Running wild on 8 mile (Emine...

By Eminemzminnie

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Maybelline is a woman that doesn't have a clue what life is and why things always go wrong for her. She is ho... More

Running wild on 8 mile (Eminem love story)
Day 1 On Lock down
Day 2 Proofs hideout
Day 3 Who's slim shady?
Slim shady returns
Day 4 (In the case of unborn baby "it" marshall you ARE the father!)
Friendly Encounters and terrifying secrets
3 A.M
Saved by the RiRi! (Marshalls brother??)
Day 5 Confessions & Explosions..
Day ? (Where the heck am i?)
Love the way you lie..
Is marshall my kryptonite?? (A prison what??)
Inner Demons
No Love Allowed
What now?
Decisions and attractions
Authors note
Into the rush
Authors note <3
We've GOT to kill slim shady.
Fallen Hero
The bitter truth
Plot twist (really short chapter)
And the nightmare continues...
Lonely in a room full of people
Don't Leave Me..
Ex's and Oh's...
Mosh with me now..
Hey guys!!
A:N Y'all are truly awesome
My Characters broke the fourth wall..
Wait, You broke into my house and tied me up for a burger?
Michigan on lockdown
Well I saw this going a lot better in my head
Ready or Not Here I come
Running wild on 8 mile Final part 1 of part 1
News and Upcoming Events!
Running wild on 8 mile Part 2 of Part 1
Running wild on 8 mile FINALE part 1!

The Finale!!

196 3 3
By Eminemzminnie

"Mhphh!" The mayor spoke looking at us crazily probably wondering why we haven't untied him yet.

"How the heck did you get tied up?" Max asked taking out a notepad sloppily writing something down.

"Mmph!" Was his response since nobody bothered to ungag him.

"I swear you people are idiots." Natasha mumbled going up to the panicked man and ripping the tape off of his mouth.

The man moaned in pain but managed a thank you. " W-where's the psycho?" His voice shook while proof untied him.

"Hopefully being dealt with." I frowned while looking at poor Courtney who was looking weaker and paler by the second.

"He tied me up and locked me in a closet! My guards don't even know i'm missing!" He exclaimed.

"Mr. Mayor." Proof started.

"Jacob Lendon." He corrected.

"Yeah, yeah whatever I didn't vote for you." Proof remarked.

The man frowned but let him proceed.

"Okay so my friend is the psycho and well he's suffering from this thang called MPD, got me?" Proof asked to which the mayor nodded. "Okay well, my home boy is like really pissed off and I would appreciate it if you didn't send my boy off to the slammer." He bluntly remarked.

The mayor looked astonished. And I mean who could really blame him. 

"Uhh, I think what my bro Deshaun mean is that we understand he's caused a lot of destruction and tyranny but he's really not that bad, he's just not himself at the moment." I reinstated.

"Naw, what I mean is that if my homeboy end up in prison i'm gonna kick yo-" Natasha quickly covered his mouth.

"What he means is this riot needs some fixin but if we don't find Marshall he's gonna blow you to bits and take over all of Michigan." Natasha corrected seeing the conflict wash over the mans face.

I looked back down at Courtney who was now moaning in pain.

"Do you have a medical near by?" I suddenly asked finding it hard to see the woman bleeding out in pain.

"There's a hospital not to far from here you can take my car." He said handing proof the keys. "Yeah but somebody gotta get to Kim and Marshall." I reminded.

"Plus Maybelline is stilling missing." Vanessa randomly intervened.

"Since when do you care about anybody but yourself?" Proof questioned.

"Hey look I want to get out of here and if it means finding that blonde nutcase that's trying to replace my mom but never will, so be it." She shrugged.

"Wait honey, you think i'm trying to replace your mom?" Guerrea asked.


"Okay no, we seriously ain't got no time for no family healing, y'all can do that s*it when we aren't at fricking war." Chris interrupted.

They both reluctantly nodded.

"Alright then let's go."


Maybelline's p.o.v

"Oh thank you lord we finally outta them damn vents." Riri spoke stretching. 

"Yeah but what room we end up in?"

We looked at our surroundings and to our surprise we were in the mayors office.

"Woah, Mr. Mayor livin large looks like he got a chocolate fountain!" Riri beamed running towards it.

"Robyn we don't got time for this!" I said hastily puling her back.

"But i'm hungry! Marshall's henchman barely fed me." She whined staring at the fountain like it was the only food left in the entire world.

"What if it's some sort of trap? What if we drink it and we're poisoned, then what?" I asked looking at a now doubtful Riri.

"I didn't really think about that." She confessed.

"Well I did not we've got to go find Marshall."

"Wait don't you think we need a plan?"

"No, at this point I think we need a miracle, c'mon let's go."


Me and Riri made it out the office and was met with along hallway that could either go left or right. Just pick one you're probably saying but let me tell you. I've been making bad decisions my whole life and I seriously don't trust myself to even make a simple decision such as this.

"Maybelline you sleep or something? Let's go find that crazy bastard!" She urged pointing in the right direction.

"Look if we choose the wrong way we might go even further from where he's at." I stated trying to make a decision.

"Fine how about we split?" She suggested.

I pondered the thought of us separating and all i could think about was her getting kidnapped again. I mean we lost her once and I wasn't trying to go there again.

"No, we better stick together, we just need to figure out-"

"MAYBELLINE!" A voice yelled running up to me and engulfing me in a giant hug for like the second time that day.

"Ooof!" I winced the air momentarily being knocked outta me.

"We found you, thank God!" Natasha said.

"You guys!" I said looking at Vanessa, Guerrea, Max, Natasha, Chris and Nate but noticing we were missing more then a few people and that there was some man in his underwear who looked like he had been through the ringer.

"Hey where's everybody else?"

"Well, Kim's with Marshall." Nate said.

"What why, wait where's Courtney and Proof?"

Nate frowned.

"Marshall shot Courtney and Proof took her to the hospital." He said sadly remembering how terrible she looked.

"Marshall shot her!?" I gasped not believing the words that he was saying.

"Well he was aiming at Kim but Courtney saved her." He admitted.

I pondered his words and decided that there's just way to many questions so I decided to ask the one I really wanted to know.

"Who's the guy in the underwear?"

"The Mayor." Max said snapping a picture of the man.

"Well at least we found someone." Riri said.

"Riri?" Chris said finally noticing her presence.

"Chris? What the hell are you doing here?" She asked looked shocked.

"I should be asking you that, Maybelline told me you died!" He yelled.

"Riri is that you?" Natasha and Nate both asked.

"Hey guys!" She smiled giving them both a hug.

"Okay I know this is all very touching but we seriously need to get to Kim and pray that she's still in one piece!" I said interrupting the moment for the greater good.

"I agree the quicker we find the psycho I can go home and call my boyfriend." She reminded.

Natasha rolled her eyes and turned to the girl.

"Seriously how the hell did you get a boyfriend?" She asked the question that probably everyone else wanted to know.

"None of your business you lil brat." She hissed.

"GUYS FOCUS!" I intervened.

All eyes were back on me much to my relief.

"Does anyone know which direction he's in?" I asked.

"Well we came from the right and didn't see anything so he must be on the left." Guerra stated.

"Thanks for finally being useful in this story." (Oops broke the fourth wall)

We all headed left and it seriously didn't take us long to find them from all the screaming and arguing that was going on.

"Kim!" I said running up to the scene to see Kim pinning Marshall down with blood all over her shirt from the broken nose she had gotten and a machine gun not to far from Shady's reach.

She turned to see us but lost some control and Marshall pushed her off knocking her into a table.

"How the hell did you get out the room!" He screamed at the mayor and Riri aiming a machine gun at us.

Riri just flicked him off and stood silently waiting for him to make a move while Lendon looked scared outta his mind.

"Marshall this needs to stop!" I pleaded looking at how crazy he really looked.


"I never claimed to be a miracle worker but look what you've done!" I pointed towards the window at the people outside fighting with frickin pitch forks YEAH PITCHFORKS! AGAIN WHERE THE HECK DO YOU FIND PITCHFORKS!?

"You've turned everyone against each other!" I said. 

And it was true everybody was fighting everybody. Moms fighting daughters, Cousin fighting Cousin Students fighting teachers, I mean it was an all out riot! And nobody was doing a single thing about it.

I mean if I had to describe what I was seeing it would only be one word that fit the description and that is pure chaos.

"No I helped them realize that they have a voice, a power." He took something outta his pocket that looked like a remote.

"NO, YOU HELPED THEM DESTROY THEIR OWN LIVES IS WHAT YOU DID!" Marshall was so distracted he didn't see the mayor was slowly making his way to some sort of security device.

Yup reinforcements were definitely needed.

"You see this remote?" He laughed darkly.

I nodded getting a really really bad feeling.

"This remote leads to about 5 bombs located throughout this entire city and that includes this building." He stated.

"WHAT!?" Almost everyone in the room screamed.

"Man where the heck you find time to get bombs!?" Chris hollered.

