Young Bloods

By angeleyes-demonsoul

41.4K 2.7K 3.9K

Freaks of nature Science cannot explain them, but here they were A group of teens with certain supernatural a... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Nine~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
~Chapter Twenty One~
~Character Questions? (Closed)~
~Character Answers/Abilities List~

~Chapter Two~

2.2K 118 97
By angeleyes-demonsoul

((A/N~I'm putting this here because I just want you lovelies alright. There is going to be a possible trigger warning in the next chapters to come. {I'm putting this here for people who may have it already in their library and won't see the edit to the description} There is going to be drugging and some possible disturbing imagery if you're not cool with that kind of thing...I'm sorry if this was a bit awkward or whatever but I just want you guys alright <3))

"What's up Patrick?" Gerard asked when he saw me sit up and wrap my arms around my legs that I had brought close to my chest.

"I can't sleep here Gerard..." I said quietly, "I just can't..."

"Do you want me to help?" Gerard asked, lifting his two fingers.

I sat quiet for a minute. I didn't know if I really wanted to sleep yet... "Can we just talk for a bit?" I asked quietly.

Gerard smiled. "Whatchya wanna talk about?" He asked, backing himself against the wall to prop himself up.

"I don't know...Anything?"

Gerard thought for a moment. "What about that Pete kid?" He asked with a grin, "He seems cool...Not sure what he can do yet. Haven't heard, you?"

"No, I haven't." I shook my head. I thought about the new prisoner to this hell. His black spikey hair, his whiskey colored eyes, his sad expression...

"Pat?" I looked back up at Gerard. He was looking at me with concern. "You still with me dude?"

I nodded, but felt light headed all of the sudden. My brain felt like it was getting fuzzy and my thoughts became faded.

"Gerard?.." I felt my vision getting fuzzy as well, "Please help...Sleep now..." I could feel myself swaying where I sat.

I was staring at the wall when I felt Gerard take my arms away from my knees, which straightened themselves as a result. I let him guide my upper body down onto the bed.

"Alright Patrick. 3, 2, 1-"

He must of connected his pointer and middle finger to my forehead, because everything suddenly went black.


I woke with a start the next morning. That seemed to be the effect of Gerard's gift. I closed my eyes and let my breathing calm. When it finally did, I opened my eyes and looked around. Gerard was laying in the bed next to me, his face blank from sleep and one of his legs bent up. He snored lightly, somehow finding peace enough in this place to sleep.

I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I had no idea what today's hell would be, but I hoped it wouldn't be too bad. This room had no clock, so the time was unclear, but there was a tiny window between our beds high up at the ceiling to give us some indication. It brought light into the room, so morning was a good assumption.

I slipped out of bed and looked down at my white clothes. White. Just like everything else in this place. I shuddered.

I went over to the door of our room and pushed it open. There was a woman in a lab coat walking in the direction of the room. She had been looking down at a clipboard in her hand, but she looked up and smiled at me.

"Hello, Sweetheart." She said sweetly. She had shining red hair and striking blue eyes. Her hair was pulled back in a sort of updo bun with just a few strands of hair hanging loose by her face.

"Hi..." I replied nervously.

"Are you...Patrick?" She had looked back down at her clipboard for a moment, lifting some of the papers, "Or Gerard?"

"I'm Patrick." I smiled, nervously still.

"Patrick. Very nice to meet you. I'm Doctor Leslie Walker, just started." She continued to smile sweetly.

"Nice to meet you as well." I felt myself relax a bit, "I'm Patrick Stump, but I'm sure you already know because..." I nodded toward her clipboard.

"Yes...But personal introductions are still nice." She reached out her hand for me to shake. I hesitated. Usually the workers here didn't like us to make any kind of physical contact with them. But she was new...I reached out my hand and shook hers.

"Nice to have met you." She said honestly. She looked at the door to mine and Gerard's room, "He still asleep in there?" She asked.

I nodded. She walked past me and leaned into the room. "Gerard hunny." She called into the room sweetly, "It's time to get up! They have pancakes for breakfast today."

"Oh joy..." I heard Gerard groan. Just a minute later, Gerard was at the door, rubbing his eye. "Can I see Frankie now?" He asked quietly. He sounded like a child when he asked.

"I'm sure he'll be there." Doctor Walker smiled.

Gerard smiled in relief. We followed Doctor walker down the halls to the cafeteria, where the others were sitting at a round table. Gerard and I got our food and hurried over to them.

Gerard almost threw his plate down when he sat and threw his arms around Frank, gripping him tightly.

"I've gotchya." Frank comforted, holding him tightly.

Gerard just continued to hold him. I sat down on he other side of Frank at the only other available seat next to the other new kid, Brendon. I looked at my food, but I didn't have an appetite. Brendon and Pete, however, couldn't get enough.

"Ou gumma fimish tha?" Brendon asked with his cheeks filled with the last bites of his own pancakes. I pushed my plate over and he grinned happily.

"Sorry about the Urie." Pete leaned into the table to address me, "It's kinda been awhile since we had something to eat."

"Fujking bays" Brendon mumbled, still shoving food into his mouth.

"Why's that?" I asked in confusion.

Pete looked around as if to make sure no staff was nearby. He finally turned back around to look at me. "Because we were running." Pete said lowly.

