Shattered • Stiles Stilinski...

By ArgentWarrior

808K 19K 12.7K

❝I feel like I'm going to break into a million pieces.❞ They went a whole summer without any kind of supernat... More

Poor Betsy
Bites, Birds, and Blow Torches
Blanket of Darkness
Code Blue
Welcome Home Autumn
Risk and Reward
Ice bucket challenge? More like Ice bath challenge
Sassy hour with Peter Hale
What the heck is a Threefold death?
Scream, Autumn.
Authors note :)
The Bus Ride of Doom
Glen Capri Motel? No thanks.
There's Always Hope
Weight Lifted
Surprise visit
Mission Separate Voltron Wolf
The Wailing Woman
Hospital Chaos
A Moment of Normality
Three More Sacrifices
Saving the day
Figuring things out
Let go, give in
Finding Malia
Scott's the hot girl
K i Ra
Lurking in the Shadows
Masked's me (i had to)
Surrounded by the Oni
Breaking Point
Gut Feeling
Never Trust a Fox
Oh look...I've been tagged
this is awkward
i made a snapchat?
Echo House
Echo House pt. 2
Echo House pt. 3
Youtube Channel
Unbelievable Loss
Divine Move
[Important] Authors Note

Telluric Currents

15.7K 368 153
By ArgentWarrior

Chapter Sixteen


"A Ouija board?" My sister asked as Stiles sat the box in front of us on one of the lab tables.

"Yeah...What's with the board, Stiles?" I asked, pulling up a stool since Cora decided to tag along.

He began to take the board out of the box, "It's also called a Spirit board, and it's worth a shot."

"A shot in the dark." Lydia sassed.

Stiles let out a small sigh before turning towards Lydia and myself. "Could you just try it, please, okay? Let's not forget who this is for-Scott's boss, the guy who has saved us on more than one occasion."

"Oh, wait, should we all do this?" Cora asked, motioning to the board.

"I mean, you could always take my spot." I replied. I'm not a huge fan of this idea.

Stiles shot me a disapproving look, "Nobody is taking anyones spot, okay? We're all doing this."

I let out a small groan as my hand found its way to the board, everyone then following after me. "You guys ready?" My boyfriend asked, mainly towards me.

"As ready as I'll ever be."


"Yeah, let's just get this over with." My sister replied. "I have a list of other things I would rather be doing right now."

An awkward silence filled the room as we all focused our attention onto the board. I mean, shouldn't we at least be saying something? I've never done this before, I've only seen it done in movies. And I'm usually hiding under a pillow, or digging my head into Stiles' chest. No I'm not a wimp, I just jump easily when things pop into the screen and stuff, don't judge me.

"Where's Dr. Deaton?" Stiles asked.

And nothing. The board didn't move one bit.

I shifted awkwardly in my seat, and I could literally feel eyes just staring at my sister and I. "What?"  I asked glancing from my boyfriend to Cora.

"Aren't you gonna answer it?"

My eyes narrowed as my head cocked to the side, "Ummm, Stiles I don't think-"

"We don't know the answer." Lydia deadpanned, "I thought we were asking some sort of spirit."

I nodded, "Yeah, isn't that the whole point of this thing?"

"Well, do you know any spirits?" Cora asked from her seat next to my sister.

"Is she for real?"

"I think so..." I replied, "Stiles-"

My boyfriend let out a sigh as he dug into his pocket for something, "Okay, let's try this then." he said as a set of keys took place around his index finger. "These are Deaton's keys for the clinic. We're gonna try this with the both of you, you're gonna close your eyes, and I'm gonna put them in your hand, and then we're just gonna try and see if you can feel out for his location. It's call Psychometry."

"I'm not a Psychic." Lydia retorted, holding her index finger up in the air.

"Yeah, I don't think we go into that category....Well, at least I don't think so..." I replied, leaning my elbows up on the lab table.

Stiles' nostrils flared a bit, "You guys are something! Okay? Just, Lydia, put your hand're first."

My sister let out a small sigh before shutting her eyes, and flinging her hand out in front of her. "Hmm..." She mumbled as the keys hit her hand.

"What?!" Stiles asked immediately after the noise escaped her lips.

She shrugged, "They're cold."

