Mysterious ways

By you-make-me-wander

20.8K 707 624

Even if everything goes wrong, one day we'll find each other under the stars and know that we are right where... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17

Chapter 16

1.2K 22 37
By you-make-me-wander

Their lips move unhurriedly, softly dancing against each other's like they're in a movie. Stiles breaks the kiss eventually, chuckling against the skin of Lydia's neck when his lips leave hers to pepper light pecks down her jaw to her collarbone.

"What's so funny?" She breathes out, tilting her head to the side enough to give Stiles better access.

The way the words come out of his mouth, hushed and murmured to her ear, make Lydia shiver. "You held your breath."

She hears the smile in his voice rather than sees it, and Lydia can't help but to break into a grin herself. Cradling his cheeks and making him face her again, Lydia holds his gaze, wetting her lips briefly before pulling them into a soft smile. "Now why wouldn't I?"

There's a sparkle in her eyes that he has never really seen before, not before they were better like they are now. He sees acceptance, peace, contentment, joy, adoration, love. Lydia is an open book to him now, and Stiles is sure he's looking back at her the exact same way.

Placing a quick peck on her lips, he turns his head in their cabin's direction. "Wanna head inside?" He asks mischievously, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Lydia laughs freely at that, nodding more eagerly than she can really be proud of, a smirk spreading across her lips in response. Stiles kisses it away.

He helps her up, and as soon as Lydia is on her feet her fingers lace behind his neck naturally, pulling him down to crash her lips against his again like she needs him to breathe. Stiles kisses her back just as enthusiastically, grinning into the kiss like a mad man.

And he is mad.

Madly in love with her.

Funnily enough, Lydia is mirroring him like she was born to do just that.

They stumble a bit on their way back to the cabin, a few miscalculated steps almost leading them to fall out of the dock and into the water, hands more busy with feeling each other up than helping the other keep their balance as they wander around.

When they reach the cabin, Stiles doesn't shy from the way he's feeling about her, his hands quickly moving from her waist to her thighs and then to her ass to pull her up. Lydia chuckles at the initiative, holding onto his shoulders as her legs wrap around his waist. She feels something deep inside her when he pins her against the wall ever so gently - something she hasn't felt before, not like this -, one of his hands still supporting her as the other cradles her cheek softly, his thumb grazing her lips.

And then he just stares.

He looks at Lydia like she's everything he's ever wanted, everything he's ever needed and then some, and Lydia can almost listen to her own heart beating erratically against her ribcage. She can feel the heat rush up to her cheeks and her neck. She's burning under his smitten gaze and he's not even really doing anything. She smiles almost shyly and Stiles blushes at that, at how he makes her feel because he can see how her chest is rising and falling unevenly, how her pupils dilated when he caressed her cheek and just glared intently at her. Though he had imagined this for years, he'd never really thought he'd see the day when Lydia Martin would be flustered because of him.

He moves so slowly that Lydia swears that time stops, her heart along with it. Stiles leans forward to capture her lips with his in a tender kiss, one that has Lydia reconsidering every single thing she has ever done in her life. Why exactly haven't they gotten together before? She cups his cheeks, and for a second she's back in the locker room with him, just them, on the day they first kissed. Because right now, she feels exactly like she did then. Their lips brush against each other's softly, Stiles getting just a little bit closer to Lydia as her hands fall to his neck, her fingernails lightly scraping his skin, their foreheads touching when they break the kiss.

There's this amity about this particular moment that neither can exactly explain, a rightness that they both feel for the first time, and so the next thing they know Stiles is walking them up to the bedroom as graciously as he can manage while still holding Lydia, not even tripping once (which in all honesty would be embarrassingly awful since he intends on having a perfect private time with his favorite banshee) even though he's nervous beyond belief.

It feels like it's the most natural thing they have done in years.

Stiles puts her back on her feet ever so gently by the bed in the middle of their bedroom. Their hands never leave the other, tugging at shirts, roaming around skin that they just need to get to know better, eyes locked in a breathtaking gaze. Stiles lowers his forehead to meet hers again, letting out a breath that brushes against Lydia's lips like a sin. She licks them absently, bumping her nose with his endearingly, a small smile appearing on both their faces when they start moving again.

