Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fan...

By maryfigzz

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A girl should be like a Butterfly- pretty to see and hard to catch. Camille Ryder was unalike from the typica... More

Chapter 1: No Need For a Fake ID
Chapter 2: Memory Lane
Chapter 3: Way Too Hungover For This
Chapter 4: Tuesday
Chapter 5: Lingerie and Angel Wings
Chapter 6: Cosmetic Revenge
Chapter 7: I Won't Read Into It
Chapter 8: Awkward and Underdressed
Chapter 9: Not Likely
Chapter 10: Am I interrupting Something?
Chapter 11: L.A
Chapter 12: The Open Road
Chapter 13: New Beginning
Chapter 14: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 15: The Things You're Afraid of
Chapter 16: Just a High School Thing
Chapter 17: Oh The Pity
Chapter 18: Series Of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 19: Merry Christmas?
Chapter 20: One-eighty
Chapter 21: My Butterfly
Chapter 22: Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 23: Instigators & Troublemakers
Chapter 24: Mornings Like These
Chapter 25: Something Great
Chapter 26: I Trust You
Chapter 27: Bombshell
Chapter 28: Be My Valentine
Chapter 29: When It Rains, It Pours
Chapter 30: The Harshest Reality
Chapter 31: No Harm No Foul
Chapter 32: My Girl, Our Weekend
Chapter 33: Nirvana
Chapter 34: Numb
Chapter 35: Denial
Chapter 36: Anger
Chapter 37: Hopelessness
Chapter 38: Depression
Chapter 39: Acceptance
Chapter 40: Unkept Secrets
Chapter 41: Deal
Chapter 42: My Lucky Day
Chapter 43: The Birthday
Chapter 44: Great Night, Rough Morning
Chapter 45: The Later The Better
Chapter 46: Food Now, Sex Later
Chapter 47: We All Got Bruises
Chapter 48: Half Way There
Chapter 49:Half The Fun
Chapter 50: The Way Things Were
Chapter 51: Sleeping With The Enemy
Chapter 52: The Endless Cycle
Chapter 53: Out Of Tears
Chapter 54: Expiration Date
Announcement !

Chapter 55: All My Fault

755 23 2
By maryfigzz

N/a: so this is it! The last chapter ! Thank you to the same 15 people who have been reading since the beginning and even though 3k isn't that much to most people, this is my first book I have rode out until the end. It has been a hell of a ride and I'm so happy with how it has turned out. As of now there is a sequel planned for the near future but with university starting up there is no way I will even begin writing until late April!! Stay tuned until then this is not the end of Cami and Harry's story !!!

Cami's POV:

I had to get to Harry before he got to Liam.

I had to stop whatever he was about to do.

I had to find Harry.

Those were the only thoughts filling my mind as I paced around my apartment. I was walking back and forth so quickly, I could feel the draft breezing with my movements.

I called him, I texted him, I left him messages, and was met with no response.

I had no idea where to begin looking for him.

I hadn't been privy to his thoughts in over a month and I had never seen him drunk and angry. I didn't know this side of him well enough to predict his next move or the place he would be heading. The Harry that had stole his friend's car while under the influence just to get even with Liam, was a Harry I definitely didn't know.

I didn't know where to begin, who to call or who to warn. It wasn't like I had Liam's number to let him know that Harry was on his way over with a serious bone to pick. It wasn't like I had any idea how to fix this.

Then it dawned on me. I may not have Liam's number, but I did have a way to get in contact with Zayn and he was as close to Liam as I could get.

I unlocked my phone, hastily clicking The Grind's number and waiting impatiently as each ring sounded. It was only after three when I had almost given up hope, did Niall finally pick up.

"The Grind Cafe," his voice said, breathlessly.

"Niall, it's Cami!" I practically screamed. "Please tell me Zayn is next to you?" I questioned, begging to a God I didn't even believe in that he would say yes.

"He's just serving a customer. Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice soft and calm.

Everything was far from okay, but I had no time to explain that to him.

"I need to talk to him," I pressed, ignoring his question.

"He's just in the middle of it and we're slammed here. Can it wait?" he asked, clear he was trying to rush me off the phone.

