The Boy Who Saved Me From Me

By Jestrrr

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A 17 year old girl named Elizabeth has been battling type one diabetes for 15 years. After years of doing her... More

The Boy Who Saved Me From Me
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 12

177 6 0
By Jestrrr

Chris' POV

I haven't heard from Lizzy since this morning. I knew I shouldn't have reacted that way, but I just couldn't help it. I hate when she keeps stuff like this from me. I mean I know I'm just her older brother, but I'm still her legal guardian ever since mom and dad decided to travel the world. I look at the clock to see that it's almost midnight. I decide to call Jackson and talk this out with him. I tried to talk to Tanner about it, but he respects Lizzy too much to talk about this without her here.

Jackson doesn't pick up, so I call him again. He picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hey man, I've got a lot on my mind and can't sleep. You up for a bro's night?"

"Uhm, I-I can't tonight, sorry man." Did he just stutter? And why is he whispering?

"Come on Jackson, I really need –"

(In the background) "Who are you talking to?"

"No one, it's okay, just go back to sleep."

"Dude, who are you with?"

"A friend. Look Chris I gotta go, but I'll call you tomorrow." He hung up before I could respond.

Good to know where I stand with him. Wait. That almost sounded like Lizzy. I haven't seen either of them today, but she hates Jackson so why would she be with him? It can't be her.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. There is no way Lizzy would hang out with Jackson, let alone sleep with him. Right?

Elizabeth's POV

I wake up because I can't move. I start to panic then I realize that it's another person holding me down. The panic returns when I see that it's Jackson. Our legs are tangled, his head is on my chest, and one arm is wrapped around my waste. The sweatshirt I'm wearing has ridden up so his arm is lying directly on my skin. I bite back a scream. Holy crap what happened last night. If I move, it'll wake him and I'm not that mean. Instead, I lay there and began to recall what happened yesterday.

I told Chris what the doctor said and he freaked out, so I ran. As I was leaving the house Jackson was coming in and I dragged him with me. We went out to Lake Peachy and I jumped off the cliff. Jackson got mad and I kissed him so he would – WAIT. I sit up quickly, forgetting that Jackson was laying on me. My abrupt movement shoved him to the other side of the bed where he jumped up in surprise.

"What the --?" He looked around the room half asleep trying to figure out what had just happened.

I just realized that we're in his room. What did I get myself into?

Without looking at him, I simply asked, "What happened and why am I here?"

"Well you were extremely upset yesterday and after soaking your clothes I brought you back here cause I didn't think you'd want to go home and we ended up falling asleep."

I cocked my head to the side and looked at him. He didn't mention me kissing him so maybe I just imagined it. He slowly got back into bed and laid down next to me on his stomach. We stayed like that for who knows how long and just watched each other.

Jackson broke the stare first. He reached up and cupped my face with one hand. Then he slowly moved his hand to my shoulder and pushed me down until I was laying down next to him. Moving to cup my face again, he leaned in. I know he's about to kiss me and I should probably stop this and leave, but for some reason I didn't. At first it was a soft, light kiss, as if he was asking permission. When I didn't pull away, he kissed me again. It was slow and sweet and wonderful. We were interrupted by a ringing. I don't know if it was my phone or his, but neither one of us moved. We laid there just staring into each other's eyes. The phone stopped ringing, only to start again. This time I got up to see if it was my phone. Turns out it is my phone, and it's Chris who's calling me. I debate if I should answer it or not.

"You know he's just worried about you. He wants to be there for you."

I look up at Jackson who gives a slight nod of his head. I answer my phone.


"Thank god you answered! Where the hell have you been?"

"I've been out.... With a friend."

"Well you need to come home. Now."

"I'll come home when I want to come home. I am not a child, Chris. I have been taking care of myself for years. I know you're just trying to look out for me, but I need space." I hang up before he can respond.

I close my eyes and take deep breathes to calm myself down. Not even 30 seconds later, Jackson's phone rings.

"Hey man. Maybe later, but I can't right now. No I'm not hiding anything. Just calm down, I'm sure she'll come around soon, she just needs time to think things through. Look man, I gotta go, I'll come over when I'm free."

"Come here." He sits on the bed with his back against the headboard and pats the space next to him. I hesitate for a minute before joining him. He puts his arm around me and pulls me to him. "You know you're going to have to go home eventually, right?"

"Yeah I know. I just –It's just easier to ignore than to deal with."

"What is?"

I tell Jackson everything; from the beginning to the most current problems. When I'm done talking an uneasy silence fills the room. I peak at Jackson to find him already looking at me. He still hasn't said anything and it's starting to freak me out.

"Say something, please." I whisper. I knew this was going to be a mistake. Whatever this even was, was just a big mistake and I never should have told him. Jackson still hasn't said anything. I get off the bed and walk out his room and head towards the door. Never once hearing a thing from him. I made it down the hallway before I felt two hands on my shoulders. Jackson turned me around. I didn't know I had started crying until he wiped tears from my face.

"I- I- Jesus Lizzy-" He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. I froze for a minute before returning the hug. At that moment I lost it. My legs gave away, but Jackson held me up. I never would have guessed that the guy that I couldn't stand, would be the one to hold me when my walls came crashing down. He picked me up and carried me back to his room. He laid me down on the bed and covered me up.

"I'll be right back." And with that, he left the room.

Jackson's POV

"Hey man, I'm with Lizzy."

"Why are you with her? You hate her."

"She told me."

"Told you what?"


"Shit. Is she okay? No offense, but why would she tell you? Shit. I'll be over in a minute."

"Chris, calm down. Take a deep breath. I'll bring her home in a little bit. I- I just- I don't know man, but I promise, once you've calmed down a little bit and she works through whatever's bothering her, I'll take her home."

"...... okay... okay, that makes since.. I guess. Just promise me you won't do anything stupid."

"I promise. I gotta go, I'll let you know before I take her home."

I realized that I probably should have said something to her by now, but I have no idea what to say. I make my way back to my room. When I walk into my room, the first thing I notice is that she isn't on my bed anymore, but instead she's standing by my window. I walk up behind her and notice a group of kids, probably 10 and 11 years old, outside playing what looks like an intense game of freeze tag.

"Sometimes I wish I didn't have to grow up so fast."

I'm still not sure what to say to her I just stay quiet.

"You probably think I'm some sort of freak now. That I'm some sort of ticking time bomb."

"I don't think you're a freak. Maybe weird, but I've known that for years."

She manages a small smile. Lizzy turns around to face me and looks me directly into my eyes.

"That's the first thing you've said to me since I told you."

"I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say the wrong thing."

She considers my response, then turns around and stares back out of the window.

"So now what?"

"What do you mean?"

"Whatever this is, or was. Do we try to figure out what happened or do we just move one like nothing happened?"

"I'm not completely sure what went on, but I don't want to move on. I've already told you how I feel about you. We can do whatever you want to do."

I slowly wrap my arms around her waist. She leans back against me and I rest my chin on top of her head.

"I don't know what I want. I'm not even sure who I am right now. I'm losing my fight. Tanner is back. Chris is being extra protective. I haven't seen, or talked, to my friends in what feels like weeks. I just don't know."

"I'll be here, until you figure it out and then we can go from there."

She doesn't say anything in response. 

We stay standing there for what feels like hours. I'm not sure what to do, but from this moment on I swear I will do everything in my power to help her.

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