Young Bloods

By angeleyes-demonsoul

41.4K 2.7K 3.9K

Freaks of nature Science cannot explain them, but here they were A group of teens with certain supernatural a... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty One~
~Character Questions? (Closed)~
~Character Answers/Abilities List~

~Chapter Four~

1.9K 130 91
By angeleyes-demonsoul

""Wakey, wakey boys!" A feminine voice rang through our room.

I scrunched my face, not opening my eyes. My head throbbed. I didn't want to open my eyes. My thought process was fuzzy and unclear.

Eventually, however, I did open my eyes. The room was basked in the little sunlight that came through our small window. I turned my head over to Gerard's bed. His arm dangled off the side as he slept soundly on his stomach.

"Breakfast in bed today boys!" Doctor Walker set down two trays of food by the door. When I looked at her, an anger shot through me that made me jump a bit.

I had never felt such an intense emotion. It scared me.

"Wake him up, will you sweetheart?" The doctor smiled with a tilt of her head before leaving the room.

I couldn't control it as my hands balled into fists at my side. What was happening? Why did she make my stomach churn with anger now, out of all our previous interactions. I didn't feel in control of myself when I cried out and my plate of food sped across the room, hitting the wall by Gerard's bed and shattering.

I felt all the anger flush away as I cried out in horror. I did it again. When things started moving is when my situation would get worse.

"Whatshappening?" Gerard's hand had withdrawn from dangling over the side of his bed as he propped himself up. He looked at the wall, now dripping down syrup and then turned to me with tired confusion on his face. "Pat?"

I felt my breathing speed drastically. Things shouldn't move on their own, it had been so long since I had made something move. My eyes unwillingly flashed yellow with my next blink, furthering my panic.

What was happening? Why wasn't I in control? I grabbed my hair and tugged, trying to blink away my yellow filter.

"I can't do this." I cried out. I felt like I was going insane.

I could faintly hear Gerard calling something out to me, but my head was spinning in my own confused thoughts.

"Someone help me!" I yelled, scrunching my eyes shut, trying to avoid the yellow glaze I was now seeing my world through.


I could only faintly hear Gerard. My head was pounding worse than before. I shook my head vigorously, just trying to make it stop.

"I'm sorry Patrick..." Gerard's voice drifted through my ears. I thought I could hear him count down before I felt myself relax and black out.

~Pete's POV~

I was alone. They hadn't brought Brendon back into our joined room last night. Even when I had eventually fallen asleep waiting for the return of my friend.

I woke up to a doctor dropping off food and a still empty room.

"Hey, wait!" I hurried over to my door and pounded on it, "Wait!"

I was met by silence. The doctor was already gone. I pounded on the door one last time before returning to my bed, defeated.

He had left a plate of pancakes on a small tray. Now I couldn't even go to the cafeteria? This was becoming more and more like a prison with each passing moment... Just how Andy had described it...

~Tardis noise into flashback~

I drew misshapen patterns in the dirt as Brendon and I sat waiting under a cork tree in a quiet park. We were waiting for our friend to return with some food from a street vendor or corner store somewhere.

"How long do you think he'll be gone this time?" Brendon asked. He was laying on his back and looking up at the sky, kicking his foot lightly.

"He has to be careful..." I stopped my doodling and looked at our surroundings.

The sky was a dull gray. A chilling breeze swiped at the faded leaves on the tree I leaned against. There were no people around us. The park was calm.

"Dude, I'm STARVING!" Brendon groaned.

"Just chill! Andy should be back soon..." I mumbled, bringing my knees up to my chest and resting my chin on my knee.

Andy was our guardian you could say. He was a runaway, just like us. He had abilities that he had been captured for, but had escaped. That's when he found us.

Brendon and I had been identified as 'humans with abilities' after my friend had lost control... He had accidentally revealed what he can do in front of the wrong people. I was forced to use mine to get both of us out of there.

Andy had ushered us to safety. Since then, we had been in hiding together. That was months ago. To help us hide, we had all gotten tattoos to help cover our identities so we could hide easier without fitting the descriptions they had out on the three of us.

"Nerd alert!" Brendon suddenly called out, pulling me from my thoughts. "The Hurley is back!"

I looked in the direction Brendon was pointing. A man was walking toward us with a baggy hoodie pulled up, covering his face. He also carried a bag from Subway on his arm.

"C'mon, meatball sub!" Brendon popped up and hollered with a wave.

Andy laughed as he came up closer. He held up the bag and shook it.

"You and Pete can split it. I got my own six inch veggie stuff." He passed the bag to Brendon, who eagerly tore into it.

"Any trouble?" I asked Andy as he sat on ground next to me.

"Nope." He shook his head, "I didn't get any attention that I could tell."

Brendon plopped down in front of us and passed me my half of the sandwich, already a good portion through his.

"Calm down, Urie!" Andy said, unwrapping his own sandwich, "We don't know when we'll get another good pickpocket grab..."

He immediately slowed his chewing and looked at the sandwich in his hand longingly.

I looked at my sandwich before taking a small bite, savoring its cooled warmth compared to the chilled air. We sat in silence as we ate. Halfway through my own sandwich, I spoke up quietly.

