
By drweirdhasthecure

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Sam, a normal...ish teenager is dragged head first into a world full of the supernatural after she is bitten... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 7

70 8 2
By drweirdhasthecure

Alert: kissing and fight scene within this chapter.

I lay in the cave, Wolfie was asleep in the far corner; the night was cloud filled and chilly, a bad omen. Howls sounded from outside the cave signalling that a pack had entered our territory. Wolfie jumped to his feet crouching, ready to attack. The wolves were closing in surrounding us. Growls sounded throughout the night as my wolf prepared to fight. Stepping out of the cave I came face to face with a pure white wolf, He snarled baring his teeth. Wolfie came in front of me protectively pushing me away from the white wolf back towards the cave. Stay his voice growled in my mind, my wolf growled must fight, must protect territory over and over in my mind.

Wolfie and the white wolf circled each other sizing up before lunging and stepping back into their earlier dance they both waited for the other to slip up, Wolfie stumbled, whitie took the opportunity to attack when his guard was down however, Wolfie's stumble was a trick to get Whitie closer and he easily attacked the wolf who thought that he had the upper hand. Wolfie snapped at his front right legs snapping it easily, yelping whitie backed away.

They continued to circle each other Whitie limping as he went. Come on Wolfie you can do this... Looking up I noticed a really big red wolf walking towards us, he looked at me intensely as if he was trying to figure out something, I could sense other wolves coming at me from either side, standing up from my sitting position I quickly evaded the wolves that were trying to block my escape.

As a human I was already a really fast runner, which gave me a big advantage while in wolf form. I could probably be on the track team if I wasn't so clumsy but as a wolf with my senses heightened I was no longer clumsy.

Although these wolves were more experienced than I was, I was more Agile their large forms were somewhat intimidating but it also slowed them down. Wolfie what's happening? Why are they trying to corner me? A few seconds passed as if he was contemplating the best way to answer. It's because they want to kill me and make you a part of their pack. We can't let that happen! I answered trying to sound tough. Definitely not. He responded a smile in his voice. Looking over at Wolfie I realized that he had the white wolf by the neck, Wolfie growled as the white wolf tried to escape.

The white wolf knowing that he had lost rolled onto his back in a form of submission showing that Wolfie was the dominant wolf. All the wolves turned leaving the woods, howls could be heard as they communicated with their Alpha. Wolfie let go of the white wolf who limped away into the woods. Wolfie eyes never left the wolf until he was out of sight. Are you ok? he asked Turning to face me. Yes, I'm fine I heard him sigh. Good. He said as he walked back towards the cave.

Walking into the cave I lay down to sleep, I could feel his eyes on me but i had no idea what he was thinking. I was starting to really like Wolfie and wanted to meet him as a human. I couldn't help wondering if we would be friends as we drifted off to sleep. Just before I went under I heard a voice in my head Yes we would be. I was unsure if I had imagined it but I was too tired to think and soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

* * * * * *

I woke in the early morning to the chirping of a bird, looking around I noticed that Wolfie was already gone. That damn Wolf always disappears on me... stretching I stood up I was supposed to be meeting Emmett this morning for a study period.

Our tests started next week. It took me an hour to walk to Emmett's house from the woods, when I knocked on the door it was answered within two minutes.

Emmett stood there in front of my looking as if he had been ready for hours; his hair was already perfect in the windswept style, although he was still in his pyjamas. Hahahahahaha his pyjamas are so adorable!

"Why such a 'tough' guy wearing duckling pj's?" I asked smiling

"What? I like ducks." laughing I stepped inside.

"I'll be back in a second" he said before walking upstairs. Walking into his dining room I sat down at the dinner table pulling out my study notes I read over what I would be studying with Emmett.

Turning around I saw Emmett walking towards me skinny jeans and a tight V-neck shirt replaced his duckie pyjamas. Emmett sat next to me looking over my notes.

