trolls and rivendell [pg ]

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Month later( late spring almost summer)...western trollshaws

It was getting late in the afternoon as the company came upon a old farm house that looked torn down and abadoned. Thorin and Gandaulf were inside argueing over something when suddenly the wizard storms off angrily commenting " Ive had enough of dwarves for one day" stomping off down the hill and out of sight. Bofur watched after him with concern on his face when Thorins voice snapped him back.

"Come on Bombur, were hungery" turning to Balin to speak to. Bombur dismounted his pony and started preparing the meal with Bofurs assistance.

Darkness falls as they finish with the stew starting to ladle out to everyone when Bilbo comes up to Bofur all agitated.

"He's been gone along time." Bofur asked who he was referring to " Gandaulf" bofur just shakes his head before replying back.

"He's a wizard. He does as he chooses. Here do us a favor an take this teh the lads" spooning up a couple of bowls he hands them to bilbo who walks off to give to Fili and Kili who are guarding the horses. Bofur turns around and notices Bombur trying to sneak more food and he smacks his hand away while telling him he's had enough. He was just about to sit down and eat himself when suddenly Fili and Kili come rushing back to camp hollering trolls have Bilbo ..everyone stops eating rushing off thru the forest to save him. Kili is the first one there jumping out of the bushes slashing at the nearest trolls legs twice before shouting "drop him" which the troll respond by throwing a terrified bilbo at him. As Kili is knocked down by the flying hobbit everyone else comes into the clearing weilding their weapons..Bofur swings his mattock at the nearest troll making him jump around and he keeps moving on slashing and bashing as he went. Suddenly during the fight there is a shout and turning around he sees bilbo being held by his arms and legs by two of the trolls.

"Lay down your arms or we will rip his off" there is a growl of anger as they all throw them down onto the ground in disgust at how this is ending.


Bofur finds himself tied on a spit over a fire along with a handful of others being cooked while the others are bound in sacks off to the side in a pile. He can feel the flames licking his skin as the spit is being turned over and over as he groans from the pain of it while thinking this is the end of him and Tia will never see or know what became of him. Through the pain he hears bilbo talking ..advising the trolls how to cook dwarf and he gets angry along with the others. As they are all shouting one of the trolls picks up Bombur and is about to eat him as is when Bilbo suddenly shouts out.

"Not that one...he..he's infected" the troll looks at him with disbelief asking with what. Bilbo thinks quickly for a moment "hes got parasites in his...tubes." the troll quickly throws Bombur back down onto the pile in disgust." In fact they all are infected..I wouldnt chance it..nasty business" the dwarves are offended at this and try to deny this till Thorin suddenly kicks someone realizing that he's trying to buy time for them and it instantly turns into a shouting match of who's got the biggest..when suddenly there is a voice from above.

"Dawn will take you all!"with that there was a loud crack as a piece of the cliff breaks off revealing the sun which bathed the trolls and turning them into stone.


After they were freed some decided to look for the troll cave that they knew was close by and went down in it to explore.

"Oiy..what's that stench" Bofur almost gagged on the vile smell rising up out the cave as he entered.

"Its a troll cave" gandaulf remarked" be careful what you touch" as they got deeper in they saw the treasure lying around and Bofur nudges some of it with his foot when something catches his was a silver bracelet studded with rubies and emeralds in an winter ivy pattern. It reminded him of Tia and picking it up he pocketed it as he follows everyone out of the cave into fresh open air again upon someone shouting "someone is coming" They all stand around with weapons at the ready when a sled pulled by the biggest rabbits anyone ever saw bursts into the clearing shouting " Thieves! Fire! Murder!"before anyone attacks Gandaulf recognizes him.

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