Battle at Ravenhill

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 A/N:survivor-eye of the tiger(song) this chapter is very long...sorry but I had to fit this battle all into one chapter so there was not to much cliff hanging going on.

Fili and Kili were scouting along the chilly tunnels of the tower..searching for that vile piece of trash, Azog. Slowly easing down the dimly lit tunnels they peered around as they held their swords up, ready to use at any given moment...periodically they would pass a opened window where the sight of snow gently falling could be seen. A chilly wind blew through the portal, sending a shiver along both of their spines as they eased past and went further down the tunnel. A scuffling noise could be heard up a head and Fili swiftly turned to look at Kili whos brown eyes were speculative as he stared at his older brother. There  was low sounding grunts coming sounded like goblins and not to many..easy for one dwarf to handle. Fili gave a smirk at Kili as he tilted his head towards one of the corridors they had passed shortly ago.

" the lower levels. Ive got this." with that he turned to intercept the spindly creatures as they came..barely registering Kilis reluctant departure as he moved off..leaving his elder brother to handle this.

Fili blocked the descending goblin blade with his sword, within the tight confines of the dank corridors..pushing back the handful of goblins before him. Finally he got to a juncture of the tunnel which gave him more room to fight in..Fili smiled smugly, knowing this fight was now in his favor. Suddenly the goblins began to laugh which confused Fili..making him pause for a split second, which was all that was needed for the tides to turn against him. The goblins rushed him, but as he raised his sword to counter them a hand grabbed him by the neck from was large and eerie chuckle could be heard right before his face was smashed into the wall dazing him and allowing his sword to slip from his fingers to clatter onto the ground. The hand roughly pulled him back against the body of his assailant ..its hot breath on his cheek as he tried to look at his attacker through his disoriented eyes.

"Haha...look what we have here. A lost little Durin who happened to wander down here." his laugh made Filis skin crawl. " Lets be proper hosts and show him how we treat those of the Durin line." The hand holding Filis neck tightened as it turned him around to see its scarred, pale visage that was smiling at his sharp intake of breath...Azog, the bane of the Durins. Fili couldnt stop the whimper leaving his lips as he was thrown once again into the wall..nor the cries as the group of goblins pummeled him brutally...eventually rendering him mercifully unconscience  ...for the time being.



Bofur could feel sweat running down his body as he fought voraciously..letting the adrenaline course through him, giving him the energy to keep fighting against the multitudes of goblins and orcs upon worgs. Swinging his bloodied mattock at the encroaching mass, he let out a blood chilling roar, brandishing his teeth at the beasts before him. With each strike of his weapon he could feel and hear the crunch of bone shattering and he smiled gleefully. A large orc..the largest Bofur had ever seen , with the exception of Azog...stepped forward holding a double bladed axe...its foul decaying teeth grimacing as it advanced. The monster swung his axe at Bofurs stomach in an effort to disembowel him, but the dwarf dodged by leaping back...unknowingly right into the path of another orc who had snuck up on Bofurs back...brandishing a large club in his hand. It swung on the unexpecting dwarf, catching him along the ribs..the heavy impact throwing him to the side as his weapon skittered upon the ground..out of breath. Thankfully the toughness of dwarves were unpararelled for no bones had been broken..yet. Bofur saw the orc raise his club overhead  so to bash the dwarf whos hand was frantically searching for his lost weapon..chuckling evilly as it approached ...suddenly a howl was heard over the battlefield. Before Bofur could locate the source of the sound a grey blur streaked past..tackling the club wielding orc to the ground where the sounds of growling and screams pierced out as the furry beast ripped orc flesh under its paws. Bofur could only stare in shock at the sight of the giant wolf he had ever seen was mauling the orc..glancing up he spied an armored dwarf upon its back..firing an arrow into the forgotten axe wielding orc behind him. Hearing its dying scream he turned his head, watching it fall to the earth dead...then the screaming of the other orc stopped bringing his eyes once again to look at his savior. Hazel eyes met black eyes of the wolf who was inches from his face..licking its bloodied muzzle as it watched him...judging him with an intellegence. Taking a deep breath Bofur gathered his courage and spoke to them both as they eyed him.

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