As I read Emmett's notes I couldn't help but notice that he kept glancing at me. I wonder what's up... do I have something on my face. I thought reaching up to touch my face, my eyes met Emmett's and before I knew it his lips were on mine, gentle at first, but then the intensity of the kiss grew as his hand balled up in my hair. I moaned into his lips as he continued to kiss me passionately. I pushed away to catch my breath

"I'm sorry" He mumbled.

"I don't know what came over me."

"I just thought that if I kissed you, you would understand how I feel about you..." Stupid hot boys and their weird logic. Emmett looked much younger as he expressed his feelings. He looks so embarrassed; too bad he isn't in his duck pyjamas anymore. That would've been freakin' adorable! Yep I agree... great once again I talk to myself instead of conversing like a normal human... whatever it's not like I could ever be normal even if I tried.

I could tell my cheeks were red in colour, deepening by the minute.

The rest of the study time went by awkwardly, Emmett still occasionally glanced at me but most of my attention was in pretending to study and occasional glances at the clock, why do I have this stupid urge to look at the time ever five minutes!

After our time was up I headed home to have a shower and change before school, as usual I walked to school with Dani what wasn't as usual was when I headed over to Dani's Emmett was already there. That's strange... he usually prefers walking to school by himself.

"Hey Em, Whatsup?" I called as I walked across the road

"Look I'm sorry about the kiss... it won't happen again" what if I want it to happen again? Want what to happen? Wolfie asked. Oh hey Wolfie; sometimes I forget you can hear all my thoughts. It must be funny listening to all my one sided conversations... Wolfie chuckled. I try not to listen but it's quite hard especially when you're arguing with yourself, you're a weird one. He said a smile evident in his tone. Me? Weird? I should get off my unicorn and slap you! You take that back right now Wolf-boy. Wolfie erupted in laughter you're only digging that hole deeper and deeper. Dani walked down the path way towards us.

"Guys... what's going on? You two look like you're having a psychic showdown"

"Ummm..." I said blinking coming back from out of space.

"What did you say? Oh never mind lets go."

"Your lack of attention when your head is in the clouds is impressive" Dani said rolling her eyes as I stuck my tongue out at her.

* * * * * *

Dean avoided me all throughout school, not that I was complaining it was actually a relief to not to have to worry about him.

He dumped Anna on their two month anniversary, which surprised no one. My last class of the day was History in which Dean didn't say a word to everybody's relief.

Mr. Groner was very happy to actually be able to teach our class for the first time in the two years that we had been here. All the notes that I needed were complete so now all I needed to do was study. The bell rang on time which was amazing considering it has been at least five minutes late for this whole year.

Dani stood outside my classroom door waiting for me to finish packing my bag so that we could walk home together.

* * * * * *

The woods were alive with an array of various noises, as I approached the noises died down. Wandering through the tangle of trees I could sense that Wolfie was not here. Maybe he decided not to come tonight. I thought as I continued to search for my Alpha. I made my way over to a glade full of luscious grasses and brightly coloured flowers with the sweetest scents I had ever smelt, I saw a girl walking on one side of the glade, she had pale skin and thick wavy brown hair, it took me a little while to realize that I knew this girl, it was Dahlia. I sat watching her walk slowly, she seemed completely normal. What is she doing? She shouldn't be out here alone, not with the other pack on the loose. Dahlia turned walking across the glade towards me; her eyes were a fiery red that burned straight to my soul. What is with those creepy eyes... She stopped where she stood, waiting. Another person walked out of the trees not too far from where I sat hidden from view. This man walked slowly towards Dahlia before lunging in to attack. I wanted to help but something held me back, Dahlia dodged easily tripping over the man who was attacking her. It wasn't long before she had him on the ground, pulling his head from his body and pouring a substance over it before she walked away. I had to hold in a gasp as one of my long-time friends killed someone before my eyes. What the... I thought perplexed. I felt Wolfie's presence in the woods, she is a vampire. He answered simply. Wait what?!

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