Be mine?

By SMChick

23.9K 2.1K 584

It's Sangs first Valentine's Day. Which of the guys will be her first valentine? Will she be able to choose... More

Family Meeting?
The Start
Chocolates Chocolates Every where
The Briefing
Mr. Griffin
It's morning!
Sugar For My Sugar
Tough love
The Walk
Mr. Hendricks
Breaking Barriers
The Scene
Accidental Love
The set up
Thank You Princess
Falling for You
And So It Begins
Girls Night In
THE Talk
The Appointment
Happy Fun Time
A Good Night
Awkward Morning
Way Too Happy Shower Fun Time
Awkward Moments and Whispered Truths

Upside Down

794 78 28
By SMChick

A/n: sorry about the wait guys it took me a while to get this all together I hope you enjoy!
Btw the picture above I found online and though it was so appropriate.

~~~~~~~~~~Sang's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

          Entering the girls locker room Karen and I can no longer hold back our laughter. We are doubled over holding our stomachs.

"Oh my goodness! Gabe's face was priceless! You could have sworn you died the way he reacted when you fell!" Karen says between gasps for air.
"I can't believe we pulled that off!" I exclaimed as I begin to change out of my uniform.


           I get a text message, glancing at my phone I see its from My Meanie. Hoping nothing is wrong I check the message.

Meanie: Hurry and get your pretty ass out hear trouble I have to go with Kota so I can get you settled and over to Erica. Mr. B called all us guys for a fucking meeting.

         Giggling at his reaction to the meeting I can only imagine what he will say when everything is out in the open. My meanie certainly had a way with words.
          Out of the corner of my eye I notice that Karen has stopped what she's doing and is staring me. I can't read the look on her face. I'm trying to figure it out when I realize I'm standing here in nothing but my gym shorts and a bra. Blushing profusely I rush to finish changing and that seems to snap her out of her stupor.
          I'm done in record time and I tell Karen goodbye as I rush out the door and practically run into Nathan's broad chest.

"Woah there Peanut! Where's the fire?" He asks me chuckling, never once moving me away from him.
"Meanie said we have to hurry I'm going to Erica's while you all have your meeting." I reply.

          Just as I finish replying Meanie comes from behind me and immediately begins to hurry us along. Getting to Kota's car I'm practically bouncing in excitement. But looking at the boys faces they all seem down. Oh no this won't do. My boys can't be sad it's Valentine's Day!
          I skip away from Nathan and Gabriel only coming to a stop when I reach Kota standing at the hood of his car leaning with his arms crossed. I think I may have actually swooned a little. He's absolutely devastating...all my boys are.

"Come on 52! I have a date tonight! ......with your mom." I add giggling at my own joke.
"You leaving without saying goodbye cupcake? I'm hurt!" Luke says coming up to us as he pretends to be stabbed in the chest.

          As all the boy gather I hug them all and say my goodbyes. That seems to help them all perk up a bit but I can tell they still aren't happy. Hmmmm, curiouser and curiouser. Kota gets into the drivers seat as Nathan opens the passenger door for me. Once I'm in he and Gabe hop in the back seat.
          It's surprisingly a quiet ride to my house where I was only asked once by Kota if I had any homework. To which I could proudly answer that I did not. There take that my little sexy drill sergeant! Oh goodness did I just think that?

~~~~~~~~~~Kota's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

          The whole day I haven't been able to get this morning out of my head. I could barely focus in class, a rarity for me. My last class had dismissed early so I lean on the hood of my car reminiscing as I wait for my dear perfect 10. Then it hits me that soon I'm going to have to leave her with my mother during our family meeting.
It's not right she should be there. There really shouldn't even be a meeting! It's Valentine's Day I had made plans to make the day Extra special. It upsets me and makes me think about what this meeting could possibly be for.
She must have noticed my mood because she tries to make a joke. It's adorable really, even though I almost had a heart attack when she said she had a date. Oh man wait she's staying with my mom! This is going to be bad really bad......

~~~~~~~~~~Gabriel's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

The only sounds in the car as we drive to Troubles house is the radio and Kota asking her if she has homework. Seriously dude?! Ugh sometimes I wonder if he has a single chill bone in his fucking body. She tells him no that she doesn't and its so damn cute because she seems so proud to tell him that. Man I love this girl.
I'll admit it, I'm not the only mother fucker pouting in this car. I can't believe that dipshit Mr. B. Called a fucking meeting today of all days! As if that wasn't bad enough the asshole then makes it a rule that we aren't to give her any presents today.
Way to blow our shit man! I look over at Nate and see that he is staring at Trouble. I bet he's thinking the same thing I am. Fuck it, at least I'm getting a bit of time with her to get her ready to go to Erica. Pulling into her driveway I jump out of the car before Kota even puts it in park so I can open her door for her.

"Ok Trouble we don't have much time so you have five minutes to shower while I pack your stuff for tonight. Any longer and I'm coming in and spanking your pretty ass got it?" I say as I practically drag her into the house.
"Yes Meanie." she giggles.

          I shoo her up the stairs leaving the guys outside waiting for us.  As I climb up the stairs behind her I can't keep myself from staring at her luscious ass. As we reach the bathroom door I remind her once again that I'm going to go pack her things and not to wash her hair.
          She enters and I turn to go pack her things leaving the door to her room wide open so that I can hear her if she needs me. So sue me I can be fucking overprotective too! That's when I hear music start up in the bathroom. It's a catchy melody with mainly just guitar and a little bit of drums.
          It's kind of odd. I've never known Trouble to put music on while she's in the shower. I find myself bobbing to the intro when I hear the most gorgeous sound I think I've ever heard in my fucking 16 years of living. It's a voice and it's so melodic.
          The dynamics and pitch are absolutely perfect for the song. It's almost like an exact echo to the singer. Wait! NO FUCKING WAY IS THAT TROUBLE??? I run to the door of the bathroom and just barely stop myself before I knock the goddamned door of its hinges. Holy Fuck my Trouble can sing!?!?

