Harry Potter and The Quest fo...

By KevinHiyas

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Harry Potter More

The Darkness Returns
Sunday Dinner with the Weasley's
Harry's day off, meetings and lessons.
Clues to the dark threat and an Interview with the Wizengamet.
Vanessa Khan and Harry & Cho meet again.
Graveyards and Shadows.
Harry Returns to Hogwarts
Snape and Dumbledore's argument and Classes begin
Trials and Tribulations
Grindelwald's Quest Reborn and Through Love, Magic's Rebirth
The Mirror of Erised and Kidnapped
Amira gets her man and rebirth of a romance
A Halloween to remember the Khan escapes
Training, the Bear Clan and Gwain finds a home
Christmas Joy and Sybil Trelawney speaks again
Return of the Order or the Phoenix
Back to Hogwarts and the Wizengomet's decision
The mysterious Valeria Temujin
More about Valeria and where is Vanessa
Wizards on the run!
Harry and Valeria hear the full prophecy
War breaks out and a new Malfoy is born
Ginny goes to dinner and Ron faces his fate
Arturius and Grindelia and a night with Dragons
McGonagall's announcement and Damali's request
The Dragon Riders and the Prophecy Unfolds
Summer is approaching and peace reins once more

Arturius's counseling sessions and The Princes

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By KevinHiyas

Arturius sat across from Harry in a squishy chair the latter had conjured up. Eye to eye the two were melded in mind and Harry, so as not to hurt Arturius, had entered his mind very slowly.

He was chipping away at the wall he had put up three years ago taking it down brick by brick for the other man to work through his pain and grief. So far they had gotten to the memory of Arturius going to the minister of magic for help. As the two explored the memory together Harry knew that Arturius was treated unfairly by a lot of people in the ministry and in Grindelia's family and even his own father forbade him to see Grindelia at first.

It seemed like the two could never catch a break no matter how hard the two tried. He would leave off here for tonight he thought and broke contact. Arturius was fuming as the two withdrew the link and both sat back.

"Arturius would you like some tea?" Harry asked quietly.

"Tea?" He asked distractedly and then his face softened a bit as he looked at Harry. "Yes, yes that would be fine." He said and tried to smile.

"Dobby tea please." Harry said speaking to thin air and Dobby appeared with tea set in hand and did the honors for the two men.

"Would there be anything else Harry Potter wishes?" Dobby asked hopefully.

"Yes Dobby ask Rinki to fix us something light for dinner please." Harry asked.

"Right away Harry Potter sir." The elf said and disappeared.

"Arturius are you ok?" Harry asked kindly and suddenly he could hear a hint of Albus in his own voice, a bit of the kindness that his old headmaster had shown him when he was still alive.

"Yes, just bad memories are all Harry. I argued with them but they were unreasonable." Arturius said frustrated. "It was almost like they hated us."

"Well I'm sure they didn't sir. What happened was that her father probably paid them off. Sirius has been looking into it all for you along with Severus and Narcissa." Harry said. "Sirius of course is a black sheep among the Blacks and I guess Narcissa would be too."

"Why would he be so against her being happy Harry or for that matter why when he met me was he so against me from the start?" Arturius asked. "And why would my own father be against the match as well? My father never shunned anyone that I remember and Grindelia was so worried about mother not liking her but it was my father who disliked her at once." He said and Harry could see the frustration and anger in his face and eyes.

"You know I once asked Albus why Tom Riddle felt that he had to kill me. It wasn't just the prophecy you know. He would have killed my mother and father and I anyway in time I believe." Harry said. "He was bent on one thing and that was to stamp out love. He wanted to control everything even his own life and death. He never understood love like you and I do Arturius. For him it was an alien thing that hurt him as a hex would hurt him only worse." Harry said.

"Yes but Grindelia was not like the other Blacks." Arturius said. "She wrote beautiful poetry, she loved to sing even though she sang slightly off key but to me it was the sound of an angel. She loved flowers and gardening. She was very much like the things I hear of your own mother Harry." He said looking at the floor.

"My mother? Ah the things you see about her when we share our memories." Harry said understanding. He put those things at the forefront of his mind for Arturius to understand that his mother's sacrifice was of love and hopes so that darkness would not prevail.

