LOTR/ TH Imagines

By emeraldcity221B

360K 9.1K 1.1K

Imagine yourself in a world with hobbits, men, elves, and maiar discovering new friendships, romances, and ad... More

Last Words- Frodo
Duo- Legolas
Duo (Part 2)- Legolas
Wizards of Battle- Mentor!Gandalf
You're not a Failure- Kili
Fandom Games
First Child- Merry
Battle of the Five Armies- Fili
Battle of Mordor- Aragorn
Forbidden Night- Legolas
Attacked- Eomer
First Kiss- Fili
Nightmares- Frodo
Confession- Thorin
Telling- Pippin
Pregnancy- Frodo
Fallen- Sam/Frodo
Battle- Gimli
Pirates of the Carribean- Legolas
Sickness- Kili
I Will Take the Ring- Fellowship (mostly Frodo)
Rooftop Showdown- Thorin
Jealousy- Kili
Jealousy- Kili (Part 2)
Don't Leave Me- Boromir
Babysitting- Faramir
The Fall- Bard
If This is Love- Kili
By the Sword- Eomer
Eomer and Bones
Snap Out of It- Thorin
Lost? (Part 2)- Thranduil
I Would Take an Arrow- Aragorn
Im So, So Sorry- Legolas
Love Story- Thorin
Meeting Him- Eomer
Dragon- Bard
Wedding- Boromir
Remember When We First Met?- Haldir
Running Away- Thranduil
Sacrifice- Lindir
Torture- Aragorn
Preferences 1
Coming Home- Bofur
Preferences 2
Why? -Bofur
Preferences 3
Too scared- Pippin
Preferences 4
Take Me Instead- Thranduil
Preferences 5
Surprise- Eomer
Preferences 6
Story Time- Bofur
Preferences 7
Stars- Legolas/Haldir
Preferences 8
Magic- Elrond
Did I Tell You- Thorin
Meeting- Thorin
Family- Dwalin
You Can't Leave Me This Way- Fili
Young and Beautiful- Legolas
I promised- Oakensheild Family
Don't let him bother you- Legolas
Men lananubukhs menu- Dwalin
Wish I Never- Thorin
Secret- Nori
Healer- Thranduil
Falling for you?- Gimli
Proud of us- Legolas
Miracles- Kili
Night shift- Legolas
Price of Twins- Kili/Thorin
Gone for a Ride- Aragorn
Hey- Kili (part 1)
Heal- Kili (Part 2)
Awkwardness- Bard
Reaction- Aragorn
Please read
Distracted- Kili
Meetings- Fili
Thief- Legolas
Running from the past- Nori
New light- Dwalin
Wings- Fili
Rooftop Fall- Fili
Hugs- Merry
Arguments- Thorin
Dwarves in the Kitchen- Bilbo and Thorin
Memories- Thorin
Stories to tell- Frodo
Drunk Confessions- Elrond
Cut it out, will yeh?- Fili
Shall we battle?- Legolas
Healing- Faramir
100 Chapter Special
Guessing- Thorin
Family Lies- Fili
Lets Vote!
Objections- Fili
Teasing- Kili
Awkward Encounters- Frodo
Coma- Legolas
Bittersweet Reunion- Legolas/Haldir
Lovers- Kili
Blizzard- Eomer
Arranged- Legolas
Scales- Aragorn
Dreams- Legolas
Wanderer- Faramir
Captured- Legolas
Maiar- Gandalf
Didn't Tell- Thorin
Attraction- Gandalf, etc.

Heal- Boromir

1.4K 45 6
By emeraldcity221B

Requested by: CaptainSleepyHead

This one was a little hard to write, sorry if it's not good.

Trigger Warning: Torture

Galadriel, as your gift, had given you a healing potion. Never had you expected to use it so early during your trip with the Fellowship, but you did. You had to!

