Jeweled dolls of Durin

By lunawolf8074

34.8K 1K 247

Bofur meets a young dwarf girl who will not only change his life but the line of Durin permanently ..for good... More

prelude or authors note
trouble with dwarflings [G]
aprentice / only time [ pg]
revelations and beginnings [pg]
the ring [pg]
love { pg-13}
Healing of the heart [ mature]
wedding [mature]
Broken promises (pg)
quest and discoveries [ pg ]
trolls and rivendell [pg ]
goblins [ pg-13]
beorn / spiders [pg-13]
elves/barrel [pg-13]
lake-town [pg-13]
dreams and pleas [mature]
Death comes this way
Is there honor within you
of orcs and thieves
The battle within
To war!
Battle at Ravenhill
when bofur ran
the price of arrogance
Tears of goodbye
Back to the beginning
New Generation
Old & New Friends
Home is where the heart is
Coming home

my love is strong (mature content/language)

654 19 1
By lunawolf8074

The clinking of metal upon metal could be heard echoing throughout the grande golden chamber as a group of dwarves dug through the amassed treasure that laid before them. Many of their eyes had dark circles under them as they searched wearily for the one thing that Thorin desperately wanted, above anything else in all of Middle Earth...the arkenstone..his birthright. Pacing up above them upon a lower staircase landing was the King under the Mountain himself...moving back and forth...highly agitated, which was being reflected in his voice as he barked out to the others below.

"Any sign of it?" he stopped briefly to look at them...shaking of heads in a no he snarled. "Keep searching!" his growl was upsetting to all. Dwalin who was searching next to the landing paused to speak to Thorin as he sighed loudly.

"That jewel could be anywhere." he ran a hand down his face as he glanced around pondering the enormity of the task they were being commanded to accomplish ....then rubbing the back of his neck to ease the ache that had settled there hours ago from all the stooping he was doing. He guessed Thorin didnt like his words because the man snarled out to them all...tone brooking no arguments from them.

"the arkenstone is in theses halls. Find it!" his glower was cold and full of anger. Dwalin felt a prickling sensation of fear at the expression upon his friends face..but being ever the loyal captain he was he gruffed out loudly to the group.

"You heard him..keep looking." many groaned at the order...Thorin heard and his gaze became hotter.

"All of you! No one rests until it is found!" his roar echoed around the chamber and bounced off the walls...filling the room with the weight of his disapproval. They kept to their exhausting task..biting back any angry words or groans, not wanting to vex him further. Bilbo got tired and just walked away to sit in a corner of the room out of everyones sight..recalling Smaugs words to him in this very chamber days ago.


Smaug stood there eyeing the small hobbit before him..watching Bilbos eyes as they flickered to the spot a glowing stone was resting upon a mound of gold. The dragons voice rumbled and was deep as he chuckled mockingly at the hobbit.

"I am almost tempted to let you take it..if only to see Oakenshield suffer." Bilbo felt himself quivering inside at the fiery worms words..fear making his heart pound hard. "Watch it destroy him. Watch it corrupt his heart and drive him mad." the deep hissing voice sounded as if he was mulling it over, but those eyes..golden red wicked eyes said something different. Bilbo knew it was now or never and he quickly slipped on the ring..making himself disappear  seconds before the dragon lunged and snapped his jaws. The roar of the beast was painfully loud as Bilbo raced..snatching up the stone into his invisible hands and running away.


Sitting upon the rock in his secluded corner, Bilbo reached into his pocket...pulling out a glowing stone from the folds..wondering what he should do now.


Ahmi heard the scraping of the spoon in the bowl of stew that sat before Fili as he stirred his food slowly..not really eating it, just moving the objects inside around the bowl. Shortly ago, right after Thorin had left the treasury hall she had badgered Fili into getting something to eat..he grumbled hard but relented when his stomach growled at him. For the past few days she noticed a change occuring over him..he began to sleep less, missing meals, barely drinking. He wasnt focused on anything except the gold..always making some excuse to go there and survey the bounty hidden inside these halls. Finally she had enough when she saw how pale and exhausted he was suddenly...then his stomach made a noise and enough was enough...she fussed till he gave in and went with her to the dining hall to eat. Now here they both sat with a bowl of Bomburs stew in front of them. It took her giving him a look and a clearing of her throat before , sighing loudly he spooned a bite into his mouth..making a face at it. Pleased with herself she went back to eating her own..not even a few moments later he just stood up and walked away, leaving a nearly full bowl sitting on the table...throwing her spoon down in haste she gave chase after him.