Marshall ignored him and proceeded. "If any one of y'all even come near me i'll blow this entire building and city to pieces." He laughed.

I glanced over to the mayor who successfully pushed the silent button to call for help. Okay now all we had to do is talk with him long enough til they got here. But Marshall still needed that Xeril and as I could see Kim was now standing behind him with a bottle in her hand.

But suddenly a voice could be heard from the tv in the corner.

"We interrupt for breaking news, Michigan will go in full lock down within the next hour, I repeat Michigan will go on full lock down within the next hour, anyone who is still left will NOT  be getting out, I repeat anyone who is left here will NOT  be getting out."

As soon as it had came on the tv went back to static.

Marshall laughed. "This is just wonderful."

"Maybelline I can't die, how am I supposed to get the story out!?" Max cried.

Riri slapped him upside the head. "Is that really what your worried about!?" she seethed.

I looked at Chris who was gripping a machine gun we had found on our way to them and Guerra who was in a fighting stance. I shifted my eyes back towards Kim who was slowly creeping up on him.

"Marshall, please don't do this we have our entire lives, we have kids and family who care about us, you just can't!" I pled searching for anything as a sign that my words were connecting to his brain.

He was gonna answer but not before Kim snatch the remote outta his hand and took off running. He was gonna chase her but Chris whipped out his machine gun . "Do not f***ing move." He sneered.

He paused.

I slowly walked over to Kim who had now stopped running and took the Xeril from her.

"Be careful." She warned.

I nodded and walked towards Marshall until i was directly in front of him.

He quickly pointed his gun at me.

"You have caused so much pain." Was all I could say staring daggers at him which I could tell he felt.

"Now your going to listen to me." I commanded.

"If you even dare try to fight me or harm anyone else in this room I have absolutely no problem killing you." I said realizing how cold my words were.

"You wouldn't." He smirked.

"Yeah I could." I dismissed seeing the smirk vanish.

"Tough love is sometimes the only love you can give." I stated seeing something flicker in his eyes that I thought i'd never see.


"You've hurt me a lot, but it's okay cause I forgive you because I care about you and I know your not you.."

He said nothing.

"That's why your gonna be okay." I smiled.

By this time SWAT could be heard coming upstairs and helicopters from outside were approaching.

"Even if I have to make you be okay." I twisted the lid open.

The door was soon kicked open and about 30 men in bullet proof vest and ak-47's were in the room taking everyone out the room and disarming the remote Kim gave to them and of course getting the mayor to safety. Soon we were the only two in the room and the guards could tell just how dangerous this situation was. Because here I am with a bottle to cure him and here he was pointing a machine gun at me.

"If anyone comes near me I will kill her." Shady said.

Great now i'm a hostage.

No one moved.

"Put the gun down." One of the Swat yelled.

"Shady." I hissed causing him to glare at me.

"It's over." I said.

"Yeah it is...for you." He pressed the trigger and a scream rang throughout the room.

I waited and waited for the pain of being shot to come in but to my surprise it never did. Instead someone fell on top of me but luckily I managed to grab them.

I looked at who had fallen and couldn't believe I saw Vanessa  laying in my arms with 5 bullet holes in her.

Now that's an image I'll never get out.

I gaped at the poor girl in my arms before realizing that SWAT  had took this moment to grab Marshall and restrain him.


I couldn't even look at him cause I know my heart would probably break into pieces.


 I ignored him looking at the girl who had saved me even though she didn't have too.

"Why did you?" I whispered.

She frowned. "Well I told you..I wanted to go home." I blinked confused as to what she was saying.

"Yeah to call your boyfriend Nicho-." She cut me off.

"Th-that was a lie." She choked.

"MAYBELLINE-GET THEM THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"He said struggling to get out. One guard handed the other a sedative and the guard quickly put one in his arm.

"I don't understand-" She cut me off again.

"I don't-I don't have a boyfriend that was a lie...You see my mom..she-she died a 3 years ago in a car accident." She clarifed.

My eyes widened realizing why Vanessa was always arguing with Kim..she didn't hate her..she just really missed her mom.

"D-daddy said he liked her but she could never replace my mom and all I want to do is go see her you know? Plus dad's never really been the same, he constantly ignores me cause I remind him of her." She smiled.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing..

"AHGGG YOUR GONNA REGRET THIS-!" The drugs took effect.

"Vanessa sweetie this is not what your mom would want she wouldn't want this!" I cried knowing my words were pointless anyway she had gotten shot 5 times and blood was coming outta all different directions.

"Plus I heard you had a kid..and I can tell you love him." She smiled looking over at Marshall who was  being carried out.

