You, Me & 'Charlie'

By EllieP13

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"You can tell things are bad when you're kinda in love with your best friend. Then you realise it's even wors... More

You, Me & 'Charlie'
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 2
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 3
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 4
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 5
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 6
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 7
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 8
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 9
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 10
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 11
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 12
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 13
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 14
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 15
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 16
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 17
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 18
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 19
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 20
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 21
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 22
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 23
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 25
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 26
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 27
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 28
You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 29

You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 24

96 3 3
By EllieP13

Chapter 24

“Look Mummy, look! I got a chocolate present!” Ethan cooed as he held the chocolate up for my mum to see.

“Great sweetie! What did you get Zach?” mum asked as she finished packing the lunches.

“A robin.” my brother replied, calmer and less excited at the prospect of chocolate this early in the morning.

“Sweet.” my mum smiled. “Right then. That’s all done. Have you opened your advent calendar Tabby?” my mum grinned at me.

“I’ll do it after school.” I smiled back.

It was December 1st, Christmas was literally around the corner, and the chocolate advent calendars were out. I felt happier now that I knew the school term was nearly over. These past few weeks had been stressful and forgettable. So forgettable in fact, I hadn’t even told Paloma about my chat with mum. I sighed out loud as I thought about that again.

“Well, I’ll see you later.” I said bye to my mum. I grimaced at the cold weather. I wished it would snow soon.

I decided to send a text to Paloma so we could properly talk.

‘Need to talk to you @ lunch, it’s important, should have told you a couple of weeks ago.x’

I knew she’d be annoyed with me, but how could I have spoken to her properly? She was out with Max, I was out with Jake, and we were both out together. There had never really been a proper time. I just hoped she’d remember this and not be such a ratty chihuahua when I got to school.


“So, how’s your boyfriend?” I asked casually.

“Cut to the chase Tabby, what was the important thing you wanted to tell me? I know you should have told me at that sleepover you threw, but seriously, I’m not going to bite your head off.” Paloma said as we sat in science.

It was another cover, thankfully, so we were free to talk and casually do the work.

“Well, I kinda told mum about how worried I was about Bree.” I admitted.

Paloma nodded. “Ok, and what did she say?” she asked.

“She said maybe she was doing the drugs because she didn’t want to talk about it to her mum.”

“Her mum’s never really there though, is she? That’s probably the problem.” Paloma said matter of factly.

“That’s what my mum said, and she wasn’t over her dad yet either.”

“No. God, I bet she was so cut up about that. Her mum seems to just brush it off like it’s nothing.” Paloma said.

I nodded. “I know. My mum said if worse comes to worse, we should talk to Mrs Turner, or my mum offered to do it for us.”

“Sounds good. How about tomorrow?” she suggested.

I thought for a moment. “As long as you’re not out with Max.” I grinned.

Paloma rolled her eyes. “Please Tabby.” she said, nudging me in the ribs. “He’s kinda my boyfriend, y’know. I had to put up with you and Jake, blech.” she grimaced.

I laughed. “He’s just ‘kinda’ your boyfriend? And I had to put up with you getting hyper about us. So shhh! Does Max know he’s only just ‘kinda’ your boyfriend then?” I said.

“Oh shut up Tabby! It feels weird saying I have a boyfriend, my dad pokes fun at me all the time about it because him and Max’s dad go golfing or whatever, apparently they’ve planned the wedding and everything!”

I snorted.

Paloma simply glared at me. “Seriously Tabby. My dad asked Max what we were going to call out first born son for crying out loud!”

“What are you going to call your first born son then?” I snickered.

Paloma slapped me on the arm.

I laughed, and then cut short. Paloma gave me a look. “What’s up?” she asked, suddenly worried.

“I have to tell you something else.”

“Go on.” she pressed.

“At the Halloween party, Calvin had a stand off with Bree. He was threatening her and stuff. I was so scared, but Jake sorted it out. It really shook her up.”

Paloma was all wide-eyed shock. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?! Are you alright?! Where was I when this happened?!” her questions were coming pretty fast.

I smirked then. “Yes, I’m fine, can’t you see? Bree seems ok, but she’s still funny. Where were you, oh sat on Max and checking out the inside of his mouth.” I laughed louder then.

Paloma just gave me a wide-eyed stare. “SHUT UP TABBY!” she shouted. The teacher taking our class looked up, her eyebrow raised.

“Sorry Miss, I can’t help it if my friends wind me up and distract me from my work.” Paloma said.

She seemed convinced though, and went back to her emails.

“You’re lucky you got out of that.” I giggled.

“Yeah, I am, no thanks to you.” her fingers twitched.

“Oooh, gonna slap me again?” I teased.

“No actually, a punch would have been more appropriate for this circumstance.” she replied, a wicked grin on her face.


I told Jake exactly what I’d told Paloma too, apart from the part about the party, he’d obviously been there for that.

“Really? I have to go and talk to her too?” he asked.

