By xInspiringWords

14.3K 455 60

"Sometimes finding love is the CURE you need..." My name is Lexianna Kingsley, I've always admired planet Ear... More

~CURE~ ✓
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
~Author's Note With Summary~

Chapter 2

389 12 0
By xInspiringWords

Chapter 2


"Hey you!" I heard a voice call out. I turned around to be face to face with a human, an actual human!

I was startled at first because this was my first time seeing one in person; they looked so much like us. It was a bit freaky.

I did end up finding the city when I was walking; I spotted a bunch of lights so I walked closer. I kept walking until I found this lovely neighborhood. 

The human stepped closer to me; I didn't know what to do. Run for my life or walk closer to him. What if he could tell I wasn't human? What if he could tell I was a Venusian? 

I shook my head; no way I did not come all this way for nothing. "Hi." I mumbled out to the human.

He gave me a smirk "You’re not from here are you?"

I shook my head as I pointed to my suitcase. He chuckled at me and walked closer holding out his hand "I'm Noah Finley."

I took his hand and shook it "I'm Pri-" I stopped myself right there I was about to say Princess when I remembered I'm on Earth they can't know who I am. "Uh sorry."

He chuckled and flashed a smiled "It's okay, so your name?" He asked.

I took a deep breath, I can't mess up on this "I'm Lexianna Kingsley but please call me Lexi." I sighed in relief I didn't mess up, thank god.

He nodded "Interesting name, I've never heard it before."

I shrugged "What can I say I'm one of a kind."

He chuckled and was about to respond when someone called his name "Noah! Come on bro we have to go!" He rolled his eyes and turned around "I'm coming Jacob just hold on!"

I sighed I was still a bit shocked that I was talking to a human, it was interesting and fun, Noah was handsome and his friend was too.

Noah turned back around and faced me "So where are you headed?" My eyes widened I actually had no idea, where was I going to go?

My cheeks turned red and since they already looked like I was blushing it was really red, I was so embarrassed with myself. "I actually don't know where to go."

He gave me a small smile "Here why don't you come with me I'm sure I can find you a great hotel to stay at."

I nodded my head, I had no idea what a hotel was but I just went with it. I was always told not to go off with strangers but something about Noah made me trust him. 

He led me towards his car and opened the door for me and I got inside.

I saw him say something to his friend but I couldn't make it out. I just hope this isn't a mistake.


"I'm going to take her to a hotel because she has nowhere to go." I told Jacob.

Jacob nodded at me and smirked "Will you be staying at the hotel with her?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head "Not after what happened today, I'm to lazy to try and get with her tonight."

Jacob nodded "Alright mind if-" I cut him off before he finished "Don't even think about it."

Jacob chuckled and got inside the car, I opened up the door and got inside the front and started the car.

As we drove off I couldn't help but glance back through the mirror admiring the beautiful stranger in the back of my car.


Once I pulled up to this hotel called 'Day light Inn' I helped Lexi with her bags. I was actually surprised I could remember her name I would usually forget it after the girl tells me but with this it was as if I couldn't get the name out of my head.

I told her I would help her check in, I left Jacob in the car as Lexi and I entered the hotel lobby. The woman behind the desk gave me a flirty smile and I smiled back, seriously the ladies just can't take their eyes off me.

"I need a room with one bed for this girl right here for 2 weeks." I said pointing at Lexi.

Lexi gave her a shy smile as the woman behind the desk grabbed a key from behind her "Sure thing." She said winking at me. 

She handed the key to Lexi and turned to me "It's on the third floor and room 302." I smiled and mumbled a thank you.

"How much?" I asked. She gave me another flirty smile but when I pointed at Lexi "For her." I mumbled.

She rolled her eyes a said "$32.53 is the total." She said in a mean tone towards Lexi.

Lexi sighed and looked at me "I don't have any money, I can't stay here." She whispered.

I felt bad for her so I pulled out my wallet and paid the money. The woman behind the desk looked a bit shocked but took the money.

Lexi sighed as we started walking towards the elevator "You didn't have to."

