You Again (Bruno MarsFF) ON H...

By simple_misfit

16.4K 523 62

I remember....I remember how he was my friend.When everyone else bullied me and made tremble and cry, he was... More

You Again (Bruno Mars FF)
Chp.8 1/2 (FILLER)
chp. 14
the Real chp.14


1K 45 0
By simple_misfit


"Hey there Rosie, how you doing?" I said as my dog licked my face. She's a yorkie. She's also a rescue, she used to be all alone in the streets of LA, so sad. It can put you to tears. Haha

She just barked and ran out the room.

I guess its time to get in the shower. Got alot to do today.

I jump in the shower and lather my body with a strawberry sented soap. (sponsered by AVON™ jk)

I get out the shower and wrap my body with my hello kitty towel

Hey, I may be 27, but Im still a kid a heart. Wait...IM 27! IM SO OLD! I can feel the renckles coming now! But, anyway...

I throw my hair into a messy bun and walk out the bathroom.

I pull out a leather jacket (small on) black shirt, and blue stretchy pants. I throw it on and put on some black boots. Now I'm ready to take on my day! Wait no, still need my glasses! No wonder everything looked blury...

I put them on and I notice my high school picture. It was such I fail. I broke out again and my glasses were still broke from when that boy and I was in the nurses office. What was his name again? Bob....Roger...Peter yeah, Peter Hermandez. Well now hes 'Bruno Mars' and stuff. But to me he's still the same old photoshopped boy.. Memory time over. I have a photoshoot to get to. Without me there wont be any photos! And no Im not a model, Im a photographer.

I loved taking pictures since I was like 8. My dad- okay seriously I need to stop daydreaming. Off to work!

I run down stairs and almost trip down them...

I jumped into the car and drove off. I wonder who it is this time. They usally tell me but this time they said they wanted it to be a surprise. Kinda weird if you ask me.....;.

After a five minute drive I finally get there and park my car.

"Huryy up! He just got here!' yelled Kayla, my aprentice. Yes I have an aperentice. She always wanted to be a photographist and she thought this was the only way to learn. Wise girl to be 19.

"So who is the guy?" I asked her. She just squeled and jumped up and down. Apperently it has to be One Direction. touch crowd...

"I cant tell you, its a surprise!" she squeled again. Ugh, why cant anyone tell me...

We walk into the building and I saw a guy with sunglasses and a fedora sitting in a chair....





Ugh what is that?



I got up and looked around to see what that was. I was my phone vibrating. I grab it and picked up the phone without looking at the caller lD.


"DUDE! GET UP! YOU HAVE A PHOTOSHOOT IN LIKE 20 MINUTES!" yelled the voice of Phil before it hung up. What time is it? 8:33...CRAP! I over slept! Partied a little too hard this time...

Still a little hungover I jump into the shower and lather my body. (sponsored by AXE® haha)

I jump out and throw on a white shirt and a blazer and jeans. I put on my fedora and shoes anf leave my house. I see Phil sitting in a car, he looks alittle hungover. I jump into the car and we drive off.

After 3 minutes we finally get there. I step into the building to be immeadiatley be attacked people. "Go get changed, the photographer will be here in just a few moments. Im her aprentace, Kayla. So you can ask me anything." a girl that looked like she was 19 or 20. Wait..why is she an aprentiace?

I get ready really fast and walk out. "This may seem awkward but...can I have an autograph?" the girl asked as she pulled out a picture of me. I smiled and signed it. She thanked me and ran out. I was then thrown into a chair and someone put on some sunglasses for me. "Now, the photographer is here. Finally, we can get started." a lady with pink hair said. I looked over and saw a beautiful with glasses and a camera. Is she the photographer? Kayla brought her over to me and she smiled. That smile seems familiar...

"Hi, I'm Natalie. I'll be your photographer for to day. I hope you enjoy my time. Shall we get started?" she stuck her hand out and I grabbed it. We started to run and then she stopped at a door. She still had tight grip on my hand. This all seems too familiar. But where from...

She open the door and it was just a whiteroom. No furniture, just white walls.

"Now, go stand over there." she pointed to the wall and I walked over there and leaned aganist it. I heard a snap sound and looker over at Natalie giggling. "What was that for?" I asked. "Oh I didnt mean to, it ended up a good picture though." she showed me and it was really good. "Now time for a real picture." she said as I posed. She didnt take a picture. She put the camera down and looked at me. "What?" I asked

"There's no personality in the picture. Come on, I know you. Youre a fun guy, so be fun! Wait..stay here I'll back!" she smiled before she left. She seems so familiar. Wait...glasses, fun personality..REBECCA! How could I forget about my little Rebbeca..Wait she said her name was Natalie.Only one way to find out...

She came back with the band and some silly string cans. I already know what she's up to. She tossed everyone 2 cans and kept 2 for herself, she tossed the rest in the corner.

"So everyone, you should already know what's going on. Okay... 1..2..3 SPRAY!" Immediatley everyone started spraying and Natalie started taking pictures. Then after a few minutes she joined in. We kept spraying intill we all got tired and the cans ran out.

"Ugh, so tired, but so fun.." Phil said as he sprayed his empty can. He got up a left and so did the rest of band.This is my chance..

"So why did you change your name again Rebbecca?" I said.

"Oh well that's easy, I- remebered..." she looked down at her camera.

"Now why do you think l would forget about my little Jennifer." I joked. She smiled and turned red. We always called each other our middle names. It was an us thing. She used to always smile whenever I did.

"I would never forget the day we met. Still cant belive we got detetion over 'sexual content'." she laughed. I laughed too.

We sat the for about 20 minutes getting to know each other intill we traded numbers and went home.



It took me a day to write this so if it was poo...oh well =P lol

Now plez do me a favor and







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