Girlfriend [Completed]

By ToshaDamaya

1.5M 69.5K 18.5K

Girlfriend: A regular female companion with whom a person has a romantic relationship with. synonyms: sweethe... More

[1] "I expected to fall in love by now."
[2] "I'm focused on the present the future can wait."
[3] "I know a couple of guys that would never see me in that way."
[4] "When it comes to you they go crazy."
[5] "This is all new to me."
[6] "I have a feeling I'm going to show you a lot of things."
[7] "Future Mrs. Coleman."
[8] "It wasn't about you."
[9] "I would never betray your trust."
[10] "Let me teach you."
[11] "Those are the leaders of our school."
[12] "No DNA."
[13] It was a mistake...I think."
[14] "What in the hell is wrong with you!"
[15] "We need to make a good first impression."
[16] "Drama, drama everywhere."
[17] "I'm working on changing."
[18] "You're always getting yourself into trouble."
[19] "I can't choose."
[20] "I need your help."
[21] "I'll let the truth come out."
[22] "I'll wait for you."
[23] "I won't wait."
[24] "Find a guy that doesn't have the last name Coleman."
[25] "Will you be my....friend?"
[26] "Can you say yes, just once?"
[27] "Did you just call me your boyfriend?"
[28] "I think we're good together."
[29] "This is all your fault."
[30] "Let's be friends for now."
[31] "I'll play you for it."
[32] "What did you do?"
[33] "We need to talk."
[34] "It's my mistake to make."
[35] "This is awkard."
[36] "I don't want to lie to you."
[37] "She ran to you."
[38] "Lie."
[39] "I'm about to get paid."
[40] "How much you wanna bet?"
[42] "Goodnight."
[43] "Can I touch it?"
[44] "Can you hold me for a minute?"
[45] "You owe me four hundred dollars."
[46] "Can I ask you something?"
[47] "Keep it under wraps."
[48] "We didn't want to hurt you."
[49] "This is the way things should be."
[50] "Are you ready."
[51] "I Love You."
[52] "What do you see happening?"
[53] "You're going to regret this."
[54] Truce?"
[55] "The heart wants what the heart wants."
Epilogue: To new beginnings

[41] "Let's call a truce."

15.7K 997 212
By ToshaDamaya

Have you ever written something and hated it? That was the dilemma I had with this part. The words wouldn't flow the way I wanted and my characters were being very indecisive. I apologize for the delay.

In part [40], the kids traveled to my hood in Orlando, FL to spend a week at Disney World. Damon and Teddy arranged the trip. While everything seems to be going in the right direction for the other couples, Sammie and Vay are still on a hiatus which is why the rest of the group decided to put them in the same room.

I'm excited for the next two parts. I love writing the Washington kids into the story.

[41] "Let's call a truce."

We're meeting up front in fifteen minutes to head out to the Magic Kingdom - Teddy

Sammie ignored the text message from his cousin. Fuck, Teddy. He didn't want to be around him or the rest of their scheming crew. He felt wronged and needed his space from them for a while.

He started to follow Nevaeh, but she had already gotten far ahead of him by speed walking. It was evident that she didn't want to be around him so instead of going straight to the hotel room like he original planned, he veered towards the lake and found a seat on a bench. He thought the serene surrounding would calm his nerves, but it had a little effect. He needed to talk to someone. Searching in his contacts, he found Chris and gave him a call. He was the only close friend he had that wasn't on the trip. After a couple of rings, he answered.

"Sammie, it's only been one day. Baby, I told you space would be good for us."

It was apparent that Chris was in a good mood. Sammie could hear London in the background groaning about how homosexual he and Chris acted with one another. On any regular occasion, Sammie would respond in the same manner but he was in a rut.

"These fuckers set me up, Chris. They put Vay and me in the same room knowing that I'm trying to keep my distance." There wasn't a response and Sammie quickly came to the conclusion that Chris knew it was going to happen. "You were in on it?"

Chris exhaled. "No, but I was aware of the plan," he admitted. "Come on now Sammie, you should've seen it coming. Teddy is a master, manipulator. Remember when London and I almost broke up? He locked us in a room until we made up."

Sammie remembered that particular incident. When they opened the door to the room, they found Chris and London no longer fighting but in the midst of getting it on. He was the one that came up with the idea. He didn't mind playing jokes on other people but felt sour about being the target of a scheme.

