Saving Durin {Hobbit/Thorin}

Bởi Patagonian

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My following words of yore and spite may shock you to the very core. They acknowledge a fact known to few, a... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: Are they gray panties?
Chapter 2: When I went to Bree to pick up some ladies
Chapter 3: What did the squirrel say? Absolutely nothing.
Chapter 4: 'Cause circles are better than squares
Chapter 5: I am not a cougar, I am a Phoenix
Chapter 6: Cheater-cheater, pumpkin-eater
Chapter 7: That one time when I wasn't sarcastic
Chapter 8: Battle of the Sass
Chapter 9: He calls me savior, "That's not my name!"
Chapter 10: You can find me in the beard
Chapter 11: When in Rivendell, wear a dress
Chapter 12: A heart-to-heart
Chapter 13: The King of Remarkable Pigheadedness
Chapter 14: Gandalf, the satyr
Chapter 15: "One Doesn't Simply" charge Azog without back-up...oh wait..he did.
Chapter 16: When you have nothing have him
Chapter 17: Let's play the question game
Chapter 18: Sleep-overs with fave
Chapter 19: DWE...Dwarf Wrestling Entertainment
Chapter 20: That one Lilo and Stitch quote
Chapter 21: Push me one more time, I dare you
Chapter 22: Tea, anyone?
Chapter 23: Rapunzel brings out the best in me
Chapter 24: Leggy's chest hair
Chapter 25: Small-fry
Chapter 26: "King Thranduil is a pansy"
Chapter 27: Is that an olive or...?
Chapter 28: Bonding time with Thorin...and the Bard's bathroom
Chapter 29: You can't hide when you're a walking glowstick
Chapter 30: Sorry, I can't hear you over that unibrow
Chapter 31: Saved by the Kili
Chapter 32: Thranduil, the oversized hobbit?
Chapter 33: Dwarf pilates
Chapter 34: He may be crazy, but he's my crazy
Chapter 35: Smaug dominates hide-and-go-seek
Chapter 36: What the heck is a jiffy?
Chapter 37: Pirates of the Kili-bbean: Queen Rue's Revenge
Chapter 38: S.S. Dorkenshield
Chapter 39: Changing fate with Bilbo Baggins
Chapter 40: The dark days of Winter but Spring withheld
Chapter 41: What is Dain's name were you thinking?
Chapter 42: Return of the King
Chapter 43: Infatuation with underpants?
Chapter 44: TMI Gandalf
Chapter 45: The clock runs out
Chapter 46: When we had it all
Chapter 47: Saving Durin
Chapter 48: A love that's sacrificial
Chapter 49: Thorin goes to time-out
Chapter 50: Home is where the heart is
Chapter 51: "Never have I ever," dwarf style
Chapter 52: Knees high!
Chapter 53: Azog's jazz hands
Chapter 54: Ferudian and Kerudian? More like, death at Thorin's hands
Chapter 55: Mrs. Rapunzel
Chapter 56: King and Queen of PDA?
Chapter 57: A seriously long chapter
Chapter 58: 100% done with surprises
Chapter 59: Phoenician Queen? More like drama queen.
Chapter 60: The not-so-Lonely Mountain
Chapter 61: It's not a pink eyebrow, it's a sassy eyebrow
Chapter 62: The newest weight-loss birth
Chapter 63: Let there be light
Chapter 65: Epilogue
Question & Answer
An Extended Scene: I
Extended Scene 2
Extended Scene 3
Extended Scene 4: In honour of 100K
Additional Books

Chapter 64: Family Trees

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Bởi Patagonian

Chapter 64:

