Wizards With Benefits (Drarry...

By Clevermess

503K 17.6K 23.5K

Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter are sworn enemies, that is common knowledge. But what if something someone say... More

Pure Hatred
The Idea
Should We?
The Plan
If Only
Confessions Part 2
Detention, More Detention
The Meeting
Date Night
Unwanted Stranger
Trust Fall
The Truth


18.2K 725 387
By Clevermess

Third Person P.O.V

It had been two weeks since Harry told Draco how he really felt. Harry was still shocked at the way Malfoy ran off. He was still heart broken but the physical and verbal abuse he received from Malfoy was just as bad. He'd beat Harry senseless just like nothing had happened between them. In potions, he would constantly be berated by him or he'd just ignore him. Harry had stopped fighting back, it wasn't worth.

The Golden Trio were making their way to Transfiguration when Malfoy and his clan passed them. Coincidently, Harry was finally telling Hermione and Ron what happened between him and Malfoy when Malfoy started.

"Aww isn't the sweet, Granger comforting little Potter." He sneered. "What's wrong Potter, can't go home crying to Mummy?" He snarled. Harry lunged for Malfoy catching off guard and slammed him against the wall. His wand was drawn to Malfoy's neck and he was seething. Malfoy's breathing became shortened and quickened; his eyes were wide. Harry was never the one to start the physical hitting which is why Malfoy was so caught off guard.

"What the fuck is you problem Malfoy?" Harry hissed.

"Get off me, Potter!" Malfoy tried wiggling free.

"You weren't saying that a couple weeks ago!" Harry yelled. Malfoy stopped moving and grit his teeth. "Did I strike a nerve, Malfoy?"

"Shut the fuck up Harry." Malfoy snarled.

"Oh it's Harry now? I'm surprised you didn't tell your friends what was going on." Harry dared. "Maybe I should tell them?"

"You...wouldn't...dare." Malfoy seethed through his teeth.

"Try me,Malfoy." Harry hissed.

"What do you want anyway?"

"The truth you git!" Harry yelled. Malfoy's friends, Blaise and Goyle, just stared in astonishment as did Hermione and Ron. "Why?" Harry expression changed from anger to distress. His eyes were on the brink of shedding tears and his lip was quivering. Malfoy's eyes soften when he saw Harry cracking. "Why don't you love me back?" Harry yelled. He dropped to his knees and put his face into his hands. Malfoy took a few seconds to process what was going on until he dropped to his knees to and put his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Harry I-" Malfoy started but Harry cut him off and pushed his hand off.

"Save it Malfoy." Harry lifted his face and sniffled. "Don't." Harry just stood up and looked at Hermione and Ron. "Let's go, we'll be late." His voice cracked with emotion. The two just nodded and they went on their way. Malfoy just stood up slowly and looked at his friends.

"What in bloody hell was that?" Goyle asked. Malfoy clenched his teeth and looked at him with anger in his gray eyes.

"It was nothing." He answered.

"Sure didn't seem like nothing." Blaise said. "Is there something you need to tell us?" Blaise asked.

"There is nothing you need to know and I'd appreciate it if you would stay out of my goddamn business!" Malfoy yelled. Their eyes just widened at his sudden outburst.

"Alright mate, relax." Blaise put his hands up in defense. With that, Malfoy strutted away from them and made his way to his next class. Throughout his class he couldn't pay attention. All he thought about was how much he hurt Harry. He'd never seen Harry crack with such anger and when he started bawling, Malfoy's heart broke. After class it was lunch time so Malfoy decided to skip and owl Harry asking him to meet him.


I need to talk you, please let me know if you'll meet me.


He gave it to a barn owl and sent the owl to Harry.

Harry was actually in the Great Hall this time. He was picking at his chicken when something dropped on it. It was a letter and the owl swooped down next to Harry. Harry gave it a scratch and a piece of bread.

"Harry, who is it from?" Hermione asked. He opened the letter and frowned.

"Malfoy, he wants to know if I'll meet him." He said sadly.

"Well you're not going to right?" Ron asked. After the whole incident in the hallway, Harry told Hermione and Ron everything.

"See Harry this is exactly why I was saying you need to talk about your problems." Hermione said. "I think you should see him."

"No." Harry said bluntly. "Do you have a piece of parchment?" He asked. Hermione pulled out a piece of parchment from her bag and handed it to him. He quickly scribbled away and rolled up the message. "Give this to Draco Malfoy." He said to the owl and he flew away.

In the dungeons Draco waited nervously for Harry's reply. Once he heard the pecking at his window he jumped and allowed the owl to come in. He took the message from the owl and gave it a treat before sending it on its way.