"This is bullshit." Sammie lowered his voice when he saw a group of cheerleaders walk by, a few noticed him, but he barely glanced their way. He wasn't interested. "I knew I should've stayed home."

"Why are you complaining? They put you in a room with a beautiful girl, a girl you're in love with, without parental supervision for five days; the possibilities are endless. Enjoy the time away with her. I was hoping to be with London alone, but instead we're on Spring Break with her parents."

"I can't do that with Nevaeh. If it were any other girl, I would take advantage but she's different. I'm not using her that way," he paused and thought about her in that skirt. When she was walking ahead of him, he watched as her ass swayed from side to side. "If we were together it would be a different situation. But I can't be with her, and you know why," Sammie explained.

"Yeah I know. You're not good enough for her, and you might be a baby daddy soon, I get it. You need to let her decide if she's okay with that, not you."

He didn't think anyone fully understood. "I want to give her the world, and I want the best for her and I feel like I'm not worthy of her love. Until I get my shit together. I don't think we should be together."

There was a pause. Sammie could here mumbling in the background but couldn't make out any of the words.

"What if I told you that Nevaeh would be okay with a little Spring Break fling? She just wants you Sammie even if it's for a few days."

Hearing that spiked Sammie's interest. "Did she say that to you?"

"No, but she's on the phone with London and guess who's the topic of discussion?"

Nevaeh rolled her bag down the walkway until she found the building that housed their rooms. She turned expecting Sammie to be still a few feet behind her, but she saw that he was heading towards another direction. Whatever. With a shake of her head, she went around the building and located her home for the next few days.

"Two beds. Please let there be two beds," she chanted as she pulled the handle. After looking inside, she quickly frowned. There was only one full-size bed.

"I going to kick Damon and Teddy's ass the next time I see them."

Putting her luggage beside the bed, she pulled out her phone and texted London.

Can you talk? - Vay

Within a minute, London was calling her phone. "What's wrong?"

Sitting on the bed, Nevaeh explained everything that had occurred. London listened intently until Nevaeh mentioned Courtney.

"Why is Courtney there?" London hissed.

Nevaeh groaned. She had forgotten about London's beef with Courtney. "Come on Lo, you know she lives in Orlando and is Damon's cousin."

"Is she fat and ugly?"

"She's a hideous beast," Nevaeh lied. Courtney was the opposite, one quick search on Google and London could see that Courtney still had her model looks. Her mother Raye was an actress before getting pregnant, and Courtney was starting to follow in her footsteps. She had only had a few minor roles, but she was making her way to being a major contender. Courtney was the only girl that made London feel insecure.

"You better not have fun with her."

Nevaeh chuckled. London was feeling territorial about their friendship. "Really? I see Courtney like twice a year. Stop being mean." Nevaeh purposely didn't mention that she and Courtney often messaged each other online and face talked.

She heard London mumbling incoherent words on the phone.

"Lo, what am I supposed to do about Sammie?" Neveah was trying to get her friend back on track.

"Fuck Adrian."

"What?" Nevaeh was shocked by her response. That was the last thing she expected London to say.

Laughter filled her ear. "I'm just kidding. What do you want to happen with Sammie?"

"I want to be with Sammie."

"Then be with Sammie," London replied frankly.

"That's easier said than done." Nevaeh fell against the bed and groaned. "This is going to be an awful week." She took a moment and screamed into the pillow.

"Calm down. It's going to be whatever week you want it to be. In a perfect world what would happen?" London asked.

Images came to her mind right away. "Sammie and I would have fun together. Enjoying the theme parks during the day and each other in the evenings." She could see nothing but laughter and happiness.


"I'm not thinking about sex, but it would be nice to kiss and cuddle a little. I miss just being close to him."

"Don't give him the option Nevaeh. You're one of the strongest girls I know, but you've been letting Sammie off easy. Give him an ultimatum."

"I don't know if I can."

"Stop being a pussy and give it a try. Have fun, get drunk and loosen up. I want you to enjoy yourself, and I want to hear about your adventures when you come back home."

"You're right."

"I'm always right. I have to go, Chris is giving me the stink eye.

"Okay. Luv you trick."

"Bye, hoe."

As she ended the call with London, Sammie walked into the room. Nevaeh gave him a brief smile before sitting up. "Hi."

"Hey," he returned. He looked around, and his eyes zeroed in on the bed. "Sorry about what happened in the parking lot," he apologized. "I didn't want us to be in an uncomfortable situation by sharing a room."

"It's fine. We've slept in the same bed before, so we can do it now. Let's not make it a big deal." Even though in her head it was a humongous deal. "What side do you want?" She was currently sitting in the middle.

"How about we worry about it later." He tore his eyes away from the bed and started moving around room.

Nevaeh watched him and felt the tension rise in the small space. She couldn't believe they had gotten to this point. She realized that she didn't want to spend the rest of the week in this manner. She stood from the bed.

"A truce?" he turned to face her again, eyebrows lifted in curiosity.

He was a few feet away from her standing near the bathroom area. Besides the bed, there was two dressers, a television, a mini fridge and table. A small hallway led to the bathroom area. There were two doors. One at the entrance and another on the side that connected to the next hotel room. She wondered who was next door. She hoped it was Adrian or Courtney. She didn't want to hear the happy couples together.

"While we're here. Can we make up and be the old us. They aren't going to stop until we make up, so I figured that we beat them at their game."

"I don't know if it's a good idea."

She took a deep breath. "I don't care if it's the worst idea. This is the last time that I'm going to try Samuel. Take it or leave it. If you say no, don't get mad when I find someone else," she threatened.

His appearance became stern. "You wouldn't."

"I would. For the past few weeks, I've been moping over you, and I'm done. I'm not letting you ruin my time here. There's plenty of other dudes that would want me." London's words were flowing through her mind. Don't give him the option. She wasn't really planning on hooking up with anyone else but was hoping to fuel Sammie's jealousy.

Before she could blink, Sammie was standing directly in front of her. She automatically moved back but Sammie placed a hand on her back to halt her movement. She was tall but Sammie was taller, looking up she could see that he was fuming.

"I don't want you with anyone else."

"But you don't want me with you either. You can't have it both ways."

This was the closest she had been to him in weeks. On the way to the hotel, she had to stop herself from touching his hand. She wasn't going to hold back. Before he could reject her, Nevaeh wrapped her arms around Sammie's neck and kissed him.

Just as her lips brushed his, Sammie moved out of her grasp. Nevaeh was about to apologize for her actions but the words fell from her lips when Sammie stroked her chin with his thumb. He stared at her for a few minutes before speaking.


"Okay?" The look on his face made her wonder what she had gotten herself into.

"Yes," he answered with a smirk. "Wasn't this your suggestion? Don't get cold feet now."

She boasted her chest out in an attempt to look courageous. "I'm not."

Sammie effortlessly picked Nevaeh up and placed her on the dresser. "Good because I've been thinking about you and that skirt since this morning."

He kissed her again, ending all further conversation.

While Nevaeh and Sammie remained in the room, the rest of the group were on the commuter bus heading towards the Magic Kingdom Park. Buses came every twenty minutes or so to take the guests to the different Disney parks. They never planned to wait on Sammie and Nevaeh; Teddy was determined to make them spend as much time as possible alone.

His phone chirped signaling a new message. He took a look and saw a message from Chris.

I spoke to Sammie and London talked to Vay. I think we got through to them.

Teddy smiled when he saw the text message and passed the phone along to Damon, who was sitting across from him. "I told you they would call."

Damon gave the phone back. He looked at Teddy in amazement. "Remind me to hire you as my attorney when you finish laws school."

Teddy chuckled. He unconsciously wrapped an arm around Desiree's shoulder. She was animatedly talking with Jayda while he continued to converse with Damon. "I'm not going to be cheap."

Damon shrugged his shoulders. "It's a good I have money." He peeked at Jayda. "We got to keep it the money all in the family."

Courtney was busy looking at a park map. She was standing up holding onto one of the poles to maintain her balance. "What are we doing first? Space Mountain, Rocky Mountain or what about the new seven dwarf's coaster?"

Damon shrugged his shoulders. "It's whatever the girls want to do."

"I was thinking of taking my princess to meet a princess," Teddy answered.

Desiree stopped talking to Jayda and gave Teddy a quick kiss. "You are so sweet."

Courtney pretended to gag. "Yall are both pussy whipped." She saw Desiree's innocent blush. Courtney had caught her doing it a few times. "Never mind."