As orcs were attacking, filling the clearing with sounds of battle, you heard the Horn of Gondor in the distance. It was a plea for help.

"Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli!" You shouted for your companion's attention. "The Horn of Gondor!"

Immediately you started running, slaying any orc that dared cross your path. The horn kept on echoing through the forest in bursts of three notes. And finally you reached the spot where you could see Merry and Pippen looking horrified at a kneeling figure that could only by known as your crush, Boromir, who had three arrows impaled into his torso. Then you saw the orc in front of him, hate filling you up.

You let out a screech of hate and charged, dagger at the ready. You dueled while Boromir dragged himself to rest upon a tree root.

Then there was the defiant yells of the hobbits as they were lifted by the fleeing orc pack. You went to their defense, still trying to fend of your attacker. But instead you were grabbed around the waist and lifted by an orc behind you. You screamed and saw Aragorn charge into the clearing and went into battle, Legolas and Gimli close behind.

"Legolas!" You called, the elf turned and his face paled at your struggling form being carried away, he immediately aimed his bow at the orc carrying you. But you still had to save Boromir! You wrenched one of your hands free of the hold you were in and launched your healing potion towards the blonde prince. Legolas would have to save Boromir instead of you.

The last thing you saw before the orc dragged you out of sight was Legolas dropping his bow and catching the potion, giving you a helpless and understanding look, then turning to the direction of Bormir.

Boromir's POV:

"And you didn't go after her?" I yelled at the elf standing before me.

"She wanted you to be saved, instead of herself." Legolas defended himself. "I'm sorry." He lowered his head.

"If Legolas shot the orc, Y/n would have to run to you, instead of throwing her gift to Legolas, you would have died." Aragorn intervened.

I let out a groan.

"We have to go after her."

"What about the hobbits?" Gimli spoke up.

"They are heading in the same direction, by the looks of it towards Rohan. If we catch them soon we could save all three of them."

There was a silence as the rest of the broken Fellowship pondered the idea of chasing orcs.

"Let's go hunt some orc." Aragorn nodded at me then dashed off. I instantly followed, Legolas and Gimli close behind.

Time skip brought to you by Steve Rogers school of future-y stuff; So you can understand that reference.

(While the battle of Helm's Deep is going on.)

Your POV:

You struggled against your bonds in the torture room of the Orthanc Tower.

"Do you think that will help you escape." The booming voice of Saruman echoed out.

"Everything counts." You spat.

"Despite all my efforts you haven't broken yet."

"I'm hard to break with torture."

Your stomach had whip and knife marks cut across it. Nails had been pulled out and bones have been broken. Every breath you drew in was a pain, but you were determined to keep fighting.

"Then how about emotionally? I just sent out at least ten thousands orcs against Helm's Deep, they have ladders and an explosive device of my own creation to break down the walls. Helm's Deep is doomed, I have had Théoden banish many riders from his kingdom."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I gave the order to kill every man, woman, and child. And guess who is in Helm's Deep right now? Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir, your dear close friends."

"Burn in Mordor." You said through gritted teeth.

"Your companions are going to die!"

A single tear dripped down your cheek. When some Rohan riders attacked you orc pack, you saw Merry and Pippin escape. But also, a couple orcs escaped, taking you to Isenguard. You had so much hope then, despite being captured, but now it was diminished.

"Mewling quim." Saruman growled at you. "Bring in the torturers!" And he turned on his heel and left, leaving you to another session of brutal torture.

You screamed and struggled, writhing against your bonds. Knives cut deeper into your stomach and you could hear your blood drip onto the dark floors. Drills cut into your arms and your legs were hit with nailed clubs. You were completely covered in blood, your own blood.

You were laid on a bed of nails as they beat and punched your ribs then threw salt upon your skin.

The agony was unbearable, you wished that you would just bleed out already! Your ripped skin stung and a throbbing pain jolted through your bones.

