hills High, unzipping her coat as she did. She pushed through a hallway door before heading upstairs. Although not questioning why none of the school was locked, she difted up to the art room.

In darkness, the room stood vacant.

Winnie flicked on the lights, setting her bag on a chair by the door. Peeling off her coat, she pushed up her sleeves. She found an empty canvas and waiting patiently for her was a tray of paints. Lightly furrowing her eyebrows, she picked up a palette and felt herself slip into her shine.

She felt everything around her; the hum of the lights, the staleness of the air, the ripples of a pool not too far away.

But at the same time, she felt nothing at all.

Winnie stepped back, dropping her paintbrush onto the palette as she looked wide eyed at the wet canvas.

Choked, she was terrified.

She was in it.

She was in the painting.

"That's never happened before," Winnie quietly said.

It was Stiles and Derek in the school pool, the lizard man, and Winnie diving in out of the grip of the creature.

Never, not once, had she drawn or painted herself in one of her images created by her shining.

Yet, it was undoubtedly her done in acrylic.

Winnie glanced down to the sweater she wore, it pigmented the same in the artwork in front of her. Her eyebrows drew together, worried hands setting down her palette as she wondered how she knew it was the school's pool.

She'd never been to the pool, but she started to drift out of the art room without any of her belongings.

In fact, she didn't even know where their pool was.

Yet Winnie took a left and two rights as if she knew where she was going and was hit with the strong scent of chlorine.

Winnie stood in front of the pool room door, hesitating before reaching out for the handle. Pulling, the door swung open to reveal a dim room with the ripples of water nearly deafening.

"Is that it?"

"I don't know," Stiles' voice replied to a deeper one. He let out a sputtered breath, struggling in the water.

Winnie slowly stepped in, following the voices. She stilled, finding Erica unconscious on the ground.


The brunette spun around, hearing Stiles. "Why are you guys in the-" A chill ran down her spine as a hiss echoed in the room. "Oh, dear god."

"Jones, you need to get in the pool, now," Stiles said in minor panic.

Winnie glanced over her shoulder, seeing a reptilian scaled creature slowly walking towards her. "Holy-"

"Winnie, run!" Stiles shouted.

The teen darted, leaping into the pool in a perfect arch. A foot felt free as she skimmed below the water, only to find the monster clutching one of her boots.

Winnie's heart pounded as her clothes and hair plastered to her, the creature looking dead into her eyes. She yanked off the other boot, throwing it with the force of a water polo ball.

The reptile abomination recoiled as the shoe hit its face, a hiss breaking from its mouth.

"Jesus, that thing's uglier in real life," Winnie commented in annoyance.

"What the hell does that mean, Jones?" Stiles asked, drenched in his maroon track suit as he tried to support Derek.

"You drew it, didn't you?" Derek questioned Winnie as she swam over, unable to move his body.

"Painted, mostly," she corrected.

"How am I the only one confused?" asked Stilinski, spitting out water.

"I can explain more when we're not in the middle of a swimming pool," Winnie said, "but basically, I know everything about this towns favorite pass time." She took Derek's other arm despite not wanting to and helped hold him up.

"Will you two get me out of here before I drown?" Derek sharply asked.

"You're worried about drowning? Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor sharp teeth?" Stiles went partially under, spitting out the chlorinated pool water.

"Did you notice that I'm paralyzed from the neck down in 8 feet of water?" Derek snapped.

"Calm down, it's only 7 feet," Winnie retorted. She blew off the glare she received, not letting go of Derek like she would've preferred. Her blue eyes darted around, "I don't see it."

Stiles started swimming towards the edge, thinking it was safe.

"Wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop," Derek protested.

The three stilled, the reptile creeping along the edge of the pool.

"What's it waiting for?" Stiles asked as his legs began to grow weary after the hour they'd already spent before Winnie's arrival.

The reptile crawled up to the water by the boards, touching the water before recoiling quickly.

"Wait, do you see that?" Stilinski looked from the creature to Winnie, and back. "I don't think it can swim."

Still, they were stuck in the pool.

"Okay," Stiles said in huffs of water logged breaths close to half an hour later. "Okay, I don't think I can do this much longer."

"Do you think you can get to your phone?" Winnie asked as she pushed back her matted down hair. "I can hold him."

"No way in hell, not by yourself," Derek quickly said after coughing on pool water.

"This is life or death, don't be sexist," Winnie hautily retorted. "I'm a water polo player; I spend hours in the deep end. I can hold you."

