Healing of the heart [ mature]

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Bofur breathed a sigh of relief , he was home , had a hot bath, and was in bed resting finally with his hat sitting on the nightstand next to him. Tia had stayed and was in the kitchen making him something to eat and Tohlm went to her shop to finish closing it up and posting a sign on the door telling customers she was temporarily closed due a emrgency in the family. As he laid there he remembered earlier being trapped in the mine and suddenly he started sweating from a panic attack that swept over him.

Dont break down and let her see..got to remain strong..for her. im alive..thats what matters most, he tried to breathe in his nose and out his mouth to calm down. As he was breathing Tia walked in seeing him breathing hard and rushed to his side thinking his broken ankle was causing him extreme pain. " You ok? Are you hurting ?" she looked so worried that it made some of his panic go away and he could breath normally again.

"Im ok..luv. Yea it hurts a little but its good. I have the best healer around tending to me." he reached for her hand and pulled her to him needing to hold her close to him . She went without hesitation needing to feel his heartbeat under her hands and knowing he was alive and still with her. Remebering how she almost lost him she started to shake from the fear of it all. He felt her shaking and trying to calm her down he placed his finger under her chin lifting her face up to his to brush her lips with his in a soft kiss recieving a sigh..that quickly turned into a moan. His tongue trailed along the seam of her lips and they parted inviting him in to taste her ..he accepted and as his tongue slipped past her lips she moaned into his mouth. The sound of her moaning drove him crazy and he deepened the kiss while drawing her in tight to his body. As his tongue fought with hers for dominance his hands moved down her waist to her backside pulling her tight against his pelvis.

Tia felt her heart pounding like thunder as he kissed her deeply and pulled her hips closer to him to cuddle his groin. They pulled thier mouths away panting for air she felt his mouth move to her throat kissing it and suddenly he hit a spot that made her gasp in pleasure and jerk her hips causing him to groan and pull her leg up to wrap around his hips. Soon he was licking that spot and nipping it with his teeth as he ground his hips into hers causing a fire to spread thru her. He kept up the torture for a bit..lick- nip-sucking on that spot- then kissing it and back again all while slowly grinding his hips into hers making her gasp each time .

"Bofur...oh yes....please...mmmm" she kept gasping and panting as he kept teasing her body into a raging fire. It was her moaning his name that brought him to reality at what he was doing to her and he stopped for a moment breathing trying to slow down his heart and stop. He felt her trembling in his arms and he thought she was fearing what he was doing.

"Ah lass.. im sorry.. please dont be afraid. Ill stop...gajut men ghivashel (forgive me my love)" he pleaded with her hoping she would forgive what he was doing to her. She looked at him and saw he was afraid that he scared her and she knew..they both needed each other tonight..no matter what. They almost lost each other and she needed him more than anything else. She placed her hands on either side of his head and looked deeply into his eyes as she spoke from her heart.

" Bofur. I came too close to losing you today ..i need to feel your touch , to taste you, to show me we are alive tonight. I love you.. menu tessu (you are everything) to me and i cant stand another day or night without you here with me. " uncertaintity entered her eyes for a moment as he just laid there holding her and staring at her with surprise on his face" Do you want me Bofur? "

Seeing her afraid not of what they were doing but of him possibly not wanting her was his breaking point and he answered the best way he could .. he pulled her to him and kissed her with all the passion in him as he rolled her to her back with him on top of her..his tongue plunging into hers over and over again. He was so absorbed in showing his love for her that the pain in his ankle went away. His hands entangeled themselves in her hair to hold her captive as he ravished her mouth with his repeatedly and a leg nudged hers open to allow him to settle between her thieghs. As he fitted himself between her legs he could feel the heat of her thru her dress and he lifted his head groaning. He looked down at her lying there beneath him ,eyes glazed over with passion,lips swollen from his kisses and he felt himself hardening against her.

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