"Yes and I cannot understand our families being so unreasonable. We were happy together. We bothered no one and still we were sought out. Tracked down and hunted from place to place almost like animals." Arturius said.

"But you were happy together even then like my mother and father were while they were in hiding from Tom Riddle." Harry said.

"Yes we were. Nothing could get Grindelia down at all. She was a lot like your Miss Weasley, Harry." He said smiling. "She was strong and fiery and fiercely loyal. I told her for her own sake that she would be better off out of the country till I could take care of the situation but she wouldn't leave." He said now bowing her head.

Harry just sat there thinking of Ginny and wondering what he would do if they were in the same situation. He leaned forward and laid a gentle hand on Arturius's shoulder. "It's ok Arturius." He said as the older man shook in grief. "Knowing Ginny as I do I know she wouldn't want me to hurt others because of her death. Maybe the one responsible being brought to justice but not others." Harry said.

Arturius looked at Harry for a moment and nodded and lowered his head again. "Come Arturius, dinner should be ready and I'm sure we both have much to do before start of term." Harry said smiling warmly.

"Harry, thank you." Arturius said slowly as he rose from his seat.

"For what? For being a friend? There is no reason to thank a friend for simply doing what friends are supposed to do and be there for you." Harry said as they made their way toward the dinning room.

"Not all friends are true friends though Harry." Arturius said quietly so that Harry barely heard it.

After dinner Harry took Arturius back to Hogwarts. After they arrived and Arturius ambled off toward his rooms Harry made his way to the Headmistress's office. Stopping before the two gargoyles that immediately sprang aside to admit him without so much as him uttering the password. He stepped on the revolving stair and made his way up and knocked on the door to the headmistress's office.

"Come in Mr. Potter." McGonagall's voice sounded tired as she called him in.

"Rough summer Headmistress?" Harry asked as he entered.

"Just the usual and I am still not able to do as much as Albus did when he was headmaster." She said. "It beats me how he did everything all at once."

"Time management" The portrait of Dumbledore said as he winked at Harry and smiled making Harry chuckle.

"Hush Albus." McGonagall said halfheartedly. "How did your session go this evening?" She asked turning back to Harry.

"Not bad. From the memories we went over Grindelia was a really sweet lady. Kind of hard thinking of her coming from the Black line. But then again Sirius is a Black and he doesn't fit the mold either, nor does Narcissa." Harry said.

"I'm told she was a very strong witch as well so she didn't go down without a fight." McGonagall said with what Harry noticed was admiration in her voice.

"How has he been here at the school?" Harry asked.

"A model worker. Always with a smile and not unlike his nephew in some ways. A prankster at times as well." She said smiling.

"Which reminds me." Albus Dumbledore said in his frame. "What did the fish say when it ran out of water?"

McGonagall sighed and tried not to smile.

"What did the fish say Professor?" Harry asked smiling.

The Portrait slapped his forehead and said. "Damn!" And chuckled along with the two in the office. Albus turned to look at Harry his eyes seemed to twinkle in the portrait as he winked.

"I hope you two are right and this works but what do we do with him once he knows about all of it Harry? We cannot just let him gain his magic back and resume his life. He has murders and such to answer for." McGonagall said.

"He already answered for his crimes Minerva." Harry said. "He paid the ultimate price and forfeit his life. The Horicrux doesn't count, he was for all intents and purposes dead." Harry said sadly. "He was reborn in the Chamber of Secrets and when he gets his powers back it is my hopes that he uses them for good. But where magic or people are concerned nothing is absolute." Harry said sagely and Minerva McGonagall looked at him strangely.

"Your becoming more and more like Albus everyday Harry." She said.

"Thank you Minerva." He said to her warmly. "I can think of worse things." He said smiling.

"So you told the others today that you are returning? Have you told Kingsley yet?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes last week. He wasn't very happy about it but he understood completely. In fact he wants to send me case files here to review. I told him I wouldn't mind. It would give me a chance to teach a few of the advanced spells to my sixth and seventh years." He said smiling.

"Severus is taking the first through fifth years this year which leaves you with just the sixth and seventh years. He surprised me with that request." McGonagall admitted. "I have never seen him as happy as he has been these last three years teaching." She said looking steadily at Harry. "He even suggested that Mr. Malfoy take over his post and let him go back to teaching first through fifth potions." She said.