Stiles immediately let go, quickly swimming to the ledge he'd jumped in from.

Winnie gave a look to the alpha, Derek not lowering from where he'd been with Stiles' help.

"What the hell did you say to Isaac?" Derek asked Winnie, still unable to feel much.

Winnie lightly furrowed her eyebrows, "Why?"

"He's acting like he's not bothered but he's off his game," Derek told her as Stiles tried calling Scott.

"Look, you're the bad guy, Derek. That makes your pack bad."

"So you told him to leave you alone?" Derek sputtered out water, suddenly able to move his toes.

"Basically," she replied before averting her attention to the boy in red.

The creature lingered nearby, hissing as Stiles grabbed the phone.

"Scott!" he yelled into the phone. "No, no!"

The Samsung logo flickered onto the screen, Stiles' cell shutting down.

Stiles swore at his device, tossing it to the side once he knew there was no chance it could help. He swam back to Winnie and Derek, supporting the alpha's arm again.

As more time dragged on, even Winnie felt she was about to lose it.

"I can't stand up any longer," Stiles choked out. "I need something to hold onto."

"Docks," Winnie coughed. "They have bars."

Both she and Stiles pulled Derek across the pool. First to reach, Stiles' fingers slipped, causing both Derek and himself to go down as Winnie only went under for a moment.

Winnie resurfaced to an ear shattering howl, both Stiles and Derek on the pool deck. Looking up, Scott McCall was shifted on board 6. Her relief vanished, quickly jumping further from the edge as the reptile shot across the room and on to the werewolf.

The creature wrapped its tail around Scott's foot, slamming him into the mirror and shattering it.

Scott scrambled up, grabbing a shard of mirror to defend himself. He snarled, the lizard-like man creeping closer.

Winnie furrowed her eyebrows as she forced herself to stay above water.

The creature caught its reflection, suddenly leaping up before ramming its way through the pool ceiling.

Panting, Winnie met eyes with Scott before Stiles and Derek.

Scott gave out a relieved sigh before going towards Winnie.

Winnie swam to the ledge, Scott pulling her out. "Thanks Scott," she said as she sat on the tile floor with little energy.

Scott took off his hoodie and put it around her. "Erica was talking to you at the game about Isaac."

"It's a long story," she breathlessly said.

Scott helped her up after a moment, the two joining Stiles as Derek went to check on Erica.

Winnie grabbed her boots, one dry and the other damp. Slipping them on, she left the pool with the two. "My stuff's up in the art room," she told them as she stopped at a set of stairs.

"Go with her," Scott said to Stiles. "Meet me by my car out front, I found the beastiary on a USB."

Not protesting, Winnie went up with Stiles. "I would say I can walk myself but you two are probably more worried about me running off."

"You're not wrong," Stiles admitted. He ran a hand over his soaked hair, his cleats squeaking slightly. "What were you doing in the art room during the game?"

"I, uh, I went to paint." Winnie opened the door to where she'd been before the pool. Taking off Scott's hoodie, she exchanged it for her coat.

Stiles walked up to the eisle, his eyebrows furrowed. "What the-" He looked back to Winnie, pointing to the canvas. "When did you do this?"

Winnie ran a hand through her hair that was missing her beanie, shaking the damp waves to the side. "Before I went to the pool."

"Holy shit," he said breathlessly with his eyes on her. "How the hell did you do it?"

"It's what I do," Winnie told him. "That's how I know what's going on. I drew a timeline of Beacon Hills."

"What are you?" Stiles asked as he stared at the painting he was in.

"I'm not any kind of creature," Winnie assured. "I just have a talent."

"Yeah, no kidding." Stiles walked over to the counter, stopping. "Hey Jones? What about these ones?"

"What do you mean?" Winnie checked her phone, seeing Lydia had called her four times before leaving the school.

"There's two others," Stiles said over his shoulder as Winnie came up to him.

Winowna put her phone away as she stood next to him. "I only remember doing the one."

"As if this wasn't weird enough," Stiles commented before letting out a sigh. "Do they make sense to you?"

Winnie picked up one image, it looking like a dead language written directly onto the canvas. "I don't speak this one, it looks familiar though."

"What about this one?" Stiles motioned to the other, glancing to Winnie.

"I'm not really sure. I've never seen that before, I don't think." Winnie touched the dry image of a scratched up door with a triangular symbol on it in black. "Let's just get down to Scott."

