Forever Yours (Louis Tomlinso...

By Loubear96

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"I'm going to keep you, you'll be mine forever love." More

Chapter 1 Go right not left
Chapter 2 Not a nightmare
Chapter 3 Kat
Chapter 4 Get out
Chapter 5 Face reality
Chapter 7 Piss off
Chapter 8 Okay?
Chapter 9 Clean
Chapter 10 Don't you dare
Chapter 11 Why
Chapter 12 Gangster
Chapter 13 I'm clever
Chapter 14 Hunted
Chapter 15 Piano
Chapter 16 Be safe
Chapter 17 I'm not ticklish
Chapter 18 That is sick
Chapter 19 Something new
Chapter 20 Run
Author: I GIVE UP
Chapter 21 Revenge
Chapter 22 Planning
Chapter 23 Sorry
Chapter 24 Protection
Chapter 25 Let's do this
Chapter 26 Miss you
Chapter 27 Forever Yours

Chapter 6 Fight it

1.1K 38 4
By Loubear96

Chapter 6 Fight it

Kitten's POV:

I woke up as I felt the bed move beside me, not that I've slept too much tonight. Louis got out of the bed and walked in to the closet, I just lied completely still hoping he would leave me alone. He came out a couple of minutes later dressed in a dark gray suit with a dark gray shirt inside, then he walked in to the bathroom. I turned on my back and starred to the ceiling. I'm finding out where in the house this room is today, that is my only goal for the day. I heard the door open and saw Louis walking out with his hair pushed up and with a determination I must say scared me. He didn't even look my way when he exited the room. I pushed myself up so I was sitting up against the head board. I wonder why Louis always wear suits, like, does he go to an office, does he kill people in a suit, I don't get it. I moved around on the bed feeling how my ankle and ribs are doing. My ribs still hurt when I turn my body but my ankle is bearable. I pushed the covers aside with my legs and then I sat on the edge of the bed. I got up, I had to be careful so I won't loose my balance and fall on my hands. I walked over to the window closest to me and leaned against it. I was definitely in second floor if not third, I looked out over a pool area and behind that was some trees and bushes and behind there again was the fence. I think I'm on the opposite side of the house, and I don't think I've been near this part before, which means I have no idea how to get out if the chance comes. I leaned against the wall and then I slid down to the floor.


I was still sitting on the floor when Liam walked in the door holding a tray with food on it.

«Hey, I thought you were supposed to be in bed?» He said putting down the tray on my nightstand, right next to the red rose.

«It gets boring, just lying there.» I said making sure my hands were properly hidden inside the sleeves of the jumper.

«I get that. I'm bringing food, Louis said you don't really care what you get so I brought a normal english breakfast.» He said pointing over to the tray.

«Thanks, yeah, I'm not picky or anything like that...» I said pulling my knees to my chest.

«Thats good, just if you don't like it don't say it so Harry hears it, he is really sensitive when it comes to his cooking.» He said smiling.

«Harry, sensitive, I don't believe you.» I said looking skeptical up at him.

«Well, he'll probably ruin something and not cry but its always better to be on the safe side.» He said fixing something on the tray.

«Okay.» I said looking at the door. Liam got the hint and walked over to the door. He opened it up and was about to go when he turned back towards me.

«Louis is coming home soon, so there's nothing to worry about.» He said and then he walked out and closed the door behind him. Why would I care if Louis is here or not? It's not like he makes me feel safer, rather the opposite. I got up from the floor and walked over to the bed, sitting down on the side. I looked over the food and everything was in big bites and it was harder to eat then the pasta from yesterday. I managed to get some bread in me but it was hard to get anything else off the plate. Why cant it just be a bit easier? I tried to eat some of the sausages but I couldn't and after a few tries I got so annoyed I ended up punching the plate of the nightstand and the whole thing broke, and there were food all over the floor.

«Fuck!» I said pulling my legs up on the bed. I leaned back on the headboard. I hope no one loves that plate. I closed my eyes and after a couple of minutes I fell asleep.


I woke up as someone knocked on the door, I think thats the first time that happens.

«Yeah?» I asked. Harry came in looking over at me, and then he looked at the food on the floor.

«The fuck you've been up to?» He asked angry.

«I just lost it on the floor, I didn't mean for it to happen.» I said looking at the floor.

«Didn't mean for it! I don't care, we actually bother making food for you, and you throw it on the floor!» He screamed at me.

«I didn't throw it!» I said scared.

«Like hell you did!» He said and then he took a hold of my legs pulling me down on the floor.

«Stop!» I screamed out.

«Oh but you deserve it!» He said sitting on top of me, I tried to hit him with my underarms but I had no chance.

«This is what happens when you don't appreciate what you get.» He screamed at me. He hit me making me scream out when he hit the places I was already hurt.