“Not necessarily. I just wanted to let you guys know, in case she banned us from ever setting foot near Bree again or something.” I shrugged.

“It might be best to leave Jake out of it, he’s a guy, remember? No worries, no emotions and definitely no ‘womanly chats’.” Paloma said, tucking into her bagel this lunchtime.

“Yeah, well, I have other things to do, don’t I? Including going on these double dates with you, chicken.” he grinned at her.

She frowned. “Well, he’s older than me, I feel, um, small?” she tried making up an excuse.

“He’s the same age as Jake you idiot!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, well, still. It’s all new and it was less awkward when I was ever so slightly pissed.” she stated matter of factly, folding her arms over her chest.

Jake coughed, clearly trying to stifle a laugh. “Yeah, well. Next date, down the pub I think huh?”

“Just shut up Jake, please. I don’t have to drink to go out with Max.” she said.

“I guess you liked me enough when you were sober then?” Max said from behind us. Paloma jumped then turned red.

“Just take that as a yes, Max.” Jake laughed.

“Aw, nice to see you too, Paloma.” Max cooed, giving her a hug.

It may have been cold out here, and Paloma may have still been wearing a skirt in December, but the weather wasn’t going to help cool the intense heat radiating off her face at this precise moment in time.

“Go on Paloma, say hello to your darling boyfriend then.” Jake snickered over his pizza slice.

“Oh just shut the hell up Jake. I don’t want any crap from you. Not another word.” Paloma hissed through gritted teeth.

I laughed. Max raised an eyebrow. “Hey, have you noticed; they haven’t even kissed in front of us? You really think they’re an item? Her heart might not be in it if she’s sober Her HHHHHHHHHH” Jake whispered, loud enough for them both to hear.

Paloma looked shocked. “You actual DICKHEAD. Shut up with the idiotic comments, or so help me I will poke your eyes out with scissors in double art next!” she said, getting redder as she got angrier.

“Paloma, he was joking.” I said, trying to calm her. I’d seen he’d hit a nerve. Jake, always landing himself in it.

“I don’t care. I’m going.” she got up.

“Where?” I asked.

“As far away from that dick as possible.”

“Wait, Paloma. Don’t listen to him, eh? I know what he’s saying isn’t true.” Max said, suddenly grabbing her arm. He never did stuff like this, it was a first.

She gave him a surprised look, and then frowned. “No, I’m leaving. Bye Tabby.” she said, hiding her face in her fringe as she walked.

I turned to Jake. He had an anxious look on his face. “I can’t believe you just did that! You know how embarrassed she is about this!” I said, slapping him on the arm, though it wasn’t very hard, I was weak.

“I was only joking.” Jake said, looking down at his lap.

“Yeah, but it wasn’t funny for her.” I said. I didn’t want to be angry at him, but with everything else, this small argument seemed completely blown out of proportion.

“I’m gonna go find her.” Max said, getting up. “Uh, can you come with me?” he asked me awkwardly.

I nodded. “Sure, she’ll probably be in the loo. You sure you want to go and get her?”

He nodded. Wow, he was dedicated.

“I’ll see you later ok?” I said to Jake.

He shrugged. “Fine.” he mumbled.

“Look, don’t get all sulky with me. You caused this with your remarks and giant gob.” I laughed.

He cracked a smile. “Alright then. Do I get a kiss goodbye?” he looked up at me hopefully.

I rolled my eyes and went back over to him again.

“There, happy now?” I asked.

“Yeah.” he grinned.

We left him to it, he’d apologise later, and I’d make sure of it.

I led the way to Paloma’s favourite loos, science block, again.

“You really sure you want to go in?” I asked Max, surprised he’d even come after her, if I was being honest. He was a bit like Jake, not really the ‘let’s go see if she’s alright type’ as Paloma had pointed out a couple of months ago.

“Yeah, of course.” he gulped a little.

I grinned. “Have fun in there then. You’ll find our loos are much cleaner than yours.” I said.

“Er, thanks.” he answered. He was readying himself to go in.

“Don’t make me push you.” I threatened playfully.

“Just keep a look out, ok? I’ll never live this down if the guys find out I’ve been in the girls’ toilets.” he laughed slightly, and then stopped. “Alright. I’m going in. Wish me luck.” he said.

“Good Luck.” I smiled. He pushed the door cautiously and went inside.

Wow, he really was seriously dedicated. I was impressed.

I decided not to wait. If a teacher came past, they’d surely find out there was a teenage boy in the girls’ loo anyway, but I didn’t want to get told off too.

I yawned and headed for the double doors at the end of the corridor. I decided to go and find Jake and see if he was still sitting alone.

I had just pushed the first set of double doors when I saw Bree.

“Hey!” I called, up ahead, my walk turning into a jog.

She hadn’t heard me. I tried to catch her up, but I could see she was on the phone to someone. I stopped and gulped. There was no point in talking to her anymore.

I decided then and there I had to speak to her mum, tomorrow for sure.

I couldn’t put it off any longer, if I did, I could lose Bree for good.

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