
By JuliaTeng555

69.5K 2.5K 1.3K

Dawn broke. The screams from the streets seemed like a story of yesterday. The days which could be conside... More

Unexpected of The Dead
Into The School of The Dead
Getting Out of Here
The Plan
Run Them Down!
Can We Stay For The Night?
The Next Day
Getting Items
Crossing The River!
Attack In The Mini Market
Unfriendly Attack
Sudden Outburst
Coach? Or Not!
Leader and Death?
He's Alive!
Heat Stroke
Sometimes Bravery Needs To Bow Down To Wisdom
Back to The Clinic
Cheering Up and Dreams
The Death of A Beloved
To The Airport
On The Plane
The Amazon Jungle
Valentines Day Special! Part 1
Endou vs Wild Animal Fresh from The Amazons!
Grouping Up & Something Wrong
Valentines Day Special! Part 2
Story Telling
Nocturnal Attack
The Story Behind The Cool One
Pls Don't Misundertand thx :)
Incredible Luck
Every Cloud has A Silver Lining

Valentines Day Special!! Part 3

1.3K 50 44
By JuliaTeng555

Heyy guys! Okay, so I know most of you feel like wanting to kill me for not updating for sooooo loooonngggg and also not yet finishing the Valentines Special even when it's already August. Gomenasai (Sorry). But I'm back with another chappie! Again, the pairings are not related to the real story and its not joined with the story. Oh, and there is going to be EXTRA EXTRA fluff so that it seems more Valentines-like. More couple-ish stuff. Oh, and just so you know, I'm pretty sadistic so... Enjoy!~

Everyone walked in a group with Hiroto in the lead. Hiroto continued his little 'spy leader' act by going first, acting like a spy and checking each nook and cranny before giving the others a signal that it is safe. But the others never really gave a damn as they walked normally.

"Kochi (Here)!" Hiroto exclaimed, turning towards them.

Just then, an infected came out of nowhere and tried to take a chunk out of the currently unaware Hiroto.


In one swift movement, Hiroto ducked, turned behind the infected and hit hard down onto its head with his stick. The infected then fell onto the ground. Before it could get up, Hiroto smirked and stepped onto its head, preventing it from getting up, and aimed. He then quickly removed his foot and quickly struck down at its head, earning a bunch of brains and blood. Hiroto smirked before turning to Endou and the others with an innocent smile.

"Mou owarimashita (It's all over)!" Hiroto exclaimed innocently, putting one hand up. Endou and the others could only sweatdrop. After cruelly killing an infected, this is his actions?! Really?!

"Is it just me or is Hiroto becoming more and more sadistic?" Endou pointed out.

"Just like Fubuki," Kidou sweatdropped.

"Ne, ne~ Where is Fubuki and Fuyuka?~~" Hiroto asked, acting like a little child who gets extremely hyper over candy.

'Yup, Hiroto lost it,' Kazemaru confirmed to himself once more. Little did he know that everyone was having the same thoughts as him.

"... Ikkimashouka (Should we go)?"

"Hai (Yes), Fubuki-kun!"

All of them turned to the source of that voice and quickly hid behind the row of stores. They knew that the voice belongs to Fubuki and Fuyuka. They peeked to see Fubuki and Fuyuka walking side by side of each other, with smiles on their faces. Fubuki smiled so charmingly that he resembles a prince on a white horse while Fuyuka so sweetly that she seemed like the world's sweetest princess.

"Perfect. Match."

All of them turned to look at Hiroto. He seemed so focused that even if the world is in an apocalypse (well, technically, it is), he would still stay focused.

Haruna and Kidou sweatdropped. Endou gave a nervous laugh, Gouenji smirked and Kazemaru... Face palmed. Yuuka only stared up at them innocently.

"Nani Nani (What what)?" Yuuka asked.

"Nandemonai (Nothing's going on), Yuuka-chan," Gouenji said putting a hand on Yuuka's head. Guess she's too young to understand what Hiroto is thinking.

Just then, Fuyuka stopped. Fubuki then noticed her stop too.

"Doushite (read as 'doshte')[What's wrong], Fuyuka?" Fubuki asked.