The back of Stiles' knees hit the bed first and he sits on the mattress while Lydia makes her way to stand in between his legs. Memories of the strawberry blonde haired girl and himself in this exact same position so many weeks ago back in his bedroom flood his mind inevitably but he grins reassuringly, more to himself than to her. Things are so different from how they were then...

Lydia leans in to steal another kiss, something in the way he's looking at her – that and the warmth coming from his palms that are now on her waist pulling her to him - stirring turmoil in her lower belly that reminds her of her fears. Well, not fears. And it's not really hesitation either, just uncertainty at the unknown. And with that, Lydia is reminded of what she wants and of what she doesn't, and so she refrains from smashing their lips together right at the last moment.

Stiles' eyes widen, noticing how Lydia suddenly tensed a little and stood a littler straighter, but is still close to him and didn't break their gaze. His thumbs start to move in small circles on her skin almost automatically to soothe her. "What's wrong?"

She smiles sweetly, because leave it to Stiles Stilinski to think that something like this could be his fault. Though upon further thinking, it technically is. He's the one making her feel this way but it's not like either of them can help it. Nor would they want to. "Nothing's wrong." Lydia worries her lower lip, feeling more nervous than she's ever felt in these situations. "But I- I want to talk?" She frowns at her own question, then nods. "Yes, I want to talk. We need to talk. Can we talk?" She tilts her head at her own rambling.

To Stiles Lydia looks more confused than anything, maybe a little apprehensive so he finds her hands to hold in his, anxiety settling itself in him the same way, not really knowing what to expect. "That's never a good omen..." He mutters while raising an eyebrow, doubtful.

"It is this time, I think..." Stiles sits farther back on the bed and makes room for her to join him, but for now Lydia stays where she is. Still, aware of how this is probably making him feel, Lydia smiles wider in reassurance. "I promise."

Stiles relaxes visibly at her vow. If it's something that they've learned in the last few days that they had spent together is that they can trust each other implicitly. If it's a promise, it's a promise. Stiles crosses his legs under him, his hands finding support on the mattress on both his sides. "Okay." He nods. "What's up?" He asks her with a kind smile.

And just like that, her best friend is there and not her... Well, not boyfriend. Not exactly. Not yet. But it's comforting to know that Stiles can adjust to the situation so quickly. "Okay, so hmm..." How the hell is she gonna put this into words? Lydia blushes even before letting the question out. "You know what we're about to do, right?"

Stiles furrows his eyebrows. "What do you mean? Like, right now, right now?" He pats the mattress just beside him and Lydia nods in confirmation. Stiles notices how she's still worrying her lower lip, how her fingers are fidgeting nervously. "Well, we don't have to do anything if you don't-"

Lydia interrupts him, blurting out the sentence she's been thinking about for so many weeks now. "Stiles, I want to take it slow."

His mouth forms a perfect o before he can't stop himself. Stiles swallows dryly, ashamed that he'd even considered moving things forward with Lydia so quickly. They had never really gotten to talk about what had happened between them a few nights ago. "Okay. It's fine. That's fine. We can do that." Despite his words, doubt fills his mind. "In fact, I think right now it's a perfectly good time to watch Star Wars again. We can marathon it, like last time." They'd done that a few days go and Lydia had insisted on doing it again, excusing herself with wanting to point out inconsistent facts in the series instead of admitting that she just wanted to humor him. Stiles had considered it a treason bud had conceded. "After dinner?" He asks, already moving on the bed.

Lydia doesn't let him get up though, sitting beside him at the edge of the mattress. "No, Stiles. That's not what I meant." She tucks her hair behind her ears and purses her lips again. "Stiles, I-" She tries to think of better ways of saying it, of telling him what's on her mind and there probably are, but she can't really find one right now. "Stiles, I don't want to have sex with you."

"Oh?" He's sure he's blushing hard, but then again so is Lydia. "Okay, honestly? I was expecting a little make out right now and yes, maybe something more. I can't really lie here because you'd see right through me anyway, but it's fine if you don't want to, Lydia." Was it that bad the last time? "We can just stay in bed, you know? Like we've been doing lately."