Family Trees

This is a recollection of the destinies of Durins' children, born to the fathers, Thorin Oakenshield, Kili Durin, and Fili Durin. And though these children will never play as large of role as Erudian Houdart, their sacrificial and pure-hearted actions are long remembered in the histories of men, elves, and dwarves.

~~~~~~~~~~~Fili Durin and Palo Houdart~~~~~~~~~~~

Thren, the first child of this couple, is a short Phoenician of grey eyes and blonde hair. She often takes upon the role as protector over her siblings, finding within herself a natural instinct of caretaking, rather than fighting. By the time of the Fellowship's foundation, her and Gimli, son of Gloin, are married with a child on the way. However, neither of these reminders keep Gimli at bay, as he takes off on the adventure of his life, Thren's support the whole way.

An exemplification of Thren Durin:

"Do you worry for Gimli, taking on the evils of Middle Earth and all?" I ask my cousin, looking into her eyes with a look of concern. And though I expect fear to linger in the small heart of hers, she simply laughs at my words, as if I am replaying one of Frerin's pranks.

"Not really," she explains with her effervescent smile. "I mean, even if he were to find himself weaponless, his pigheadedness could surely wipe out hundreds." Her laugh of before erupts from my own chest, knowing her words to be true. Gimli is surely the child of Gloin, an attribute my mother consistently complains about.

Cashel is the second-born daughter of Fili and Palo, characterized by darker blonde hair and grey eyes. She is more excitable than her siblings, quickly finding a place within the heart of Frodo Baggins. Indeed, she is a warrior unlike most who takes it upon herself to join the Fellowship as it's seventh member. When the Uruk-hai attack the Fellowship after Boromir's betrayal, she follows Frodo into the cesspits of Mordor, helping him rid the world of Sauron's presence. She is a hero in the eyes of all, loyal to a fault.

An exemplification of Cashel Durin:

"If I marry Frodo, you will be my cousin and aunt-in-law!" Cashel remarks with a large grin, contrasting to her horrifying words. How can she take this notion happily, as I am suddenly feeling nauseous.

"Please don't ever mention that again...I am horrified. It is almost as disturbing as the notion that Rue is Fili's aunt and sister, by marriage," I exclaim, a shiver crawling down my back. Sometimes I really dislike Cashel's optimism.

Denzel is the third daughter of this pairing, looking unlike the remainder of her family and more like a child of Kili. Her brown eyes and medium brown hair set her apart from the rest, though she is a warrior like her sister. Denzel's feisty personality and stubborn tendencies have a strange effect on the men around her, though they capture the heart of Rohan's Eomer. Not a part of the original Fellowship, she comes across this group at the Battle of Pelennor Fields, followed by her first meeting with the nephew of the late King Theoden. It is said to be love at first sight, though their courting is postponed until the destruction of the Ring, just days later.

An exemplification of Denzel Durin:

What is with you and Sidel?" Ruelin asks eagerly and with a slight disgust. "In love with human males! They're greedier than the Iron Hill dwarves."

"Tall guys are a catch, cousin. Must I remark on your princess over there?" Denzel responds, pointing to Legolas who awaits Ruelin's attention. I honestly cannot understand what my cousin sees in the elf prince, other than his magnificent hair and long legs.

Thrain II is the final child and only son of Fili Durin. His dark blonde hair and blue eyes set him apart from the crowds, along with the charming smile that sets every woman's heart a-racing. But, in the end, it is Ty, child of Ori, that captures his heart after the final battles over Middle Earth. Also not a part of the Fellowship, he helps the warriors whenever he can, taking part in the battles of Pelennor Fields and Middle Earth alongside his large family.

An exemplification of Thrain II Durin:

"I must insist, Pyrhhin, that you keep your hands to yourself. I know I'm simply irresistible, but the whole incest thing is quite a challenge to overcome," Thrain remarks with his famous and noteworthy grin. I am quite disgusted by his words of familial pairing, having only touched his shoulder in an attempt to get his attention. I was trying to be nice, now look where it got me.

"Get over yourself! The only reason women look at you is because of your lack of facial hair," I respond with a slight growl, much like my father's. Thrain looks far from offended at these words, a smile painting his every feature.

"Ouch, cousin! That hurts, right here," he dramatizes, pointing to his chest and over his heart. He is such a drama queen, nevermind a flirt.

~~~~~~~~~Kili Durin and Tauriel~~~~~~~~~~

The controversial couple's first child is a daughter of the name, Ruelin, after Erudian Houdart. Though unlike the Queen in appearance, with her dark brown hair and brown eyes, she perfectly mirrors the famous Phoenician in feistiness and sassiness. That's what makes her courting of Mirkwood's prince, Legolas Greenleaf, all the more surprising, as it is well known that the relationship between Leggy and Rue is more than just hostile. But as a journey goes, her partaking in the Fellowship brings the two into closer corridors and friendship, ultimately resorting to love by adventure's end.

