Baby Dallas

By MainlyCam86

100K 1.7K 427

1 party 2 Drunk individuals One Night Stand 1 choice More

The Party
Questions And Answers
Going On Tour
Ready Or Not
I Think I Wanna Know You
Taking Austin
26mgmt Event
The Results
Rumor Has It
Secrets Revield
I still Get Jealous
Meet and Greet
Table Reading
2 Month's Pregnant
Ice cream Please! (5 month's pregnant )
Too Early
Dakota Alexandrea Dallas
Movie Day with Dakota
The Fight
Need A Break
1 Month Later
Unfortunate Misfortune
The Next Day
Slowly Letting Go
Baby Dallas 2

The Fam

2.4K 43 9
By MainlyCam86

Cameron's p.o.v

Okay Dad has officially checked out.
I don't care anymore.
I picked up The Fault In Our Stars and headed to the bathroom.
Once I shut the door behind me I felt a rush of peace run through my tired body. I slowly trudged my way to the toilet and just sat down, I didn't even have to go. I just sat there and eventually broke down in a prayer.

Dear God,
Thank you so much for this beautiful baby....but why?!
Why did she have to be the screamer???!!!
Was Paisley like this at six months old?
Is this some type of payback for my drunken day's? ?
Are you secrealy laughing at my struggle in life as I try to be the best father I can be?
Please help me god, I need your strength.
I can't do this on my own and neither can Paisley.

I ended my prayer and looked around the bathroom. It seemed as if the older she became the lazier we we became. There were dirty towls scatterd across the ground and empty tooth- AHHA!

The thought hit me like a train and relief washed over me as I rejoiced. Dakota was teething, and that's why recently she's been so cranky and restless. I quickly pulled out my phone and sent a text too Paisley.

*Babe pick up some teething tablets, Dakota's gonna need them.*

She replied with a simple okay and I was happy.
I walked out of the bathroom and slowly walked to Dakota's room. It was quite, so like any parent I looked over her crib and she was finally sleeping. God must've heared my cry for help.

I walked into the living room and fliped on the t.v.
1257 - Nothing

8745- nothing

9476- Nothing

Gosh, why do we have so many chanels if noyhing interesting ever comes on? I decided to settle with Netflix and watch the new season for Orange Is The New Black.
Obviously Donna didn't quite catch that.
(Authors Note: If you haven't seen That 70's Show I don't expect you to get that.)

After a few episodes Paisley finally returned home and a smile was plastered on her face.

"Hey babe, Guess what?!" She said enthusiasticly and I shrughed.
"What?" I asked and Paisley's eye's beemed with joy.

"My parents want us to come down for Thanksgiving!" She said causing me to go in shock. Her parents didn't even want to visit Paisley in the hospital but all of the sudden they want to be apart of Dakota's life?

"And you're okay with this?" I asked and she gave me a confused look.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She asked and I could tell she was oblivious to the obvious.

"Well, they didn't even want to come when kota was born. Why all of the sudden do they wanna see her now?" I say souding quite irritated. I paused my movie knowing that this conversation would be longer than I wanted it to be.

"Cameron, it's there grandchild too." she stated.

"Paisley do you remember what happened last time we saw them?" I asked.


Paisley and I walked up her parent's front porch steps hand in hand. The pure genuine smiles that were plastered on our faces showed how happy we were.
To say that I was a little nervous to meet Paisley's parent's was an understatement.
I was terrified.
Paisley sensed my emotions and she gave me a tight squeeze of the hand, immediately calming my nerves.
She was already showing but she didn't want to let the cat out of the bag instantly, so she decided on wearing my sweatshirt.
Paisley's knuckles knocked softly on the door but loud enough so somebody could hear. Secounds passed before a young man who looked around the same age as Paisley answered the door. She let go of my hand and wrapped the guy into a hug.

"Oh my god Carson! I've missed you so much!" She squealed and released from the hug. She smiled at me and cleared her throat.

"Cameron, this is my twin brother Carson, Carson, this is my boyfriend Cameron." When she said twin my mind started to Make comparisons almost immediately. They both had the same deep brow eyes and hair. There lips we're diffrent Paisley's were more plump to where as Carson's were smaller. They had ths same nose and the exact same freckles
On their cheeks as well. Carson stuck out his hand and smiled at me.
I placed my hand in his and returned the smile.

"Nice too meet you man." He said and I chuckled, I could tell he's already pretty chill. I hope the rest of the family is like this.

"Nice to meet ya to." He led us into the big house and it's pretty nice. The bamboo floors were a nice touch, it wrapped everything together. We finally reached the living room where her parent's were sitting, both on their phones. I glanced at Paisley and she rolled her eyes at the sight.

"Hey mom, Hey Dad." She said causing the older coupples attention to look at her in pure shock.

"Oh My God where the hell have you been?!" Her father said as they both came up to hug her. She smiled as she huhggdd back, but the smile dissapeared in seconds.

"I've been In LA.'' She replied. Her parent's looked baffled.

"LA?! What the hell is in LA that is more important than collage?!" He asked exasperated. I could tell Paisley was already done with this visit as she gave me pleeding eyes. I stood next to her awkwardly not knowing if I should say something or not.

"I've continued collage online Dad, and Why I've been in La is why I came to talk to you." The coupple gave eachother a worried glance and then sat down.

"Okay first off I would like you to meet someone. This, Is Cameron...Cameron Dallas. Now Cameron and I met a coupple month's back at kaitlyn's friend's party and instantly clicked. One thing led to the other and now..........I'm pregnant." Her parent's gasped as Carson's eyes lit up.

"YA! I'm Gonna be an Uncle!" He exclamied as he fist pumped the air. I chuckled and we fist bumped.

"Pregnant?! How could you be so irresponsible?
We always talked to you about safe sex! Do you know
What you just did?
You just threw you're life away, your future is ruined." Her mother and father yelled. It was a mess of words but my brain finally sorted it out. A tear ran down Paisley cheek and she whiped it away shaking her head.

"My future is not ruind because it just began.
I've meet the greatest guy in the world and now we are having a child together and I couldn't ask for anything better.
I knew coming here wpuld just start a fude, and I didn't want that. I was just going to keep it a secret from you until I had it but Cam insisted it was only fair."

"Get out of my house" her father said turning his head away from us. Paisley looked at me in disbelief but then grabed my hand. We greeted Carson goodbye then just like that, we were out the door.

End of Flashback.

" Well yeah, but they feel bad for it." I shook my head at her.

"Paisley your father can't even look me in the eye.'' She slumped her shoulders mand smacked her forehead.

"Oh my god!" She said and I sighed.

"What?" I quickly replied.

"I forgot I already told you're mom we would come over!" She stated. How did this girl possibly say yes to both and not even remember until it's all said and done?

"Why don't we have it here? Both set's can come and they can bring something if they want. " she smiled.

"That's a great idea baby!" She said while coming over to the couch. She sat ontop of me and bent down and kissed me. She looked at the t, v and gasped.

"You Asswipe! How many have you watched without me?!" I laughed at her ewmark.

"Like three, chill"

Authors Note
Hey my 86's!
So how are ya'll liking the book?
Comment below if you have and ideas you would like to contribute and don't forget to Vote :)

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