"No!" I informed. "I need him now, please."

Niall sighed on the other end and I could hear the phone shuffle between his grasp.

"It's Cami," I heard faintly in the background.

It was another few moments before I finally heard breathing return directly on the other end as the phone got passed from Niall to Zayn.

"Well, well. I always wondered when you would finally admit you want me," Zayn spoke smugly and surely with a smirk.

I scoffed. "In your dreams, asshole."

He chuckled before speaking up again. "Well if Liam's dreams can come true, I have faith mine will too."

I gulped, nearly feeling sick.

His voice was teasing, he knew something happened between me and Liam.

Was he the one who told Harry?

I sucked in a deep breath and continued voicing the reason I called.

"Where would I find Liam right now?" I asked, trying my best to make it sound casual.

It was Zayn's turn to scoff now and I hated what he must have been thinking about me in that moment.

"Going back for seconds? I didn't think you were the clingy type."

Biting back a smart remark, I asked again with more forcefulness in my voice.

"Where is he?" I seethed.

Things got rather quiet on his end and he let out a breath.

"He usually hangs out at the pier on Fridays, hooks up with girls underneath it when he can find one."

I didn't even thank him for the answer as I hung up and grabbed my purse on my way out the door.

I may have had a place to begin, but Harry had a head start and I wasn't sure how quickly I could get there.


Do you ever get that feeling when you're in the passenger seat and the driver suddenly slams on the brakes? In that moment, your stomach drops and your heart feels as if it's stopped for just a second. Right now, those were my exact feelings, only it didn't  last for just a second.

As I increased the pressure to the excelerator, my heart was beating faster and faster at a constant rate. I knew that if I didn't get there in time, it was all over.

The heavy rainfall pelting down from the sky made the roads slippery and slower. I swerved through the lanes on the road, dodging cars in my wake. The sounds of the angry car horns resembled the sentiments of the drivers behind the wheel, but all I could think about was getting there.

I reached for my cellphone calling his number and hoping that he would finally answer.

No luck.

I dialed again and again, still nothing. With one last lane change and wide left turn, I pulled into the nearest parking lot to the pier. I shut off the ignition and dashed out of the car, almost tripping over my own feet.

My feet reached the wet sand, slowing my frantic pace. I glanced both left and right in search of him. The cold rain had fully soaked through my clothes but in that moment, I hardly seemed to notice.

What if I was too late? I wondered, as my throat started to run dry.

The light sounds of struggling could be heard, being masked underneath the harsh sounds of the waves crashing along the legs of the pier. Through the darkness and gusts of blowing rain, I could barely see anything let alone any movement. A loud grunt caused my senses to guide me in the direction of the noises being heard.

Before my brain could even react, my feet were carrying me full force directly underneath the pier.

It was then that I saw them. Two wet bodies struggling, hurling towards each other.

Harry was straddling him, delivering punch after punch to Liam's jaw. His face was slightly illuminated by the moonlight, enough for me to see the sadistic expression on it, along with the blood trickling down from his nose.

Harry's hand folded itself around Liam's neck and before I knew it, Harry was suffocating him.

"Harry!" I yelled, moving to him quickly.

If I didn't get Harry away from Liam, there was no doubt in my mind that he would cause serious damage.

Harry's face turned up as he looked at me, his eyes growing wide. His grip around Liam's throat didn't falter like I hoped it would. Harry showed no signs of letting up, and a pang of guilt presented itself deep within my stomach.

This was all my fault.

"Get the hell out of here!" he yelled warningly.

His voice was almost hopeful, like maybe this would be the one time I actually listened to him.

A single tear fell from my eye, slowly dripping down my cheek. The fallen tear must have been illuminated from the moonlight as Harry seemed to notice it's presence.

"Please don't do this." My voice was hoarse as I tried to hold in the loud sob threatening to fall from my mouth.

Harry's eyes softened at the sight of my pathetic begging, and his tight grip around Liam's neck visibly loosened.

Harry's quick moment of uncertainty was instantly taken advantage of when Liam's arm raised and wrapped itself around his neck. The roles were quickly reversed as Liam's hands became clutched around Harry's throat with a bone crushing force. Liam's lips turned up into a murderous smirk when Harry's breathing began to sound strangled.