Lydia shakes her head fiercely. "No, that's not..." She takes a deep breath. Get a grip, Lydia. "I meant right now. I don't want to have sex with you right now."

He ignores the pinch at his heart. "And that's okay, that's what I'm saying. If you're not ready, Lydia, we can wait." He gives her a small smile and then a peck on the cheek. "I'm sorry if I was implying anything, alright?"

Lydia's cheeks turn to a shameful shade of red at the innocent gesture. How can he not see how he makes her feel? "Stiles, I do want to have sex with you, okay?"

Stiles looks back at her with a very puzzled expression. "Hmm... Lyds, you're gonna have to elaborate on that. I'm not trying to be insensitive or anything, but I don't think I'm following. Actually, I'm pretty positive I'm not getting what you're trying to say, like at all."

How does Stiles always knows the right thing to say? Because Lydia can barely keep her train of thought right now. Her fingers are lightly tapping on her lap now, and she lowers her head to look at them and avoid his gaze.

Stiles is not having it. Placing his hand on her chin, he makes her face him. "Lydia, what is it? Talk to me, please."

His tone is low, almost a hum, and Lydia's heart beats a little faster. She shortens the distance between them to place a sweet kiss on his lips, then a quick peck. "I-" Her eyes shine like he doesn't witness often. There's something she's embarrassed about, maybe afraid of. It's worrying him. "I don't know how to say this." She confesses.

He caresses her cheeks. "Try. Please."

She takes a moment to gather her thoughts. "Do you know how you make me feel?"

Stiles' expression is blank. "What do you mean?"

Lydia finds one of his hands and places it just over her heart. Then she leans forward, kissing him more passionately this time. She makes sure to hold his hand in place as their lips part eagerly, heads tilting enough for tongues to meet freely, for the kiss to deepen as they want. When they part after a few seconds, Lydia is utterly breathless. "Did you get what I mean?"

He did, partly. "Yes." He noticed how her heart rate picked up easily because of him. "But..." He's not sure where she's going with this. "Lydia, that happens to me too. It's normal."

"It doesn't just happen when we kiss. It's when you're looking at me. Or- Or if you walk into a room or when I watch you fall asleep." She gestures as she talks, and Stiles has to refrain himself from commenting on how much she's acting like him as she continues. "When you kiss my hand or my cheek. Even if you're just babbling, I mean... And I'm sure my cheeks are pink all over right now, I can feel them burning. And you leave me breathless and give me all the air that I need at the same time. How does that even...?" She trails off, much to Stiles' amusement.

Is this it? Is Lydia Martin freaking out? Stiles almost gives in to a smirk, instead choosing to smile softly at her. "Lydia-"

"You know what? Don't answer that." She remarks quickly, determined to get to the point. "What I want to say is that I get it. Logically, I know that it happens because I'm in love with you, and the feeling is reciprocated." Stiles nods even though he doesn't have to. "The thing is..." Lydia inhales and exhales deeply once more, one of Stiles' hand moving to rest on her knee and squeezing it encouragingly. She remembers Allison's words so long ago. "The thing is that I never really had this before." Stiles gives her time to continue instead of interrupting. "With Aiden, it was nothing like that. At first it was just physical and then maybe it was turning into something more but it never really got anywhere. And everyone else in between was just a distraction, someone to pass the time. The only one I was even remotely close to having such a relationship with was..."

"Jackson." Stiles murmurs.

Lydia nods. "He was my first, you know? I think that's why I thought so much of it at the time. And now I look at you and you are as different from him as I am from the Lydia that he dated. Me and you, Stiles... Our connection is by far the healthiest I've ever had and look at how much shit we've gone through in just a couple of years. Me and you and me and Jackson, it's not even worthy the comparison. So the way I feel about you and the way you make me feel in return... It's somewhat new to me, Stiles, and then I find myself thinking..."

"About what?"

"I've been thinking about it a lot lately, about what I want and what I don't." She whispers. "Stiles, I do want to have sex with you. God, I'd kill for you to pin me against this mattress right now and fuck me." Lydia states bluntly. They both chuckle. "But then I remember why I don't."

"Okay." He shrugs his shoulders, nudging her softly to continue. "And why don't you?"