I flashed her a charming smile "It's okay I couldn't leave a pretty girl in need."

She gave me a smile and I smiled back.

"Wait!" The woman behind the desk called which I ignored and helped Lexi into the elevator.

Everything was silent inside the elevator all you could hear was the sound of the music playing inside, but I didn't really care all I could do was stare at Lexi.


Everything was silent inside this so called elevator, it was awkward because from the corner of my eye I could tell he was staring at me. Could he tell I wasn't from here? Or did I have something on my face?

I shifted uncomfortably and sighed I had to think of something to say before things got really awkward "Uh so that woman behind the desk seemed to like you." I said looking at him.

He let out a laugh and smiled "Jealous?" He asked me.

I shook my head quickly "Of course not!" My palms started sweating and I started getting nervous I knew my nails would soon change to Yellow for nervousness. I balled my hands into fists as I felt them start to shake.

"You okay?" I heard Noah ask me.

I nodded quickly "I'm fine!" I squeaked.

Once the elevator stopped on my floor I smiled at him. "Thanks for everything Noah."

He gave me a smile grabbing my suitcase and carrying it to my room 302.

Once he opened the door he placed my suitcase by the door and sighed "We'll I guess this is goodbye?" He asked.

I nodded giving him a smile "Thanks again." I said.

He smiled showing his teeth "No problem like I said I couldn't leave a pretty girl hanging."

I nodded as he started to leave. Once I saw that he got into the elevator I closed my door and jumped on the bed and closed my eyes sighing deeply. Humans were so nice. Noah was nice helping me out, I hope I would see him again but I knew my odds of ever seeing him again were slim, vey slim.


Once I got out of the elevator I saw as the woman behind the desk eyed me up and down checking me out but I just ignored her.

I couldn't believe I helped Lexi, someone I didn't know. It was a shocker I would usually never help a girl unless it was to sleep with her.

Once I got to the car and got inside Jacob was eyeing me with curiosity and I rolled my eyes "Nothing happened I just helped her get her stuff inside her room and that was it."

Jacob nodded "That was nice what you did for her I didn't think you had it in you."

I sighed and rolled my eyes "Yeah, yeah just don't go blabbing it to anyone at school."

Jacob chuckled and nodded as we drove off to his house. 

I did something nice for someone I didn't know, I wouldn't even do that for my cousin.


 ~The next day, Lexi~

The sun shined on my face and I groaned, I guess it was time to get up. I pulled off the covers from my body. It was a bit weird since usually back home my maids would wake me but in this case I was on my own.

I opened up my suitcase and pulled out my yellow strapless sundress and my yellow flats and laid It out so once I finished a shower I could pull it on quickly.

I pulled off my pajamas and stepped into a nice warm shower. It was different from what I was used to but it felt nice.

When I was done I wrapped my towel around myself and walked out. I pulled on my dress and put my flats on. I walked up to the mirror and brushed my hair. I pulled it into a ponytail and did my make up quickly. I could not wait to go out and explore Earth!

I left my hotel room and went straight into the elevator. It was a bit tough understanding how to work it but eventually I made it to the lobby.

The woman from behind the desk kept giving me these snotty looks but I just ignored them and walking outside.

The sun was shining and it was just so beautiful, I was in such a good mood today.

Everybody that walked by me I gave them big smile and said hello, some would smile back and say hello back but others would give me weird looks which I ignored nothing could ruin my good mood.

As I walked my eyes caught sight of this huge building, I watched as I saw kids my age or younger hurry inside the building. 

My curiosity got the best of me changing my nail colour to Pink as I walked closer towards the building. 

I walked inside and all eyes were on me but I didn't care I walked towards the place that said office and entered. A lady that looked about my mother’s age gave me a huge smile "Hello there are you a new student?"

Student? I questioned, on Venus we had something called school but I never went because I am a princess. I shook my head and got a thought "I'd like to apply to attend here though!"

The lady smiled at me and nodded heading me a form "Alright then all you have to do is fill out this form and bring it back later on, once your done you can start attending Bridge-way High the next day.