"Fili? Fili?" he kept walking like he didnt hear her calling him. "Come on...stop. You need to eat."he shook his least he wasnt ignoring her. 

"Cant...besides you heard Uncle. We need to find it. Cant rest till we do." he made turns down the hallways...heading back to the chamber..a feeling of annoyance coming over him suddenly for some reason as a whisper tickled in his itch he couldnt scratch.

~you can eat later~

"I can eat later." his voice seemed hollowed sounding.

~Your uncle really needs this...he needs you to find it...he needs you~

" Im doing this for uncle..he needs us to find the stone..he needs me." they neared a bridged walkway as he spoke...something felt wrong to Ahmi and she reached out placing her hand on his arm to stop him. 

"Fili?" her voice begged him to listen to her.

Suddenly that minor itch flared into a raw burning sensation along his body the moment she touched him and he lashed out . The second her hand touched him she felt his arm recoiling from her touch and he pushed her away from him..violently. An icy chill took a hold of her at the sight of his was hard and cold..there was a flash of teeth as he snarled like an animal at her.

"Leave me Woman! You cant have it! Its MINE!" his lips turned up as he hissed at her, making her stagger back away from him...her foot meeting air as she felt the bridge vanish from under her. Ahmi could feel the wind rushing past her as her heart plummeted..just like in her dream those many months ago..and she knew this was the end for her. Her scream pierced the air as she fell over the edge of the bridge...then suddenly her plummet stopped abruptly as a hand grabbed a hold of hers..clutching it as she dangled over the dark chasm laying below that threatening to swallow her. Her eyes flew up to meet the azure blue of filis..a look of terror burning within their depths and his voice was strained.

"Ahmi! Hold onto my hand! Dont let go!  Rum gabura ( dammit) ,dont you dare let go...sanghivasha (perfect treasure)." he pleaded desperately as he pulled her up slowly...muscles straining against the sleeves as stitches groaned at the seams..he pulled her back up onto the bridge and into his trembling arms. The moment he felt her in his again..he let out a shaky breath, crushing her to his chest..terrified to let her go after he came so close to losing her. Her sobs into his shirt sliced his heart in shame in what he had done to the very woman he swore was his life. 

~I did this to her...I almost killed her and for what? Pieces of yellow metal and a rock?~ a wind from the still opened front gates, blew threw the cavern across the walkway where they huddled and he felt her trembling into him. 

Fili scooped her up into his strong arms and made his way to one of the bedrooms that had survived the dragons occupancy of the mountain and they had cleaned up partially for sleeping. Entering the stale smelling room he deposited her onto the bed and crawled in next to her...wrapping her up in travel worn musty blanket there and held her close while rocking and crooning in her ears..refusing to let her go from him.

"Im so sorry...I am sorry kardunah (my heart)." he was begging for her forgiveness..ashamed at his actions that were crushing him under it...tears falling from his eyes. "I dont know what came over me..please forgive me Ahmi. I cant live without you...your my everything" he kissed her temples as he stroked her hair.

They stayed like that for who knows how long...just taking comfort from each other in the darkness. Eventually their hearts eased up and their hard embrace gentled...turning into comfort. Ahmi could smell his scent..warm, earthy grass.. tantalizing her nose..she began to nuzzle her face closer to the nearest source, his neck and she inhaled deeply. Filis eyes closed at the touch of her warm breath whispering across his skin..a soft groan escaped his lips at her soft touch. She did it again..the tip of her nose caressing the skin along his jawline towards his ear..heat pooling low at the sound he made in his chest. 

"Ahmi." his voice became rough and deep with his desire..his hand coming up to cup the back of her head..holding her there to allow her to nuzzle the sensitive patch along his throat. His sounds, his scent, his very touch in the darkness made her bolder and her tongue peeked out to taste the skin under his beard. He growled low her name and a jolt of pure lust swept over her, making her whimper as heat suffused through her body.