"Was it this bad there?"

Andy looked at me. He knew straight away what I meant, without having to ask for clarification.

"No...They did feed you regularly..." He finally said, wrapping up what was left of his sandwich.

"Sounds like a better scenario already..." Brendon grumbled.

"NO!" Andy's raised voice made both Brendon and I jump, "That place is NEVER the better scenario. They experiment on you like you're simply a human guinea pig. Your freedoms are stripped away like nothing. They can kill you without a second thought." He flinched at his last sentence.

"I'm sorry Andy..." Brendon said quietly.

Andy's expression was already back to his calm demeanor. "No, I'm sorry... I shouldn't of snapped... I just don't want you guys to end up there..." He sighed.

"Is it really that bad?" I asked quietly.

Andy looked at me again, "You never want to be there." He said lowly, "It changes people."

~Tardis noise back to Present~

I ran my fingers through my hair. I was worried about Brendon. We always stuck together. Even when he had lost control, I let my abilities slip so he wouldn't be running alone. Even being trapped here the first few days, but now...

"What do you mean social time in another room? I want to see Gerard."

I could recognize Frank's voice quickly. I looked up just as the door opened and he was pushed inside by a doctor.

"What's the deal?" Frank asked. He looked over at me with a confused look, "Why not shove us in the social room?"

"Cleaning." The doctor replied simply, "We're also cleaning the scorch marks from your room, Iero."

"I can't help the things that happen due to the nightmares from this place." Frank argued.

"We can't help it either." The doctor snapped back before shutting the door.

Frank glared at the door, letting electricity dance over his eyes before letting it fade and turning to me.

"Hi." I waved slightly.

"Hi." He looked at the empty bed across from me, "That seat taken?"

"Not currently." I nodded for him to sit.

He walked over and plopped down onto it. "Do believe the bullshit cleaning story?" He asked.

"I don't believe anything these people say." I replied.

"You're right to." Frank looked at the floor, "They've been using us as toys ever since we got here..."

"You, Gerard, and Patrick?"

He smiled, still looking down at the ground. "Yea...I mean we all arrived at the same time, but Gerard and I were alone when we were caught. We have a certain... Connection."

"So you're close?" I asked, already beginning to guess what he was implying.

"Closer than close." He looked up and winked.

"Well, I'm close to Brendon, but not really that close." I looked at the empty portion of his bed with worry. Frank noticed and looked down where he was sitting.

"He still hasn't come back?" Frank asked quietly.

I shook my head. Why wouldn't he be back yet? What could they be doing to him?..

"They might have him in another room. Sometimes they do things like that..." Frank toyed with his lip ring. It almost felt like he was speaking more for his own comfort than mine.

"I'm sure he's-" I started, but Frank's movements made me stop.

His head shot up with wide eyes. Sparks rolled over them dully and he had a far away, sort of spaced out look.

"F-frank?" I looked at him with a mixture of confusion and fear. He had snapped out of nowhere. I was afraid he was having a temporary laps of control with his abilities, due to his worry.

"...Shush." Frank finally spoke lowly. He blinked his eyes slowly and the sparks ceased. He looked a bit dazed for a second before he looked at me. "Gerard's okay...But Patrick's not."


I could picture the boy I had only met days before.

"What do you mean? What was that?" I asked.

"Remember how I said Gerard and I were more than close?" He asked. I nodded. "We have a psychic link, thanks to Gerard's gifts."

"So was he just talking to you?"

Frank nodded. He flinched slightly at something he was thinking about.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting on the very edge of the bedframe, "What's wrong?"

"It was a weak link...He hasn't been able to control it well since coming here." Frank closed his eyes, his face scrunching. "But...It seemed like..."

"C'mon Frank." I egged him on. I felt worry. Worry? I barely knew Patrick. It may have been the abilities we share... I easily grew close to others that were considered outcasts...

"He flipped." Frank said opening his eyes, "He lost control or... Or something. Gerard had to use his knock out thing. He wouldn't calm..." Frank rubbed his head, running his fingers through his hair.

I felt my breath catch. He seemed pretty in control of his one ability... I remembered what he had said.

"I can't really control it though...The moving things."

I wanted to press Frank for more answers, but he still looked dazed from his connection with Gerard.

"...Is Patrick okay?" I asked simply, just hoping Frank could answer that much without too much trouble.

"Yea..." Frank nodded, "Gerard can knock people out. It kinda stops their mind for a bit, but it also calms them...If Gerard let's him sleep, he may wake with a start, but he'll be okay." Frank looked over at me, "You barely know him. You already care about a lot, don't you?"

I looked down. I couldn't stop blushing just slightly. I grew attached so easily. Some parts of me hated it... No one stayed by me for long... Andy may be dead for all I know... And Brendon was being kept in whatever testing this place did.

Patrick just drew me in immediately. He was kind with his smile and the feeling that radiated off of him. I felt like he just deserved someone to be by his side...

"It gets a bit easier to live normal when you have someone who shares the abnormal with you by your side..." Frank said lowly. He looked down again and we were both silent again.

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