"I-I..." Fuyuka stuttered looking down, flustered. Fubuki walked a little closer and put his forehead on hers, causing her to blush even redder.

"Hmm... Why do you look so flustered when you don't have a fever?" Fubuki muttered to himself and took a step back. "Anyways, what is it that you wanted to say?"

"U-Ummm...." Fuyuka turned even more red. "P-Please let me hold your hand!"

Fuyuka bowed and stayed at that position. She squeezed her eyes shut and waited to be rejected. I mean, why would the ruthless yet charming Fubuki hold her hand?

Meanwhile, Hiroto and the others were frozen in shock. They were surprised at how courage a Fuyuka was. They never expected her to make a request like that. But they felt bad for her as they were almost certain Fubuki wouldn't agree. He did become a ruthless zombie-killer, y'know.

"You got all flustered just because you wanted to ask that?" everyone held their breaths.

Fuyuka remained in the same position, frozen like a statue. She didn't answer Fubuki's question.

Fubuki then did I something that shocked them even more. He reached out and grabbed Fuyuka's hand!

"Sure, why not?" Fubuki asked, a playful grin on his face. Fuyuka slowly stood straight and looked up, eyes wide with glee, a smile returned to her face. Fubuki then used his other hand and flicked Fuyuka's forehead.

"You don't need to get do worried and flustered just for that y'know. When you're worried or flustered, your smile goes away. I think that the smiling Fuyuka is much more cuter," Fubuki said, putting a hand on Fuyuka's head.


Was completely baffled.

Everyone was. Fuyuka felt like she would explode any moment. Fubuki just called her cute and held her hand!

Hiroto giggled giddily as he watched the scene. Endou and the others had their jaws on the ground while Haruna smiled.

"Ikkou (Let's to)," Fubuki smiled and pulled Fuyuka along.

Hiroto immediately got back into spy mode and carefully followed them with one finger pointed up. The rest followed Fubuki and Fuyuka too. But they did it the normal way- as in just trying not to get caught.

"Where do you guys think they are heading to?" Endou asked.

"Just follow them and you'll know," Hiroto said checking if the coast was clear with his 'gun' still up.

Kazemaru sighed. Cupid must've stopped time and kidnapped Hiroto in the middle of the apocalypse and did some brainwashing before putting him back so that he becomes obsessed in being the matchmaker in their group...

In the end, Fubuki and Fuyuka entered a shop- a cafe to be exact. They checked the whole areas to make her it was free of the undead and any survivors before sitting there and taking a rest. They didn't seem to mind the broken windows, messy grounds and blood everywhere. They just stared at each other.

Hiroto nodded in satisfaction when they had hidden well. They hid in a strategic place where they can hear what Fubuki and Fuyuka were saying (thanks to the broken windows)and see the two without them see them. But it is also quite hard for a group to constantly move in and out of the place as it would take some time.

"I sense a huge potential to be a couple here!" Hiroto said with his eyes closed and hands crossed while nodding in satisfaction. "Not bad!"

"Oh, Cupid! Why did you have to brainwash him?!" Kazemaru muttered to himself, holding his head. Everyone gave him strange looks.

Just then, their attention went back to the Fubuki and Fuyuka.

"Ne Fubuki-kun, how come you're such a good fighter?" Fuyuka asked, resting her face on her hands, her elbows on the table.

"Nah, I'm not good at all," Fubuki said. "All of you keep saying that but I don't think I have the potential to take any of them down at all,"

"USO (LIAR)!" everyone thought in unison as they listened to those words.

"I don't know what others think but... I think you're amazing! Your ways with your weapon and how you move so fearlessly and gracefully through the infecteds really mesmerize me! I... I wish I could be as strong as you... Then I can fight its you side be side... The way I am now... I am just a useless burden to the team..." Fuyuka said looking down, her hands still supporting her face though.

Fubuki patted her head gently before giving her a gentle smile.

"To say the truth, I like the way you are now. I like how you strive to do your best even if you can't really do something. I like your determination. Plus you're not a burden at all! You're the only one who knows about medication in our team, aren't you?" Fubuki asked.