"But I thought he enjoyed teaching defense against the dark arts. In fact it was rumored when I first started here that he had asked for the post more than once." Harry said.

"Actually Albus had to force it on him. He rather enjoys teaching potions." McGonagall said. "I thought you would have noticed that." She said smiling. "Defense against the dark arts and studying the dark arts is a hobby for Severus." She added.

"Oh. Kind of like Neville and Herbology." Harry said.

"Not quite, you see Neville likes teaching Herbology because it fascinates him. Severus thinks that most of the dark arts books should be lost forever but cant help his curiosity." She said musing. "You see while it was jealousy of your father that led him to turn to the dark arts it was his fascination for the dark arts that led him the rest of the way to Voldemort. Something he quite regrets to this day although you've forgiven him." She said kindly.

"Severus has always been rather complex to figure out." Harry sighed.

"For you Harry that should be simple. You and he are not too very much different really." Albus said from his frame.

After his meeting with McGonagall he made his way to the Defense classroom to find his friend Severus Snape. Once he would have laughed at calling Severus that but not anymore. The man had saved his life on more than one occasion in his youth and in his seventh year an unlikely alliance drew them into being friends. Harry had long ago in his seventh year forgiven Snape his part in Harry's parent's deaths. Snape had pledged his undying loyalty to Albus Dumbledore and Albus had been as much Snape's mentor as he had Harry's. With one exception and that was that Albus had made Snape take his own life rather than see Malfoy's soul damaged. Albus was always one for second chances.

Entering the classroom expecting Severus Snape to be in his office in the rear of the classroom he was surprised to see his friend hunched over a cauldron.

"Good evening Severus." Harry said from the doorway.

Snape looked up from the cauldron and then back down. "Harry can you get me that can on my desk please?" he said stirring slowly.

"Sure." Harry said and walked over and grabbed the small can on the edge of the desk and walking over to where Severus was working. The rich aroma of whatever he was cooking made Harry's stomach growl.

"What do you have there?" Harry asked.

"Ah a very interesting potion Harry. Not very useful I'm afraid though. I thought maybe the twins would like it for their joke shop." He said taking the can from Harry and pouring the entire contents in which looked dried worms making Harry screw up his face in disgust.

"What does it do?" Harry asked as the rich aroma hit him again.

"Its made to smell like your favorite foods." Severus said.

"So it's kind of like an air freshener?" Harry asked leaning over the cauldron and inhaling the fumes making his stomach grumble again.

"Not like the muggle kind no." He said. "The scent it gives off is different for everyone. Lets just say if you were hungry for something and you didn't have it for dinner and still wished you had eaten that particular dish this would give off that odor. By the way what do you smell?" He suddenly asked looking at Harry.

"Steak and kidney pie." Harry said as his mouth was watering.

Severus Snape chuckled. "Just about there then. Narci will think I have flipped when I arrive home for dinner this evening. I'm so hungry I could eat a unicorn horn and all." He said. "So are you and Draco ready to take this blasted job from me and let me go back to teaching potions or did McGonagall mention that tonight when you brought our resident dark wizard home?" Snape asked smiling.

"Yes she did Severus. Draco thinks he will be teaching potions this year you know." Harry said. "Is this potion your working on for a novelty?" He said taking another sniff.

"Well something they were working on backfired and left a stench. This should over power the other smell and business at the Leaky Cauldron will be booming this week as well." Snape said smirking. "But you know those two. They'll find another use for it." He added.

Harry chuckled. "Kingsley has asked me if I would do some free-lance work from time to time." Harry said finally.

"And?" Severus inquired looking up.

"I told him I'd think about it." Harry said.

"And the nightmares?" Snape asked.

"If anything worse. The dreamless sleeping draught you gave me isn't working anymore." Harry admitted. Might as well be honest about it.

"I had hoped the dreamless sleeping draught would work. I fear that I haven't anything that I know of that would work Harry." Snape said.

Harry nodded. "What fire spell would reduce someone to a pile of smoldering bones Severus?" Harry asked suddenly.