"Bring them?" Stiles asked with a lifted eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'll take them back to my house. Lydia left though. I can walk, there's no way in hell I'm calling my father."

"Scott or I can take you home as long as you don't try to kill us," Stiles offered as he picked up one of the canvases.

"Death by paintbrush doesn't sound very cool," Winnie said as she carried her bag and the other two paintings.

Stiles went down ahead of Winnie towards the stairs. "You must be really strong. I mean, Derek was a dead weight."

Winnie laughed as they got down the steps, holding the paintings. "He was pretty heavy."

Scott waved them over, outside of his car with his laptop resting on the hood.

Stiles and Winnie jogged up, both still wet from their near two hours in the pool.

"Look at this," Scott said as he brought up the beastiary.

Stiles blinked twice, "Is that even a language?"

"How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?" Scott asked as he scrolled.

"It's called a kanima," Winnie said after a hesitation,

But as she spoke, Derek had said the same thing as he walked up with Erica at his side.

Stiles looked back to Winnie, "How did you-"

"I painted something that looked just like it before I get here. The name stuck," Winnie replied.

Stiles turned to Derek, "You knew the whole time?"

"No," the alpha said. "Only when it was confused by its own reflection."

"It doesn't know what it is," Scott thought aloud.

"Or who," said Derek.

"What else do you know?" Stiles asked, having set Winnie's painting by Scott's laptop.

"Just stories," he told Stiles. "Rumors."

"But it's like us?" questioned Scott.

"It's a shapeshifter, yes. But it's not right." Derek looked form the boys to Winnie and back. "It's like a..."

"An abomination," Winnie softly said.

Carefully, Derek nodded.

"Derek," Scott pulled his attention, "we need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents."

"You trust them?" Derek sharply asked.

"Nobody trusts anyone," Scott retorted. "That's the problem. While we're here arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger and faster than any of us, and it's killing people! And we still don't know anything about it!"

"I know one thing," Derek said. "When I find it, I'm gonna kill it."

As Derek and Erica left for the substation, the teens by the car let out heavy breaths.

Winnie was slightly shaking from the cold, handing Scott the hoodie he'd put around her at the pool. She stopped as she looked from the laptop to the canvas on the car. "Stiles, look."

"It's the same font," Stiles quickly said.

"You painted a page from the beastiary?" Scott furrowed his eyebrows, tossing the wet hoodie into his backseat.

"I did these, too," Winnie said before showing the other pieces. "What I have is called the shining, it's a family thing. I paint or draw things that haven't happened yet. I did them before I went to the pool. I don't have fangs or claws, I'm not dangerous."

"I believe you," Scott assured. "Are you two okay? I have to go get my mom from work, but I'll stay if you need me to."

"We're all right, I'm just gonna take her home," Stiles said, picking up the other canvas as Scott grabbed his laptop.

"Hey, Scott? Could you not tell Allison yet? She doesn't know I'm involved and I'd rather tell her myself." Winnie looked hopeful as Scott started to climb into his mom's and his car.

Without denying to Winnie that he and Allison were still together, he gave a nod. "Sure thing."

Stiles and Winnie waved Scott off before heading for the empty field.

"So, are we talking like, Stephen King?" Stiles asked after a moment of walking.

"The king is the king," Winnie said with a nod. "Nice guy, though."

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows as they walked to the bleachers where one maroon bag sat. He picked it up and turned to Winnie. "You've met Stephen King?"

Winnie laughed, "He's a family friend. He and my uncle have known each other for a really long time. Danny Torrence is actually based off of him."

"No way," Stiles said in amazement. He seemed thrilled as they went to the just as empty parking lot. "Hang on, that hotel thing didn't really happen, did it?"

"No, it's just abilities of the shining that are real, but I mean it's set in Colorado-"

"Which is where you're from," Stiles realized aloud. "That's so cool."

Winnie slowed as they approached the Jeep, causing a strange look to cross her face. "This is yours?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing, I've just drawn it a few times." Winnie shook off the strange feeling before climbing into the passenger seat.

Both shivered in the Jeep, Stiles pumping up the heat as much as he could.

Winnie wiggled her foot in her dry boot, leaning over as she felt something sting. Pulling off her shoe slightly, her eyes widened.

A slash was down her feel, caused from claws.

Winnie looked closer at the painting of herself diving into the pool.

The kanima hadn't only gotten her boot, he'd clawed her. But she was never effected by the paralysis that came with its touch.

She was immune.

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