I.R.L. (A MrMitch361 Story)

By ClumsyBek

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"Hey guys it's me Apple! And welcome back to the Cube Smp! Now, as many of you know I can't go to Pax because... More

Chapter 1- recording
Chapter 2- check twitter
Chapter 3- team speak
chapter 4- traveling
chapter 5- meeting mrmitch
chapter 6- getting settled
chapter 7- hanging with the guys
chapter 8- crayons, lions, and hot sauce
chapter 9- wake up calls
chapter 10- phone calls and failed jokes
chapter 11- late night with mitch
chapter 12- breakfast
chapter 13- title names are hard
chapter 14- weird friends (5k :D)
chapter 15- awkward conversations
chapter 16- downtown
chapter 17- that was... interesting
chapter 18- confusion and walks
chapter 19- two AM and FIFA
chapter 20- Fourth of July
chapter 21- FIFA with the hockeyheads
chapter 22- I'm going to kill Brayden
chapter 23- homesickness and pool fun
chapter 24- Adventure
chapter 25- told you so
chapter 26- an awkward wake up call
10k reads and Q&A!
chapter 27- music festival
Q&A Answers!
chapter 28- pizza
chapter 29- hanging with the hockeyheads
chapter 30- teasing and streaming
chapter 31- 100,000 and midnight cities
chapter 32- plaques and bubble wrap
Chapter 34- home
Chapter 35- hello
Chapter 36- cubers and ubers
37- junk food and fries
A Conclusion of Sorts (an unofficial Chapter 38)

chapter 33- goodbye

558 18 21
By ClumsyBek

It was currently 1:35 am and I was sitting in the middle of the floor. Mitch had managed to make me postpone packing every time I had tried to do it, but since my flight was leaving in just a matter of hours, I decided that I really did need to pack. It was really depressing. As I folded my clothes and placed them somewhat neatly into my bag, the realization hit. After today, I'll be back home. No more vacation. No more Canada. No more hockey heads. Back to school. Back to work. Back to recording.

I walked to my desk and wrapped up my headphones, leaving out my laptop and its charger. I slipped my headphones into my dufflebag and took out my cell phone charger for the first time all summer. I plugged my phone in so it would be charged and I would be able to use it once I landed back home. I sat back down on the floor, folding all of my clothes. I packed everything except my clothes for tomorrow and my things I was putting in my carry on. I sighed as I zipped up my bag and placed it next to my desk. While I starred mindlessly at my duffle bag, a knock came from the door. I knew it was Mitch since he's the only other person in the house that would be awake.

"Come in." I spoke quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone else. Mitch opened the door and closed it behind him. "Hi." I offered him a small smile.

"Hi." He matched my smile. "So this is our last time bursting into each other's rooms during the middle of the night huh?" He asked trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, I guess so." I laughed a little as I thought back to the past three months. It seemed like every night one of us interrupted the other by just walking into their room and hanging out.

"Hey, I have something for you." Mitch sat down on the edge of the bed and I followed him. "I hope you don't mind, I didn't wrap it." He gave me a goofy smile as he reached in the pockets of his shorts. I gave him a confused look as he handed me his gift.

"A flash drive?" I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the silver USB drive in my hands.

"Yeah, it has everything that we did this summer on it. Well, almost everything. It has everything we recorded or took pictures of. Phone and camera." He explained. "Now you'll never forget your summer here." Mitch looked up and gave me a soft smile.

I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you. This has been the best summer ever."

"Hey, it's not over yet. We still got one more night." Mitch said as we broke away from the hug.

"What are you, what are you suggesting?" I asked slowly. Surely he didn't mean what I thought he meant.

"Oh god- no not that!" He flushed. "Gosh, why does everything I say turn into an innuendo?"

"Maybe it's because you still want to be a bad boy." I laughed.

"Shut up." He bumped my shoulder with his. "So what do you want to do on our last night?"

"I don't know, you pick." I shrugged

"How about we do what we do every other night?" Mitch suggested

"So, talk? Sounds good to me. You can get the lights this time." I stuck my tongue out at Mitch. He sighed as he got up and turned off the light. I handed him my glasses, which he out on the desk next to his glasses as we both sat on the bed. Mitch and I leaned into each other as he wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and sighed.