"Running from what?" I asked in an equally low tone.

Pete opened his mouth to speak, but just at that instant, the new nurse walked up behind him with her sweet smile.

"Hello! How are we today?" She stood right behind Pete. He remained quiet. Brendon nodded, his mouth still full of food. Frank was sitting with his legs draped over Gerard's lap as they ate, neither acknowledging the question. I just smiled at the doctor.

"Patrick, where's your plate?" She asked, noticing the absence of anything in front of me.

"Oh...I, ah..." The doctor's didn't like you sharing food, "I just wasn't hungry." I shrugged.

"Then why don't you come with me and we can start up some of todays testing." She walked over to me and waited.

I reluctantly stood and took a last glance at the table. Pete gave me a worried look from where he sat. The others looked down at their food quietly.

"C'mon." Dr. Walker looped her arm in mine and led me away from the familiar faces of the only others I knew were just like me.



I heard a voice calling out to me. I was in the dark and it felt like my head was swimming in the nothingness around me.

"Patrick?" The voice called out to me again.

I slowly opened my eyes. I was in yet another white room. I tried to lift my hand to rub my eye, but it caught. I looked down to see myself strapped in.

"What?.." I was still dazed, so my words sounded sloppy and confused.

"Hey there sweetheart." A familiar female voice drifted into my ears. I turned my head and saw Dr. Walker smiling next to me.

"Main doctor put you under for some tests." She told me, reaching down and beginning to undo the bonds around my wrists.

"Tests?.." I asked, still trying to blink away the effect from whatever drug they had given me to knock me out.

"Yes, but that's all over now." She said, finishing taking off the restraints. She helped me sit up and held her hand against my back to keep me upright. "What do you remember, Patrick?" She asked.

"Remember?.." I rubbed my eye. I didn't remember much... "Leaving the cafeteria?.."

"Good!" Dr. Walker smiled.

Good? How was it good that I didn't remember? What did they do to me that they didn't want me to remember?..

"We're just going to walk on back to your room now Patrick." She looked over my face, "Alright? Can you stand up yet?"

I nodded. I stood carefully with her help. My legs were resistant at first, but once she started leading me away from the table I had been restrained to and down a hallway. The drugs were slowly wearing off, but I still felt sluggish and just not myself. I wasn't even paying attention to where we were going in my haze. The next thing I knew we were just in front of my room.

"Gerard, honey, could you please help me get your roommate back in?" I heard Dr. Walker ask into the room.

Gerard was there quickly and guided me to my bed.

"What did you guys do to him?" Gerard asked, scanning my face as I blinked slowly at him.

"Just some tests, Mr. Way. Nothing damaging." The doctor said, scratching away at her clipboard, "He's just coming off the meds slow."

"What kind of tests do you need to preform with him drugged like this?" Gerard asked, turning to the doctor.

"That's classified." She replied shortly, "You'll be tomorrow, so sleep tight." A smile spread quickly across her face before she turned out and shut the door. There was a loud 'click' behind it.

I shook my head vigorously, just trying to drive away the fuzziness that was surrounding my brain. When I stopped, my vision was nearly free of a blurred barrier.

"Here." Gerard passed something into my hands.
My glasses.
I slipped them on and that seemed to take care of my problem.

"What did they do to you?" Gerard asked. There was panic on the edge of his voice, "Patrick they took you and Frankie today, what did they do?"

"I-I don't know." I stampered, "The last thing I remember is leaving the cafeteria with her."

Gerard ran his fingers through his short dark hair and puffed his cheeks. He put his arms down and looked at the floor.

"When did they take Frank?" I asked quietly.

"About five minutes after they took you..." Gerard said lowly, "That was this morning though Patrick. It's night now!"

"What!?" I looked at him in disbelief. A whole day just gone from my memory? What did they do that required a whole day? "What about Frank?"

Gerard had a troubled look on his face. "He still wasn't back before they sent us to our rooms." He said in a voice barely above a whisper. He shook just slightly, "This place is scaring me Pat. Frank kept me alright outside of this place, but now that we're here they keep separating us."

Gerard twisted his fingers nervously. He was becoming such a wreak the longer we had to stay here. They were straining his connection with Frank and it was killing him inside.

In a small way, I was glad I didn't have anyone close to me before they found me. I could only imagine Gerard's torment.

"I'm sure things will get better..." I frowned. I didn't know what to say. I never had someone close...Gerard was my first real friend.

"I wish. I wish. I hope." Gerard tugged at his hair, shaking his head.

I reached out and patted his back. "Gerard, you'll see him tomorrow. Breakfast." I smiled weakly.

He looked over at me and returned my small smile, still clutching his hair. Worry was still etched across his face. "Thanks Pat..."

He waited a few minutes before going over to his bed. He layed facing the wall with his breathing becoming steadier and steadier. I layed on my back, looking up at the white ceiling of our room.

My whole day was gone. I had absolutely no memories, no matter how hard I searched my brain. Past days when they had preformed 'tests' on me, I at least still had most of my day...

Thinking about my day brought back that look on Pete's face. What had he meant by running? The laws against people with abilities weren't strick because we were such a rarity. We didn't even have to register ourselves. The only time someone ran was when they got in some kind of trouble...

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