Stiles narrowed his eyes, and I could see him clenching his jaw. Someone's getting irritable. "Lydia, concentrate, please? Trying to save lives here, for the love of God." He stressed.

My sister squeezed the keys in her hand as shut her eyes. There was just this awkward silence going on, and we were all staring at her waiting for anything...literally, anything.

"Yeah, what is it? What do you see?" Stiles asked, as my sisters eyebrows furrowed.


My boyfriend muttered something under his breath before snatching the keys out of Lydia's hand, "One Martin down, one to go. Ready, babe?" Stiles asked, once again swinging the keys from his index finger.

My shoulders shrugged, and I held out my hand. "I guess? As ready as I'll ever be."

"You got this. I believe in you..." He said quietly, right before the keys landed in my hand.

My fingers tightened around the metal, and I shut my eyes tightly. Trying to concentrate on something is extremely hard when you know that people are staring at you waiting for something to happen, and I mean, I have no idea what I'm doing right now to be honest.

The keys fell to the table and I let out a groan, "Nothing. Literally just saw the back of my eyelids, and didn't get any kind of feeling. Sorry..."

"Hey, it's okay. I have another idea, don't worry." Stiles said, as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Automatic writing." He grabbed a pencil off of the desk with his free hand, and held it up in front of my sisters face.

"Automatic Writing?" My sister asked, giving Stiles one of her signature "I'm super annoyed right now." looks.

Lydia snatched the pencil out of my boyfriends hand as she let out a puff of air. She looked down towards the open notebook on the lab table in front of her, and began drawing right away. Now if it's actually something useful, well....we'll see.

The more she continued to draw, the more confused I got. She was drawing a tree...Didn't look like a special tree or anything, just a simple tree. I mean, it was pretty good though. "Lydia, that's a great drawing but....I mean, why-"

"What is that?!" Stiles interrupted.

"A tree." She replied, as she continued to put more detail into her art piece.

Stiles looked at her in disbelief, "A Tr-Lydia, you're supposed to be writing words, like in sentences, something like a location, something that would tell us where he is."

"Well, maybe you should've said that."

"Isn't she supposed to be some kind of genius?" Cora asked, obviously growing impatient. I don't even know why she's here anyways.

"Genius? Yes. Psychic? No."

I grabbed the notebook to take my turn in the whole automatic writing thing, but the moment I touched my sisters picture everything went black. The same thing that happens when my abilities decided to show up and show me things. As a picture slowly appeared, I could vaguely see an image. Looked like the woods but I couldn't get the picture clear enough to get anything more out of it. Was I looking at the tree that Lydia had drawn?

"Wait, Autumn?" Stiles said, breaking me out of my moment. "Did you see something? You completely zoned out."

I nodded lightly, "Did I see something? Yes. Was it anything dealing with Deaton? No. I'm pretty sure all I was seeing was some woods, I think maybe the tree Lydia just drew. It was super blurry. I have no idea, I still don't understand anything dealing with my abilities." I admitted. "Sorry we couldn't help..."

"Honestly, I don't know why you're even bothering with us anyway. I mean, especially since it's obvious you should be talking to Danny." Lydia stated as she took the notebook out of my hands, sitting it back down in front of her.

Stiles' head flew in her direction, "Wait, what? Why Danny?"

"Because-" Scott's voice sounded from the doorway of the classroom, grabbing all of our attention. I don't know what the heck happened to him, but his shoulder was bleeding, and it didn't look like whatever happened felt too great. "Last night, he was a target. But it wasn't a sacrifice."


"But isn't Danny still in the hospital?" Cora asked as we all flooded out of Harris' room.

Stiles nodded, "Yeah. That's where Autumn and I are going to head right now."

"I'll meet you there."

My eyebrows furrowed towards my best friend, "Um, why will you be meeting us there?"

"Yeah, what she said." Stiles said as his hand found mine.

Scott flipped his body around and his phone was shoved in our faces. What came into view was a text message....

I think I found something.

From Allison.


"So what do you think of Allison and Scott having some alone time?" I asked Stiles as we made our way into the hospital.

"I think that there's so much sexual tension between them I won't be surprised if they end up doing it instead of what they're supposed to be doing."