Severus Snape stopped stirring for a moment and looked into Harry's eyes then he looked down into the cauldron and started stirring once more. "There are a few Ancient curses that can do that. Of course they haven't been used for years. 'Ater atra atrum igneus' roughly translated it's the dark burning. Why?" Snape asked.

"Cause someone used that spell to kill the entire village of St. Ivy Leads." Harry said and heard Snape gasp.

"Did you say St. Ivy Leads? No survivors?" Snape asked suddenly and came around the table.

"Yes why." Harry asked now.

Snape walked over and sat down in his chair behind the desk. His hand was massaging his temples. Harry realized for some reason he had just delivered really bad news to someone without knowing it.

"I was born there. I still have family there as well. The Princes and have lived there over twelve centuries. I was wondering why I haven't received any mail from them in ten days. I was about to take a few days and go see them." Severus said. "You only said the village am I right? Maybe." He said suddenly. "They have a house outside of town. Maybe they saw what was going on and decided it was too dangerous to send an owl." He said and got up quickly and went into the back office reemerging in his traveling cloak and walking quickly toward the classroom door.

"Well Potter don't just stand there dawdling let's go!" He said walking out and Harry suddenly had to sprint to catch up.

When he did catch Severus the other was trying to hurry but not to run. Harry had known Severus for years and had just found out something important. He still had family.

"When we arrive let me do the talking Potter, this is not about your investigation right now." Severus said.

"Of course." Harry said.

"You won't be able to see the house until my uncle gives you the address." Snape said. "We'll aparate to the village and go from there."

"Ok but let me do the talking to the aurors stationed there." Harry said.

"Agreed." Severus said and turned to Harry. "The older you get the more useful you are Potter." He said.

"Thanks I don't hate you anymore either." Harry said smirking.

In a matter of minutes the two had aparated into the village and Harry greeted the Aurors there, one of the Colin Creevey, and told them of the situation and told them to continue standing guard. The place would have to be guarded till all the crime scene evidence was removed.

He and Snape set off down the road toward the outskirts of the village soon losing themselves from sight on the winding dark road before them.

"I thought you said it was just on the outskirts of town?" Harry asked.

"About as far as the Potter estate is from Godric's Hollow." Snape said still walking fast so that Harry even as tall as he was now had to hurry to keep up.

They walked in silence after that for a time till suddenly Snape turned to him. "Stay here I shall return in a bit." He said and turning around and walking into the dense bushes where Harry hadn't been able to make out a place to enter.

As he stood there he heard a pop behind him and whirled around wand in hand to see a man eyeing him with curiosity. Harry guessed he was in his early thirties with long reddish blonde hair. He had a mustache and short well-kept goatee. He was Harry's height with a medium build. He smiled and held a twinkle of amusement in his emerald green eyes.

"Who are you?" Harry said sternly. Anyone he met here would either be a relative of Snape or an enemy.

"Ah now that's the question of the day isn't it Harry Potter?" The man said in an American accent. "While your friend checks on his kinsmen you and I should have a little talk."

Harry looked impassive as he regarded the man. "What would you like to discuss?" Harry asked evenly.

"I have been authorized to talk with you personally by my master, she simply wants you to back off from your investigations. In return we'll not make trouble for you nor your ministry." He said.

"She? Who is she?" Harry asked and tried to skim the surface of the man's mind but was blocked easily as the other continued to smile.

"Who we are is not important. We have other business to deal with here and then we shall be finished in your country for now." The man said and then sighed. "Look we aren't here to overthrow your ministry or anything. We're just looking for something that was stolen from us." He said matter of factly and looked into Harry's eyes. "When we find it we'll leave." He said. "Until then you and your ministry need to stay out of the way so as not to get hurt." The man walked forward a bit so that he was only a few feet from Harry. "So you're the boy-who-lived eh?" The man asked looking at Harry curiously.

"So they say." Harry said suddenly smiling at the man, which had the desired effect and made the other weary now as he looked around. Harry did a silent spell putting up an anti aparition spell while the man had turned his head.

"If your just looking for something why the killings?" Harry asked.

The man frowned. "Those are just messages Potter. To let certain people know they are here." He said. "We are not responsible for the deaths though."

"They? They who? What people?" Harry asked.

