Is This Love? (Zak Bagans Fan...

By DreamingOfAFairyTale

36.8K 645 92

(Completed) More

Chapter 1: Oh my muscles
Chapter 2: Camera Shy
Chapter 3: Weird Feelings
Chapter 4: The past is the past
Chapter 5: Please put on a shirt
Chapter 6: Visiting the past
Chapter 7: Im his?
Chapter 8: Possessed
Chapter 9: Night
Chapter 10: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 11: A Love Like Ours
Chapter 12: When in Rome

Is This Love? (Zak Bagans FanFiction)

8.2K 68 13
By DreamingOfAFairyTale

"They're coming here!!!" Heather squealed.

"No way!!" Mindy squealed too.

"What's going on?" I asked entering my room again, to see my two best friends jumping around my room like idiots. Heather had light brown hair and she was gorgeous with her light green eyes and heart shaped face. Mindy had reddish hair and a lot of tattoos on her arms, she was gorgeous too, she had big brown eyes and also a heart shaped face. Then there was me, blond normal hair, grayish eyes, and not as pretty as my two best friends. Don't you just hate being the ugly friend?

"The Ghost Adventures crew is coming in our town!" Mindy shouted, "I can finally meet Aaron!" She shouted happily. Did I mention she is in LOVE with Aaron? Yeah she's crazy about him. Once we went to the movies and the guy in front of us looked kind of like Aaron, lets just say we got kicked out and Mindy was in the back of a cop car. Yeah she went total fan girl.

"And I will finally meet my future husband Nick!" Heather said dreamily. "I have been waiting years for this!" She said jumping up and down.

Yeah those are my friends for you, two obsessive fan girls. But I love them with all my heart!

Ohh, are you expecting me to go crazy over Zak? Haha no. Lets just say me and Zak knew each other a long, long time ago, and we hated each other since. So seeing him is going to be a whole lot of trouble.

"Well they're coming here tomorrow to investigate the haunted house next to my grandmas! So we have to chill there all day!!" Heather said happily. Heathers grandma has been living in that house since she was a little girl, and her next door neighbors- wait scrath that, her next door ghost aren't so friendly and nice to anyone. So spending the whole day next door to a haunted house.. Don't count me in, I would run out screaming. But since it involves going to Nancy's I'm okay with it.

"Yay, I love going to your grandmas!" I said happily. Heathers grandma is like my grandma, she is the sweetest old lady you can ever meet.

"I know you do, hell you go there more then me!" She said finally sitting down and stopped jumping. That was true I went to her grandmas almost every day, since my mom wasn't here for me anymore, after she just vanished out of no where, Nancy (Heathers grandma) was always there for me and I could count on her.

"Let's go to bed so we can wake up early!"Mindy said happily. "Come on!" she said dragging Heather out of my room. In this small house there are 3 rooms. Heather's and Mindy's were downstairs while mine was upstairs. Even though the house was small I still loved it!

"Goodnight!" I shouted to the girls right when they left my room. I turned off the lights and went to bed. Tomorrow should be interesting.


5:00 A.M


"So this monkeys for sale?"I asked the weird man who had a cute dancing monkey.

"Yes, $100." He said smiling at me. Just 100 for a monkey, hell yeah!

"Okay, I'll take it!" I said picking up the monkey. "I'm going to name you Tom." I said in a baby voice.

_dreaming ends_

Why am I dreaming of monkeys?\

"Wake up Kelly!" Heather shouted while banging on my door with her fist. "We're going to be late! Hurry up! Me and Mindy will wait in the car." She said finally walking away and leaving the house.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I asked myself while rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand, then I looked to my clock on the wall, oh its only 5 in the morning...Wait what?! What's wrong with those two? It's freaking 5 in the morning! Nope. I'm not going, I'm going to bed.I covered my face with the blanket and texted Mindy saying to go without me because it was too early and they needed some help. Once I finally fell asleep again my phone started to ring, great.

I didnt even look at the caller when I answered the phone, I was to tired to do all that work. I pushed the answer button and put my phone next to my ear.

"Hello?' I said in my morning voice that probably sounded like a dying whale.

"Hey Kel.." That voice, those two words made my whole body tense up. It's him, it's Zak..


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