beorn / spiders [pg-13]

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Ered Luin- late summer/early fall (5 months)

The wind was sweeping hard across the land of Erebor..driving the snow on the ground into a frenzied storm around the crumbling tower..where the roar of triumph echoed down to where Ahmi stood at the base. She stood there looking towards the top as a chill ran down her spine ..knowing what was up there was death. Slowly she climbed the stairs..making her way to the top of the tower..each step making it harder for her to breath as the top came in sight. Finally making it to the top she peered around ..seeing only three dark shapes on the ground..she cautiously approached them. As she neared them one began to morph into a had Thorins face with blood slowly seeping out of his mouth and eyes filled with horror of his last moment. Then his mouth started first there was nothing heard and then as if someone was turning up the volume she could hear him.

"The dragon sickness consumed..dragon consumed me" the sound of his voice dimmed into the wind as the sound of another voice increased..turning around to where it came from she saw the body of Kili materialized ..he had deep ragged gauges along his torso and his eyes were filled with pain.

"We had no warning...we had no warning...we had no warning" then just as suddenly his voice faded as another picked up making itself heard. Ahmi couldn't face that voice..she was terrified of what she would see and she closed her eyes. A hand placed itself on her shoulder..slowly swiveling her in his direction..forcing her to face him as the sound of him washed over her filling her with dread.

"Why..why did you abondon us? ..Me? could of saved us...saved" his voice was swept away with the wind that blew harder... tearing her feet out from under her and dragging her closer to the edge of the tower and the steep drop off. She felt her body roll off the edge into nothingness..feeling the wind blow around her as she plummeted towards her demise..expecting any moment to feel the impact of the earth on her body..shattering it into pieces. She awaited the impact with open arms ready to join him...her love..Fili...but it never came. Her body felt arms enfolding her in their safe embrace..lifting her into a warm light..momentarily blinding her before gentlely easing for her to see. Looking up at who's arms were holding her she saw a dwarven man who looked like fili..but older..smiling kindly down at her..but eyes were filled with such sadness as he kept peering at her...until finally he spoke in a rich timber filled much like Filis it brought her to tears.

"Shhh..little one dont cry..not yet. Do not be afraid..I'm here to help. I'm Krawli..father of Fili and Kili..and I need you to answer something for me." Ahmi stared at him in confusion....wasn't Krawli dead? Didn't he die when Kili was just a baby?...his voice broke her out of her thoughts, dragging her back to the situation at hand, inclining her head for him to ask whatever it is he needed..he smiled at her. "Good girl. Do you love my son?" She was surprised at the question but answered ..yes, of course i do..." Will you do anything to keep him protect him?" He peered at her waiting for her answer which was immediate....Absolutely, without question...he smiled again. Just as quickly his eyes became intense as his eyes bored into hers. "Im needing you to go on a quest. To save my sons. You are the only one who can achieve this task I'm setting before and your sisters. They are a part of this..but I'm unable to reach them unlike you in your its your task to get them to help. Understand have no time to you now must go..." suddenly his eyes became unfocused for a moment then they refocused back on her. "Someone wishes to speak to you...don't be afraid..please" with those words he disappeared and instantly a large man was kkneeling before that moment she knew who he was...Mahal... he had come to her in her dreams. He looked wild and untamed, yet majestic at the same time...then he spoke and it was a rumbling boom the very mountains dwarves loved.

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