I.R.L. (A MrMitch361 Story)

By ClumsyBek

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"Hey guys it's me Apple! And welcome back to the Cube Smp! Now, as many of you know I can't go to Pax because... More

Chapter 1- recording
Chapter 2- check twitter
Chapter 3- team speak
chapter 4- traveling
chapter 5- meeting mrmitch
chapter 6- getting settled
chapter 7- hanging with the guys
chapter 8- crayons, lions, and hot sauce
chapter 9- wake up calls
chapter 10- phone calls and failed jokes
chapter 11- late night with mitch
chapter 12- breakfast
chapter 13- title names are hard
chapter 14- weird friends (5k :D)
chapter 15- awkward conversations
chapter 16- downtown
chapter 17- that was... interesting
chapter 18- confusion and walks
chapter 19- two AM and FIFA
chapter 20- Fourth of July
chapter 21- FIFA with the hockeyheads
chapter 22- I'm going to kill Brayden
chapter 23- homesickness and pool fun
chapter 24- Adventure
chapter 26- an awkward wake up call
10k reads and Q&A!
chapter 27- music festival
Q&A Answers!
chapter 28- pizza
chapter 29- hanging with the hockeyheads
chapter 30- teasing and streaming
chapter 31- 100,000 and midnight cities
chapter 32- plaques and bubble wrap
chapter 33- goodbye
Chapter 34- home
Chapter 35- hello
Chapter 36- cubers and ubers
37- junk food and fries
A Conclusion of Sorts (an unofficial Chapter 38)

chapter 25- told you so

744 33 98
By ClumsyBek

"Brayden, I don't know. This is a bad idea." I said as he placed the air soft guns in the backseat. He was driving and Mitch sat in the passenger seat as Rylan and I sat in the back. Brayden shook his head as he started the car.

"Oh come on, Bek! It'll be fine, its just for fun." Brayden said as he drove. I had no idea where we were going. All I know was that Brayden said we should go so we weren't near any houses so people wouldn't be concerned when they saw two teenage boys shooting each other.

"Because being shot is fun." I scoffed and crossed my arms. Rylan snickered at Brayden and I arguing and went back to twitter. I think he was tweeting about our argument. Mitch turned around from the front.

"Bek, relax. It's going to be fine. It's just for a video." He gave me a small smile and I rolled my eyes. I know that they thought it was going to be fun, but I just couldn't stop thinking about how this was a bad idea.

"Fine but don't come crying to me about how much it hurts." I turned my head away from Mitch and looked out the window. I heard Rylan chuckling and Mitch sighing.

"Guys, calm down. It's just your first fight, it doesn't mean you still don't love each other." Brayden sent me a cheeky smile in the rearview mirror. I quickly extended my foot and kicked the back of his seat to shut him up. "Okay, okay. I get it! No relationship jokes. Geesh." Brayden said as Ryan and Mitch laughed. A few minutes later we arrived at some random area and we all got out. "Okay so Rylan and Bek are both going to be videotaping. Rylan on my phone and Bek on my camera. Should we have one on either end?"

"Sounds good to me." Rylan said as Brayden handed him his phone. "I'll go to that end" he pointed at the shooting area and started walking.

"Oh! And Rylan, don't get me in shot!" I called after him and walked to the opposite end. Brayden and Mitch talked about how they were going to do the rounds and then Brayden said the 'rules' to the camera. Brayden came to stand near I was and I video taped him with Mitch in the background. He took his shirt off and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't worry Bek, Mitch's turn is next so you can see him shirtless then." He snickered as he set his shirt on the ground while sending a wink to the camera.

"Hey, can I get one of those guns down here? I wan't to shoot Brayden!" I yelled down to Rylan and Mitch. They ignored me and told Rylan and I to start recording, even though I already was.

"Ready? Three, two, one!" Mitch counted off before shooting Brayden in the back. A second later Brayden screamed. I rolled my eyes, idiots.

"Told you it was a dumb idea." I said as I showed the welt that was forming on Brayden's back. Brayden and Mitch switched places and it was Mitch's turn to take his shirt off.

"Yeah! Get it Mitch!" Brayden yelled as he picked up the air soft gun. Mitch and I both turned to Brayden, raising an eyebrow. Sometimes, I seriously believed that I was going to kill him. "Ready?" Mitch turned back around and held his shirt in front of him. He looked up at me when Brayden started to count down and I stuck my tounge out at him. A second went by and he made a grunting sound. It seemed that Mitch was taking this better than Brayden had, he didn't scream.

They went on with their rounds, advancing to a faster gun each time before they went into their tie breaker. According to them, they had to try and avoid the bullets as they ran to a tree or something. It was dumb but in was having fun making fun of their stupuid decisions. Each time Brayden got hit, he would scream out while Mitch made a face and grunted. Brayden took his turn and tried to run from it, but failed and got hit anyways. Mitch took his shirt back off and got to his spot.

"Hey, do you want to take this round for me?" He asked as he walked by me.

