Wizards With Benefits (Drarry...

By Clevermess

503K 17.6K 23.5K

Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are sworn enemies, that is common knowledge. But what if something someone say... More

Pure Hatred
The Idea
Should We?
The Plan
If Only
Confessions Part 2
Detention, More Detention
The Meeting
Date Night
Unwanted Stranger
Trust Fall
The Truth


13.2K 544 928
By Clevermess

Harry's P.O.V

"Harry! Harry! Get up, it's Christmas!" Draco jumped on me as I slept.

"Draco, if you keep jumping on me like that, you're gonna have to suck me off." I muttered without opening my eyes. I heard groaning and snickering. My eyes flew open and I put on my glasses on, sitting up. Ron, George and Hermione stood in the doorway. My face grew hot and I buried my face into Draco. He gently patted my back and I could feel him laughing.

"C'mon Harry!" He got off me a pulled me out of bed. I stood up and brushed a hand through my messy hair. I walked out of the room still getting stares from the three that watched me from the door.

"Harry don't feel bad, I'm sure your offer before will be part of Malfoy's present." George said and I groaned.

"I didn't know you were in the room." I groaned. We made our way down the many stairs and went to the table. Mrs. Weasley made bacon, sausage, eggs and toast for breakfast. As usual, Draco piled food on my plate.

"Kitten, I'm not that hungry." I groaned.

"You always say that baby and end up eating almost everything, now shush." Draco kissed my head.

"Good morning boys, happy Christmas." Mrs. Weasley said. We all said good morning to her. Eventually everyone joined us at the table and we conversed in a conversation. As Draco said, I did finish most of my plate and he smiled in triumph. I stuck out my tongue and he smirked. I stood up and kissed his lips. Grabbing his hand and brought him into the other room to open gifts. Everyone sat around the tree. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley distributed gifts. Draco got one but wasn't expecting one. It was the same sweater as every year but his had a D and was green. He smiled widely.

"Thank you." He beamed and threw his on over his pajamas. He handed out his gifts next, giving one to each person. They were shocked to see him giving him gifts. When he handed Mr. Weasley's his he said. "It's a muggle thing, I know you like those but I don't know what it does myself." He smiled sheepishly. He had gotten him a fan.

"Well thank you Mr. Malfoy." He smiled.

"Call me Draco." He smiled. After Draco gave everyone their gifts he turned to me and gave me a note. "It's a clue to your gift." He smiled.

"What?" I asked confused.

"It's going to be a treasure hunt." He smiled. "You'll get clues all day."

"Okay." I smiled.

"You should probably get started, it might take all day." He told me.

"Alright but let me give you your gift first." I said. I handed him the book. "It's a muggle fable. That means there is a lesson at the end." He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

" I love it." He leaned in and kissed me. I opened up his note and it read:

Rose are red

Violets are blue

Go to the first place

That I met you

I stood up and looked at him.

"Are you coming with me?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No it's a treasure hunt sweetheart but Ron offered to." I looked at Ron who nodded his head.

"Go get dressed." He smiled. I nodded slowly and ran upstairs. I dressed in warm clothes and went back down stairs.

"I guess I'll be back later." I chuckled. I kissed Draco goodbye and walked out with Ron.

"Alright so we have to go to the robe shop." I told Ron. He nodded and we apparated to Diagon Alley. "I don't know why he's going through all this trouble to give me my gift." I said to Ron.

"I don't know mate, I never really understood anything that kid did." Ron laughed. We made it to the robe shop but it was closed because of Christmas. I noticed a note with my name on it taped to the door so I pulled it off and opened it.

Candy is sweet

But so are you

Your next clue

Isn't in a shoe

"What does this even mean?!" I asked. Ron looked it.

"Maybe Honeydukes? You know candy." Ron said. I just agreed with him and we apparated to Hogsmeade. We walked to Honeydukes and again it was closed. But this time there was no note.

"Okay so it's not here." I told him. He looked around and spotted a store.

"There's a shoe store!" He yelled. We walked over to it and it was surprisingly open.

"Hello there, I don't get many here on Christmas." The clerk said.

"Actually sir, I'm looking for a note."

"Ah you must be Harry Potter." He said. "Thought I recognized you."

"Yes do you have it?"

"I do." He pulled put the note and handed it to me. "Good luck."

"Thank you." I opened the card.

You're quite cute

Something to miss

Go to where we

Shared my first kiss

"Um we need to go to Hogwarts." I said. We decided to just take the trolley back up. Once we got there I told Ron to go to the Gryffindor tower. "We kissed on my bed when we um well you know." I blushed.

"Ew Harry." Ron grimaced. We walked into the common room and straight to our room. I looked all around for the note. On my bed, in the desks, under everything and I couldn't find it.

"I don't know where it is." I frowned. Seamus came into the room and smiled.

"Happy Christmas guys!" He piped.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked.

"Decided to stay here for the holiday, catch up on some homework." He said. "Didn't you leave?"

"Yeah but Draco is making me go on a treasure hunt for my gift. Did he give you anything?" I asked and he shook his head.

"What was the clue?" He asked. I showed him and he looked at it. His brow furrowed. "Maybe you guys kissed somewhere else, where was your first date?" He asked. My eyes widened in realization.

"Seamus you're a genius!" I grabbed his head and kissed it.

"Glad you think so." He laughed.

"C'mon Ron to the lake." I ran out of the tower and down the halls to leave the castle. I ran all the way to the lake and was out of breath. I walked over to the tree and the note was there on it.

