Hardest To Love⚜🌄

By AmeezyHadMeLike

13.3K 669 95

Who is he? A Hero or a Criminal? People Change But he changed for me He dedicated himself He got Tortured Jus... More

Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
not an update but important
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
Final chapter

Chapter 1

1.2K 43 0
By AmeezyHadMeLike

Becky's p.o.v:

"Um sure Hailee I'll stay a little more to get it done"

omg no what did just happen.

"thanks Becky well i gotta go bye".
"bye Hailee get home safe".

i shouldn't have accepted it.

omg it's already 10p.m and only God knows how im gonna get home.
i just hope i get home alive.

It took me 2 hours to get the work sheets done
2 hours.
so i decided to get ready and go home.

'12:27' i read the clock

I wondered if my life would be this boring till the end
Man it's all University,work,eat,sleep and repeat

pppffff im so tired ughhh

as i collected my stuffs i walked down the stairs and got out of the office.

I was hit by the darkness and coldness of the outside

I felt a strange feeling
I decided take shorter but faster steps so i could get home sooner

gosh why is it so scary.I hugged myself with the oversized cardigan i was wearing

All i could see was dark,emty streets
All i could hear was my own footsteps

ok becky woman up you're not a little kid.just if anyone gets close to you,you'll kick him/her hard and run.
You're not like those lil scared kids.

oh wait you are
I can do it

see it's easy.just don't freak out girl.
I was so lost in my thoughts about how I'm gonna save my life if i get in trouble,but i heard some footsteps from behind.

The creepy sound of someone stepping on some dried leaf

i gasped

my knees became weak.
omg should i look back or not

why me
why me

i quickly glanced over my shoulder seeing like four muscular guys following me.

I felt the sudden panic taking all over me
I don't wanna die today

i quickened my pace.

i noticed the corner feeling relieved which meant that im just one block away from my house
so i kinda ran there with my eyes on my back to see if they're running after me or not.

yes they are.

but without any expectations i bumped into someone.

Now I'm besieged by them

the guy was on his phone till i bumped into him leaving his phone fly in the air.

"Omg im so so so-rry."i stuttered.

"it's okay"he was really calm.He bent down and picked up his phone.
He looked up to me meeting my eyes
wow how can he actually... Nevermind.
an idea came up in my mind.

No becky it's not gonna work
you'll get yourself in too much trouble

but there's hope inside me
I don't even know if it's right or not but it worths trying.

"hey um y-you seem a really nice guy"i tried to catch my breathe

"well um... would you please help me cause being chased by like 4 mascular guys and i don't know what to do..."

Seriously becky?

"Sure.hug me now"he said calmly

wait what
I was taken back. Shocked to be exact

" Do YOU really want me to help you?"he asked

i nodded worryingly

"so hug me.NOW"

I hesitated at first

"It's now or never"he said while checking the situation behind me

Shit i guess i have to do it

So i did as i was told.
i hugged him so tight.the guys were walking towards us till they saw him.
they quickly stopped

It was like they froze when they saw him

Who the hell have i relied on??

wow is it really working?!
i was shaking in his arms but i felt safe.i don't even know why.

he pulled away "Are You Ok?" He asked like he was my boyfriend and then kissed my forehead.

Wow he's such a perfect acter
I cant deny that

i nodded showing him a weak smile.he gave them a death glare showing them im his.
He grabbed me by my back gently"let's go"

I'm really glad i found him

we turned around walking towards my home

we walked for 5 minutes without saying any words.

The streets were filled with pure silence which was pretty scary for me

"Are they gone?"i whispered trying to act normal
he glanced over his shoulder carefully

"uh...yeah i guess"he said.

"PPPPPFFFF OH MY GOSH "i covered my face with my hands not believing the fact that i just survived THAT.

you're safe becky you're safe

"thank you so so much i don't know where id be if i hadn't found you"i hugged him unintentionally

Thank you god
we pulled away.
"you're welcome"he smiled.

"what the hell were you doing there at this hour if you don't mind me asking?"he chuckled.

"i was working."i smiled nervously
"I promised my Boss to get some works done tonight before going home so.."i added

"okay" he said."where's your home?"he asked not being sure.

"it's actually one block away so i can take it from here--"

"ok lets get you home"he interrupted me so i smiled knowing ill get home safe.i don't know why i trusted him

he could have been one of them

but thank god he was a saving angel


This is my first story
im so excited about it :)
although it has lots of mistakes but i just hope you like it
don't forget to

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