lake-town [pg-13]

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"Ered Luin..2 weeks before Durins day

The sun was shining down upon Thorins halls as children were running around in excitement as Durins day drew closer. They were dreaming of the great feast that was to come filled with lovely cakes, the beautiful lights , sweet delicacies that were light as air, perfectly roasted meats, singing, pies, dancing, more cakes....yummmm. In one such home there was dreams of more than just food..they were dreams of the new life that was to come.

Tia was stirring a pot of stew over the fire thinking of all that had transpired today. Earlier Dis, Amari, Kita, Grawlin and even Tohlm came over to her home to help straighten, clean, and just make ready for the company that should be arriving any moment. She decided that it would be best if they stayed in her home..after all she had the available rooms..Tohlm even offered up his room if need be, while he went to stay at Dis' home. She felt relief that her home was clean once more...the blessing of having such good friends and family. Tia couldn't believe Amari had come to help..after all she was very pregnant too. Amari claimed she was fine..but it seemed not as fine as she thought..right now she was back home in birth to Dwalin and hers child. Dis, Grawlin and Kita were with her , leaving Tohlm to help Tia greet Bofurs parents whenever they arrived and to help watch over Griegur who currently was walking around the living room being entertained by his uncle.


Across the way in the village:

Screams could be heard all the way outside of Dwalins home as Amari was groaning in the bed of the upstairs bedroom..trying to not push at that moment...per Dis. Earlier while helping to clean tias home before company arrived , Amari's baby decided to come at that time..two weeks earlier than expected. Dis who was acting as the mid-wife for this had told Amari that the baby was in the wrong position to be no pushing yet. After telling her this Dis sent Kita out into the hallway to wait with Grawlin, who was pacing back and forth in worry over hearing his momma in pain. Whenever Dwalin left he had told Grawlin..who was 10 years old" You are the man of the house while Im watch over your mother and sister..keep them safe." so now he was pacing outside the door in the hallway waiting on any word on what was going on in the Kita joined him.

After sending the girl out Dis turned back to Amari..breathing deep she picked up the sheet as she looked into her eyes "Now just keep breathing..Im going to have to go in and turn the baby into position..dont push till i tell you too." Amari nodded as Dis begun. It was excrutiating..she could feel the baby being shifted inside...soon the awaited words she longed to hear finally sounded.

"Now Push! Push!" Amari groaned and pushed with all her might. "Once more. Push!" screaming loudly Amari heaved one last time and was rewarded with a feeling of the baby leaving her body and into the world...the child voiced its displeasure at its new world with such gusto that anyone passing by could hear. The moment Kita and Grawlin heard the cries they rushed into the room with joy as they went to greet thier new sibling.


Tias home

Tias thoughts were interupted by a ringing of the bell from the shop door..signifing that company arrived..and she could hear Tohlms voice shout out as he headed down below to answer as she went to the living area with Griegur. She could hear some banging, stomping of feet and voices making thier way up the stairs towards them.


Tia had only met Bofurs mother twice..once at the wedding and once when she was a little dwarfling of five. It was a one of those days when Bofur was working late into the night , toiling over a special order for Gloins son, Gimli. Tia had snuck out of her family quarters while Tohlm and Ognir (her adoptive father) slept peacefully in thier beds and made her way to Bofurs workshop to visit him this late at night...all she wanted was to see her Bo.She ran down the halls as quiet as she could making her way to Bofurs work she got near to it she heard was Bofurs and the other was a womans. Slowly she crept closer, peaking around the corner she saw a lovely older dwarf woman with hair of dark brown pulled back in a tail with many plaited braids falling down her back...talking to her Bo who was smiling up at the woman. Tia leaned out further around the corner and stumbled slightly..alerting the two of her presence.

Jeweled dolls of DurinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon