Mute To The Pointe Of Dancing

By Smilexi13

42.6K 800 144

After an accident that killed her father and left her mute, Ashlynn Grey didn't only stop talking but stopped... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 23

994 12 5
By Smilexi13

Easton's POV

After weeks of planning, I have finally managed to work out the surprises I have for Ashlynn. My family supports me one hundred percent, and I couldn't be happier about it. The only problem is, I've been avoiding Ashlynn a lot. I can tell it's making her upset, but everything will work out. I hope.

'How was I going to tell her?' This question had been running through my head for a while now. It was the only thing I hadn't yet figured out.

As I was walking towards my bedroom, lost in thought, I ran into a body. Not just any body, I ran into Ashlynn.

We have really got to stop meeting like this, I mean it's getting a little out of hand.

I opened my to voice that thought, only to have it get caught in my throat.

She has been crying.

Ashlynn really didn't wear much for make up if she wore any at all. But it was easy to tell she had been crying, even without the trails of mascara running down her cheeks like most girls would have. Her red, watery eyes and wet eyelashes were clues enough.

I was just about to ask her what was wrong when I noticed the bundle in her arms. She was carrying her ballet clothes.

At first I thought she was going to throw them away, but her eyes were focused behind me, and at the laundry room.

Coming to my senses I took the load from her arms. The smell of her perfume made its way to my nose and I couldn't help but inhaling more of it.

"Let me help you with that" I said when my voice finally made its way out of my mouth. Turning on my heal I walked towards the washing machine.

Pulling open the door I placed her clothes in the wash before adding the correct amount of detergent and fabric softener.

After giving me a small smile, Ashlynn turned and walked out of the room before I had a chance to talk to her.

I stood there for a few minutes watching her walk away before taking a deep breath and following her.

When I arrived at her room I knocked on her door and waited. When she didn't come open it I slowly pushed it open only to hear the shower running. Walking inside I sat down on her bed and waited.

She came out of the bathroom a few minutes later dressed in jean shorts and a large sweatshirt. She stopped on her tracks as soon as she saw me.

"Okay so I know you are wondering why the crap I am in your room, but the truth is I have a surprise for you." I said after taking a deep breath, my heart was racing so fast. What if she doesn't like it?

She just stood there and looked at me with one eyebrow raised. No doubt wondering why I would have a gift for her.

"Come here" I said patting the spot on the bed next to me. Very slowly she made her way over and sat a few inches away from me. It was almost as if she thought I was going to lash out at her or something.

Looking down at my hands I told another deep breath and stared into her blue eyed.

"Okay so I recently went down to the community college we have here in town, and I discovered something that might help you."

She leaned towards me slightly, as it to tells she was listening and that I should continue. My hand went to the back of my neck, a habit when I get nervous. I looked at her and finally told her why I was there.

"I signed the two of us up for sign language classes."


"Welcome to Sign Language 1, I am Mr. Johnson, and I'm delighted to see you here."

Ashlynn and I were sitting in the first day of sign language, and she couldn't sit still.

After I told her I signed us up for classes she practically tackled me in a hug. Her eyes were so bright.

As hard as I tried to focus on what Mr. Johnson was saying about how to do the alphabet, my eyes continually made their was to Ashlynn.

Once Mr. Johnson had checked the letter A on everyone left and right hands we moved through the alphabet.

I personally found the letters T, M, and N confusing because they were basically the same. The letters R and X just made me mad.

Why on earth would you make the letter R look like an X and X look like the letter R?

"It's just wrong." I complained as we were making the trip home after class. Ashlynn seemed to be trying to hold back laughter the entire time.

Walking up to the house I said goodnight to Ashlynn and headed up to my room.


I woke up the next morning just in time to hear Derrick say that I wouldn't be coming to school today because I was feeling sick. The truth was I had yet another surprise for Ashlynn, but this one required a little more preparation.

Hopping out of bed I got changed into a pair of paint covered jeans and an old t-shirt, before heading upstairs.

My mom was already in the studio painting when I got there. It was her idea to paint the quotes on the wall, but I have to admit it was looking amazing.

We had been painting for about three days now, making sure that everything looked perfect. Today was the day we would clean everything up and let the paint fumes out. I would be getting the roses and writing the notes today.

Everything had to be perfect.

The day passed too quickly and before I knew it everyone was dressed up in their respective colors, all holding a rose and a note.

"Everyone knows the plan right? If you have any questions ask them now" everyone stayed silent and I took a breath.

"Okay let's get too it she should be here any minute." With that I took off up the stairs and shut myself in my room. All I could do now was wait.

I must have fallen asleep waiting, only to be woken up by a knock on my door. My mom popped her head in and smiled at me.

"They are on their way home now. They should be here any minute."

Sliding out of bed I pulled on my dress shirt and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Mom, what if she doesn't like it?" I asked her looking down at my feet. My heart was racing so fast. Turning to look at my mom I saw the tears start to build in her eyes.

"Easton, there is no was she couldn't love it. The thing you are doing for her is amazing and she will realize that, I know she will. Now get going they will be here any minute."

With that she left my room, and I sprinted up the stairs and into the room that I was hoping would change everything.

Those next few minutes were the scariest minutes of my life, and that's saying a lot coming from a kid with kidney failure. It felt like an eternity before I heard their steps on the stairs leading up to me.

When my dad and Ashlynn made it to the top of the stairs my heart stopped. She looked so beautiful. My dad gave me a smile and turned to leave the room. Taking Ashlynn's hands in mine I pulled her into the center of the room before turning her around and pulling off her blind fold.


Hi guys,

I am soooooo sorry for not writing but I was having some serious writers block and wasn't sure what I was going to do next. The good news is, I think I have an idea. Please, please, please, tell me what you think of this chapter. I personally didn't think it was one of my best so tell me how to make it better.

Question: What scares you the most?

I will hopefully have the next few chapters uploaded soon. But soccer tryouts start tomorrow and I'm going to state for band this week so wish me luck.





Love you,


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