"Stop!" I yelled frantically, as I rushed to Harry's side.

I used all my force trying to push Liam off of him, but he didn't even seem to register my brutal action. I gripped my fingers into Liam's hair and pulled on it, hoping to divert his attention for a brief moment.

Liam groaned and his arm released from around Harry's neck and he used it to grip my shoulder and force me backwards, causing me to fall on my ass into the sand.

Harry immediately searched the area around him, his hand reaching for a large piece of driftwood.

It happened so fast, just like it would in the movies. I didn't have time to register what Harry was planning.That was until he raised the piece of wood, smashing it down with all his force against Liam's head.

Liam fell to the ground and the strangled sob I had been holding in released itself from my throat.

Harry glanced at Liam's lump frame and seemed content with what he had done. He sluggishly stood to his feet and made no move to look in my direction. He turned his back to me and crossed his arms over his chest as he watched the violent waves crash against the shore.

"What are you doing here?" he asked loudly over the thrashing water.

Hearing his voice again was so strange. Seeing him only a few feet away was even worse.

I fought against every instinct I had not to run to him and kiss away every bit of pain I'd felt without him. It took everything in me not to beg for him to let me explain and to take me back.

If his expression had been just slightly less cold, I may have done it. It was clear he was so disgusted that he couldn't even look me in the eye. That hurt more than anything.

More than looking angry, he looked disappointed and I couldn't decide which was worse.

There was an incredibly sinking feeling about disappointing someone you loved. I never intended to hurt Harry so bad that he couldn't look me in the eye. I was drunk and I was hurting myself. It was no excuse but it was all I had. As I looked over at his back and sagged shoulders, I realized he wasn't the same Harry I had met all those months ago. I had broken him, disappointed him and ultimately let him down. As much as I wanted to explain everything he may have heard and inform him that it really wasn't what he was thinking, I couldn't bare to hurt him all over again.

I didn't let things with Liam get further than kissing and mild groping, I realized a little late but before things progressed that upsetting Harry wouldn't make me feel any better. I ran out of that bar so quickly I was out of breath by the time I had stepped outside the doors. I was so repulsed by my actions that I couldn't bare going home until early the next morning.

Wherever Harry got his information, it was most likely a twisted version of an upsetting truth. If I explained what actually happened, no doubt Harry would still be angry with me, but letting him think what he did when he came to find Liam would ensure he wanted nothing to do with me. I couldn't think of a better way to make it up to him after everything I had done.

"Caleb called," I spoke, my voice hoarse from my tears.

With his back still to me, Harry exhaled a deep breath. "Why did you show up?" His tone was ice cold.

"He said you were drinking and I didn't want you to get hurt over me." I bit my lip holding back my tears.

He was so hard and curt. I had never seen him act this way before.

"It's a little too late for that, don't you think?" he asked through clenched teeth, looking over his shoulder at me for the briefest second.

His green eyes were empty. There were no longer filled with love or compassion, only bitterness and hate, hate towards me.

I'd seen him angry with me and I'd seen him annoyed, I had never seen him look so broken and so disconnected from me since the day we'd met. I had caused every bit of unhappiness he was feeling. It was my fault that he looked like a completely different person. He had lost pieces of himself while trying to help put me back together. It wasn't fair for me to let this go on, to explain and have him forgive me. I didn't deserve him. Whatever reasons his mother had for disapproving, she knew way before we both did that things would never work. I would never be the girl Harry deserved and I couldn't let him waste anymore time on me. As much as I hated seeing the way he was looking at me with clear repulsion, letting him think I had sex with Liam was the best way I could make it up to him. He needed to move on and it couldn't be with me. He needed a girl who wasn't so f.ucked up and I loved him enough to let him go. I loved him so much that even if it meant I was miserable, I would give him up so he could find happiness.

"I'm sorry, Harry," I mumbled, not even bothering with trying to hide my tears.

Letting him go would be the hardest thing I ever did.