«Please stop! Help!» I screamed out hoping someone in this house weren't as crazy as the rest. Harry got off me and took sats about to kick me when he was pulled to the floor from behind.

«The fuck you think you're doing! Get out NOW!» Louis screamed to Harry who quickly got to his feet and ran off. It was Louis who pulled him off.

«Hey Kitten. Are you okay?» He asked sitting down next to me.

«No.» I said trying not to cry in front of him.

«Liam!» Louis called out, Liam came running in within seconds.

«Yeah! What happened?!» He asked when he got inside.

«Harry went berserk, could you clean it up please?» He asked. Liam immediately started to clean up all the food and the plates. I slowly sat up making me winch in pain.

«Hey, be careful now.» Louis said putting an arm around me.

«I'm fine.» I lied.

«Well at least let me help you up Kitten.» He said, and without waiting for my answer he helped my up on my feet. I walked over to the bed and sat down. Liam finished cleaning up and then he left the room. I sat further in on the bed and leaned against the headboard.

«What happened?» Louis asked sitting next to me.

«I dropped the food and Harry came in and saw the food on the floor and thought I hated it and he got mad.» I said, no need to say I was annoyed at the food.

«Okay, do you think you've gotten badly hurt or just some more bruises?» He asked pulling the cover over my legs.

«Just bruises, I just weren't expecting to be attacked today so it felt worse then it actually is.» I said, putting my hands under the covers as well. I'm just glad neither of them saw my hands, or hurt them for that matter.

«Good, so you're okay?» He asked sitting so he looked directly at me.

«Yeah, you know, except for the fact that I'm kidnapped and beaten up. Well it's a bit cold but yeah, doing great.» I said sarcastic.

«Well as long as you're not dyeing...» He said laughing at me, making me roll my eyes.


The last couple of days have been a blur. Everyday, Louis waked up early, gets me food, which I barely eat, then he showers and put on a suit and then he leaves. After maybe eight nine hours he comes back, changes in to something more comfortable. Gets himself food and he eats while I watch, on the fourth day he stopped bringing food for me, considering I always said no. I think it has been seven days since the Harry incident as Louis calls it. Apparently Louis banned Harry from coming near me, which sounds really weird, but he hasn't been here so I guess it's working. Two days ago I asked Louis if I could get a chair to sit in so I could watch out of the window, so right now I'm sitting really comfortable in my chair, and I'm looking out on the rain. I was really surprised when he said yes to getting a chair, but when Liam and Niall came in with a huge comfy chair in dark red I was shocked.

«Kitten?» Louis said walking in to the room.

«Yeah?» I asked turning towards him.

«You are really beautiful.» He said and then he walked in to the walk-in closet. Well at least the insane like me even though I haven't showered in over a week. Louis walked out of the walk in closet in a pair of black sweats and a black hoodie.

«You look like you're about to rob someone.» I said laughing.

«Already stolen you Kitten, don't need anyone else.» He said walking over to me.

«Aww, that warms my heart Louis.» I said laughing at him, while I put my hand on my heart, obviously making sure not to touch anything.

«I'm such a charmer.» He said sitting down on the armchair.

«Have you been outside today?» I asked, I kind of need to at least hear about stuff outside of this house, and Louis is my only source.

«No, I've been in all day, how has the weather been?» He asked looking out the window.

«Horrendous, it has been raining all day, and this morning it was lightning and thundering so much, the sky was constantly blinking.» I said looking up at him.

«Wow! I'm glad I didn't have to go out then. You ate breakfast this morning right?» He asked looking down at me.

«Of course.» I said rolling my eyes.

«Are you hungry?» He questioned.

«Nope.» I said as I looked out on the sky.

«Okay. Tell me if you need anything though.» He said looking worried down at me.

«Okay, now get of my chair.» I said nudging his thigh.

«Oh, it's your chair now huh?» He said laughing.

«Yes, only mine.» I said smiling at him. Even though he is insane, he is pretty fun to be around so I'm using it to my advantage, I just don't know what I get out if it yet.

«Well you are mine, so I think I have some shares in the chair.» He said like he won.

«Oh, well, I guess I cant argue with my crazy, insane, super ugly, kidnapper.» I said looking away from him.

«Ay, I'm not super ugly!» He said standing up, not in a threatening way, so I knew I could continue to mock him.

«You had to kidnap yourself a, what did you call me, beautiful friend, you must be pretty bad looking dude.» I said laughing, putting my legs over the armrest so he couldn't sit down again.

«Hey, I sat there.» He said looking at me.

«My chair.» I said smiling.


Hope you like the story so far, the gif on the top is the boys, that was the most frighting gif I could find... Hope you have a good day forward!

Oh! One thing! You might have noticed that she neveer have to use the toilet and that is because I have no idea how to get her to go the toilet with out having her use her hands. So even though this is a very unlikely story, I thought I should inform you that some things just don't get mentioned. 

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