"Because I want get to know your body before we roll in the sheets for then minutes and-"

"Hey!" He pretends to be offended. "At least fifteen. Give me some credit."

She lets out a laugh and rolls her eyes playfully. "Moving on... I want to get to know your body a little better the same way I want you to know mine, even though I know you'll look at me like I'm some goddess sent to Earth like you sometimes do-"

"Which you are..." In his head, that's what she is. She's always been more to him.

"That terrifies me, did you know that? Because I know you'll look at me in a way that no one has before. And I'll be doing the same thing. I've never done that either."

"Lydia, if it makes you uncomfortable, we really don't have to do anything, okay?"

She shakes her head adamantly again, placing her hand on top of the one that Stiles has on her knee. "No. That's what I'm trying to say. I do want that. I want it so bad, Stiles. What I don't want is to rush it and we're done in half an hour and that's it. I don't want to have sex with you."

"Then what do you want?" Lydia laces their fingers together and looks as shy as he has ever seen her. That's when it hits him. "Oh." Stiles blushes. "You mean..."

Lydia nods, fiercely, biting her lower lip. "Yes, Stiles. I don't want to have sex with you. I want to make love to you." He can't really form words. "And I want you to make love to me. A first time is supposed to be special, right? I want it to be special."

"I thought..." Stiles looks at her apologetic. It had never really crossed his mind that she'd want it, not at first even if in his dreams it happened often. "I'm such an idiot. Not to underestimate you, but I thought you just wanted to have sex. For now, anyway." Stiles lets go of her hand to run his through his hair. "God, this is so embarrassing. I'm so sorry, Lydia."

To his relief, Lydia laughs.

She actually laughs at that. "I think I can understand why you did. I just- You're different, and I know that it will be different from everything I have ever done before. And I want that."

She smiles so genuinely at him that Stiles can't help but to grin. "While we're at it, can I uh... You know, confess something too?" When she nods, Stiles lets out his worries. "It scares me a little that you're way more experienced than I am. I'm afraid that I might do something you won't like or that I'll cross a line or that maybe I can't get you to-"

"Seriously?" Lydia grabs ahold of his hand again. "Stiles, we could have the worst sex of my life – and I'm pretty sure that we won't - and it would still be the best." When he looks at her a little skeptic, she concludes. "Because it's with you. Everything it's different with you. And I don't care that I sound like a hopeless romantic right now, but I want to make it as intimate as I can. I want to be able to just look at you and lay in bed naked for hours and talk until we fall asleep. And I want to memorize every single thing about you. I want to learn your body. I want to map everything with my sight before I do it with my hands. I'm not saying that I want everything before we give it a try, you know? We can make love, and then have sex and just get to know each other better along the way. Or maybe we do it the other way around, it doesn't matter that much as long as you want it too. I just thought you should know that." Lydia takes a deep breath. "I want you, Stiles. All of you. And I want you to know me the same way. I've never been that intimate with anyone."

Stiles wets his lips briefly, admiration making his eyes almost glow. "Me neither." He admits, to Lydia's surprise.

"Really?" She thought that he and Malia had been more intimate than they apparently were. It's a relief, if she's being honest with herself.

Stiles shakes his head. "Malia would just come in and it was straight to business, you know? And it's not like I was experienced to be teaching her myself, right? I thought we could try foreplay once. It didn't go very well. She preferred to just cut to the chase. I never really saw the point in trying to explain it to her again, let alone make love. And uh-" Dammit, he's so nervous he can feel his heartbeat in his ears. "She wasn't the one I really wanted to do it with anyway, so..."

Lydia blushes adorably, making Stiles smile. There's a moment of comfortable silence before Lydia murmurs sweetly. "Can our proper first time be with each other then, please?" She asks amused.

Stiles moves a little closer, a smirk spreading on his lips. "Are you begging?"

His voice sounded too enticing for Lydia to resist so she entwines her fingers behind his neck, pulling him to her. "I just might be."

Stiles chuckles. "I thought you didn't want sex." He teases.

"Oh, I do. I want the full experience." She grins. "Think you can you handle that?"

Stiles beams. "I'm sure we'll manage."


For the moment being, they end up just making out before heading downstairs for dinner.