Even in this month without him, I had the pathetic hope that he would show up at my door and tell me he had f.ucked up and wanted me back. I imagined it in my head every night before I fell asleep. I wouldn't even let him ask twice. I would run into his arms with no hesitation and spend the rest of the night making up for all our lost time.

I was so close to having that happen.

Caleb had told me he was on his way. Harry was coming to my apartment to do the exact thing I had been dreaming about since the night he tore me in two. Of course, I had still managed to f.uck that up somehow. That's all I ever seemed to do in my life. I f.ucked up, in one way or the other.

"Sure you are," he spit, finally making eye contact with me.

I wish he hadn't. His stare sent chills running down my spine. His gaze use to hypnotize me and now it had me feeling like I would pass out.

Diverting both our attentions was Liam's muffled groan from the ground. I sighed in relief that he was alright, not for him but for Harry. Nothing could have made me feel any worse about myself than Harry getting in trouble if something was seriously wrong with Liam.

"I'll bet you're happy he's alright," Harry remarked venomously. His tone was clipped and his eyes full of hatred.

Liam slowly sat up and looked around clearly out of it. Harry had knocked him right out and it took him a minute before he finally stood to his feet. Harry made no advance towards him and I was more than thankful that his temper had settled.

"I guess I kinda deserved that," Liam shrugged nonchalantly. "I was just giving her what she wanted, man. Maybe if you satisfied your girls they wouldn't come running to me all the time."

I nearly wanted to slap him for still trying to provoke Harry after he had just gotten his ass beat. I could see Harry's shoulders tense and his hands clench tightly into fists.

He walked forward, stepping right up into Liam's wrongfully smug face.

"Get out of my face or I promise, I will kill you."

I gulped, praying Liam knew it was time to back down.

He scoffed turning his back to Harry and winking at me as he sluggishly left us alone on the wet beach.

It was only Harry and I now and the ongoing rain that hadn't calmed for even a moment. Water was dripping down both of our faces. I could feel the cold slowly seeping into my skin and in that moment, it wasn't just from the rain.

"I don't know what I can say to make this better," I spoke honestly, my voice hoarse from the tears I was holding in.

Harry threw his arms in the air. "Tell me you didn't do it! Tell me you didn't f.uck Liam in a goddamn bathroom and what I heard was wrong and that Liam was talking s.hit."

The tears were falling once again, blending in with my already soaked face. I wanted to tell him that, it was the truth, but he was better off and I had to let him go.

I knew if I spoke my voice would betray the lie I would try to pull off. I could only stay silent and let Harry draw his own conclusion

At my silence, Harry came to the realization of exactly what I wanted him to.

His eyes widened and his mouth fell agape. "It's true. You did it."

I sobbed loudly and didn't try holding it in. My heart felt like it was being ripped from my chest.

I couldn't let him go. I couldn't let him think that sleeping with Liam was what I had done.

As he began stomping off and back towards Caleb's car, I chased after him with every amount of energy I had.

"Harry! Wait, let me explain."

Consequences be damned. The fact that he deserved better or not became irrelevant to me. As long as he still wanted me, I would spend every day for the rest of my time with him, trying to be the girl he deserved.

I reached just behind him and gripped my hand tightly around his shoulder. I forced him back toward me and was standing closer to him than I had in a month. With his eyes locked on mine and his skin just beneath my fingertips, I knew then, I would never be able to move on with anyone else and I would never be able to forget Harry or how he made me feel. He was my butterfly- my new beginning and I was an idiot to think I could let him go so easily.

He stared back into my eyes for only a moment before he broke our gaze and my contact as he shrugged my hand away.

"You need to go to San Francisco," he said, not even looking me in the eye.

My body shook from the cold and I barely managed to stutter a "W-what?"

"If I was the reason you stayed, you need to go. I can't even look at you anymore and I think we both know it's never going to work."

"Harry," I begged, trying to reach for his hand.

He pulled away and muttered a cruel "No." He took a step back and ran his hands through his wet hair.

"I'm done, Cami. I can't keep doing this."

With that, he turned his back and left me frozen in place. I couldn't speak up, I couldn't even move. All I did was watch him return to Caleb's car and leave me in a place that I imagined hell would feel like. It was all over and no amount of explanation would take the look of pure disgust off of his face.

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