"Well..." Fuyuka slowly sat up straight.

"Hey," Fubuki pinched her cheeks and looked into her eyes. He leaned in so that their faces were only inches apart. "Don't act like this. You're not useless and you're definitely not a burden,"

Fuyuka blushed as she realized how close he really is. She studied his every feature and for the first time- really notice how charming he really is! His normal ruthless gaze now soft as he tried to encourage her, his pale skin that seemed to glow, his perfect lips which seemed so nice, his silver hair which seemed so smooth and soft... She felt like touching it...

Fubuki then let go of her cheeks and leaned backwards again. She almost missed having him so close to her.

Meanwhile, Kidou and the others were staring like they were aliens from another galaxy. Hiroto was acting like a fangirl, squealing and fangirling all over.

"Oh my gosh they were like soooo close to each other! If only we could give them a push and their lips would have touched!! Squueeeeeeee!!! They're sooooo cuteeeeee!!!" Hiroto exclaimed like a little girl. Even Yuuka, who is literally a little girl, stared at him. Subconsciously, all of them took a step away from their- or so does Kazemaru calls him- brainwashed friend.

"I'm going to see if there's anything useful in the kitchen then. Be back real quick," Fubuki said giving Fuyuka a small wink before heading to the kitchen. They did went to the kitchen just now to make sure there aren't any infecteds but they didn't really check to see if there was anything useful in there. Fubuki left her weapon at the table as there shouldn't be any more infecteds around. Hiroto seemed to be cursing at how fast the romance came to a stop.

Fuyuka sat there and thought of what happened just now, a blush creeping onto her face. How she was so close to him, how he held her hand... Just thinking makes her feel all warm and giddy inside. She really loves him being around her. It makes her feel so protected and happy just being with him. She knows it. This is what she has been searching for-

'Stop Fuyuka! Get a hold of yourself! It's not like... You're in love with him... Are you' Fuyuka asked herself, her heart throbbing quickly, like it was trying it thump right out of her chest. She then thought over again... The times she would become flustered being around him in school before all this happened. The days when they did their homework in the library together. It slowly came to her. Her eyes widened as she realized...

'I... I really do love him..!'

Fuyuka took a deep breath. Today is Valentines Day. Did the day somehow make her love him or something? Maybe she should just keep it a secret... But another part of her screams otherwise. This is an apocalypse! Her life could end anytime. If she doesn't tell him now, she may never get a chance to tell him anymore...!

Fuyuka made up her mind as she stood up and slammed her hand onto the table. Fubuki, upon hearing that sound, came out of the kitchen to see what walk going on.

"Fuyuka, what's-" Fubuki was cut off as Fuyuka suddenly rushed towards him hugged him before looking up. Fubuki was tensed up at first by the sudden hug but he slowly relaxed and put a hand onto her head.

"What's wrong, Fuyuka?" Fubuki asked, this time in a much more gentle tone. Hiroto and the others seemed to know what was going to happen next. Hiroto stared so intensely the others thought that his gaze would actually bore a hope through the glass. The others sweatdropped but quickly turned their attention back to Fubuki and Fuyuka who were still in an embrace.

Fuyuka stared into Fubuki's eyes while Fubuki stared back. It may have been only a few seconds in reality, but it seemed like a million years to them. Fuyuka felt like she had travelled through the galaxies and seen shooting stars in space when she stared into his eyes. While, Fubuki felt like he is in a beautiful garden surrounded by a never ending batch of roses when he stared into hers.

Without them realizing, both of them slowly leaned closer to one another. Hiroto and the others held their breath as they waited and waited... Just when their lips were inches apart...

One of the windows were smashed open. An unfriendly looking survivor stepped in, a pocket knife in hand. He was quite big-sized, a huge smirk on his face. He wore only a white singlet which seemed to be a little torn and a pair of short pants.

"Well, well, well!" the fat guy exclaimed and licked his lips. "Look what we have here? Two pretty girls sitting in a cafe! Which one should I go after first?"

Fuyuka wanted to say something but realized what the man just said. Hiroto and the others were dumbfounded...