"Well I should be going Potter." The man said smiling again and ignoring the question. "You remember what I said now, don't be poking your nose where it doesn't belong." He said pointing his finger in Harry's direction as if talking to a child. With that he spun, almost losing his balance and grabbed his head. It was as if the man had bumped his head on something hard. "See now just when I thought we were getting along and understanding each other." The man said finally straightening up and turning to Harry with a smirk he pulled his wand.

As the man shot his first spell Harry was half a second quicker sending a barrage of spells, the first of which were blocked but the rest hit their mark hitting the man square in the chest and knocking him back onto the ground as Harry caught his wand deftly. Ropes shot out of Harry's wand binding the man up.

"Now lets try this again." Harry said smirking at the other. "Who are you and who are you working for?" Harry asked. "What people are you leaving that kind of message for and what does it mean?" He said jerking his thumb in the direction of the village.

"You wont get anything that way Potter. I won't talk and I am immune veritasirum." The man said smugly. "Oh and Ligilimacy wont work either you've already tried, next?" He said smiling.

Harry pulled from within his robes a vial of veritasirum and grabbing the man by the hair forced his mouth open and poured the entire container down his throat as he massaged the mans throat making him swallow. "Well there is the old fashioned way now isn't there? I could torture you a bit to wear down your immune system and then pull it from your head. Course that would leave your brains kind of addled. Anyone you want me to send something meaningful to like a wife, girlfriend, family member?" Harry smiled evilly.

The man now looked incredulous. "You wouldn't! We know all about you. You wouldn't intentionally hurt someone like that." He said not quite believing it himself as Harry starred at him.

"Ah got your information just a little bit wrong did you?" Harry smirked. "I learned a lot of dark magic fighting Voldemort." Harry said and the man flinched at the name. "Don't worry he isn't here to hear that name anymore. Now lets see, how about the Cruciatus curse? I haven't done that one in about a week." Harry said sitting down in front of the man. "Excuse me if I make myself comfortable while I play." He said smiling but it was a hard smile and the man seemed to shrink back as much as he could.

"She said you would never, ok, ok! My name is Reeves. Simon Reeves." He said and fear was etched across his features.

Harry seemed to consider the man for a moment. "Yes and?" Harry asked and the wand in his hand started emitting green sparks as the man's eyes opened wide.

"I can't tell you her name Potter!" Simon said looking angrily at him now. "Your crazy if you think I'd even mention her name." He said turning his head away from Harry. "Go ahead asshole hit me with your curse." Simon said and his eyes closed preparing for the curse to hit.

Harry sent his patronus instead calling for the aurors back at the village. Simon looked up at Harry in surprise when the curse didn't hit him.

"Sorry torture just isn't my thing. I'll hand you over to the two aurors and they can lock you up at the ministry for safekeeping. Can't have tourist running amok and killing people now can we." Harry said smirking.

"Your not? But you said! You asshole!" Simon Reeves said fuming.

"Yes you said that Reeves." Harry said and then reached into the man's mind while he was off guard. He was quickly pushed out leaving the man starring open mouthed at him. "Vanessa Khan eh?" Harry muttered more to himself.

"When we meet again I wont give you the chance to talk." Simon said looking at Harry with anger etched in his features.

"Darn and here I thought I was a congenial fellow." He said smiling as he heard the two aurors footsteps as the arrived.

"Everything ok Potter?" Colin asked his eyes going from the man on the ground to Harry who had risen to his feet again.

"Yes take him to the ministry. I think he is one of the ones who had a hand in the massacre back there. I'll keep his wand and turn it in tomorrow." Harry said and Colin nodded and levitated the man behind him as the two turned to start their walk back to the village.

Snape came through the brush a moment later after the two aurors had left with their captive.

"Nice work Potter." He said as he emerged with another man coming out behind him that was slightly shorter and older than Snape.

"Fredrick Prince! So THE Harry Potter! Well bless my soul!" The man said and shook Harry's hand making him blush a little. "Nice seeing you in action Potter. Nice piece of work you did there." He said and took out a piece of paper and handed it to Harry. "Just read that young man." He said and Harry looked down reading the note and when he looked up the hedges had opened to reveal a driveway complete with a metal gate. Fredrick then took the paper from Harry and burned it.

"Follow us Potter and stay close." Snape snapped as he and Fredrick started off down the long winding driveway.

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