Shouldnt I? (klaus love story)

By TVDghost

53.2K 1K 66

Have you ever wondered what klaus was doing before he found the doppleganger? Hannah Gerret lives in Alderber... More

Shouldnt I? (klaus love story)
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Authurs note.

Chapter 12.

1.4K 32 3
By TVDghost

dedicated to Yara Bahman because your awesome. thank you!!!


The next day Hannah couldn't get out of helping her aunt out in the village square, every excuse she could come up with Chelsea countered with a reason why she could. Chelsea seemed nervous and on edge all day, she seemed reluctant to leave Hannahs side for more then five minutes at a time, Hannah wanted to ask what was up with her but was a bit worried about the answer she might receive. They were putting up bunting when Hannah couldn't take the afternoon heat anymore and stepped down from the ladder to get a brink. "where are you going?" Chelsea said quickly, Hannah looked at her best Friend who's eyes were all most desperate and silently pleading but she didn't know what for. "to get a drink, i'm boiling, do you want me to get you one to?" she asked, Chelsea shook her head and stepped away allowing Hannah to pass. Hannah headed to words the pub and could feel Chelsea's eyes on her; she didn't understand what was wrong with her, she had been like this since last night since she came home with Klaus and aunt Elena told her they were dating.

Out side the pud there were people hanging streamers and bunting for the fair tomorrow before hannah could enter she was pulled gently away from the door, "want to run away with me?" The only british accent she wanted to hear in the world said, she smiled, Klaus was in better mood today. "sure!" she said and allowed him to carry her away at vampire speed. before she knew it she was out of the head of the day and in a cool air conditioned mansion, Klaus's mansion. "i don't think i could have taken another minute of hanging bunting with Chelsea, shes been acting weired today" Hannah says, he puts her down and waists no time in bringing his lips to hers and exchanging a long passionate kiss. she smiles when its over, "what was that for?" she asked, he didnt it again. "no occasion!" he says, "want to take a shower?" he asks, "with me of course" he adds. hannah pretends to be thinking about it for a minute, "you know what i think i have some more bunting back at the cottage i need to hang-" she says teasingly turning to the door but he doesn't let her by holding on to her waist and pulling her close to him, "it can wait, a shower sounds good. after all its terribly hot outside!" she says and allows Klaus to lead her upstairs.


Later that afternoon she wakes up in Klaus's bed, his room is filled with original pieces of art and looks homely but stylish. he lay next to her with his arms around her waist still she realised after a moment she is lay on his chest; good thing vampires don't need to breath, she thought. He woke after he felt her stir. "tell he about you" she said. "what do you mean love?" he asked. "i don't know hardly anything about you, your past. you know pretty much everything about me" she said. "where to start..." he lay thinking for awhile. "Virgil said your an original, what does that mean?" she prompted him with a question. "it means i'm one of the first vampires ever made, my siblings and i were made what we are by my parents." he said Hannah asked him to tell her about it, "well in my younger human years i lived in what is now known as America after fleeing the old world because of plauge, we lived with werewolf's. me, my three brothers and my sister, one full moon my brother henrik and i snook out to watch the locals change but they attacked and killed henrik, my mother was so sad she couldnt bare to loose anouther child she made us all and my father immortal." he said, hannah was still lay on his chest listening intently. "well lets just say things got complicated there and i killed my mother and fled back to the old world, my father was so angry he swore he would kill me and has been hunting me ever since, trying to right the wrong they did  by making us immortal" he said, hannah felt for him, she couldnt immagine what it was like to have her father trying to kill her.

They sat there talking for over an hour about klaus's past, about what happened to his siblings, Elijah, Rebekkah, fin and Kol, and what became of his father, but he never mentioned why he killed his mother, in fact he evaded the subject all together Hannah knew better then to pry. after that conversation ended she asked him about the paintings that turned out to be his own work, "there very good" she said. "thank you love" he said as a buzzing came from the floor where her shorts were lay, he got up and retrieved it with a smirk, "Hannahs phone!" he said, Hannah tried to get it of him but he wouldn't let her he was having too much fun "hello Elena, how are you love...... I'm fine thank you..... hannah?..... ohh she just in the other room helping me pink out a new colour scheme for my bed room..... yes i'm redecorating..... right now were going for a cluttered sort of study look" he said, Hannah was trying not to laugh at all her clothes scattered all over the floor, cluttered yes but there defiantly wasn't any studying going on here, she pulled the silk sheet around her and picked up her clothes putting them on as she went "well i'll let her know you called.... see you soon elena.... bye" he hung up with a signature Klaus smirk on his face. "i hate you!" Hannah said. "no you don't!" he countered.