I let out a small chuckle, "Ya know, I won't be surprised either."

"I know another couple of people who have a lot of sexual tension between them. You may know 'em..." He said as his hand gripped mine a little tighter.

I bit the inside of my cheek as we came to a stop in front of Danny's room, "I may..." I said, turning so I was staring at him head on. "And if we're thinking about the same two people, then those two people have some business to take care of right now."

"I mean, I don't think-"

"Stiles-" I whispered, letting out a small chuckle. "We have to hurry and get in his room."

After giving a small eye roll, he nodded in agreement. "Yeah,'re right." He said with a sigh as he opened up the door.

I quietly slipped inside and Stiles followed behind, carefully closing the door. "Okay, here goes nothin."

Stiles and I made our way over to Danny who seemed to be knocked out cold, I stayed on the side by the door while Stiles maneuvered to the other side of the bed. "Danny, you awake?"

My arms crossed over my chest, "Does he look awake?"

He shot me a look before giving his shoulder a shake, "Danny." He whispered a little louder, this time choosing to slap the poor boy on the cheek....over and over again.

"Stiles! What are you doing?!"

"Just, hold on a second!" He gave Danny one last good slap on the cheek, and that resulted in Danny taking in an incredibly deep breath and scaring the crap out of Stiles and I. "Wow."

"Smooth, Stiles..." I watched as his attention turned towards something on the ground, and seconds later he was kneeling down to get a better look at whatever it was he was looking at. "What are you doing?"

Stiles' eyes popped up towards me as he lifted the backpack off of the ground, "Maybe there's something in here." He placed the backpack back onto the ground and began going through everything.

"What are you doing?" Danny muttered, still keeping his eyes closed.

My eyes widened and panic set in. "Hey there....Danny." I whispered nervously.

Stiles' eyes shot up towards the bed, "I'm not doing anything, Danny. This is just a dream that you're having." He nodded once in satisfaction with the lie, and went to continuing his search through the backpack while I just awkwardly stood there.

"Why are you going through my stuff?" Danny asked in a raspy voice. "Autumn, why are you letting him go through my stuff?"

Stiles' head popped back up but this time he looked straight towards me. I shrugged my shoulders, not really knowing what to say. "I umm...this isn't-"

"Only looking through your stuff in the dream, remember? Dream." He began to lower himself back towards the ground, "Dreaming."

I let out a sigh and shook my head lightly at my boyfriends statement. I mean does he really think that Danny is going to believe this is all a dream?

"Why would I dream about you going through my stuff?" Danny asked.

"I don't know that, Danny, okay?" Stiles said once again popping up from the ground. "It's your dream. Take responsibility for it. Shut up and go back to sleep." He finally pulled some papers out of the backpack, and seemed to be really interested in what they had to say. "Danny boy, you might've actually found something here."

My eyebrows rose, "Wait, really? What is it?"

"A report about Telluric Currents for Mr. Harris."


"Deaton's got to be at one of the six locations, but they're all over town. I don't know how we can get to all of them fast enough."  Scott's voice rang throughout the jeep as Stiles and I sat in the hospital parking lot. Apparently Argent has a map with markings of where all of the sacrifice's bodies have been found, but then there are more markings than sacrifices...almost like he knows exactly where the next sacrifices are going end up.

"Well, we might not have to. Danny was doing a project on something for Mr. Harris's Physics class, and I think it actually means something."

"What project?"

Stiles grabbed the papers from his lap, "Something on Telluric currents."

"Did you say currents?"

"Yeah." He replied as he started the jeep.

"Get to the Clinic. Now."


"Okay, so, what does this kid's homework have to do with finding Deaton?" Cora asked as we all surrounded one of the tables located in the animal clinic.

I sighed, "Maybe if you would listen to what we're saying you would understand that this isn't just homework."

"She's right. It's not just homework, okay? Listen, it's a project on geomagnetic fields. They flow through the Earth. They can even be affected by lunar phases, alright? Now look at this-" Stiles said as he turned to one of the pages in the report. "This is a note from Harris on Danny's proposal."

My sister moved closer to the table, "I strongly advise you to choose another subject. The idea here, while innovative and thoughtful, border on pseudo-science. Not suitable for class." She read off of the report.