"Brayden and Ryan are both coming to the airport with us tomorrow." Mitch said out of the blue. "So they can say goodbye to you in person."

"That's good." I said half heartily

"I wish you were going to pax with us. Or that you were done with school. Then you wouldn't have to go back." Mitch sighed

"You would want me to stay in Canada?" I asked in shock

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"I just thought you'd be sick of me, you know, after being in the same house as me for three months." I smiled at him

"I don't think I could ever get sick of you." Mitch spoke softly as he rearranged his position so he was more comfortable.

"Tomorrow's going to suck." I mumbled.


The next morning, there was a lot of tension in the air. Brayden and Ryan came by Mitch's house for breakfast- which I didn't eat very much of- before we left. I packed up the rest of my things like my laptop, charger, and anything else that was going in my backpack. I said goodbye and hugged Ella and Mitch's mom. It was kind of hard saying bye to Ella, she kept giving me puppy dog eyes. And next thing I knew, we were in Mitch's truck driving to the airport. Brayden and Ryan sat in the back, letting me have shotgun as Mitch drove. The radio was on, but no body seemed to want to talk.

Once we got to the airport, we hung out in the lobby for a bit. I didn't want to say goodbye just yet, so I waited as long as I could with the guys. We sat down in some of the chairs and suddenly we all wanted to talk.

"So, next year are you going to come back to us, or are we going to have to travel to America?" Brayden asked me as he smiled and stretched his arm so it was around my shoulder.

"I don't think that my mom will like having three guys that she doesn't know moving in for a good three months." I laughed

"Well, then you'll just have to come back next summer." Ryan smiled

"I guess i will then. First to Canada, then to college next year." I smiled, "You guys are gonna make me go broke." I laughed

"That's what streams will go for from now on: Bek's Canadian Summer Fundraiser." Brayden suggested with a laugh. Ryan and I followed suit and Mitch, who hsdntntalked much today, smiled.
I checked the time on my ipod and sighed. "I should probably go, I have to allow time for my bags and security. Until next time?" I looked up atnthe guys with sad eyes. Ryan was the first one forward, wrapping me in a hug thatbi returned.

"See you next summer squirt. I'll miss you, make good choices at home and study hard." He joked as he hugged me

I rolled my eyes- partially for effect, but mostly so I eouldnt start crying- "Yes dad." I laughed. After I let go of Ryan, it was Brayden's turn. "Come here you loser." I threw my arms around the boy who had been annoying me for the past three months, but i wouldn't have hadnit anyway.

As if he was reading my thoughts he replied, "Dont worry, just because you're in a different country doesnt mean im not going to pick on you and annoy you." We both laughed wuietly as we hugged. When we broke apart, my eyes met Mitch's. It was silent as we walked up to each other and wrapped our arms around eachother simultaneously.

"Mitch, thank you." I spoke in a low voice, willing myself not to cry. My arms were around his neck as his tightened around my waist.

"It was my plesure, I just can't believe it's been three months." He spoke quietly. We stood there for a while, saying our goodbyes in silence. We had spent so much time together we knew what eshither was saying with them having to say it.

Unwillingly, I broje apart our hug first. "Well, I should be going." I resched down to sling my backpack over one shoulder and grabbed my duffle bag with he other hand.

Mitch nodded and handed me my passport and ticket that he had been holding for me because Ryan didnt trust me with not loosing them. "Bye Applepie."

"Bye hockey head. That includes you two too." I sent a smike to Brayden and Ryan who was now hokding his phone. I raised my eyebrow at him but didn't say anyting. I looked st them one kast time before I walked away. I had to force myself not to look back, because I knew the moment I did, that my watery eyes would start crying and I couldn't handle the pain. "Goodbge Canada, thanks for the memories." I said to myself as I walked farther into the airport.

A/N: worry not dear reader, for this is not the end

(Sorry for the delay I had writters block and no time to write)
& even though bek isnt blonde, I had to use that picture bc the oose was just right and the sign says canada :p

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