spending the afternoon with klaus was bliss they spend some time drinking coffee and watching pointless tv, but hannah didnt care as long as they were together. Then she looked threw klaus's libarary whilst he sat and did what ever he did at his desk. "what were you doing in the 1920's?" she asked remembering how she had thought about it when she was reading the great gatsby the other day. "running from my father, making freinds" he said. "you? had freinds? how strange!" she said, "what was there name?" she asked after. "Stefan Salvotore. he had a thing for my sister but he were like a brother to me"  he said staring into mid-air all most as if he were reliving the memory, "we had fun in the 20's, you would have loved it, the girls were crazy! they literally danced until they dropped!" he said. "sounds good" she said taking a seat on the sofa, he came and joined her "what happened to Stefan?" she asked. "my father found us and we had to move on so i compelled him to forget about me and my sister" he said, Hannah wondered were his siblings were now, but it sounded like a touchy subject so she didn't ask.


A few more hours passed and the sun started to set, Hannah didn't want to go home but she knew she had to, "so i'll see you at the fair tomorrow?" she asked. "of course love!" he said and kissed her one last time before she and Virgil got into the car and pulled out of the mansion gates. The ride home was peacefully and short, she spent the rest of the evening in the garden watching the sun set with uncle Jack who was reading the paper as usual. " so this Klaus boy?" he said when he finally looked away from the Alderberry times, Hannah couldn't believe her uncle was about to have the guy talk with her; even her own dad didn't have the talk with her he all ways just said 'be safe, i don't want any grand kids yet!' though it seemed irresponsible it worked she had never rushed into anything before Klaus. "what about him?" she said picking up her book so she didn't have to look at her uncle. "John dear will you come in and help me with the oven!" Aunt Elena's voice came from the back door and Hannah breathed a sigh of relief, that would have been to awkward.

Hannah's parents were very lay-ed back with things like that, if Hannah wanted to die her hair then she could. if she wanted a piercing her dad would drive her to the shop himself, aunt Elena and uncle jack were the opposite with Chelsea and Adam, Chelsea had to be there perfect little girl, because there other son Adam most defiantly was not. Adam is hardly brought up in conversation around the village, when he was sixteen he got in with the wrong crowd, he was Chelsea's older and only brother; he started doing drugs and drinking, until one day he moved to the city and now he only ever see him when he's been to rehab, hospital or on a mad bender and needs money every six months or so, he's about 26 now Hannah hasn't scene him since her parent funeral. her parents had tried to help him and even got him on the straight and narrow for while but when they died he completely flipped. Hannah had often wondered, had her parents raised her with the strict rule that Chelsea's and Adams had would she have ended up the same way?

Shortly after uncle jack went inside paper in hand, chelsea came out and joined her on the bench. "whats been up with you today, you just ran off" she asked Hannah, she couldnt believe she was asking her that. "whats up with me? Chelsea whats been up with you? since when did you have to be with me twenty four hours a day?" Hannah asked, Chelsea was reluctant to answer. "look i'm just worried about you okay, i don't know what your getting into with Klaus but it more serious then you think!" she said. "what are you talking about?" Hannah asked. "i over heard byron talking to someone yesterday about Klaus, he was saying he was going to use you to get to Klaus, Hannah you need to stay out of what ever crap Klaus is into!" Chelsea said eyes glistening up with tears, hannah put her arms around her and comforted her. "i love you chels, your my best freind and i love that you always look out for me but in this case you don't need to, Klaus will make sure i'm all right." she said, they sat there like that for a few moments whilst Chelsea calmed down. "just promise me you'll be careful, he said it was all going down tomorrow and talked about some white oak stake from Micheal" she said and went back inside.

Hannah got her phone out of her pocket and dialled klaus's number quickly, "klaus, chels said she over heared byron talking to someone the other day, he was saying its all going to happen tomorrow and something to do with a white oak stake from Micheal. does that mean anything to you?" she said, Klaus was silent for a moment, Hannah could hear something smashing in the background "Klaus?" she asked. "yes Hannah you stay with chelsea and Amelia tomorrow i mean it! stay in public and insight of someone at all times. they may have the only weapon that can kill me!" he didn't give her chance to ask anymore questions before hanging up.

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