Endless Love {3} | Justin Bie...

By iamnotlois

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Runaway Love Sequel. Endless love: To Infinity and Beyond. "Promise that you'll always love me and stay wit... More



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By iamnotlois



My own brother fucking kidnapped me and to add to it he looked like he was enjoying this. Daniel closed the door behind him and then he walked over to me. When he stood in front of me he went down so that he was in the same level as me. Daniel looked exactly like how I had last seen him around six months ago. The day I left Miami, I was already so mad at him and now that he was in front of me, I was even madder, like, he fucking kidnapped his own sister. That gave me every reason to be mad at him.

He grabbed my chin to move my head up a little. I moved my head so he was not touching me anymore. "You have changed so much," Daniel said softly and by the way he said it, I didn't know if he found it good or bad. Not that I cared anyways.

"Leave me alone, Daniel," I said, moving my head to the side so that I was not looking at him anymore. I didn't want to look at him because everytime I did, I was getting madder and madder by the second. It was just a matter of time before I completely snapped at him.

Daniel chuckled lightly and stood tall again. "I told you, I was going to come for you," he said to me and when I turned my head around to look at him he had a smirk on his lips. He was totally enjoying me being tied up in this damn chair. This was fucked up in so many ways.

"You left out the part where you were going to kidnap me. How could you?" I asked angrily and raised my voice a little. I seriously didn't understand why he had to do this when there were so many ways in this world to end and argument. This wasn't making anything better between us, everything just got worse. It made me a little bit sad inside to be honest because I was his little sister, I was supposed to feel protected by him and trust him but instead I felt helpless around him and I was scared of him because if he was capable to kidnap me what else could he possibly do to me?

"I could because I can," Daniel replied, the smirk on his lips widening. His minions or whatever you wanna call in it the background were chuckling lightly and I just rolled my eyes at them. Stupid idiots. "And because I don't want you around Justin," Daniel added and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes once again.

I knew that he didn't like the thought of me and Justin together but that he had to kidnap me because of it was complete and utter bullshit. It had been months, he needed to get over it.

"For fucks sake Daniel, why can't you just accept the fact that we love each other and that we want to be with each other," I snapped angrily. When it came to this subject Daniel was like a broken record, repeating himself over and over again and it was getting on my nerves. He was either going to accept it or he was going to shut up about it. "It's none of your goddamn business who I am seeing," I said, looking into his eyes and spitting out every word so he could understand my point. "I am old enough," I scoffed and rolled my eyes once again.

"Watch how you are talking to me," Daniel growled through gritted teeth and walked closer to me, grabbing my chin harshly. I looked into his eyes and all I could see was anger. I had seen Daniel angry but he was never angry at me. He just started getting mad at me since he started dating his russian girlfriend and since he knew about Justin and I but even then he was not as angry as he was right now. I knew that I was having a big mouth and I was risking a lot by being like this but I had nothing to lose right now.

"Or what Daniel? You already tied me up, are you going to put a bullet through my head or slap me next?" I tested. "Go for it," I shrugged but I looked away. I sounded confident on the outside but on the inside I was terrified. I knew that he was not going to kill me but it wouldn't be the first time he laid hand on me. I just hoped he wouldn't right now.

"Cassandra, calla-te!" Daniel spoke out angrily. He grabbed my chin tighter and turned my head so I would look at him again. He was doing that thing again, where he was speaking in spanish and speaking out my full name to let me know that he was really angry.

I should stay quiet right now, I thought to myself but knowing me, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"No," I retorted and this time I didn't look away from him. I knew that I was scared as fuck but I was not going to show him that. He was definitely going to use that against me if he knew so I kept my tough act up and he was totally buying it.

Daniel finally let go of my chin and then he stepped a few steps away from me. "This is exactly why I didn't want you around him. Now you think you're a bad bitch or something and cool but you are not," he said, after he looked me up and down in disgust and I had to make a double take at his words.

Did he just call me a bitch? He did just call me a bitch. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I was going to completely lash out on him. Nobody ever called me a bitch. Sure I could be a bitch sometimes but if I called myself a bitch it was certainly something different then if somebody else called me that. Especially my own brother. I tried to calm me down by taking a few more breaths and then I opened my eyes again and answered him.

