my love is strong (mature content/language)

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The clinking of metal upon metal could be heard echoing throughout the grande golden chamber as a group of dwarves dug through the amassed treasure that laid before them. Many of their eyes had dark circles under them as they searched wearily for the one thing that Thorin desperately wanted, above anything else in all of Middle Earth...the arkenstone..his birthright. Pacing up above them upon a lower staircase landing was the King under the Mountain himself...moving back and forth...highly agitated, which was being reflected in his voice as he barked out to the others below.

"Any sign of it?" he stopped briefly to look at them...shaking of heads in a no he snarled. "Keep searching!" his growl was upsetting to all. Dwalin who was searching next to the landing paused to speak to Thorin as he sighed loudly.

"That jewel could be anywhere." he ran a hand down his face as he glanced around pondering the enormity of the task they were being commanded to accomplish ....then rubbing the back of his neck to ease the ache that had settled there hours ago from all the stooping he was doing. He guessed Thorin didnt like his words because the man snarled out to them all...tone brooking no arguments from them.

"the arkenstone is in theses halls. Find it!" his glower was cold and full of anger. Dwalin felt a prickling sensation of fear at the expression upon his friends face..but being ever the loyal captain he was he gruffed out loudly to the group.

"You heard him..keep looking." many groaned at the order...Thorin heard and his gaze became hotter.

"All of you! No one rests until it is found!" his roar echoed around the chamber and bounced off the walls...filling the room with the weight of his disapproval. They kept to their exhausting task..biting back any angry words or groans, not wanting to vex him further. Bilbo got tired and just walked away to sit in a corner of the room out of everyones sight..recalling Smaugs words to him in this very chamber days ago.


Smaug stood there eyeing the small hobbit before him..watching Bilbos eyes as they flickered to the spot a glowing stone was resting upon a mound of gold. The dragons voice rumbled and was deep as he chuckled mockingly at the hobbit.

"I am almost tempted to let you take it..if only to see Oakenshield suffer." Bilbo felt himself quivering inside at the fiery worms words..fear making his heart pound hard. "Watch it destroy him. Watch it corrupt his heart and drive him mad." the deep hissing voice sounded as if he was mulling it over, but those eyes..golden red wicked eyes said something different. Bilbo knew it was now or never and he quickly slipped on the ring..making himself disappear  seconds before the dragon lunged and snapped his jaws. The roar of the beast was painfully loud as Bilbo raced..snatching up the stone into his invisible hands and running away.


Sitting upon the rock in his secluded corner, Bilbo reached into his pocket...pulling out a glowing stone from the folds..wondering what he should do now.


Ahmi heard the scraping of the spoon in the bowl of stew that sat before Fili as he stirred his food slowly..not really eating it, just moving the objects inside around the bowl. Shortly ago, right after Thorin had left the treasury hall she had badgered Fili into getting something to eat..he grumbled hard but relented when his stomach growled at him. For the past few days she noticed a change occuring over him..he began to sleep less, missing meals, barely drinking. He wasnt focused on anything except the gold..always making some excuse to go there and survey the bounty hidden inside these halls. Finally she had enough when she saw how pale and exhausted he was suddenly...then his stomach made a noise and enough was enough...she fussed till he gave in and went with her to the dining hall to eat. Now here they both sat with a bowl of Bomburs stew in front of them. It took her giving him a look and a clearing of her throat before , sighing loudly he spooned a bite into his mouth..making a face at it. Pleased with herself she went back to eating her own..not even a few moments later he just stood up and walked away, leaving a nearly full bowl sitting on the table...throwing her spoon down in haste she gave chase after him.

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