Before all of them bursted into laughter. Meanwhile, it seemed like flames were coming off Fubuki as his eyes were hid under his bangs.

"How dare you insult me in such a way...!" Fubuki looked up with rage in his eyes. "I am absolutely and definitely a male!"

"Opps! Gomene (Sorry)," the man said with false sincerity. "That means I only have one girl. No matter! I can always get another one! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!"

"Are you done laughing?" Fubuki stood in front of Fuyuka protectively, giving the man a death glare.

"Yes, yes," the man said. "Hey, young lad, do you want to join forces with me? We'll keep this woman here as our slave and we will go out and take down anybody in our way,"

"No way in hell will I even join forces with a vermin like you to cause harm to the others," Fubuki said glaring as hard as he could, saying each word as if spitting out poison. "And Fuyuka is definitely NOT a slave. I'll cut off your arm,"

The man took a few steps back and bumped into the table where Fuyuka and Fubuki were sitting just moments ago. He grinned from ear to ear when he noticed that Fuyuka and Fubuki had forgotten to take their weapons. He pocketed Fuyuka's dagger and took out Fubuki's katana, giving it a few hefty swings, testing it out.

"You can try but how are you going to cut my arm off without your weapon?" the fat man asked.

Fubuki felt like and idiot. He cursed as he remembered that he put his weapon with Fuyuka to check the kitchen. Damn. Now they were in trouble and Fubuki couldn't do anything about it. He kept on scolding himself for being such an idiot and for being so careless.

But one thing that Fubuki is sure of, weapons aren't important, what matters is their life. That's means, his priority is on getting Fuyuka and himself out of this mess. Alive.


"Come on, guys! We've got to help them!" Kazemaru exclaimed, worry and distraught laced his voice. Gouenji and the others seemed to pick up their weapons but Hiroto stayed lodged into place, his eyes observing the scene. Endou and the others were about to move out when...

"Matte (Wait)," Hiroto said sternly.

"You're still on the whole Valentines thing?!" Kazemaru exclaimed incredulously. "Kiyama Hiroto! Our friend's lives are on the line here!"

"Do I look like I'm joking around?" Hiroto asked, shooting a deathly calm gaze. But under that calm façade was a rumbling wave of anxiousness and rage. There was something that made Hiroto completely different from before. He had an air of superiority around him and it made the others halt and want to listen to what he says. It was such a drastic mood change that it was...


That's right. Kazemaru and the others actually feel fear from the usually calm and sometimes matchmaker-mode redhead. It felt like he was in a completely different level from them.

"Think about it. If we rush out right now, we are bound to make some noise that will somehow alert the big guys that reinforcements are coming. And in this case, it's safe to say that when one knows that enemy reinforcements are coming..." Hiroto trailed off.

"He will kill off whoever he can and escape," Kidou finished the sentence. Hiroto nodded.

"Considering that Fubuki and Fuyuka are now both defenseless and have no weapons, he will definitely go in for a quick kill, take all their things and leave. We wouldn't be able to reach there in time. Even if one of us can rush there in time, one isn't enough to do the job. And even though the guy may be slow in movement, but for his size, one swipe is more than enough to kill us," Hiroto said.

The others thought for a moment before realizing what he says is true. It really is a big mistake to rush out and try to help.

"Hiroto... Gomen (Sorry), I was thinking when I said those words," Kazemaru said. "What should we do now?"

Hiroto bit his lip as his bangs covered his eyes.

"There's nothing we can possibly do. We can only watch..."

Everyone realized that it is true. There really is nothing they can do now. They can only watch... If they rushed out, it would only early the death of their friends.

"We can only... pray that they have a plan in getting out alive..." Hiroto said, an anxious look on his face. He really, desperately want to do something to save his friends but there was nothing they can do.

'Fubuki, Fuyuka, hang in there,' Hiroto thought.

"Well, I guess it's time to die, my boy!" the man exclaimed, brandishing Fubuki's katana. "Be honored to be killed by me and your own katana! After you're dead, I'll take the girl with me! Ahhahahaa!"