"The way I am acting towards you has nothing to do with Justin," I said to him calmy. Justin never made me act a certain way and I didn't have to act differently around him to make him accept me. I could be myself around him and he loved me that way. "I am like this to you because you were treating me like shit, remember? You get what you give," I told him and shrugged my shoulders. I wanted to move my hands but I forgot that I couldn't do that and it was started to irritate me.

"You are starting to piss me off," Daniel said, running his fingers through his short hair in frustration.

"Good," I said. I smiled at him innocently and batted my eyelashes.

"Cassie," he warned angrily and came a step closer to me.

"That's my name, yes," I said to him, nodding my head in confirmation.

"Okay Cassie, listen here and listen good," Daniel said and walked over to me, bringing his face really close to mine. I guess someone didn't take my answers well. Oops. "You are going to stop disrespecting me like this right now and stop with the damn back talking, you get me?" he spat full of anger, making me flinch in my seat a little. Why was he talking to me about respect anyway when he was not respecting me, my wishes or my choices.

"Get me out of these ropes," I said to him, totally ignoring his statement. I wanted him to get me out of these ropes, they were bruising my wrist and totally hurting me. Besides, I didn't feel like being treated like some prisoner by my brother.

"You wish, little sis," he let out a laugh and then he backed off from me.

"Why would you do this to me?" I asked him after a few moments of silence between us. I knew that it was mostly because of Justin but I had a feeling that that was not the only reason why he wanted me to come back.

"Because you didn't listen," he answered me as he turned around to face me again after he had turned his back to me. "You should have just stayed in New York, go to college but instead you decided to run away with Justin and throw everything away," he elaborated and shook his head, not agreeing with my choices.

"Don't you see why I did that?" I asked him in total disbelief. He was stupid if he didn't know the real reason. "You are the reason why!" I yelled at him and took him by suprise. I didn't go on just yet because Daniel lifted his hand as a sign for his minions to leave the room. He most likely knew that shit was about to get personal right now. I wished he had let the others inside though so they could hear everything he had done to me. After they all had walked out, Daniel turned to me and that was my cue to continue.

"All of the sudden you changed and made me feel like shit literally. You weren't talking to me anymore, you didn't want to do something with me anymore. I was only relevant when you wanted to yell at me yet again. You made me feel like I didn't exist. Like I wasn't your little sister anymore," I ranted and by the time I finished my last sentence my voice was in a whisper. I felt the tears at the corners of my eyes but I didn't want to show my weakness and tried not to let them fall. It just made me sad to think about all the times he had made me feel bad and about all the times I had cried myself to sleep because of him, knowing that things between us would never be the same if we went on like that.

"Then you go through my personal stuff and decide which college I should go to. You made me move to aunt Maria and you knew how fucking badly I hated that place and you always respected that I didn't want to go there and then you just make me go and when I was there I never heard from you again," I continued to rant, the sadness from earlier disappearing a little and being replaced with madness because of what he had done to me. Daniel just started at me with his mouth open a little and his hands in the pocket of his jeans. He was looking for words to say to me but when nothing came out, he licked his lips and closed them again.

"When Justin came to me and asked me to go with him, of course I went because I was unhappy and at a place I didn't want to be. Everything was better with him and the gang but you took that away from me," I carried on, remembering the day Justin had come to see me after three months and got me out my aunt's house. Don't get me wrong, I had gotten better with my aunt and I appreciated her kidness but her house was just not my home and I was glad I could get out of there. "You always tend to do that, take away what makes me happy," I said to him and my rant came to an end. I hoped that he now understood why exactly I had gotten away from everything.

Silence overhelmed us. I didn't say anything because I had said everything I wanted to say and there was nothing left anymore. Daniel on the other hand looked like he was still on the search for the right words to say. I was convinced that he had realized that what he had done and what he was doing now was completely wrong.

"I only wanted what's best for you," Daniel said after clearing his throat. His eyes didn't meet mine though, he was looking down on his feet and that was the reason why I couldn't take what he said serious.