"You kissed on the first date?" Ron joked.

"Well we fucked before we started dating." I winked and he grimaced. I opened the letter:

The grass is green

And so are your eyes

Go where we see

The stars align

"The astronomy tower." I said. "What is his gift, a gym membership?" I laughed.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Right you wouldn't know that either." I laughed. "Let's go!" I said. We ran back inside and down the halls. We ran all the way to the tower and finally made it.

"It's already 4 in the afternoon." Ron pointed out.

"I don't know how many notes there are." I said. I pulled the note off.

In this class

You'd rather be asleep

But it did make your

Voice rather deep

"Potions." I groaned.

"Your boyfriend is obsessed with that class." Ron said.

"Yeah." We made our way down to the dungeons. We walked into the classroom and Snape looked up from his desk.

"I was wondering how long it would take you." He said.

"You knew I was coming sir?" I asked.

"Draco gave me this to give to you." He handed me the note. "But since you broke into the school during the holidays, I'm taking you both to the headmistress."


"Open the note." I did and it read:

Listen to Snape babe

We followed Snape to Professor McGonagall and once we stepped in her office she smiled.

"Hello Mister Potter, I'd assume you are here for your note." She smiled.

"Yes professor." I smiled. She handed me the note and I opened it:

Time flies by quickly

Not as fast as you

Go to where you'd

Sit on a broom

I grabbed Ron's arm and ran to the Quidditch pitch. There was a flying golden ball in the air and a broomstick on the ground. I jumped on broom and took off. I flew in the cold air chasing after the snitch. I finally grasped it and flew back down. The snitch itself had the note:

This is somewhere

You hate

Because I pile food

On your plate

"Great hall." I said.

"Ugh he really knows how to make you run all over the place." Ron yelled as we ran. We ran back into the castle and into the Great Hall. A couple people were there including Parvati Patil. She waved me over. I went over to there and she had a pile of food.

"Hey Parvati, I'm kind of busy."

"I know, Draco told me to give you the note."

"You have it?" I asked.

"Yes but you need to eat first, I can't give it until you eat." I groaned but took a seat. It happened to be my favorite meal, chicken and potatoes. I started eating and gave some to Ron. Parvati smiled when we finished and handed me the clue.

This my love

Is your 2nd last clue

Go to the where

That asshole kissed you

"The library!" I said. I grabbed Ron again and we walked to the library because we just ate. Once we arrived the kid was outside the library.

"Harry!" He smiled.

"Usually people aren't so joyous to see a person who sent them to the hospital." I laughed.

"This is a joyous occasion." He smiled. "Here you are and good luck." He said. He handed me the note:

Tweedle dumb, Tweedle Dee

Behind the Weasley's burrow

Is where you'll

Find me

My face dropped and I groaned.

"All this time and I have to go back to your house!" I groaned. Ron just smiled and shook his head.

"Well that is him." He said. "Let's go." We apparated back to the burrow and in the front was a carriage. The carriage was white and had white horses to pull it. "Get in." Ron said. I just nodded slowly and got in. Ron followed and the carriage started moving.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"No clue." Ron smirked. He definitely knew something. The carriage took us to the back where there were woods. It stopped and in rose petals read 'Follow the rose petals.' At this point my heart was pounding in my throat. I followed the scattered rose petals to deeper in the woods. In the middle of the woods I saw my prince. It was nighttime but there were lanterns lighting him up; he was in dressy apparel. Snow was just gently falling as I made my way over to him.

"Draco?" I managed to choke out.

"Hey baby." He smiled and kissed me. "I bet you're wondering where your gift is." He said and all I could do was nod. He made me face him and join hands. "Well Harry Potter." He took a deep breath and smiled. "Harry I know we've only been official for a couple weeks but you've been in my life for multiple years. I've loved you for many months and I know you feel the same way." His voice was cracking. He got down on one knee and my eyes overfilled with tears. My breath hitched as he pulled out a golden band with red, silver and green gems. "Harry James Potter, will you marry me?" All I could do was nod as tears fell out of my eyes. He smiled and slipped the ring on my finger. He stood up as he kissed me and engulfed me in a hug. Hermione and Ron came out of their hiding places and hugged us.

"You knew?" I asked.

"He's been planning it for awhile Harry." Hermione smiled. "He really loves you."

"I really love him." I smiled looking up at him. He kissed me once more.

"Let's go inside." We walked out of the woods, me and Draco hand in hand. We got into the house and Draco announced I said yes. Everyone hugged us and congratulated us.

"I was so surprised, honestly I had no clue." I said. "Some of the clues threw me off."

"That was the plan." He smiled as we sat telling everyone.

"Then the last clue, I was so annoyed I had to come back here. I was like 'All this time and I have to back?'" They laughed.

"Well I'm sure you are happy you came back." Mrs. Weasley said.

"Yes ma'am, I couldn't be happier." I smiled.

We talked for another hour or so about the day I had and the day he had planning. We then decided to retire for the day. We went to our share room with Ron and climbed in the bed. We snuggled up to each other and looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you so much Draco. I love my gift." I said looking at my hand. He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed the ring.

"I love you more than anything in this world Harry Potter." He kissed my lips. "And I am happy to call you my fiancé." I snuggled closer to him and yawned.

"Goodnight Future husband."

"Goodnight my one and only."

A/N Wow last chapter! The epilogue is coming up because I already wrote it. Thank you to everyone who read this. I hope you all enjoyed it and I'm sad to see it end! Please check out my other story Mistake and Reasons if you haven't already. Thank You!

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