Feeling her tongue upon his throat, swiping across his apple was his undoing ..he swooped down to claim her lips..his tongue commanding her lips to open for him...sensing her compliance it swept in to tangle with hers. The darkness heightened  every touch, every taste, every sound that was made..fueling the fire of their passion out of control between them. Hands roughly pulled at clothing, trying to rid themselves of those barriers that kept hands from roaming, from caressing  one another...feeling hot silky skin under fingertips...tugging of hair to give directions to their desires...sliding of fingers into crevices along one anothers bodies, wringing out moans and whispers of promises between them. Fili brought his fingers to his lips..tasting her upon his tongue..loving the taste.

"Men blugat nai ghelkh, azyung. ( you taste so good, lover)" he felt her shiver and her breath quickened..he smiled as he positioned himself over her.

"Irmash fur hurus menu zagarul, azyung? (ready for my hot sword, lover?)" his sexy smirk made her whimper..begging for what he offered with lust clouded eyes. He surged forward..filling her completely in one motion. "Ahmi...Ahmi...Ahmi..." her name falling from his lips in a repeating litany ..a healing mantra that burned away the gold sickness that resided inside him. As they neared their climaxed...closer and closer they came as he could feel the last vestiges of the madness melting away from him...with the last drop falling into dust  as she uttered  his name , crying out for any and all to hear. 

They could feel a satisfying weariness consuming them in the darkness as they shifted closer into an embrace...holding her in his arms with her head upon his chest over his pounding heart.

"I love zirip menu Ahmi ( you complete me)." heard in the darkness as sleep claimed them finally.


Thorin was pacing in front of the throne up on a dias while his two companions, Dwalin and Balin, stood at the bottom of their stairs...watching him.

"It is here in these halls, I know it." Thorin huffed out in his frustration of still not finding that elusive stone he yearned for. Dwalin could see how it was wearing on his friend, this not knowing where it was at, and he tried to reach his friend with his words.

"We have searched and searched..." he tried to say but Thorin whirled around to glare at him as he barked out fiercely.

"Not Well Enough!" his disdain echoed around the chamber. 

"Thorin..we all would see the stone returned." Dwalin spoke calmly..trying to not let Thorins foul mood provoke his own temper...but it was getting harder and harder as time progressed.

"And yet its still not found!" he snarled at the two men. Balin could see Dwalin was getting riled more and more, so he quickly intervened before he could say something he would regret later on.

"Do you doubt the varak (loyalty) of anyone here?" he sees Thorin turn to face him..a strange glint in his eye that makes the elder worry. "The arkenstone is the birthright of our people." the look Thorin gives him is one of madness..the same insane glow that lies within Thorins eyes are the same as the one that was in his grandfathers before Erebor fell.

"It is the kings jewel. Am I not the king?!" he spat out..not seeing a shadowed form hiding within an archway close by. "Know this, if anyone should find it and withhold it from me, I will be avenged." with those dark words he storms away from everyone. Bilbo watches Thorin walk away and a sliver of doubt enters him at Thorins parting words...he slowly slips away back in the direction he came from..alot on his mind.


Balin was in the store room taking stock of whats there...his heart was heavy with grief for his king. His behavior reminding him so much of Thror, that he wants to weep from the tragedy of it all. Balins thoughts are disturbed by the clearing of a throat...turning he sees Bilbo standing there..the same look upon his face as Balin is assured is on his own. He sighed deeply..knowing what was on the hobbits mind.

"Dragon sickness. Ive seen it before. That look, the terrible need. It is a fierce and jealous love, Bilbo." he answered..Bilbo stood there thinking..a look of hesitancy upon his face.

"Balin, if..if Thorin had the arkenstone...well if..if it was found, would it help?" he stammered ..hope clear in his eyes for good news...but it was short lived as Balin shook his head.

"That stone crowns all. Its the summit of this great wealth, bestowing power upon he who bears it.But stay his madness? No lad. I fear it would make him worse." Balin gives Bilbo a look...~he knows...he knows I have it.~...then looking pointedly into the hobbits eyes he spoke plainly. "Perhaps it is best it remains lost." Balin turns away and goes back to his thoughts..leaving a downcast hobbit to his own thoughts.


