Come What May (Klaine fanfic)

By Chalice-Lynne

271K 7K 6.6K

Imagine your soul mate's name is 'tatted' in black on your arm at birth.Imagine, when you meet them it turns... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45 (final chapter)

Chapter 38

4.5K 108 66
By Chalice-Lynne



Waking up in the love of my life's arms and in our own place has placed me on top of the world.

Kurt was softly snoring away under my head. It was a sound that I could listen to forever. I rolled over on my side and wrapped my leg and arm around him and clung to him for dear life.

Instinctively he clung back to me. It felt so good to be in his protective hold.

My phone began ringing but I was too comfortable to move so I just let it ring. I could honestly care less who was calling me now because my world was laying next to me. It rung again and this tine I answered.

I looked at the ID and it said 'Evil Tween Chipmunk' what the hell does he want at 7:12. Oh shit we have to get ready for school.

"What do you want?" I said when I answered the phone.

"Whoa, I can't get a proper phone greeting?" he asked with a small chuckle.

"Not for the boy who tried to blind me, so again what do you want?" pure hate was in my voice.

"I bet you look sexy right now. Okay I was calling because I really want to meet that boy you and Kurt were talking about," his voice was serious.

"And why would we do that?" I asked. I was really curious to know what he was going to say.

"Because you want me out of your hair," he said simply.

"I could have gotten you out of my hair when you slushied me. I'm not doing a damn thing for you."

"I heard that you and Lady Gay Face are living with the very bully that put him in the hospital, but you won't help me? Hypocrite!" he scoffed.

"That's completely different Sabastain. Look I have to get ready for school, I'll talk this over with Kurt and see what he say. I might call you back." and with that I hung up.

"Who was that and what do we need to talk over?" Kurt asked running his fingers through my hair.

"Sebastian, he wants to finally meet Dave," I said, rolling my eyes.

"He done lost his damn mind. Why does he think we would agree to this?" he asked.

"He somehow found out that we were rooming with the bully that hospitalized you, so I guess he figures if we can forgive Dave, then we can forgive him," I sighed.

"Hm, I think we should sit down and talk, because he wants to be in your life any way he can," he said.

"Really? That's not like you at all," I said, sitting up in the bed to look at him.

He sat up too and began running his fingers up and down my arm. "Who are we to stop two soul mates from meeting? I just want to sit down with him and ask him why he hates me so, that's it. Call him back and tell him to meet us at the Lima Bean around four, and no funny business or he will see the wrath of one Kurt Hummel."

I looked at him with a proud, yet confused, look before I answered. "Alright, but know this, he's not coming in here."

"You damn skippy he's not. Now lay on your stomach so I can do your back real quick," he said, pushing me down.

"You gone stop abusing Kurt Hummel," I joked, falling forward on the bed.

"Or what Mr. Blaine Anderson?" he asked jokingly.

I got up and tackled him down on the floor. "Or this."

He smiled and kissed me but I didn't kiss back. "No kissing when we are fighting," I said pinning his arms around himself. He looked at me like he was thoroughly enjoying himself, which I knew he was.

He broke free of my hold, stood up and threw me on the bed. I looked at him in mock horror as he slowly approached me.

I moved around the bed away from him, and out of nowhere I jumped on him again and we crashed to the floor with a big thud and lots of laughter.

"I let you do that," he said between laughs.

I just smiled at him and kissed him.

"Okay, do my back so we can go," I said getting up off the floor.

I helped Kurt up and lightly pushed him in the bathroom. I flopped back on the bed and grabbed my phone to text the chipmunk.

Me: Kurt's on board, he wants to talk to you first.

I put the phone on the bed in front of me and waited for a reply. It didn't take long.

ETC: That's great! We can definitely talk!

Me: Um, ok. Meet us at the Lima Bean around 4. NO SLUSHIES!!!!!!

ETC: I promise no slushies!! I will be there! C u there :)

I threw the phone behind me just as Kurt was coming in the room carrying the Neosporin, tape, a spray bottle, towel and gauze.

"Why do you have a spray bottle and towel?"

"To get the tape off. It's gone hurt like a bitch without it," he said simply, climbing on my butt.

"Um ooookay," I said as he began spraying the water all over my back. "That is so cold babe."

He soaked all the gauze with the ice cold water and then began pulling the tape off. Even though they were wet, they still hurt really bad when he pulled them off. "Just rip them off."

"No, this is the last one," he said, his voice very steady.

He peeled the last 'bandage' of and began wiping my back with the towel. I've never been so relieved in my life when that towel touched my body.

"Okay, here comes the Neosporin," he said, rubbing his greasy hands on my back. He repeated the process that he did last night and when he was down I was off to get dressed for school.


School was very uneventful. Went to my boring classes, missed Kurt in the classes that we didn't have together (which were three out of the seven), went to glee club and now we're headed to the Lima Bean to meet the Evil Tween Chipmunk.

I'm hoping and praying that nothing goes horribly wrong today. I'm tired of fighting and I'm tired of going to the hospital. I want this meeting to be just as uneventful as school was.

I texted Sebastian as soon as we left school so he would be there on time.

Me: Hey, we're leaving school now, we'll be there in less than ten minutes

"We have to go pick up Dave from the house," I said, putting my phone on the charger.

"I know, that's where I'm headed honey," Kurt said sarcastically.

Since Dave's little 'accident' he has been doing his work online and via Skype. He has transferred to Dalton, but he doesn't want to start a new school in the middle of the year, but he technically is a Dalton boy. There are webcams in all the classrooms that he is registered in and he has to be present everyday at the time for each class. It has been working so far, and since because he transferred so late in the school year, he was moved back a grade. That sucks for him, but Dalton wants to ensure that he 'has the best education that Westerville can give.'

We arrived in front of our apartment and Dave was standing attentively in front. He hopped in the backseat and we were off to the Lima Bean!

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