An exemplification of Ruelin Durin:

"They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!" Legolas exclaims loudly from his place atop the hill. I have no clue as to why he is yelling, for the remainder of us are merely feet away. Before I can go to condemning him, Ruelin does just that.

"Good grief! Are you trying to deafen us, or is it that you want the Uruk Hai to hear us?! Gimli, I think the shrub's gone deaf!" Ruelin exclaims, using her nickname for the elf. It takes all I have not to laugh at her words, seeing as they resemble my mother's.

"You're just as loud as I am," Legolas responds as we begin to run again, taking his place next to Ruelin. Even though they deny it on a daily basis, the two of them obviously share an attraction for one another.

"And you're just as annoying," Ruelin replies easily, and without regard that she just called herself irritating. Is this really my family?

"Touche," Legolas concludes after a short silence. If not obvious before, the elf and dwarf are meant to be, equally as annoying and agreeing in large part.

Typhon II is the second and final child of Kili and Tauriel. Just as his sibling took after his father, Typhon takes directly after his mother with hazel eyes and auburn, red hair. Unlike his sister, Typhon is not a warrior, but a lover of books and peace. For this very reason, Typhon does not join the Fellowship, but fights at the battles of Pelennor Fields and Middle Earth. Not long afterwards, he marries his greatest company, Gin, the child of Bofur and Bee.

An exemplification of Typhon II Durin:

"Will you tell me more about the Shire's history, Master Baggins?" Typhon asks Bilbo, a look of excitement gleaming in his eye. "I am taking to a new project on hobbit culture. I think I'll call it 'Large Feet and Old Toby.'"

"Of course! Where should I begin? At the establishment or--" Bilbo responds with an excitement equal to my cousins. This could turn into a disaster of scholarly knowledge if I do not pull Bilbo away now. And with that, I cut him off.