Ahmi could feel something pulling her along in the darkness as she walked..drawing her towards a unknown destination. She didnt feel any fear as she stepped along the darkened pathway..whatever laid ahead wasnt anything to fear. Suddenly she heard a soft sweet humming sound and her steps quickened. Drawing closer to the source of the music she could see a shadowy form hunched over...crooning a sweet tune to whatever it held in its arms. Looking up Ahmi saw a large full moon coming out from behind clouds and its blue glow illuminated the form..a hooded woman who held a baby within her arms that began to coo up at her in delight. Ahmi stood there watching the beautiful scene before her...a sense of serenity enclosing around her at the vision of them sitting there. The childs giggles were soft like butterfly wings..there was golden curls that framedpure blue eyes and rosy cheeks.

"Are you not the most precious gift ever?" she leaned down to brush her nose against the childs, making the child smile and coo up at her. As the woman leaned down, a tendril of hair was cornsilk blond, just like Ahmis. In that instant she knew who they was her holding her own child. Suddenly Ahmi found herself sitting upon that chair staring down into that cherubic face of her child and she felt a deep love swell inside.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ahmi jerked awake quickly..her eyes seeing darkness..but there was a warmth along her back and around her waist holding her close to that heat. She realized it was Fili whos breath was caressing the hairs along the back of her neck..his presence there in bed with her gave her comfort that he had beaten back the madness..all for her..his love was that strong. As she breathed steadily she remembered her dream...slowly her hand eased down to her stomach to rest..tears prickling her eyes in joy..knowing that they had just created a life this night..for better or worse, come what may the line of Durin was going to live their son.


Thorin was walking the halls as dawn was approaching along the horizon..sleep eluding him yet again. Each time that he closed his eyes he could hear the screams of his people on that fateful day..the acrid smoke that rolled down along the many passages and over walkways, heralding the fires of the vile dragon. In his dream he could see himself running down staired passages after his grandfather..suddenly he finds himself standing on the ledge, looking upon the great Erebor treasure. As he stares out at the wealth before him, a hulking form rises up in front of him...a fiery golden eye sinisterly stares at him... a dark rumble echoes around the chamber.

"So you think your going to get all this gold?" he laughed evily. "Think again Oakenshield. Its mine...its mine...its..." Thorin jerked awake, hissing ~Mine~ and felt a deep anger that someone would steal what was rightfully his. Now here he was walking down stone passages, keeping watch over his kingdom..from any sneaky thief who would dare take what was his. Sensing movement up a head he spots the hobbit sitting upon a bouldered seat..looking at something he had just taken from out of one of his pockets..Thorin became suspicious.

"What is that? In your hand?" he approaches Bilbo who jerks in surprise at the harsh voice behind him. 

"Its nothing." his voice is hesitant as he stares up at the towering dwarf above him. The skeptical look he gives Bilbo makes the hobbit even more nervous and the harsh tone of Thorins ~show me~ doesnt help any better with a hand that shakes as he holds out his first revealing a simple acorn inside.

"It...I picked it up in Beorns garden." he stammers  out , as Thorins hard visage melts away and his gaze softens along with his voice.

"Youve carried it all this way?" Thorin smiled in amazement that Bilbo had held onto such a trifle thing all this time.

"Im going to plant it in my Bag end. One day it'll grow and every time I look at it, Ill remember. Remember everything that happened..the good, the bad, and how lucky I am that I made it home." they both smiled at the mention of home. Home...such a simple word and yet it held such deep meaning to all. "Thorin, I..." Bilbos voice became nervous and as Thorin gave him his full attention they were interrupted  by Dwalin walking in...looking as if he bore grim news.

"Thorin ..the survivors from Laketown, theyre streaming into Dale. Theres hundreds of them." Bilbos eyes lit up that so many had made it through the onslaught of Smaug...but when he peered up at Thorin, expecting the same joy ..all he saw was a cold angry mask that slipped into place once more. Thorin stomped off..heading towards the bashed open gates, bellowing out thunderously.

"Call everyone to the gate." Not looking to see Dwalins response...expecting him to do as he ordered as his heavy footfalls fading away. "To the gate! Now!" passing a passage he sees Fili and Ahmi, holding hands, come running out ..both of their hairs were disheveled and there was a glow within their cheeks. He snarled as he passed..disgusted at them both for cavorting when they should have been searching for his birthright instead. 

~I'll have some words with him later..he knows his duty.~ he growled under his breath..not knowing he was heard by a certain red haired woman.


Kechi heard Thorins muttered words as he passed her and became scared..for him. She knew he would never fault his nephew for finding love if he was in his right mind..if he was, but she knew he wasnt.

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