"No thanks, I'm good behind the camera." I smiled at him. Mitch, like Brayden, failed at dodging them and also got hit. They went to do an outro and I stood behind Rylan as he filmed it. "Okay, video's done. Now Brayden, can you please put your shirt back on?" I asked while I covered my eyes mockingly

"You're just jealous." Brayden said as he put his shirt on finally. Mitch and Rylan put all the guns in the backseat and I went Brayden his camera back.

"Here." I handed him the camera and he took it.

"So, how are things with Mitch? Do you still have his jacket?" He winked at me while we walked to the car. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. I wasn't going to answer his question- even though the answer was yes.

"Shut up." I groaned as I tried to walk a little faster, but Brayden had long legs so he could keep up with me.

"Have you guys even gone on a real date yet? Besides that one where the waitor tried to hit on you? I heard you guys went to the aquarium the other day, how did that go?" Brayden put his arm around my shoulder and I pushed it off.

"Those weren't dates! We haven't gone on a date, because we aren't dating. We were hanging out- as friends." I rolled my eyes and tried to walk away, but Brayden grabbed my wrist.

"Seriously? Not dates? No, when you and I or Mitch and I hang out, that's hanging out as friends. When you and Mitch hang out, that's a date. Come on Bek, I thought you were smart." He shook his head and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ugh shut up. This joke is getting old." I shook his hand off of my wrist.

"Hey, you guys coming?" Mitch called from the car. He had a weird look on his face, but I just shook it off.

"Yeah, coming! Come on Brayden." I walked towards the car, not saying another word to Brayden.


I was walking back from my room from the kitchen with a glass of water. It was really hot out today and I was planning on spending the rest of my night watching some of the vlogs and other videos that the rest of the cube members made at Minecon. Mitch and I had spent the afternoon hanging out with Brayden and Rylan after we filmed the video, but now we were back home for the night. I was about to open my door when I heard a painful groan come from Mitch's room. Well there goes my YouTube marathon for tonight. I knocked on Mitch's door and when I got another groan in response, I opened it and let myself in.

"Hey, Mitch. You okay?" I set my glass on his dresser and saw that he was lying on his back on his bed. He tried to sit up so he could see me better, but he just groaned again and laid back down.

"Yup, never better." He grunted sarcastically. I sat down next to him on the edge of his bed and restrained myself from rolling my eyes.

"It's your back isn't it?" I asked. Mitch nodded his head as he looked at me. "It's because of that stupid video, I told you it was a bad idea. Now roll over and get off your back, stupid." I sighed and helped Mitch lay on his stomach. "How bad is it?"

"I don't know." Mitch shook his head. He seemed to be in less pain now that he wasn't putting pressure on his back. I didn't really want to do this, but I felt like I had to.

"Mitch, this is going to sound a little weird, but it's for the best. Okay?" I asked as Mitch turned his head to look at me.

"Okay." He said cautiously but he nodded

"Take off your shirt." I said maybe a little too quickly for my liking. Mitch gave me a weird look and raised his eyebrows in confusion.


"I mean, you have to take off your shirt so I can see how bad it is. Your back." I said awkwardly so I could make this not as weird as it was five seconds ago. Mitch nodded and sat up, but when he tried to pull his shirt off, he stopped and winced in pain.

"I got hit in between the shoulder blades, it kinda hurts." He explained. I nodded and tried to help him remove his shirt. I had just managed to get the top of his shirt over his head but I was struggling with the bottom half. "Need help?" Mitch laughed quietly. As I got his shirt off, I couldn't help but notice how much I was blushing. This looked so wrong, what if his mom or Ella had chosen to walk in right then?

"Uh, you should lay back down now." I said once his shirt was off. Mitch laid back down on his stomach and I set hisnshirt on the bed next to him. I looked at his back once I calmed down and winced. Some of the welts looked pretty bad and painful. Not to mention the one in between his shoulder blades where he got hit twice in the same spot. The one on his neck look bad too.

"How bad is it?" Mitch asked, his voice a little muffled by his pillow he was on.

"Tell me if this hurts." I touched one on his lower back- which it felt weird having my hand on his bare lower back in the first place- and he winced a bit. I felt him tense up and relaxing once I had moved my hand. I touched one a bit higher up and he did the same thing. I touched his neck and he groaned in pain and stopped when I removed my hand. Lastly, I touched in between his shoulders. I tried to be careful, but never the less, Mitch's hands clentched and he let out a painful groan that was loder than the one before it.

"It hurts." Mitch groaned as he shoved his face a bit into the pillow.

"Where's your first aid stuff?" I asked once he had calmed down. I wasn't sure what I was going to do exactly, but I would figure it out. Eventually.

"Bathroom cabinet." I got up and walked downstairs and getting another glass of water before I went to the cabinet and sorted through the first aid supplies. I grabbed a bottle of painkillers and some disinfectant stuff and walked back to Mitch's room. I set the glass of water next to the other one I brought in earlier and walked back over to Mitch.

