A Walk Through Hell *ABANDONE...

By icallitambrosia

9.5K 142 10

I sat in my first period english class, my teacher grading papers or whatever it is that teachers do when you... More

A Walk Through Hell.
A Walk Through Hell 2
A Walk Through Hell 3
A Walk Through Hell 4
A Walk Through Hell 5
A Walk Through Hell 7
A Walk Through Hell 8
A Walk Through Hell 9
A Walk Through Hell (♡A special feature♡)
A Walk Through Hell 10
A Walk Through Hell 11
A Walk Through Hell 12
A Walk Through Hell 13

A Walk Through Hell 6

618 11 0
By icallitambrosia

i added a slide show to this part of the story. though they are labled, you can feel free to imagine the characters however you please. this story was made for the reader to get lost in the story. 

enjoy, comment, vote. c:


As summer got closer, so did Jaimie and I.  With a few weeks to of school left, not including finals, we'd both successfully won our school's scholarship competition, and as a reward for getting my math grade up, he'd told me I could pick any place I wanted to go, and he'd take me. 

"I wanna go to the zoo."  I say excitedly.  

"You're such a little kid."  Jaimie laughs.  I stick my tongue out at him, and run to get ready as he calls the zoo to buy tickets.  I go through the piece of his closet he'd given me, and find a summer dress his mother had bought for me.  "This will look so beautiful on you, Elizabeth. I had to buy it."   She told me it was an early birthday gift, which I suppose I didn't mind, though I wished she hadn't spent money on me.  It was pretty short, ending at about my mid thigh, so I chose to wear shorts.   When I walked out Jaimie was waiting for me paciently.  

"You look nice."  He smiles.    I do a little twirl, and we walk out to his car.  He lets me play the music I like the entire ride, and we talk about things that I like.   When we get there, he pays for our tickets, and we enter. As we do so, a man with a really fancy camera came up to us.  

"Well aren't you two just the cutest couple, would you like a picture?"  He asks.  I blush slightly.  Did we really look like a couple? Jaimie looks at me, "Do you want a picture?" He asks.  "Uhm, sure." I smile.  He wraps him arms around my shoulders, and rests his chin on my shoulder.  All I can really do is smile and flash a peace sign. The man snaps a few shots, and then we're on our way. Apparently we're to pick the photo up at the front desk before we leave.  "What animal do you wanna see first?" Jaimie smiles.  "I like the monkeys." I smile back.  Suddenly, Jaimie lifts me up, making monkey sounds.  

"Oh my god what are you doing?" I laugh.

"I'm a monkey, duh."  He says back, letting out a sarcastic laugh.  As we come up on the monkeys, I run up to window that seperates the humans from the animals.  Jaimie comes up and stands behind me, as I point them out.  

"That one's name is Jim," I smile. 

"How do you know that?" He asks.

"Because I said it's Jim." I say, gleefully. 

He and I stand for ages, pointing out and naming, and renaming all the different kinds of monkeys.  

"Liz!"  I hear a young, but familiar voice call. As I turn I see my little sister running at full blast towards me.

"Caroline!" I call back, getting low and holding my arms open.   We embrace, and I kiss her cheek over and over again.

"What are you doing here?" I asks.  

"I should be asking you the same question," My mom says, walking up behind us. Tom follows as well. "What a surpise." He lets off this fony smile, like he's happy to see me.   My mother hugs me, and Tom attempts to follow, but I retreat to Jaimie. 

"My..."  I didn't exactly know what to call Jaimie.  I couldn't even seem to decide if this was a date, let alone decide where in the world Jaimie and I stould relationship wise. 

"Boyfriend," He smiles. "We're on a date."  I continue, standing on my tip toes and kissing Jaimie on the cheek.   My mother tries to speak, but Jaimie waves her off.  

"We really should be going, so many more animals to see and all that. Goodbye all." He holds that same old Jaimie smile he always does, wrapping his arm around me.  I look up at him, as he just looks straight.  His smile has turned to as close of a straight face as his face could.  "Why did we have to leave?" I ask.  I must sound like a little kid, with the amount of questions I ask.  But I'm curious, apart from Tom, I missed my family.  My mom, my little sister, everyone.   He looks me in the eyes.

"Because they would have taken you," He says, as we walk up to the tigers. He puts his arm around my shoulder, and I look up at his face.  "And I don't think I'd be able to handle that."  He rests his forehead on mine. "I don't want to try it, either."  He closes his eyes, leaning on me.   I can hear a person in the distance speak about how cute of a couple we are.  That's the third time today, our being a "couple" has come up.  

"Jaimie." I say,  I feel a tear run down my cheek.  Why am I crying? It's just Jaimie, I think.  My stomach sinks. "Just Jaimie." he's not "Just Jaimie." he's my Jaimie.  He's sweet, and beautiful, he's the boy I dream about. The boy I dream of living with forever, and traveling the world with.

"Yes, Liz?" He whispers against my lips.  We're so close I can feel his breath.

"Are we a couple?" I whisper back against his.

"Do you want to be?"  He responds rather calmly, for the fact that I just asked a pretty important question.

"Do you?" I ask. 

"Yes." He smiles against my lips as I kiss him, wrapping my arms up around his shoulders.  I can't help myself, I'm so happy.  This boy is quite possibly the love of my life, and I can't help but express it.  I shed a tear, and he whipes it away from my face.  A woman in the background says it looks like he'd just proposed to me. I smile at him, and reliece his neck.

"So is this our first date?" I can't stop smiling, and as he grabs my hand, I smile even bigger. 

"Do you want it to be?"  His usual Jaimie smile, has grown, which I honestly hadn't though possible. 

"Jaimie stop," I giggle.  

"No." He says.

"No what?" 

"This is not our first date. Our first date will be much more romantic."  He smiles. 

At the end of the day we go and pick up our pictures and head home.  I pull out my phone and text Paul.   'Guess wut'  'wut?' 'i have a bf' 'no u dnt' 'yes i do' 'who?' 'Jaimie.'  ':O' '(:' 

Through out all of his over protectivness,  Paul is happy for me.  He'd known my past relationships, and all the scars they'd caused for me emotionally.  I'd never known many people to love me for me, rather than my body.  I'd been used so many times before, but I didn't feel like I would be, by Jaimie.  He'd not tried anything before with me, so why would he now?  As I lay in bed next to him, his eyes slowly closing shut I lean over and kiss him on the cheek.  He smiles in his sleep, so peacefully.  

"I don't really know if it's too soon, but I just want you to know, I love you Jaimie."

He rolls over and puts his arm around me, our embrace is magical. His body heat against my own.  I kiss his nose, and as I begin to close my own eyes and fall asleep, I hear him whisper. "I love you, too." 

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