Seeing you isn't a good idea. I don't know what you need to talk to me about but it can't be good if it's coming from you. So no, I'm not talking to you.


Malfoy's face plummeted. His heart sank and tears threatened to leave his eyes. He stayed in bed all day and refused to go to any of his classes. He knew that this time he really screwed up and all he needed to do was talk to Harry and make things right.

Draco's P.O.V

Great double potions and I have Harry as my partner.

I skipped breakfast and reluctantly made my way to the classroom before taking my seat. Harry shuffled in not too long after me and hesitantly sat next to me. He scooted his seat far away. Snape walked in and announced will be taking notes from chapter 6 and 7. I groaned and pulled out my textbook. Harry didn't move but he did glance over to me, it looked like he was thinking.

"You alright Harry?" I whispered.

"I forgot my textbook." He muttered.

"You can share mine." I told him.

"Now you're going to be nice to me?"

"Harry I-"

"Drop it. Just stop talking, I'll share with you." He scooted his chair closer. For the rest of the first half he and I were dead silent. The next part of potions we needed to actually work together on questions on what we just learned. He seemed hesitant to speak to me but he did and we got through the questions pretty quickly. When we were finished I found myself speaking up.

"Will you please meet me in private? We need to talk." I asked. He just shook his head and wouldn't say anything. "Harry please." I begged.

"Just stop Malfoy, the damage is done. I understand that you don't love me and I was just a booty call." He said causing my heart to snap in half. "There's not anything else you could say to me." By this time class was over so Harry got up and left. I got out of my seat and trudged over to Blaise.

"You alright Draco?" He asked.

"Hmm yeah I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine, is this about what happened yesterday with Potter?" He asked. I gave in and just nodded. His eyes grew wide and he pulled me into an empty classroom. "Alright spill." I told him the whole story from start to finish; he was a rather good listener. When I finished I wiped a tear from my eye. "Hey drake, it'll be alright."

"No he refuses to speak to me."

"Well you're gonna have to convince him to speak to you." He said. "He'll crack eventually." That's what I'm afraid of. "I'll get him to speak to you."

"You'd do that?"

"Of course buddy." I sighed and grinned.

"Thank you." I knew I was going to need more help so I sought out Little Red in the library. She was sitting with a few Ravenclaw girls. I strutted towards them and once they saw me, they fled except for Little Red. She looked up and saw me.

"Explains why everyone left, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I need your help." I blurted out.

"What? Now you want my help?" She asked.

"No I need it." I said. "Look, I want to apologize for snapping at you."

"It's fine Draco." She said. "What do you need my help on?"

"Please get Harry to talk to me, like meet with me."

"Oh now you want to talk to him? After his break down?"

"You heard about that?" I asked and she nodded. "I broke him and I need to fix it, quickly. Please?"

"Of course I'll help you Draco." She grinned. "Have you tried owling him?"

"Yeah and he refused to talk to me." I said.

"Okay well send him more messages, I'll talk to him."

"I have my friends Blaise talking to him as well."

"Ginny's boyfriend?" She asked and I nodded. "Hmm you have good taste in guys." I blushed.

"We're just friends." I huffed. She smiled and put her hand on my arm. "We'll get him back, don't worry." She said.

Harry's P.O.V

I was just sitting in my dorm room minding my own business when I received an owl. It pecked on the window.

"Who's trying to contact me so late?" I asked myself. I walked over to the window and the owl in. I gave it a scratch, took the message and gave the owl a treat.


I know you don't want to meet with me but it's important, please let me know if you're going to. I need to talk to you, it urgent.


I groaned and find myself writing back to him.


I told you I'm not meeting with you. I don't know what more you can say that you haven't said already please leave me alone.


I rolled it up and gave it to the owl.

"Give this to Draco Malfoy."I said. It screeched and flew away. I walked back over to my bed and lied down. Closing my eyes only for them to snap back open at the sound of pecking. Another owl? I thought. I walked over to it and let it in. I took the scroll and opened it.

Hello Harry,

I need you to talk to Malfoy for me. I know he's been ass to you but he needs to talk to you. Please consider it.

With Love,


I didn't even bother sending her a reply so I crumpled up her letter and tossed it aside. I lied back on my bed. As soon as I closed my eye, there was a screech.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I yelled. I stomped over to the window and I let in the owl. I took the letter from the owl and sat down.


Stop being so stubborn and just meet with Draco. I promise it'll be worth your while.


I crumpled his letter too. This is going to be a long night. I thought to myself. 

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