"I didn't want your kid to grow up without a mom like me." She laughed wincing in pain.

I covered my mouth letting sobs come out. This was just so unreal I mean it couldn't be happening. It just couldn't!

"C-can you..please do me a favor?"She asked sounding real tired.

I nodded unable to speak.

"Tell Kim I don't care if she marries my dad..he makes her happy and visa versa..just tell him not to forget me k?"

I nodded again.

"Miss.." A guard came up to me lifting me up. "A doctor will see you." He said leading me in the direction of a medic.

I didn't dare look back at Vanessa. Instead I went up to the medic. "C-can you please give this to Marshall i heard it could really help." I cried handing him the bottle of xeril.

The man nodded and walked me out.

But not before I heard a man speaking in his speaker phone. "Yeah we have one dead time of death 6:09 p.m."


6 hrs later midnight

"Can I see him?" I asked a nurse.

"Yes he's stable now but quite confused do please be careful." She warned.

I nodded making my way into a dark room to see him fully awake looking lost in extremely deep thought.

"Hey.." I spoke first.

He looked up at me his eyes back to normal, no longer crazed and angry. But now they held something different. Melancholy.

"Hey.." He said back his voice monotone.

"How you feel?" I asked sitting down in a chair next to him.

"Lost." He replied.

I frowned realizing that this is the first time he's aware of what's been happening..and on who started the riot.

"That's normal." I announced.

"I killed people and got a lot killed." He said, his voice emotionless. "How is that Normal?"

I didn't reply.

"What's going on outside I heard some nurses whispering." He asked.

"Well since Michigan didn't go on lock down other state police have been issued in and the riots breaking up." I said relief washing over his stressed face.

"Good." Was his reply.


"How's everyone?" He inquired.

"Courtney's alive she has to have surgery thought but doctors thinks she'll be fine..Proofs back home, Kim's well..upset about you know.."

"Vanessa." He stated.

I nodded.

"How's Nate?" 

"Also back at home with your mom and Natasha." I respond.

"She took Natasha in?"


He laughed. "Interesting."

"Max is working on the paper and Trent is headed to chicago..he's got family there."

He nodded, "Chris? RiRi?"

"Chris is back in Eloise and Riri is going to be staying with me." I said.

"Oh? Where you going?" He said raising a brow at this new information.

"Back home to my kid and parents." I said.

He didn't say anything just nodded. "Well give my baby a kiss for me." He said looking out the window to his left.


"How's my Hailie doing?" 

"Fine Kim's taking her over Guerra's she told me to say she hope you don't mind.." I said.

"No that's probably the safest place right now." He acknowledged.


"Well, I guess it's time to rot in prison." He said.

"No, they recognized your mentally ill so you can plead insanity and get sent to a facility." I replied kinda happy that he's at least got that opportunity.

"I don't deserve that, I deserve life." He choked.

I said nothing but went over and gave him a kiss slow and sweet to which he didn't respond. I pulled away to face him.

"Why'd you do that?" He questioned looking puzzled.

"Because Your gonna be okay...and your gonna get better and we're gonna be fine." I smiled.

He stared at me like I was the crazy one but I could still see a smile start to form on his lips.

"I'm sorry I almost killed you, ya know?" He said.

I laughed a little. "Yeah..I know."

We were interrupted by a knock at the door followed by a police man walking in. "Marshall Bruce Mathers III, your under arrest for murder, suspicion of murder, robbery, assault and battery, and treason." The man announced.

"Wait for me?" He asked.

"Why not?" I smiled which he returned.


Hey guys! Wow..this was so sad.... :'( Poor Vanessa tho..anyway guys this is not the ending!! There will be an epilogue :) So stay tuned for that. <3 I hope you guys enjoyed this story I tried to wrap up a lot of loose ends but if you have any questions or something you didn't quite understand let me know and i'll try my best to answer :D Anyway this story has truely been an adventure and i'm glad for those of you who read the whole way through stuck with me. <3 I know i'm not the greatest writer in the world but that's why I practice to get better and by you sticking with me shows I can do it! So just thanks. And this story was inspired by a lot of different stories and movies and songs so just thanks. I give credit to An episode of The Nanny for that scene in the riot where Vanessa almost gets kidnapped and nobody really was so funny when Niles did that to Cece LOL anyway there's probably more things to give credit for so just thanks to everybody! And I will be continuing Detroit's Renegade next so stay tuned for that as well! And make sure to check that song above called Superheroes!! It's amazing and really goes with the end of this story. Alright i'm done rambling bye! <3

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