~~~~~~~~~~Sang's POV:~~~~~~~~~~

          I walk into the bathroom and as I undress I have a burst of inspiration. Waiting till I hear Meanie walk away from the door I walk over to the stereo I knew I had in the bathroom but never really used much. I know just the perfect way to tell my Meanie how I feel.
          Not wanting to waste time so we don't get interrupted or in trouble I start the bath and begin to sing the song. I'm not the best singer since my step monster made me drink the vinegar but I do okay. I hear him run back to the door and stop and I know he's listening.

"You have flipped my view
Yeah, I'm not used to these changes
All these brand new feelings I can't explain,
But somehow I like it,
And if I, find out
That you feel the same way
As I do, I will love you
As soon as I can stand up straight, ohh
You've got me walking sideways
Spinning all around
Dizzy because you flipped my world
Upside down,
Upside down
I've been so confused
I wouldn't normally fall for someone quite like you,
I'm tripping over my own thoughts
But (MEANIE) I really like you a lot,
(I wonder if you feel the same)
If you feel the same way
(I wouldn't know just what to do)
Cause I can't even stand up straight

Can somebody tell me why I feel this way
24/7 you're always on my brain
I can't really put my finger on it but
(You got me so twisted)

I've had crushes before, but it's not the same
Something different about you, I can't explain
Baby you're making me insane
(You got me so twisted)"

          By the time the song ends I'm just wrapping a towel around my body when I hear a loud banging on the door. Teehee my meanie heard the whole thing, I wonder if he noticed where I slipped in his name. Before I could think anything else I hear a muttered apology and the door swings wide open slamming the door into the opposite wall.
          When he spots me he just stops. He doesn't budge and inch. I'm so glad I brought my bag into the bathroom with me this is the perfect moment. As he stares breathing hard, I don't even think he blinks as I make sure the towel is secure and go over to the stereo and turn it off.
          Turning back to him his expression seems to change slightly, I can see the insecurity sneaking into his eyes. No now none of that Meanie.

"Meanie?" I ask carefully.
"Since when the FUCK could you sing??? My god Trouble that was fucking amazing!" He rants as he storms up to me pulling me into a hug.
"I'm so glad you liked it Meanie because I meant every word." I giggle and I feel him stiffen at my words.
"Trouble?" He mumbles as he slowly moves back to look into my eyes.
"Gabriel Coleman don't you dare get all insecure Ron me right now because I am so deeply in love with you. I have been working on that song for a while just waiting for the right time to sing it to you. Ever since you came into my life like a whirlwind I haven't been able to allow my heart to regain its footing. You make me feel beautiful and wanted for the first time in my sixteen years. Listen closely to those lyrics Gabriel because it's true. I. Love. You." I say in my best stern voice.

          He sputters for a few minutes before he crushes me to his chest lifting me off the ground. I love every second of it but there's more.

"Meanie? I have something for you its in my back pack." I murmur into his neck unwilling to let him go.

          I feel the air shift as he walks over to where my bag lays by the counter. Setting me to sit on the counter he bends down. He glances at me as if asking for permission before he opens it. Inside my bag he sees a bright orange paper box. It has a gold ribbon tying it together. Pulling it gently out of the bag he comes back up to face me.

"Oh open it Meanie!" I giggle.

          He wastes no time in removing the ribbon and tearing into the box. When he sees its contents he stops dead and gasps. I'll admit his was the most complex to make and it ended up a bit bigger then the others. I first used milk chocolate to mold an easel and then took some whit chocolate to mold the canvas to rest on it.
           Attaching the multiple pieces was a pain in my rump but his reaction is so worth it all. Attached to the canvas is a tiny paint brush that I molded out of orange dyed white chocolate. The way it's attached creates the illusion that it's painting on its own. On the canvas I carefully used food dye to write: G + S 4 Ever, in a heart.
          He quickly places it gently on top to the paper and puts it on my bag so it's out of the way. Before I can even register what he is up to he stands and crushes his lips to mine with such force that I almost fall off the counter. To keep me from falling he hugs me moving his right hand to twine into my hair.
          It's so intense and as I'm not sure what to do I just press my lips back to his and melt at his touch. We stay like this until I hear a bang and rushing footsteps. We pull apart panting for breath.

"Fuck those motherfuckers are impatient! Shit damn the present was perfect Trouble just amazing I..."
"Gabe?! Sang!? What's taking so long?" He's interrupted by Kota calling from the steps down the hall.
"Just a fucking sec Kota! Perfection takes time!" He calls in a huff.
"Ummmm.... meanie?" I say to regain his attention.
"What is it Trouble?"
"I think I can't go out in this towel......I need some clothes." I mutter blushing scarlet.
"Shit! Fuck I forgot! Damnit you stay here I'll be back." He instructs as he walks out the door muttering to himself.

          I giggle like a mad woman at his antics. It wasn't my first kiss, but it WAS my first kiss with my Meanie. I couldn't ask for more it was perfect. But I can tell that he held back...why?


A/n: okay! I know I don't normally do authors notes at the end of the chapter but I really hope you all like it and don't forget to comment and vote! Constructive criticism is indeed welcome.
Oh! And before my sleep deprived brain forgets! For those who aren't already familiar with the song Sang is singing here it's Upside Down by Tori Kelly. I encourage everyone to look it up and listen to it as it was the inspiration for this chapter.
Ok loves I'm out! More to come soon! X3

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