Fubuki bit his lip an looked down. This is a bad situation.... He scanned the area to see if there are any useful things that he can use to fight back. Tables... Chairs... Glass on the floor... Just then, Fubuki noticed something fairly useful...

...A piece of metal from the frame of the broken window...

Fubuki smirked and chuckled darkly as he thought of what he could do with it. But there's one problem. It is right beside the fat guy and the fat guy has his katana which could easily remove his head from his shoulders...

"Fubuki-kun?" Fuyuka asked, slightly worried.

"I have an idea, Fuyuka. But it's going to be risky and I need your help," Fubuki said bit his lip. This is really risky. One wrong move, and both of them might end up in trouble. But if the both of them doesn't take any risks, the consequences wouldn't be good. So better to take risks and try then just giving up and going down without a fight.

Fubuki quickly then whispered the plan to Fuyuka. Tick marks grew on the fat guy's forehead as he sees what they're doing.

"Oi! What do you guys think you're doing?! No whispering!" the fat guys exclaimed and lunged forward, swinging the katana around. Fubuki quick led pushed Fuyuka down. With that, both of them fell to the ground and successfully dodged the first attack. Both of them acted quick and rolled away when the second attack came. Fuyuka rolled to the left while Fubuki rolled to the right. They then both quickly got up on their feet again.

Naturally, the fat guy went after Fubuki as he wanted Fubuki's head to be removed from his shoulders. Fubuki ran and dodged the best he could. While the fat guy was distracted by Fubuki, Fuyuka quickly ran to where the metal frame from the broken window was and picked it up. When she turned back to Fubuki and the fat guy, she was shocked by the scene.

Fubuki was on the ground, his own katana aimed right at him, about be thrusted into his stomach. The fat man smirked and got into motion. Hiroto and the others watched helplessly as Gouenji closed Yuuka's eyes and Haruna let tears slide down her cheeks.

Everything seemed to turn slow. Fuyuka's eyes widened slowly as she realized what was happening. Her body seemed to be frozen into place.

'No! No! No! Move! MOVE!!!' Fuyuka mentally screamed. To her surprise, her body began to work again! She ran as fast as she could and with the metal frame from the broken window, she struck at the katana. The fat man was shocked as the katana was deflected. Fubuki wasted no time and quickly got back onto his feet again. The fat man fell to the ground in shock.

"I'll take it for here, Fuyuka. Good job," Fubuki said and quickly grabbed the metal out of her hands. The fat guy had already got up and was about to strike again. Fuyuka... Well, she was in cloud 9. Fubuki praised her. He actually praised her!

Fubuki got ready the metal to counter the man's strike. But then Fubuki noticed that something wasn't right... The guy's eyes were targeted somewhere else... Not on him but on...

"Fuyuka!" Fubuki barely had enough time to shove himself in front of her and braced for the pain. Fuyuka had closed her eyes shut. When she opened her eyes again, she saw blood. One drop of the crimson liquid landed on her cheek. Fubuki, pushed back by the sudden impact, crashed into Fuyuka. Fuyuka could feel her knees buckle beneath her as both of them fell to the ground. Fubuki fell to the ground on his side, gripping his arm tightly, a pained look on his face.

"F-Fubuki-kun..!" Fuyuka exclaimed, helping Fubuki sit up. Fubuki was panting. The pain was intense, alright. The fat man cackled. Fuyuka and Fubuki looked up at him. The fat guy smirked and attempted to strike again. Fuyuka closed her eyes with her hands meanwhile Fubuki blocked the incoming blade with his hand. Fuyuka slowly uncovered her hands to find yet another shocking scene.

The hot searing pain burned Fubuki's hand but he managed to restrain a cry. Fubuki, with all his strength, thrusted forward suddenly into the fat man's chest, toppling him over. Fubuki then got up, panting heavily because of all the pain. He was running on pure adrenaline now.

The fat man tried to get up but Fubuki had pointed the blade of the now-bloody katana at the guy's neck. Hiroto and the other rejoiced. Now, Fubuki and Fuyuka had the upper hand.

"M-Matte (W-Wait)..! You don't want to kill me..! I- I know! I'll be your slave instead! I'll do anything you want! Anything!" the fat guy exclaimed. Fubuki's eyes were hidden under his bangs.

