He's Such a Sweeto (My Digita...

By cloudy_skys

9.3K 406 235

Amber Curran and Catherine Rhodes have been best friends ever since fourth grade, and even though they might... More

Hiding in Maryland ~ Jeydon
The Hotel Card ~ Amber
The Intruders ~ Jordan
The New Girls ~ Bryan
Kohnnie Is Real ~ Amber
Starbucks and Samm ~ Jeydon
Spin the Bottle ~ Jordan
A Drunk Night ~ Johnnie
Jeydon's Little Crush ~ Kyle
Finally ~ Jordan
The Nerve of that Woman ~ Cathie
Movie Night ~ Shannon
Kidnapped ~ Kyle
Betrayal ~ Amber
The Hospital ~ Johnnie
The Tree ~ Alex
Pierce the Veil ~ Bryan
It Feels Like Fire ~ Jordan
Missing You ~ Alex
Remember the Time ~ Cathie
Oh, Well Imagine ~ Amber
Every Word Will Shape Me ~ Shannon (FINAL)

The Plan ~ Jeydon

366 19 11
By cloudy_skys

The moment I came inside and set my penny board down, Cathie looked up from her phone and smiled at me.

"Hey, how was it?" She asked.

I remembered what Kyle and I had been talking about earlier and felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Great."

Thank God, I didn't stutter.

Cathie nodded and looked back down at her phone, and judging by the reflection I could see she was reading something on Wattpad. I forced back a chuckle, knowing she was reading Pierce the Veil or My Chemical Romance fanfiction. She was a hardcore Frerard and Kellic shipper.

I looked over at Amber, who was sleeping on the couch. I inwardly sighed. I wanted to find out if Cathie had feelings for me, and if Amber had feelings for Jordan. Just as I was thinking about that, Amber raised her head sleepily.

"Can I help you?" She asked, her shyness gone as she slowly woke up.

"Oh-um...uh-yeah. Yeah. Can I talk to you?" I asked, stuttering pathetically.

Amber looked at me weirdly, her hair in all directions. I guess it was kind of weird for me to want to talk to her all of a sudden, after coming back with Kyle and not having talked to her much. "Um, sure."

She sat up on the couch drowsily and followed me into the kitchen, her blanket hanging over her shoulders and trailed behind her. We stopped in the middle of the kitchen and I turned around to face her, taking a deep breath. Now was a better time than any, with her just woken up and her mind still fuzzy with sleep.

"Does-does Cathie..." I trailed off, not sure if I could do this. I stared at Amber, wondering if she was trustworthy. Kyle and Cathie seemed to trust her, though, and that was good enough for me. 

"Does Cathie have feelings for me?" I blurted.

Amber stared at me, surprised. She was definitely fully awake now. "Um...I don't know if I should tell you that..."

I felt my hopes rise. That was a good sign, right? If Cathie didn't like me, there would be nothing that Amber shouldn't tell me. Or, maybe, Cathie actually didn't like me, and Amber didn't want to hurt my feelings by telling me the truth. Looking at her, I figured it could be either.


She sighed, combing her hair with her fingers. I noticed that she never really kept her hands still, she was always fixing her hair or shoving them into her pockets or something. "Fine."

I perked up, listening closely to her. "I don't know for sure, because Cathie and I haven't had enough time to talk about...um...crushes, but whenever I see you two together all the signs are right."

"The signs?" I probed.

"Yeah. If she has a crush on someone, she'll start becoming more awkward around them, maybe some stuttering and blushing at physical contact. She'll tense up, too, and she'll practically refuse to talk about herself, only about you. And she'll stare at you when you're not looking, and you might think that's, like, stalkerish, but I've seen you do the same."

I blushed. "You've-you've seen me staring at her?"

Amber grinned cheekily. "Yup. I'm pretty sure everyone has, at this point. You do it a lot."

"Oh," I squeaked, now feeling extremely embarrassed and self conscious.

I racked my brain for something to say that could turn this around, and then I remembered the other thing I was supposed to talk to Amber about. I smirked at her, which caused her to suspiciously raise an eyebrow.

"I've been meaning to ask this, but do you have a crush on Jordan?" I asked.

Now it was her turn to blush. "N-no."

I nudged her. "Are you sureeee?"

She blushed harder. "I-I don't like him like that. Not in that way."

I glanced down at a necklace that I had noticed she had been wearing often. She definitely hadn't been wearing it when we first met in the hotel room. It was a porcelain heart hanging from a pink, silvery chain. I touched it, raising an eyebrow and smirking up at her.

"Who gave you this?" I asked.

She took a step back from me, clutching the heart and blushing harder. "I had it before."

"You're really bad at lying."

She looked at me with defeated eyes. "Fine, okay? I have a tiny crush on him. Just a tiny one."

I stared at her in surprise. I thought it would've been harder than that. But my surprised expression immediately turned into a cheeky grin. She glared at me.

"I swear to god, if you tell anybody, I'll announce to everybody that you like Cathie," She warned.

I blushed slightly. "Okay, fine. I won't tell anybody. Kyle and I both think that you and him would be a perfect couple, though."

She looked at me with wide eyes. "K-Kyle knows?"

"Yeah, and I didn't even have to tell him." I smirked as she looked down at her feet, blushing.

She looked back up at me, her hair falling across one of her pleading eyes. "You can tell Cathie if you want, but you cannot  tell Jordan."

I nodded. "Okay."

She let out a sigh of relief before looking past me. I saw her eyes narrow. "Kyle! Stop hiding and come in here."

I turned around and there was silence for a few seconds before Kyle groaned and came into the kitchen, looking at Amber innocently.

"Kyle? You were listening?" I asked, surprised.

He grinned. "Yup."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Amber blush harder and glare at him. She glanced between us and started to walk out of the kitchen. "I'm going back to sleep." She grabbed a bag of Doritos on the way out and then it was just Kyle and I in the kitchen.

Kyle walked forward with a smirk. "Good job. Now you know that Cathie likes you and Amber likes Jordan."

I blushed a bit at the mention of Cathie. "Okay. And what about Jordan?"

"I'll do my part right now," He replied.

I nodded and he walked out of the kitchen, going down the hall. I watched as he went into his bedroom, where Jordan was probably still sleeping off his hangover. I walked out into the living room with a huge grin to see Amber eating the Doritos while watching a YouTube video on her phone.

Cathie was still reading fanfiction, and whatever it was must've been good, because she made a high-pitched squealing sound and slid down the sofa before she adjusted her position and started reading in silence again. Shannon stared at her, obviously weirded out, but Amber didn't even bat an eyelash. I guessed she was used to this.

I walked over to the sofa and sat down next to Cathie. I was going to make my move.

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