Bridge-way High so that was the name of the school. I took the form quickly and rushed out of the school and hurried back to the hotel to fill out the form I wanted to start attending tomorrow, I bet I can find my true love at this school!


I heard people whispering in the halls about some random girl who showed up at our school but ignored it. I really didn't care most of it was rumors anyways.

I found Jacob at his locker making out with some chick and patted him on the shoulder.

He pulled away from the girl and smiled at me as we did our handshake "Hey bro did you hear the story about the random chick that showed up today?"

I nodded rolling my eyes "It's just bullshit lies Jake."

Jacob rolled his eyes at me and turned to the girl "You can go now Sidney." She flashed him a flirty smile and walked away.

"So you believe that story?" I asked Jacob.

He nodded his head "I think it's true, I heard that she had a form in her hand so she's probably going to be attending school here."

I nodded "We'll see."

Jacob slapped my arm "This is a good thing! This exactly the excitement we need! A new chick coming here means new chick to bang!"

I let a smirk come out "True."

Jacob smiled "That's the Noah I know!"

Once the bell rang Jacob and I went our separate ways as I kept thinking about the new girl, I had a feeling it was going to be someone I knew. I don't know why but I just had this gut feeling.


I sighed in frustration, this form to fill out was impossible to fill out! These questions they asked were, how can I put this? IMPOSSIBLE!

I can't answer some of these questions. I have name, date of birth, age but that's about it. The questions they had that I couldn't answer were like where I was from, what school I was transferring from and to top it off I needed a parent signature!

Okay I could make up a fake signature, yeah that could work! I did a bunch of swirly letters and wrote Victorianna Kingsley which was my mother’s name just not her signature. 

And as for those questions I guess I'm going to have to use the internet and yes on Venus we had internet. 

After a few hours of searching I eventually filled out the form I wrote that I came from Ontario, Canada and I went to a school called George Fenton Secondary school.

I sighed in relief and ran out of my hotel room again. I ran through the doors and all the way back to that school, I saw people getting ready to go home. I ran inside the school and back to the office handing the lady my form.

She gave me a smile and said "Well Miss Lexianna Kingsley you start school tomorrow."

I smiled at her and said "Please call me Lexi."

She nodded and handed me another form "If you could please quickly choose your courses out right now."

I nodded and sat down, I choose everything in Academic, I didn't know what it meant but I just decided to choose it. I handed the lady my form and she smiled "Thank you Lexi."

I smiled back before rushing out again running back to the hotel, tomorrow was going to be great!


I slumped down my bag to the floor and called out "Ma I'm home!"

She came out and smiled at me "Noah you came just in time for dinner, your father made your favorite pasta!"

I smiled at her and nodded, I pulled my sweater off and walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

My dad served the pasta onto my plate and sat down with a plate of his own next to my mom.

My dad glared at me, he didn't approve of how I treat woman, after he caught me in my room with one girl whenever he would look at me he would always have that hard glare on his face but he should understand after what Hannah did to me.

You see I was in love once, happy and committed to one girl, Hannah Martin. One day I was going over to Hannah's house to surprise her with two tickets to a concert of her favorite singer when I caught her and some other guy getting it on in her room. I was crushed, she tried to get me to forgive her but I wouldn't give in after a few months she moved away and I haven't seen her since and I've made a vow to never stay committed to one girl.

"So son, where were you last night?" My dad asked me.

Shit, they found out I snuck out.

"I went to a party." I said simply, no point in hiding it they already knew.

My mom sighed "Noah, you never asked permission."

I rolled my eyes "Like you would have let me go."

My dad glared at me "You will speak to your mother with respect young man! Can't you see the way you treat these woman isn't right! They have feelings son!"

I rolled my eyes "I have feelings too but Hannah didn't seem to care about that!"

My mom sighed "I know what Hannah did to you was tough but Noah you need to get over it."

I stood up from the table and pushed my plate back "I'm not hungry." I said as I started walking upstairs.

They didn't understand anything, no one did. 

~That's Chapter 2! Thank you for reading!~Sam~

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