"...What is your name?" Fubuki asked slowly.

"M-Morishiga K-Kenj-ja..!" the fat guy, Morishiga Kenja, exclaimed.

"I won't kill you," Fubuki said. Morishiga looked like a thousand kilograms were taken off his shoulders. But it all returned when Fubuki continued the next few words. "But. I will be taking that arm of yours for calling Fuyuka a slave,"

Once that sentence was finished, Fubuki raised his arm and brought it down at Morishiga's arm. Before the blade had even touched him, Morishiga let out a small scream and fainted. Fubuki, too, didn't cut off his arm yet. To his surprise, Fuyuka had stopped him by hugging his arm.

"Nani (What)...?" Fubuki was in shock.

"O-Onegai (P-Please)! Fubuki-kun... Please don't do it...!" Fuyuka exclaimed, tears pouring down her cheeks. Fubuki, still shocked, slowly turned to look at her. "I-I don't want you to hurt anyone because of me..!"

"But he insulted you..!"

Fuyuka shook her head. "I don't mind. I just don't want you to hurt anyone. Even if they have hurt you. The Fubuki I know would never hurt any human on purpose!"

Fubuki slowly put down his hand. Fuyuka loosened her grip too.

"Gomen (Sorry), Fuyuka..." Fubuki said. "I wasn't in my right mind..."

"It's okay," Fuyuka said smiling, tears still flowing. "I'm the one who should be sorry. For getting you injured and for making you feel pain,"

Speaking of the pain, Fubuki slowly felt his adrenaline going away, the pain seemed to increase by 10 times. Fubuki shook his head and smiled weakly.

"It's alright, Fuyuka," Fubuki said, putting his good arm on her head. Fuyuka even more guilt. Fubuki would always say that it's alright... She would always feel reassured when he says that. She just felt so... Protected.

"Fubuki-kun..." Fuyuka started. Fubuki stared at her. "Thank you for everything you've done for me... You have done so many things for me... You would always reassure me that it's okay... You would protect me even when you knew you would be the one getting injured... You would always care for me... When I can only act helpless... Fubuki-kun... Hontoni Arigatou (Thank you very much)... I love you..."

Fubuki was stunned. This was the first time anyone has ever said something like that to him...! He felt really warm and happy on the inside even when he is battered and in pain... He felt.. Loved.

"Fuyuka..." Fubuki said. "I don't know what to say... I am truly stunned... This is the first time anyone has ever said something like this to me... I.. Love you too,"

All of a sudden, Hiroto and the others appeared at their side. (Well, Hiroto seemed to be dragged by Kazemaru and Gouenji though...) They must've got out of their hiding place to meet their friends. All of them clapped and cheered for them. Fubuki and Fuyuka could only stare in shock.

"What, may I ask, are you guys doing here?!" Fubuki asked, a scary aura emitting from him. "How much did you guys actually see?!"

"Everything from the part Fuyuka wanted to hold your hand," Kidou smirked. Fubuki looked ready to kill someone now.

"And who's idea is this?"

Endou and the others all pointed towards Hiroto. Fubuki slowly turned to face Hiroto, eyes underneath his bangs.

"Kiyama Hiroto," Fubuki started. Hiroto felt the chills jolting down his spine. "You are lucky that I am in no condition to punish you now. But don't worry. I promise you that you will get your full punishment once I am healed,"

"Yikeeessss!!!!!" Hiroto acted like a little girl again. Some of them wondered what happened to the boss-like Hiroto. "You can't catch me cuz I'm the gingerbread man!"

Hiroto ran around them in circles. Everyone laughed.

"Calm down!"



And that... is ending of their story on Valentines Day...


Yessss!!!! I finally put this Valentines Day Special to an end!!!! Mwuahahahahha!!!! Yayayayay!!! Okay I'm crazy Ahahahaha so please tell me what you guys think and if you guys like the pairings. This is like a testing for the pairings haha. So it's not related to the real story BLA BLA I'm sure you guys get it hahaha so bye bye for now~~ :D

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