Memories of happiness were washing away. When you passed out, you no longer dreamed of freedom. Your dreams were dark and full of terror.

Orcs and goblins injected poisons into you that caused brainwashing hallucinations. Friend became foe, and foe remained foe. You could trust no one, surrounded by fear.

Then one day, the torture stopped. You heard the noise of trees battling orcs. You wanted to shake your head in disbelief, but you couldn't. You were too beaten and malnourished to do anything, this was probably a dream or something. What were the odds that trees were attacking the Orthanc?

Boromir's POV:

As we approached Isenguard, we saw that it was already destroyed. It was practically flooded and ents were circling the tower. Then there was laughter, I looked up to the walls and there was Merry and Pippin, standing with an ale in on hand, pipe in the other.

"Welcome, my Lords, to Isenguard!" Merry smiled.

"You young rascals!" Gimli growled from behind Legolas. "The hunt you have lead us on and now we find yeh feasting- and smoking!"

"We are sitting," Pippin said through a mouthful of food, "on a field of victory enjoying a few and well earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good."

"Salted pork?"

Then it dawned on me. Merry and Pippin were in Isenguard, could there be a chance Y/n was too? Gandalf said only the hobbits escaped the attack, but I didn't see any clue that Y/n was burned with the orcs. Isenguard was the original destination, maybe some orcs escaped and brought her here?

We brought our horses to the Orthanc and I was soon looking up at Saruman and his pet, Grima.

"-tell me, what words of comfort did you give the Halfling before you sent him to his doom?"

Gandalf looked distraught.

"And you," Saruman shifted his gaze to me. "What effort have you given to save your poor Y/n? Resting in Rohan and only coming here now." He reached back and threw Y/n into view. She didn't even fight back, though the heavy glare was noticeable on her face. She was so thin and bleeding noticeably.

"Y/n!" I shouted, sliding off my horse and running forwards.

"Boromir-" Gandalf warned.

"Shoot him, stick him out-" I yelled over to Legolas, he reached for an arrow.

"No!" Gandalf snapped. "Come down Saruman, and your life shall be spared."

"Save your pity and your mercy! I have no use for it!" The wizard shot a column of flame down at Gandalf, I stepped back feeling the heat as the flames subsided and Gandalf reappeared unharmed.

"Saruman, your staff is broken."

They talked on and I wandered around Isenguard, looking for a way in to go up and save Y/n. Then I noticed Saruman falling and flinched when he landed and impaled himself. Then I saw two things slip out of his grasp. His plantir and a key, I rushed forwards and grabbed the key, looking up to Aragorn.

"Go get Y/n." Aragorn nodded. I ran off and unlocked the tower, racing to the top.

And there was Y/n. Though battered and bruised she was still beautiful. I swallowed hardly when I realized I never got to tell her I loved her before the orcs got her.

"Y/n." I sighed. She looked up at me and flinched, dragging herself away from me, eyes full of fear. "Listen, I'm sorry." Her eyes shifted to the knife Grima had been holding. I walked over to it and she let out a squeak of fear, but I kicked it off the edge. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I don't believe you." She rasped, moving in noticeable pain.

I reached into my pack and handed her a piece lembas bread.

"Trust me." I placed the bread on the ground and slid it over to her. Cautiously she reached out and grabbed the food, taking a small bite, then quickly devoured it. "I thought you would be hungry."

She relaxed a bit, but her guard was still up.

"See those men down there, none of them mean any harm to you. We want to help you be free." I coaxed, pulling out a bit of apple for her and handing it to her. She took a thoughtful bite. "Do you remember me?" I asked, trying to get her to warm up to me again. I couldn't imagine what they did to her the last few weeks.

"Yes." She sighed.

"Then please remember that we are friends. Please remember that I love you. I'm here to help." She dragged herself over to me and I wrapped her in a gentle hug.

"I love you too." She whispered.

Carefully, I picked her up and brought her down and back to the Fellowship.

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