"No you didn't," I spat and that made him look at me again, his eyebrows furrowed. "If you wanted that, you wouldn't have made me go to New York and you would have let me be happy with Justin," I said to him. The best for me was definitely not making me go through everything he put me through. The best for me was just accepting my decision. Than we wouldn't be in this mess at least.

"What he did was fucking betrayal, going at my sister behind my damn back," he spat slightly angry and then he shook his head and turned away from.

I was trying to understand how and why he saw what Justin did as betrayal. Okay we had been sneaking around in the beginning and that was not right and I admit that but other than that we did nothing bad. It's not like we wanted to keep that a secret forever, we were just waiting for the right moment to let him know. Justin fell in love me, just like I fell in love with him. Was that so wrong?

"We wanted to tell you but we didn't know how," I told him and sighed right after. I had never expected this situation to turn out like this. If I had known I would have told Justin that we should talk to Daniel first but then again I was old enough to have a relationship without my brother's approval.

This was so frustrating.

Justin was good for me and I wished my brother could see that but he was blinded by all the hate he had for our relationship. He knew Justin better than anyone, he would know that Justin would never have bad intentions for me.

"No, you should have told me right away," Daniel said and pointed at me with his finger.

"Would that have changed a thing?" I asked him and raised my brow, already knowing the answer to this question.

"Actually, yes," Daniel replied, nodding his head and folding his arms in front of his body.

"Daniel, I," I began but I stopped when I realized what he said. That was definitely not the answer I expected to hear. "I wanted to tell, I always told you everythimg Daniel, you are my brother and I love you, you know that. We never had secrets from each other but I was just scared this time. You always said how much you didn't want us to be together and that stopped me. I was scared," I said to him, trying to make my point clear to him again. I couldn't believe myself that I just told him I loved him but he was my brother after all and there was always going to be a little of love for him in my heart.

"And exactly that's why you should have just stayed away from him and look for some other boy," Daniel replied with a shrug and I wanted to hit his head, seriously.

"You don't get it," I said to him, rolling my eyes. This was so pointless, no matter how many times I would tell him my point he would just not understand. He really didn't care about how I was feeling about this situation, all he cared about was that Justin and I weren't together. Bad for him because I was never going to break up with the love of my life because he didn't approve. "How long are you going to keep me in here?" I asked him and changed to subject of our conversation with that question.

"As long as I want to," he responded, a smirk playing on his lips. There he was again. Bad boy Daniel, who liked to treat his sister like shit and didn't care about how his sister was feeling at the moment. And here I thought we were slowly going somewhere; looks like I thought wrong.

"Do you like doing me like this Daniel?Treating me like shit?" I asked him as I tilted my head to the side and raised my eyebrow waiting for him to answer me. Daniel, however, didn't answer me. He just looked at me annoyed and rolled his eyes and then he turned away from me and walked towards the door. "Justin will come after me. He will find me," I yelled after him and that made him stop in his tracks and turn around.

"For that he has to come all the way to Miami first and deal with me," Daniel chuckled and directed his fingers to himself. I furrowed my brows in confusion at his words.

Wait, did I hear my brother right? Did he just say Miami? As in Miami, Florida? But that was not possible because before I blacked out I was in Los Angeles and that was exactly ... shit I didn't even know how long that was ago. I felt so lost right now.

"When did we get here and how long have I been unconcious?" I wanted to know. It couldn't be that long right? I mean, I would have noticed something.

"You have been unconcious for 48 hours. My men took you here after they took you from the port," he let me know and my eyes widened in shock.

48 hours? I couldn't believe that I had been out for that long. I wondered what his men had given me to make me pass out for this long and how Daniel could allow them drug me or whatever they did to me.

To add to it I was in Miami now, far far away from Los Angeles and from Justin and I was certain that he didn't know that I was here at this moment.

"I can't believe you did this," I said to him, shaking my head in disbelief and Daniel just shrugged is shoulders. He didn't care at all. "How did you know I was going to the port?" I asked him. Daniel couldn't know that I was going to find out that my money as missing at that time and he also couldn't know that I was going to be there, so how did he found out? Deep down I was wishing I had never left the house.