After eating, they settle on the sofa to watch TV curled up on one another and teasing ensues for the rest of the afternoon and the beginning of the night. By the time they go to bed it's almost midnight, and the last thing they are is sleepy. As soon as they step into the bedroom again, everything is automatic. Anticipation overcomes them and the tension is almost palpable.

Stiles walks her back to the bed slowly, giving her enough time to change her mind if this is something that she wouldn't want to do right now. Lydia just pulls him along with her, both falling on the bed ungraciously. Lydia chuckles to dissipate her anxiety and Stiles does the same thing because it's funny; neither had ever thought they'd be exactly where they are now.

Stiles grabs the hem of his t-shirt but before pulling it off he warns her, trying to remain serious. "Okay, so you should know that I'm ticklish. And I think you're aware that I don't have a six pack or am incredibly fit so, you know..."

Lydia bites on her lower lip before answering. "I know that I couldn't stop thinking about your arms and your hands, and that was before seeing you at the lake. Now I can't stop thinking about your shoulders and your back too." Lydia tells him honestly with a grin. "I'm a little ticklish too. And don't forget that I have scars on my left flank." Lydia shrugs her shoulders. "Who am I to judge?""

Stiles smiles blushing and concedes. It's a fair point. "Okay, then." He mutters, taking off the offending piece of fabric. They hadn't changed clothes since they came back from the dock so Stiles is only left with his blue shorts. He lies back on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows to let Lydia do whatever she sees fit.

She takes it as an invitation to explore; she's lost count to how many months have passed in which she had wanted to do just this, so her excitement and curiosity are noticeable. Stiles thinks it's adorable.

Lydia moves on the bed to sit beside him, taking her time as her eyes scan every inch of skin in display before her fingertips do. Every mole is traced, along with his shoulder blades, his chest, his abdomen. She can feel his muscles tense at her touch. When she's satisfied, Lydia straddles him, sitting on his legs not to tease him too much just yet. Everything happens wordlessly like they're worshiping the other, and in truth, they are.

Stiles watches as her t-shirt - his, actually - is taken off as well and Lydia is left in her bikini. He also sees how she grabs the string of her bikini top behind her back and slowly unties it, and just as the fabric is about to leave her chest uncovered, his eyes find hers.

Lydia has never felt so cherished like in that moment. Any other would have been making a move by now, touching her in places that Stiles really hasn't yet, but not him. Stiles just looks at her, and before either can say anything and without breaking their gaze, he sits up; they're close enough that he's breathing the same air that she is.

Lydia senses his stiffness, how he seems to be reticent of putting his hands on her, so she does it for him. Lydia finds his hands and places them low on her waist, nodding so that he knows it's okay.

If for a split second Lydia was feeling shy of being almost completely naked in front of him, it vanishes when Stiles' thumbs start moving lazily on her skin to sooth her. He can tell she's nervous too. Lydia leans in slowly, foreheads touching and noses bumping endearingly and lips brushing softly for a few seconds before they give in to the kiss.

She gets lost in his eyes, molten gold staring back at her emerald ones. Lydia has never felt such reverence, never felt so loved in any other sexual encounter and she and Stiles haven't even started yet. But then again, this isn't just sex.

She places a chaste kiss on his lips, their eyes fluttering shut almost in synchrony as Lydia moves a bit closer to him, his hands moving to the small of her back of their own accord. It's a quick kiss, after which their foreheads stay glued together. Lydia smiles fondly, her fingertips tracing lines in between the moles on his cheeks, making Stiles blush.

"I like these."

Stiles kisses her wrist. "What?"

"Your moles. They're so... They're so distinctive, so you." She murmurs happily, distracted.

"Well, I love your freckles. I hadn't noticed them properly until a few days ago. They stand out more now that we've been on the lake so much. They're all over." He says, his fingers moving from her cheeks to her neck, her shoulders, her chest. His gaze doesn't linger on her breasts for long, afraid that she'll feel objectified.

"You can look." She states bluntly, another grin pulling at her lips. "If I get to stare at your chest, you should be able to do the same."

Stiles chooses to pepper kisses along her jaw instead, slowly moving to her neck. He can easily feel how fast her pulse is racing, Lydia now tugging softly at his hair without knowing exactly what to do with her hands. Stiles smiles to himself.