Teddy didn't know how far Jayda and Damon had gotten, but he and Desiree weren't there yet. They were sharing a room, but there were two beds just in case she didn't feel comfortable sleeping with him. Besides the kissing and the cuddling nothing more had happened. He wasn't trying to pressure Desiree to do anything she wasn't ready for.

He looked at Jayda and Damon, and curiosity got the best of him. "Jay."

"Mind your business, Theodore," she snapped.

Teddy fought back the urge to tell her that she was his business. He put it in the back of his mind to talk to her later. Or maybe he could get Desiree to say something. She and Jayda were pretty close.

"Have you seen Adrian? He came on the bus with us, but he disappeared," Courtney asked.

Teddy looked around and found him at the front of the bus talking with a group of cheerleaders. He nodded his head in that direction. "He's making new friends."

Courtney frowned. "I refuse to be the only solo person on this trip. Excuse me." She squeezed her way to the front of the bus.

Adrian was unaware of the trouble and was in the middle of a conversation with a girl from New Jersey. She was visiting Florida for a cheerleading competition. "Breonna," he let the name roll off of his tongue. "That's a pretty name for a beautiful girl."

Breonna giggled falling under Adrian's charm. "Thanks. You know our competition will only last a couple of hours. How about we exchange numbers and meet up later."

Adrian smiled, displaying his dimples. Girls easily fell for his good looks and Breonna was becoming his next victim. "I'd like that. Maybe we can meet at the pool later." He couldn't wait to see her in a bikini. He had a thing for petite girls.

By this point, Courtney had made up to them. "Honey," she said addressing Breonna. "I don't think you want to get too close to him."

"Why not?" Breonna's eyes bounced between her and Adrian.

"Have you ever heard of walking pneumonia?" she nodded her head. "Well, my cousin has walking Herpes. Don't talk to him. He'll have you breaking out in blisters and sores in a few minutes." Courtney had the attention of the entire bus. Damon and Teddy watched from the back cracking up.

Breonna immediately got up and moved away from Adrian. Courtney was able to get back to the back of the bus before Adrian could grab her. She laughed as she took a seat next to Damon. "That was fun."

Damon joined in her laughter. "I'm staying out of it. Don't come to me when he gets your ass back."

Courtney waved at Adrian. "I wish he would."

When the bus arrived at the front entrance, Courtney took off running before Adrian could get to her. Damon and Jayda ended up heading towards tomorrow land. Jayda wanted to get onto Buzz light year before going over to Space Mountain. Desiree wanted to follow, but Teddy was able to detour in a different direction and agreed to meet up with Damon and Jayda later.

"What's going on?" Desiree asked as they walked hand and hand towards Fantasy Land.

"Nothing," he lied. "I just want to go over to see Ariel first. She's the sexiest princess in the park."

"Pervert. Is it because of the bikini?"

"Yup and I told my sisters that I would get a picture with her."

"You're such a good guy. I love your little sisters."

He navigated towards the crowd. "Maya and Justice love you too." He had strong feelings for Desiree but didn't know how deep they were. Only time would tell.

Teddy had gone ahead and reserved the meeting with Ariel through his fast pass, so they didn't have to wait in a long line.

When it was their turn, Teddy introduced himself to Ariel. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Teddy, and this is my girlfriend Desiree."

"I'm not his girlfriend," Desiree corrected.

Ariel laughed as she was sitting on top of her rock flapping her fin. "I think you have a little problem Teddy." The character was having fun with the situation. It was a nice break from the hundreds of kids that came to take photos with her.

Teddy grinned at Desiree. "So what have we been doing these past weeks?"

Desiree became embarrassed by his question. It sounded so inappropriate. They were in a make shift cave with a princess and camera man. "We're friends. You never asked me to be your girlfriend."

Ariel chastised Teddy. "I think you need to ask her."

Teddy took a deep breath. Being the extra ordinary guy that he was, he got down on one knee and made a scene. The camera guy started taking pictures as he spoke. "Desiree Garrison. Will you do me the honor or becoming my girlfriend and also my date to my senior prom?"

"Prom?" She wasn't expecting that.

"You have to say yes. Even your dad has given me a yes."

Desiree looked over and saw that the princess was giving her a thumbs up. "I would say yes if I didn't have Prince Eric," she said, staying in character.

"I guess I can't say no, so yes."

Teddy stood and lifted Desiree in his arms. "I've already gotten the tickets so I wasn't taking no for an answer." He sealed the deal with a kiss.

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