Wasted Years

By _jimmysgirl_222

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Wasted Years
Chapter 1: Figure It Out
Chapter 2: Little Of Your Time
Chapter 3: Stutter
Chapter 4: Runaway
Chapter 5: Don't Know Nothing
Chapter 6: The Way I Was
Chapter 8: The Man Who Never Lied
Chapter 9: Story
Chapter 10: Nothing Lasts Forever
Chapter 11: Get Back In My Life
Chapter 12: Never Gonna Leave This Bed
Chapter 13: Give A Little More
Chapter 14: Moves Like Jagger
Chapter 15: No Curtian Call
Chapter 16: Last Chance
Chapter 17: Hands All Over
Chapter 18: This Love
Chapter 19: Secret
Chapter 20: If I Ain't Got You
Chapter 21: Woman
Chapter 22: Sad
Chapter 23: Wipe Your Eyes
Chapter 24: Tickets
Chapter 25: Take What You Want
Chapter 26: Fortune Teller
Chapter 27: Miss You Love You
Chapter 28: Epilogue

Chapter 7: Harder To Breathe

257 14 0
By _jimmysgirl_222

A/N ~okay so if you hated me for ch 5 I think this one will make up for it :) please leave feedback and leave suggestions of things you'd like to see :)

*Lexi's pov

"Ahh! James!" I yelled feeling the cold water from the water gun flowing down my back. "Aww why you running Lex? Can't take a little water?" He yelled back. I ran to the bucket to refill and called Ryan to cover me. I reloaded and got James back running towards Mickey. I sprayed Adam on the way and hid before he could get me. "Come on out Lexi, I won't get you babe" he said slyly. I laughed, "yea right!" I said spraying him again. As I ran to get Jesse and I ran into someone. I stopped dead seeing Shawn. It was suddenly very quiet in the yard. "Shawn" I said just above a whisper. "Can we talk?" He asked me. I looked back at the guys that were walking over. "Sure" I said. "Without them" he said. I looked at them again and nodded and led him to the screen house in the back corner.

"Alexis, you see where I'm coming from right?" He asked. Wow he was jumping right to it, I'm not sure if I liked that or not. "Yes I do Shawn but do you see my point?" I asked back. He was quiet, "Shawn did you really hear me yesterday or did you shut down after I said murder?" I asked and he flinched at my bluntness. "That's all I needed to hear." I nodded and stood up, "do you know why I have these lyrics on me?" I asked as I lifted my shirt to show the "she will be loved" lyrics. He shook his head. "I had them tattooed on just before my trial. Before I stabbed my parents I only picked up the knife to scare them. I hoped they would stop when they saw it. They didn't Shawn they kept coming after me." He looked up into my eyes and I sat back down pulling down my shirt.

"My parents abused me, verbally, physically, and sexually for 11 years. I decided that after several failed attempts at running away I would stand up for myself. It didn't go the way I planned and I did what I had to to survive. I was found not guilty, it was self defense. They used my testimony and my friends testimonies to put my dead parents on trial afterwards, they were found guilty. The cops that continuously sent me back received jail time because of it." My explanation must have gotten to him because he looked down at his hands and nodded slightly. "I'm sorry Alexis, but this still looks bad for the guys..." He started, "who needs to know?!" I shouted angry that he was still forcing me away. "The judge locked my file away, once I turn 18 none of this will even matter, and it shouldn't now, I'm innocent!" I shouted. God no one understood.

He started talking again and I struggled to catch my breath, it was hard to breathe, I slumped in my chair my hand on my chest. Shawn looked at me and kneeled by me. "Alexis! What.. Are you okay?" He said loudly. I shook my head and I felt a set of strong arms pick me up. I heard the guys yelling and Shawn was running. What was happening?

I was put into the back seat Adam's arms around me. I still struggled for a breath. It hurt, it all hurt. Before I knew it I was in the hospital. I was put in a room and several doctors surrounded me asking questions I couldn't answer. They hooked me up to monitors and before I knew it I was out. I woke up to the sound of Adam's voice. "Lexi, hey baby" he said softly noticing I was opening my eyes. "What? What happened?" I asked in a whisper. "You had an anxiety attack" he said taking my hand in his. "But... But I couldn't breathe" I stuttered. Why was I suddenly stuttering? I shook the idea and looked at the guys, Shawn wasn't there. "I know babe, they said it could happen if you're really worked up." He said in a soothing voice. "Where's Shawn?" I asked. "He's in the waiting room, I didn't think it would be good for him to be here right now." He explained. "When can I leave?" I asked. "the nurse said she would check on you in a little bit before deciding." He said. I nodded and Shawn walked in, "Alexis" he said seeing I was awake. "Get out Shawn!" Adam spat, he was clearly upset still.

"Hi Shawn" I said. Adam looked at me like I had 5 heads. "Alexis I'm so sorry, it's all my fault" he said before Adam interrupted. "No shit Shawn!" "Adam, shut up I wanna hear this" I said calmly. He looked at me, a confused look on his face. "Go on Shawn" I said softly. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen when I went over today. I talked to management and they wanna set up a meeting, something they can use for publicity they want to control this before people overreact and.. " "like you did" Adam said interrupting again. Shawn nodded and looked down. "It's okay Shawn, I guess I probably shouldn't start by saying I murdered someone, people tend to stop listening" I said. The nurse walked in then, "why hey Lexi. You're very popular I see" Kathy, my nurse from before, said with a smile. "How're you feeling sweetie?" She asked. "I'm okay now, thank you" I said. "Does this happen often?" She asked. I shook my head, "nope this is a first" I said. Kathy checked my vitals and agreed that I could go home as long as I relaxed.

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