"As interesting as this is, and it really is interesting, I'll be pulling Bilbo away," I tell Typhon while grabbing Bilbo around the upper arm and hauling him out of the library. Surely, neither of them would have slept a wink if I let that conversation continue.

~~~~~~~~Thorin Oakenshield and Erudian Houdart~~~~~~~

The ruling couple of Erebor, Thorin and Erudian's first child is Frerin II. This child grows to be a tall dwarf of dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. To Rue's own dislike, Frerin becomes a prankster like his cousins, Kili and Fili, and creates a ruckus within Erebor, unmatched by all. He is well known for his mischievous, yet observant ways, as well as a sarcasm like his mother's. Taking part in the Fellowship, Frerin proves his bravery and perseverance to all. Waiting at home, within the corridors of the Lonely Mountain, his fiance, Bren, daughter of Dwalin, awaits his return. And return he does, with a name of his own, not just a child of his famous parents.

An exemplification of Frerin II Oakenshield:

"What the hell!?" I exclaim as my father struts into the throne room of Minas Tirith with a scarf wrapped around his forehead. It isn't so much the scarf's presence that is horrifying, but the pattern of the fabric. The scarf is a psychedelic mixture of pinks, teals, and golds, barf-worthy in all definitions.

"You look like some Gondorian gypsy on toadstools," Frerin remarks with a hint of horror in his voice. Never did I expect my father to wear such an accessory as this, and I cannot help but agree with Frerin: Thorin looks to be on his way to a rager.

Pyrhhin, the first daughter of this couple, is unlike her two warrior-like siblings. Quirky and sarcastic, nonetheless short, Py has light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Having grown up in Lothlorien as an adopted child of Galadriel, Pyrhhin is wise beyond her years and bright to the eye. She is the treasure of her father, Thorin Oakenshield, seeing as she is almost identical to her mother in every aspect. She is, indeed, the second Erudian that Thorin wanted. But despite Thorin's attempts to confine her to a life of nunnery, Pyrhhin falls in love with the very burglar of Thorin's adventure. Bilbo Baggins does, as Erudian once predicted, fall in love when Py leads him to Rivendell after a disastrous 111th birthday party. As Thorin later states, Bilbo is the only man he would ever allow Py to wed, and marry they do, soon after the Ring's destruction.

An exemplification of Pyrhhin Oakenshield (from her point of view):

"I'm surprised Papa hasn't killed him yet," I remark, looking to a steaming Thorin and startled Boromir.

"Sure would save the Fellowship some pain," Sidel remarks in an irritated growl and glare to the human male.

"Watch your mouth, female. I am still your superior," Boromir remarks with an equal glare to my sister's.

"Last time I checked, I was a princess and you are simply a" my sister reminds him, glaring angrily at every word. Their staring continues for a good many moments, Frerin and I looking on in confusion and slight disgust.

"I can feel the sexual tension," I remark quietly to my brother, who nods in agreement.

"Like yours and Bilbo's," Frerin responds, prompting a hit to the back of the head. The loud smack sends my sister and Boromir away from their stare down and towards the acquired attention of all.

The final child of Erudian and Thorin is Sidel II. Her bright blue eyes give her a false look of safety that many men come to regret. Sidel strongly resembles her older brother: black hair, pale, and blue eyed. Abnormally tall for three-quarters dwarf, Del is a serious warrior with little desire to create mischief. She is the fifth member of the Fellowship, only behind Legolas. And though she is cold on the outside, only heightened by her sassiness, this child has a heart large enough to compare to Pyrrhin's. Perhaps it is this that allows her to fall so completely in love with the absurd human male, Boromir, by the Fellowship's parting. She is his savior, after all, and more than willing to sacrifice herself on part of anyone.

An exemplification of Sidel II Oakenshield:

"I'll use that barf bag after you, Frerin," I address my brother, looking to the sight with disgust in my blue eyes. Seriously, this is something children should not have to watch.

"I second that," Bilbo adds in with a deeper tone and one of nauseousness. I take back my previous words; this is something no one should have to witness.

"If you need me, I'll be gorging myself on food as a form of emotional therapy," Sidel remarks before walking away with the small wave of her hand. I have a hard time understanding her obvious lack of emotion. But I do believe that this stoicness allows her to deal with Boromir on a daily basis; if I was her, I surely would have killed the man.

These are the children of Durin, saviors of mankind, and legends to all people. Erudian and Thorin's commitment to save Middle Earth from Sauron does not go unhindered, partially in thanks to their family.

Family Trees:

Key: (##)= age at Fellowship's founding

                                                                                   Gimli (139)


                                       |______________Thren Durin (56)





    Fil Durin (142)      |                             Frodo Baggins (33)

     |                                 |                                           |

    |-----------------------|-------------------Cashel Durin (54)

    |                                    |

Palo Houdart (159)   |


                                         |                                  Eomer (28)

                                         |                                          |

                                         |-------------------Denzel Durin(53)




                                         |               Ori (192)---|

                                         |                                    |----Ty (48)

                                         |       Jaspen (160)---|             |

                                         |                                                    |

                                         |                                                    |

                                        |------------------Thrain II Durin (51)


                                                                               Legolas (2931)



                                                 |--------------Ruelin Durin (57)





Kili Durin (137)                |

                |                                    |


                 |                                    |

    Tauriel (672)                        |


                                                      |             Bofur (208)---|

                                                      |                                         |----Gin(52)

                                                      |                 Bee (190)---|            |

                                                      |                                                      |

                                                      |                                                      |

                                                     |-------------------Typhon II Durin (54)


                                                                       Dwalin (229)-----|

                                                                                                       |------Bren (57)

                                                                          Nash (200)------|              |


                                                                      |------------------Frerin II Oakenshield (58)




                                                                        |                     Bilbo Baggins (111)

   Thorin II Oakenshield (255)               |                                   |

                            |                                            |                                      |

                           |-----------------------------|-------------------Pyrhhin Oakenshield (57)

                           |                                             |

   Erudian Houdart (210)                          |



                                                                          |                      Boromir (41)

                                                                          |                               |

                                                                          |                               |

                                                                         |---------Sidel II Oakenshield (55)



I hope you're all happy with the family trees above, since they took me FOUR hours to do on Wattpad.  Like seriously, not my favorite way to spend my day.

I will be updating as soon as possible, but not tomorrow.  I will try my best to post the last chapter on Saturday, but I cannot promise that will happen.  Sorry!

If you have any more Q&A please ask them in the comments.  I'll gladly take any questions about or directed to one of the children of Durin.

I had a really deep thought when I was editing this chapter: isn't the Ring like Sauron's horcrux?

I hope you are all having a great day.  Please vote and comment!!



PS: The character list has been updated in conjunction with this chapter

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