"Harris wasn't just a sacrifice. He knew something." Scott said, glancing around at all of us.

Stiles nodded, "Now check this out-" He said as he pulled out a folded up paper, "Allison's dad wasn't the only one with a map, alright? Danny had one too." He unfolded the map and placed it on the table in front of us. "Danny marked all the Telluric currents, okay? Now, the weird thing about Beacon Hills is that it actually is a beacon. You wouldn't believe how much energy flowing through the Earth is around this town."

Scott placed a few blue papers on top of the map, I'm assuming they're parts of the map that Argent was using. "Stiles, look, they match." Indeed they do. "Alright, there's three places, right? Where they're kidnapped-" He drew a circle on the map, "and then the place where their body was found." Another circle.

"Look, that's right on the Telluric current." Lydia pointed out.

"So, maybe where he was sacrificed was somewhere in between."

"Let me see that." Stiles said, taking the pen from Scott. "You said there's six more bodies to be found. Deaton is one of them. Got to be somewhere in between, right?"

"Stop." Cora said, throwing her hand on top of my boyfriends. Umm....excuse you. She slid his hand over the map, until they landed right on top Beacon Hills first national. "He's in the vault. He's in the same vault."

We began quickly gathering the papers together as Scott ran towards the door, "Guys, hold on." Lydia called out.

"Lydia, Scott has to get to Deaton."

Scott nodded in agreement, "Yeah, Lydia, we don't have time."

Cora looked up from her phone, "It's Boyd. The plan didn't work. They cut the power." She said, her voice trembling slightly.

All of our mouths gaped open and we all turned towards Scott. What are we going to do now? We have to save Deaton, but Derek's in trouble.

"It's just like he said." Scott whispered from the doorway. "Go. I can save Deaton myself."

"What?" My boyfriend asked, confusion covering his face. "Scott, what about us?"

"Cora can't get there fast enough without you. Go. We can save both of them."

"Alright, let's go!"


Stiles, Cora, Lydia, and I all rushed into a dark room that held all of the power switches to the building where the loft was located.

"What do we do?" Stiles asked, staring at the wall of switches.

I shrugged, "I don't know...Pull all of them?"

Cora nodded, "Pull all of them."

Lydia, Cora, and I all began to flip the switches. "Stiles, text Isaac. Now!"

He nodded in reply as Cora and I flipped the last two switches up, lights illuminating the room around us. I let out a heavy sigh, "I really hope this worked."

"Let's go find out." Stiles said as he latched his hand onto mine, bolting out of the room with everyone else following.

Something about this situation was giving me an uneasy feeling. I don't know if Lydia feels it too, but the closer we get to the loft the stronger it gets. Something's wrong.

As we approached the giant doors to the loft, Cora took off right inside as Stiles, Lydia, and I stopped to examine what had happened first. My heart sunk into my chest as my eyes found Boyd covered in blood...He was dead. Derek was on his knees next to him, tears threatening to escape his eyes as he shook like a leaf. What the heck happened? Is this why I had that feeling? Because of Boyd?

Stiles released my hand, "I'm gonna go in there, okay?"


"It's fine. I'll be right back."

I nodded hesitantly, and moved closer to my sister. I turned towards my left only to find Isaac sitting there holding onto Ms. Blake who looked absolutely terrified. Great, why was she here?


I trudged down the stairs in Stiles' sweats and white t-shirt as my doorbell rang. Both Lydia and my mom were out cold, so I had no choice but to leave the comfort of my warm bed and answer the door.

I took a quick look out the window before opening the door to see who it was. I was expecting to see Scott, Allison, or Stiles....not Isaac.

"Hey, Isaac. Are you okay? Is something wrong?" I asked, as I leaned up against the doorframe.

His eyes switched from focusing on the ground to my eyes, "Hey. Sorry I know it's late, I should have called or something before I just showed up. I just, um...need someone to talk to...I know I could talk to Scott and stuff but I-"

I shook my head lightly and folded my arms across my chest, "No, you're fine. Come on in."


Omg so glad I finally got this chapter finished. Idk why but it was kind of a struggle, so I'm sorry if it's trash. :/

But, if you did enjoy don't forget to comment and vote!

Much love. xx

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