Lydia can feel his lips tilt up against her skin the tiniest bit when he does. Actually, his lips are all she can think about right now. That's a new one. He pulls at her hair lightly, strawberry blonde locks slipping between his fingers like silk making Lydia move even closer to him. The way Stiles groans lowly at that, utterly dazed at everything Lydia, leaves her light-headed. She tugs on his earlobe with her teeth like she needs to ground herself to him. He rewards her by sucking gently on her collarbone, then licking the spot to soothe her.

It's otherworldly, she thinks, that Stiles can get her worked up like this so effortlessly, but the matter of the fact is that something as simple as giving her a small hickey got Lydia biting back a moan, heat rushing through her body to settle on her lower belly like it belongs there. She can feel herself getting wet already. "Stiles?" She purrs in his ear and he feels intoxicated. The only sound he's able to let out as a response is a hum against her skin, and Lydia is left with nothing but sinful thoughts because of it. "Do that again." She hums, lips brushing softly against his ear.

It makes him shiver. Malia had never done that. Stiles moves up to her ear as well, his lips planting feather-like kisses on Lydia's sensitive skin. His voice comes out hoarse, doing nothing to ease that warm ache that just keeps growing inside her. "Oh, you wouldn't want to have it all now, would you?" The way he sucks on her earlobe makes Lydia bite down on her lip. Her nails rake across his shoulders. "I want to mark you when you're moaning my name."

Stiles is just as surprised as Lydia is at his murmured, gallant words, but he revels in the way her nipples harden instantly at that, feels them rather than sees them now that he and Lydia are finally chest to chest because she couldn't handle their little distance anymore. Stiles brings his face to hers again, his thumb releasing her lower lip from her teeth to replace them with his own as he bites down on it playfully before kissing her more heatedly than before. His hands find her waist once more only to slowly move up her flanks, his fingertips leaving a path of fire everywhere they touch.

Lydia curses; his deliberate movements knock the breath out of her easily and she's left almost panting. Stiles will be the end of her one day, she's sure of it. Giving into the kiss, she runs the tip of her tongue over his lips hungrily before he lets her in. For a moment, it's a battle for dominance; then his right hand squeezes her breast ever so softly and he draws his thumb over her nipple teasingly and Lydia knows, she is sure in her heart that she's lost. She's never going to win this game against him. No one has ever touched her so caringly like that.

She arches her back enough for him to part from her mouth again, this time to place open-mouthed kisses on her chest but before he does so, Stiles looks back up at her for confirmation. "How sensitive are you?" He asks plainly, his fingertips brushing teasingly on the underside of her breast. "I don't want to hurt you."

Lydia splays a hand across his chest and pushes him back onto the bed, leaning the tiniest bit in his direction and messing her hair before pulling it all to one side over her left shoulder. She's feeling too hot, sweaty already. "Honestly?"

He cocks an eyebrow, amused. "No. Lie to me." As playful punishment, Lydia grinds her hips against his, now definitely settling on top of him. He's already getting hard beneath her. The sound Stiles lets out is guttural and Lydia almost whimpers at that. "Ah, fuck." The amount of arousal that ran through his body because of that is unbelievable, even to such an attentive researcher as Stiles, who should know what to expect. "Don't do that, Lydia." He scolds, smiling good-naturedly.

Lydia leans down all the way now, until her body is completely pressed up against his, her lips ghosting too close to his own. "Why not?"

It's like he's melting and fighting for his sanity at the same time. How's he supposed to keep up with her if she keeps being enticing like this? "I'm not gonna last long if you keep doing that."

Lydia chuckles, placing a kiss on his jaw. Her hands map his chest, then his abdomen, moving lower until they find the waistband of his shorts. "And you think I will?" Lydia hooks her fingers under the fabric as Stiles grows harder. "Stiles, we've been bickering for months. I doubt either of us will last much."

