Ziall-Beneath Your Beautiful

By zialllover

186K 5.5K 1.1K

Niall wasn't afraid. He wasn't afraid to give his heart away and fall inlove, Zayn was. Zayn put up walls so... More

Ziall-Beneath Your Beautiful
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Three

8.2K 265 104
By zialllover

Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

So Zayn's the badboy of the school or so people have said. I've been curious about the boy ever since I laid eyes on him, I don't think he's as bad as people are making him out to be. Underneath all the badboy stuff I think there's an untold story. Harry said Zayn's always smoking and drinking, He's constantly in trouble but the school refuse to let him go because he's to talented. Rumor has it Zayn's a heartbreaker, He'll take your heart make you fall hopelessly inlove with him then he'll drop you like a ball. Nobody really speaks to Zayn, So if they don't speak to him how can they know what he's like? You can't judge a person before you get to know them if you do that nobody would have friends. Harry's said he's the dark mysterious person, A mysterious person normally means a misunderstood person. Dark means he likes his own space I don't exactly see what's wrong with that.

"You ready for your first lesson?" Harry asked as we sat down to eat breakfast in the lunchall that morning.

"I was born ready" I exclaimed with a grin on my face, Harry laughed happily. I've been at this school for two days and I feel comfortable saying Harry is my bestfriend. He's told me everything I needed to know, He showed me where everything is, He's just been a really good laugh I couldn't have asked for a better roommate. 

"I think your a little to keen mate" Harry said with a small chuckle. "But before we start any lessons here Simon calls a gathering sort of thing, Just to welcome everyone and to let you know the standards he expects from us all" Harry informed me, I nodded my head.

"What's he like?" I asked.

"It depends on the mood you catch him in. The things you read about him in papers couldn't be more untrue. Simon's a great person with alot of knowledge about the music business. When he's tough on you it's only because he wants you to reach your full potential" Harry replied.

"That's why I wanted to come here. To learn from the best in the business" I said, Harry nodded his head before taking a sip of his orange juice.

"You won't be disappointed mate"

The hall was huge and grand. The sight of it made my heart leap. It's everything you could ever imagine. Everything you could dream of. The stage was magnificent, I imagined standing on it sharing my gift of music with the world, Hearing people sing my song lyrics back to me as I strum away on my guitar. I was snapped from my own little world by Harry nudging me gently in the side, He signaled for me to pick a seat and sit down, Even when I did that fresh images filled my head.

"Amazing isn't it?" Harry stated.

"Being able to stand on that stage and look out at everybody it must be the best feeling in the world" I exclaimed.

"You'll find out at the showcases" Harry replied, I gave him a confused look. "The school does a showcase every term maybe even more then that. You perform on the stage infront of your classmates, Then there's a final showcase when you perform infront of everyone including Simon" Harry explained.

"Holy crap" I choked out, Harry laughed.

"People say that's how he chooses his artists, He can spot a star a mile away, Rumor has it at the showcase if he's really impressed he'll offer you a contract" Harry said, My eyes widened.

"That's an amazing opportunity" I exclaimed, Harry nodded in agreement.

"There's just one problem. Everyone knows that story, So at final showcase everyone's battling for it" Harry replied.

I was just about to reply before the hall went silent and Simon walked onto the stage. Being this close to him made my heart stop. Yeah I know he's a human being but he's not just any human being he's Simon Cowell. Everyone in music knows his name and if he respects your music you know you've got talent, But I've said all that before haven't I? 

"Well first of all I want to say to everyone welcome back" Simon started off, The hall erupted in cheers of happiness. "I trust you all had a relaxing and fun break but now it's time to leave that break at the door. The pupils who continued on from last year I don't have to remind you what I expect, For the new pupils you should know what I expect from you if you don't then listen carefully. This school has the highest standard of talent out of all other music establishments out there. If your here that means I saw something in you, Something I liked. Plenty of other talented people applied for this school and they didn't get accepted, So you do not take your place for granted, You work long and hard, You listen to your teachers, You reach your full potential, And you do not let me down" Simon stated, I could see where Harry was coming from when he's tough he's really tough. 

"Scared yet?" Harry teased, I laughed slightly.

"Maybe a little intimidated" I replied, Harry laughed before standing up. "I'll meet you at lunch ok? You remember where your going right?" Harry asked.

"Sort of" I said before standing up.

"One second, Liam! Come here!" Harry stated, A few seconds later a boy I recognized from the other day walked up to us.

"Hi Haz" He said.

"Alright Li, This is Niall" Harry informed him, Liam nodded his head before extending his hand to me.

"Nice to meet you Niall, I'm Liam" Liam said, I shook his hand before smiling at him.

"Li, Niall has to go to the music technology room can you make sure he gets there ok?" Harry asked, Liam nodded his head.

"Course I can. Zayn's next lessons there anyway" Liam replied, Harry quickly thanked Liam before rushing off to his first class, Liam and I then began exiting the hall.

"So Niall what are you specializing in?" Liam asked.

"Playing and singing, How about you?" I replied.

"Singing and producing but mainly the singing" Liam said, I was about to reply before we were interrupted by none other then Zayn.

"Mate were gonna be late come on" He stated.

"Actually Zayn could you show Niall to his class you have the same lesson" Liam informed him.

"Your joking right do I look like a fucking babysitter for him?" Zayn spat out.

"His names Niall" Liam replied.

"Whatever" Zayn mumbled before walking off, Well he's a big bundle of joy ain't he.

"Sorry about him his barks worse then his bite I swear but if you follow him you'll get to your class" Liam said, I nodded my head before smiling.

"He's misunderstood that's all, I'll see you later Liam" I replied before following after Zayn. There's definitely more to this boy then meets the eye he's got alot of anger inside him all he needs is a friend.

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