"It was your money that was missing right? So I knew that someone would come. If you weren't there, I would have let my men follow whoever came to bring them to you to take you," he said to me and smirked evilly. I squinted my eyes, slowly getting angry at him by the second. Was it really so important to him to kidnap me? "See I always have a way to get you. It was just a matter of time," he added.

"You are fucked up you know that right?" I blurted out and I knew that these words shouldn't have left my mouth because it would make Daniel mad but honestly, I didn't care.

The smirk on Daniel's face vanished and his face expression changed completely. "What did I tell you about disrespecting me Cassie?" he spat angrily and I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him. Not again.

"You don't respect me so I won't respect you either," I answered him and shrugged. I always used to respect him and my parents taught me to respect Daniel no matter what and I did all these years but right now I couldn't care less because he wasn't respecting me. He stopped a long time ago when he started invading my privacy, taking decision for me, laying hand on me (even if it was just once) and calling me names.

"I'm your big brother," he retorded and I scoffed in response and shook my head after. I didn't see how that supposed to change anything right now.

"Are you? I keep forgetting that sometimes," I said back in a sassy tone and then I looked away from him.

"Cassandra, no voy acceptar que hablas de este modo conmigo," he said to me still angry, telling me that he won't accept that I talk to him like that.

"Solo porque has eso Boss position no te da el derecho de hablar asi conmigo," I replied and rolled my eyes for the hundredth time today after I said to him that just because he had this boss position it didn't give him the right to talk to me like he did.

"Maybe I should tape that mouth of yours," he said to me a lot calmer now and that surprised me because I thought he was going to be angry at me all the time. I was even about to tell him to do something against his anger issues but I held my tongue on this one.

"Maybe I should kick your ass but we don't always get what we want right?" I said, sighing and pouting my lip. Daniel stared at me for a few seconds and then he started laughing.

"You make me laugh. We both you wouldn't be able to do that," Daniel said to me after he was finished with laughing at me because of my statement, which was not funny at all.

"Try me," I said to him confidenly. This was a good opportunity because a) I would get out of these ropes and b) I would actually be able to kick his ass and get out if this hell hole. Daniel didn't know that I was trained to fight and that was an advantage.

"Maybe some other time sis," he laughed and then he turned around. I frowned because my plan just went down the drain and because he was about to leave the room and leave me here alone.

"Where are you going?" I yelled after him. "Untie me." I shouted but he continued walking and opened the door.

"You wish Cassie," he chuckled.

"Are you honestly going to let me sit here in this fucking chair? You know I'm human right? I have to eat and drink water and I have to go to the toilet and take showers," I said and that made him stop. I let out a sigh of relief.

Daniel called one of his guys called Sam and when he came inside he spoke to him. "Knock her out. We're taking her to another place but I don't want her to know where we are exactly going," he said and then they left the room.

My heart dropped because I had no idea what they were going to do to me. A few minutes later Sam came back and he was holding a cloth in his hands. "Go away," I said but he just chuckled and approched me. He walked behind me and tried to put the cloth on my mouth but I turned my head on time. "No stop," I screamed and moved my head around so he wouldn't succed. Sam was stronger than me obviously because he didn't have this hands tied up so at some point he held my head in place with one hand and with the other he put the cloth on my mouth.

I held my breath and tried not to breath in whatever substance was on it but after some seconds I was in need for air so I had no other option but to breath in. I didn't feel any effects first but then my eyelids got heavier and my movements started slowing down and I knew I was close to passing out. Before I blacked out I had one last thought.

Justin please help me.



Hello, my friendssss. How are y'all doing on this beautiful day?

I have never really done author's note in my last books but I really wanna do it in this book to somewhat communicate with you guys.

So this is the first chapter of the third and last book of the Secret Love Series. I'm really excited to share all the ideas if have for this book with you and I hope that you are going to like the way this book will turn out.

If you liked this chapter please vote and leave some comments; just let me know what you think. I appreciate it a lot. If you have any questions just message me.

So I don't wanna drag this out too long. Thank you so much for reading and have a lovely Monday xx

Love, Loïs ❤️

twitter: arisjendall
insta: loism_

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