He pulls her flush against him by the hips. Lydia gasps as he tries his best not to do the same thing, trying to prove a point. "Well, I'd like to make it last for as long as we can." Lydia sits back up again, hands still in place on his shorts, a finger brushing the sensitive skin of his navel along his happy trail. Her arms are drawn together just enough for her breasts to look bigger, fuller, and Stiles swallows dryly at the sight. Is she testing him? "Unless that's not what you want?" He asks, contemplative. "Because I'll do anything, Lydia." His hands fall to rest on her knees. "Just tell me what you want."

And isn't that what a girl wants to hear. Lydia huffs in understanding, trying to dissipate her nerves. It's going great so far. Why would she even be anxious? Her first time was years ago and yet she feels like a virgin, though a virgin that knows what to do. It's weird. "I want to not be in charge for once. I want the decisions to do whatever we feel like doing to come from the both of us. I want you, Stiles, and I want you to want me. That's it." She murmurs pragmatically, a timid – but nonetheless happy - smile making its way to her lips. "Simple as that."

Stiles grins. "Good, because I want you too so..."

Lydia smirks. Time to get the show on the road then. "Can I uh-" She looks down. "Can I take them off?"

Stiles blushes despite himself, his hands quickly running through his hair and then his face as he lets out a chuckle. "Oh god, this is just..." A dream. It's a dream. "Yes, of course."

Lydia does so eagerly, moving to kneel beside him on the bed and pull the shorts down his legs when Stiles lifts his hips a bit to help her. His erection springs free and Lydia licks her lips absently. She moves to straddle him again, desperate for friction but Stiles is sneakier, faster, and before she knows it he turns them around and Lydia is left lying down on the mattress with Stiles hovering above her. She looks down to where their bodies touch –– well, where they'll be touching soon enough – and finds herself staring, mostly out of amazement.

She's not sure how Stiles is doing it, holding it together – even though she can clearly see he's already half-hard -, but Lydia is about to combust and she's pretty sure she's drenched. Everything is too overwhelming and she's feeling hotter by the second.

Stiles watches her entertained, and when her eyes meet his after a few moments, he looks smug. "Like what you see?"

"I'm not rating you." She teases. "Now are you gonna undress me or what?"

Stiles groans, resuming to kneeling in between her legs. "Just so you know, if I pass out because I have Lydia Martin bare naked on a bed, it's your fault." He muses, hooking his fingers underneath the strings on each side of her hips.

"It wouldn't be the first time..."

Stiles stills completely, horrified at the memory. "Oh my god, you remember that?"

Lydia has to laugh at his shocked expression. "Of course I remember, Stiles. I know I'm pretty and I know that people think that I'm hot, but no one had ever fainted before. Only you." Stiles makes a face and Lydia just keeps laughing. "What? It's true."

"I can't believe I'm about to have sex with you." He remarks sarcastically and feigning annoyance, but a grin forms easily on his lips when her underwear is out of the way and Stiles Stilinski has indeed Lydia Martin bare naked on a bed. Lydia parts her legs for him provocatively and his dick twitches, but Stiles chooses to lie down beside her instead of on top of her for now. "And by the way, you are beautiful."

Lydia's eyes glow. "And so are you." And he is, perfect in all his imperfections much like her. She wonders if she could ever love him more.

Their lips find each other once again, then hands start moving while their mouths are busy. They get as close to the other as they can, still lying side by side, but before they do anything else Stiles asks again to make sure. Too much research has him a little apprehensive. "You didn't tell me how sensitive you are."

Lydia lets out a sigh. One of the disadvantages of having fuller breasts. "To be honest, everything was always too rushed, too rough. I find it it can be pleasurable but it can also be painful, and I don't like when it's painful." Lydia cups her breasts softly and Stiles bites down on his lower lip. "They'll ache for a couple of days and it's really uncomfortable for me to wear a bra afterwards. But that was before, and this is now. Maybe we should give it a try?" She can't imagine what it's like for women with larger breasts but she'll trust him, on this and everything else. Lydia is sure he would never hurt her on purpose, not unless she'd ask him to.

Stiles nods, placing a chaste kiss on her lips. "Not rough, not today."

She smiles at him fondly and he returns it wholeheartedly, and from then on everything is fluid, natural, and deliberately slow. They make out for as long as they've ever had with anyone, heated kisses mixed with hot touches and uneven breaths, their mouths only stopping to replace the other's lips with skin. Open-mouthed kisses are placed where they can get to but no bite marks, not just yet. The saltiness of the other's skin blends in with the desire they feel and eventually, when it's becoming hard to breathe and they need more, hands find private parts effortlessly, like they've done it a hundred times before.