"Okay, I don't think you need stitches, and quite frankly I wouldn't give them to you, so I got you some painkillers. But first I'm going to clean the welts because they could get infected, or whatever it is that they say on those doctor shows." I had grabbed both disinfecting wipes and spray, I didn't know what was better.
"Wow. You would make a great doctor." Mitch spoke sarcastically. I could practicality hear his eye roll. "Is this going to hurt?"

"No, of course not." I lied as I bit my lip. "Now, stay still." I don't think he had to stay still, but I didn't want him to accidentally punch me while he was in pain. I started with the wipes for the smaller welts, when I rubbed the wipe onto the welt on his lower back which still felt very awkward- Mitch hissed. "Okay, I may have lied about it not hurting." Once I cleaned the smaller welts, I grabbed the spray for the two bigger ones. I sprayed his neck and Mitch grunted in pain as he clenched his fists again. I sprayed in between his shoulders and I could feel his whole body tense up as he groaned loudly. Again, bad time for his mom to walk by the door. "Sorry! Maybe I should've given you the medicine first-"

"No, no. It's fine! I'm fine, thanks." Mitch gave me a small smile as he tried to sit back up slowly. "But those painkillers sound pretty nice right now." I laugh and walked over to the dresser and grabbed the pills and the water.

"Here, I don't know how many you usually take." I handed him the pills and held onto the water. Mitch opened the container, took two pills and grabbed the glass of water from my hands. "Better?"

"I am now, thank you Doctor Bek." Mitch gave me another smile and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a doctor." I had my hand on the doorknob and I was about to leave.

"Wait! Bek, can you stay?" Mitch asked as I turned the handle. I turned back around and nodded to him. Nothing bad could happen. "Here, I'll turn the lamp on. Can you hit the light?" I turned off the main light and it was dark for a second before Mitch turned on the lamp by his bed. I laid down next to Mitch and turned so I was facing him, he did the same but a little more slowly because the medicine hadn't kicked in yet. "Go on, say it. I know you want to."

"I told you so." I smiled at Mitch. He smiled back and we laid there for a few seconds looking at each other.

"Hey Bek, can I ask you something?" Mitch had stopped smiling and he had a serious face on now.

"Yeah, sure. Whats up?" What was with the sudden change in conversation?

"Do you like Brayden?" Mitch asked with a quiet serious tone in his voice. He almost looked like he was frowning, but it was probably just the light.

"What?" Did I just hear him right? Did he just ask if I like Brayden?

"I mean, I saw you two on the fourth of July, before we left. And today, when you guys were walk in back. He had his arm around you and-" Mitch broke eye contact and his was talking in a quiet voice.

"Mitch, I don't like Brayden. There's nothing going on between us. Why are you asking this?" I shook my head, but I could've sworn that I saw him give a breath of relief before he looked back at me.

"I don't know. I was just wondering, if you did like each other, how would you make it work? I mean, you're going back to America in a few weeks so would you just stay friends or would you do a long distance thing? Or-"

"Well, I don't really know. But the good thing is I'm pretty sure that Brayden and I don't have feelings for each other in that way, so I guess it's not really a problem." I shrugged. Mitch was acting weird. This happened a lot, we would be talking normally and then all of a sudden Mitch just shifts personalities.

"Well I guess you really dodged a bullet there huh? Lucky you." Mitch groaned

"Everyting okay Mitch?" I set my hand on his shoulder, that I just realized was bare because he didn't put his shirt on. I moved my hand away but I could still feel the heat on my hand. I shook it out of my head and turned back to Mitch.

"Uh, yeah. It's just myt back? I hope the medicine kicks in soon." Mitch cleared his throat. "Hey, sorry we didn't listen to you today. But I guess we got to pay the price for it." Mitch chuckled. There's the Mitch I know.

"It's fine, I wasn't the one who got welts on my back. Plus now I get to talk to you." I gave Mitch a smile and he smiled back.

"I think the medicine is kicking in, I always get tired when it does." Mitch yawned

"Or maybe you're just tired." I laughed. I reached over and turned the lamp off and set my glasses down next to it. "Good night."

"Night Bek." Mitch moved his hand and it hit my hand. Instead of moving, he grabbed my hand softly. Even though it was dark and I couldn't see, I stared at the spot where my hand was, wondering if I should let go. My eyes started to grow heavy as I heard Mitch lightly snoring near my ear. I wasn't positive, but I felt like I went to sleep with a smile on my face.


A/N: yay almost 3000 words! Yay for longer chapters! You guys have been commenting a lot on the last two chapters and it means a lot to me so please keep it up and comment on this chapter too! And yes, I know, I know, they aren't together yet- please don't kill me! I have a plan and hopefully you will like it *evil laughter* What do you think about this chapter? Let me know! Please vote, comment, and follow! And check out my kiani story, Band-Aid!

Love you guys!

-bek :)

PS, what time do you guys prefer updates?

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