Hetalia Ships/ Randomness [Co...

By MariikaDaly

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This will be all about hetalia ships,well, not really. There might be lemon, there might be not, so prepare f... More

Lithuania x Poland
Holy Rome
I don't know what to do with my life
Russia x Prussia
Germany x France
ummm [insert title]
Spamano, The After Battle
Important message
England x Japan (yet another ship that I don't know what's its name) PART 1
Egypt (the other Canada?)
Fem!Egypt x Greece
Spamano, The Tragic End
not really a chapter
Egypt reacting to some popular hetalia ships
Made in Bulgaria and Greece
England x Japan PART DUO
more of.......
Again with the ....
Sorry for the ....
England x Japan PART SAN(.....)
uhumm.... (sorry)
Fem!Egypt x Turkey (child Greece)......
Bulgaria reacting to some hetalia ships
opps , sorry...
opps, sorry again...
DenNor and Iceland. ..
New story...
Apology Part Infinity
Hey! Again with the dots...
Heheeh...*cries in a corner*
Greece x Bulgaria.
The British Are Coming...
Egypt and His Brothers
Babe England
I love you..
Advanced Gay...
He Came...
._.A Man and A Bitch Slap._.
Bulgaria 2
The Danish Slaughter House :')
T3T UsUk T3T
US x UK x Fr
US x UK x Fr II
.Taken Over.
.The Good Moment.
!Operation Invasion!
US x UK x Fr III
The tit....
.-.Appreciation .-.
US x UK x Fr IV
I has a question...
US x UK x Fr V
Letting Go
I love reading books!
The army
Deez nuts
UK x US x Fr VII
My Ship.
Ship ^2
;) The Booty is Granted :)
Hell, did you miss me?
Show me o.o
The land of...
Annoying Saudi Arabia
The chemists and biologists
US x UK x Fr IX
Headcanon looks
Shout out
United Arab Emirates
The good ol' days
Fr x UK X US X
Ramadan Kareem
Ramadan prayers
Egypt- A Strong and Wise Country
Ride me, bro
Side note
Just wanted to share
4th of July
Happy Eid to my Muslim readers
Pokemon Go!
You can skip this chapter if you want
I'm proud to have my first hater
Ancient Egypt's sister?
Eh..dots again..
Romano Spotted Again (This time in Italy)
BLEACH RANT/ something else
Author chan's face
Author chan's face 2
New Book
FrUkUs part I don't care anymore
Shall we date: Blood in Roses
<3 An unnecessary chapter
Request Chapter
My Child, Sina
Where the hell have you been?!
Egypt's shitty puns
Egypt's shitty jokes and puns 2
Egypt's shitty jokes and puns 3
Bulgaria and Romania
Marry Christmas and Happy new Year
Frukus Part (This is a side note if ya wanna know..or continue the story)
Sunshine β˜‰β˜‰πŸŒžπŸŒž
Flirting with Fem! Egypt
Flirting With Belarus
A/N: important
Lion King
Let's get a little "punny"
Ramadan Kareem
A Small Request
comeback...I guessπŸ˜‚
Been Called Worse
Any one Scared?
Find me
I wonder if it's Ukraine or Belarus
Aph characters as stuff I said at some point
Really Bad Dad Jokes
Really Bad Dad Jokes 2
The Dad Joke Gathering
Attack on Dad Jokes (yes again)
Milk (Iceland x Turkey)
The End
RIP Jonghyun
Back From The Dead Bitches


9K 91 125
By MariikaDaly

The day was dark and rainy when the old vampire looked out of his window just to find a young man standing in front of his mansion. He looked kind of pale and cold and had dark brown hair and grass green eyes. The man raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The vampire shivered at the sudden noise and walked down with annoyance to open the door. He reconsidered while holding the handle and then backed away and left the man to freeze at the cold outside, but returned when the knocking wouldn't stop. The vampire , Vladimir, opened the door and narrowed his eyes at the young man in front of him. He didn't seem to mind the vampire's red eyes, nor the fact that he was showing his fangs at him.

"Why do you come here?" Vladimir asked and didn't make way to the man to enter.

"Oh, I was looking for a place to stay, if you don't mind. I'm just a traveler." The man answered and gave him an awkward smile. Vladimir had no other choice but to let him in and show him to his room.

"What is your name?" asked the vampire. He always asked for his victims' name, and this man was for sure to be one of the vampire's favorite meals. He could just smell the man's sweet blood flowing through his veins.

"It's Georgi." He said with a smile while he was unpacking his stuff in the room he was given.

"Georgi, huh. There aren't many Romanians with that name."

"I'm Bulgarian." Said Georgi and laughed. At that moment, something in the Romanian heart started burning. He once knew a Bulgarian girl and he was in love with her, but he was out of control back then, he killed her, accidentally drinking all of her blood. She looked similar to this guy, but the man was more beautiful and charming than her, his blood smelled more tempting that hers.

The vampire left him in his room with a dark smirk on his face. The vampire planed a surprise for the Bulgarian, but he had to wait for midnight to come. Then he was at his most powerful state, the time when he felt blood sweeter and hotter. Vladimir sat on his chair in front of his huge clock , waiting for midnight to come with impatience.

Once the clock sang its song, striking midnight, Vladimir stood up and went up the stairs, where the Bulgarian was sleeping. He was sure to be quite or his guest would wake up, but he was too exited to drink his blood that it didn't matter any more when he was in the guest's room. He accidentally knocked something, but the sleeping man was still deep in his dreams. When the Romanian went closer, he saw that the man was sleeping without a shirt and all his muscles were exposed. Vladimir couldn't help it but blush and bite his lips.

He went closer and touched his chest. It was surprisingly soft, which made the vampire even more excited. He mounted the man and shoved his fangs into Georgi's neck. Both of them let out a faint moan and suddenly, Vladimir could feel the man's hand on his head, as if inviting him to drink more.

The blood of the man made the vampire excited, it was the sensation of finding one's soul mate. Vladimir finally found his soul mate, but he would never imagine it was this man. His blood was sweet like strawberries and it smelled like wild roses, it was divine.

"Please,... more!" The Bulgarian said between every deep breath and hugged the Romanian tightly. Vladimir could see that his guest was still sleeping , but his body was awake. The vampire sucked more blood, but stopped after a while when he was worried that the man's blood would finish. He removed his fangs and licked the markings that he had left. Vladimir looked at the man's face and planted a soft kiss on his lips, but suddenly he found himself underneath the Bulgarian being passionately kissed. "You're awesome." Said the Bulgarian.

"Well, tell that to Prussia." Whispered Vladimir and broke the kiss when he wanted to look at the now opened Bulgarian eyes.

"You know him?" Asked the Bulgarian with a confused expression.

"You know him too?"

"I'm a country." Said Vladimir's guest and a wild smirk appeared on his face. "You're a country too, aren't you?" He said and connected his lips with the Romanian. "What do you say we become one?" Said Bulgaria and raised his eyebrow.

"With pleasure." Romania was exited to be with his partner, becoming one. He undone his shirt and slowly removed Bulgaria's pants. The Bulgarian did the same and both of them were lost in sea of passion that filled the whole room, mansion even.

When Bulgaria entered Romania, he let out a moan and waited Romania to get used to his member before he stared moving again. Romania never knew this side of himself, for the first time he was the submissive one. He surrendered to the Bulgarian until both of them came, holding hands and kissing each other passionately.

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