Lydia strokes him slowly at the exact same rhythm he's massaging her clit, a synchrony that plays along with their racing hearts, their muffled moans, their hushed words. It's funny to Lydia because she had never thought she'd get so much pleasure just by masturbating, and Stiles is being adamant in not pushing any finger inside her just yet and she finds that she's okay with it. In the past, she'd probably be done by now and certainly less satisfied.

It's encouraging, empowering, knowing that she can rely on someone intimately like that. Somehow Stiles seems to know exactly what to do – she's guessing too much research and/or porn -, applying just the right pressure at her nub, from time to time running a finger or two up and down her slit to spread her wetness, teasing at her entrance to then just go back to torturing her clit once again.

If she feels herself getting just a little too worked up and to make sure that he's in the same place she is, Lydia will squeeze the head of his cock just right once, twice, three times before continuing stroking him gently again, enticing sounds from Stiles that she'll never stop wanting to hear. They actually keep it for far longer than either thought they would be able to, mostly out of getting distracted sometimes by just kissing and then having to work the other up again. But it's fun, and neither can say they've ever experienced something like this before.

Eventually things do turn heated enough for them to need even more and as soon as Stiles thinks about moving, Lydia's legs are already parting wider for him. They move like they're in sync. Stiles settles in between her legs, supporting himself on the mattress with his forearm, his other hand continuing applying pressure where Lydia most needs it. She lets go of his erection to pull Stiles down by the neck for another sweet, chaste kiss.

He smiles happily, leaving her mouth to pepper light kisses along her jaw. "How does it feel? You good?" He asks seductively, nibbling at her earlobe. His breathing is labored just like hers, now ghosting over the hot skin of her flushing neck and Lydia grins to herself. She has never felt this good with such slow, intimate sex, but then again she had never given it a try before.

Lydia places her lips on his collarbone, sucking on the skin lightly so that they're even, equally marked for now, before whispering. "Just perfect." Placing one hand on his chin, she makes him face her. Their gaze just adds fuel to the fire. "This is just p-"

She was wrong. She was so dead wrong.

Lydia wants to kill him and kiss him senseless at the same time because he chose that exact moment to push a finger in, then another right after, his knuckles doing indescribable things to how aroused she was already. Lydia moans loudly, then curses.

It provokes the smugger grin she has ever seen on his face.

"See what I did there?" Stiles says teasingly, letting out a very satisfied chuckle.

Lydia giggles, she can't help it. "God, I hate you so much."

Stiles laughs against the crook of her neck, placing a quick kiss there. "Tell that to your self-control. Seems like I have it." And in all honesty, he does.

He opens her up excruciatingly slow, adding a third finger when she tells him that he can do so, and Lydia finds herself incredibly relaxed under his touch. She can't remember a time when she'd been this wet, if she's being honest with herself, and when she's sure that she's just in the right place much like Stiles - whose erection has been mocking Lydia by just resting on her leg for a little while now as she kissed him for dear life -, her hands lost in his hair, Lydia stops his movements, blushing involuntarily. "Condom?"

Stiles licks his lips and nods. "Yeah. Wait, let me..." He sits back on his heels again, the warmth of the hand he splays on her stomach doing unspeakable things to her as he reaches for the bedside table where he'd put a few condoms days ago, for just in case. He takes out one, checking the expiration date like if he hadn't done that at least five times since he put them there, then opening the wrapper carefully.

Lydia watches delighted. He looks concentrated, determined not to make a mistake and she finds it endearing, respectful, and so she waits until he's ready. Stiles checks the correct side of the condom and strokes his dick a few times, and never has Lydia felt so turned on by looking at a guy doing the same thing.

Stiles chuckles when he finds her staring, her breath coming out in short puffs of hair, and blushes adorably under her lustful gaze. He rolls the condom down and settles between her legs again, letting out a shaky breath against her lips. Lydia nods in reassurance, pupils completely dilated much like his.

Kissing her lovingly, he pushes in.

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