The Power Hungry (Mad Max: Fu...

By Blairkitten

16.1K 556 141

| Part 2 of The War Girl | It's a dog eat dog world, some would say. As soon as one lets their guard down for... More

1: Brand New
2: Fiery Hair
3: The Second First Drive
4: Memories
5: The Message
6: Phase one
7: The Baby
8: Angharad Splendid
9: Interrogation
10: Phase two
11: Lovely Wife
13: New Recruits
14: The Second Apprentice
15: Children of War
16: Help
17: The Alliance
18: The Leatherbacks
19: Dominari
20: Two of a Kind
21: Gastown Boys
22: Treasure
23: Homeland
24: She Was Always Yours
25: Leather and Chrome
26: Guests
27: Act Natural
28: Half-Life
29: Striking First
30: Ordinary
31: Fury
32: Glory

12: Drayko

408 19 2
By Blairkitten

     It was a long, sleepless night. The chains bit into my tender skin like fangs, drawing blood. The chill of the stone wove into my very core, making me feel as if I was already dead.

     Max was a restless sleeper. He twitched and mumbled and scrunched up his face as if he was in pain. In the silence, I could sometimes turn the grumbling into words. It seemed to me he was saying "Toecutter" over and over. It didn't make any sense to me, but I suppose it had to do with his mental instability. 

      It was beyond me how anyone could sleep here. The whole building vibrated as the heavy machinery outside worked tirelessly. It sounded to me as if the land was suffering, as if taking its oil was like taking its life force. I was forced to wonder in the quiet, think about the events of the day before. What happened to my sisters? Or Miss Giddy? Or Nux? It was far too easy for me to imagine a handfull of bullets being shot through their brains. But, why would they only capture me? Wouldn't they want all of the former wives? My skull throbbed with the effort my brain was putting into wrapping my head around this situation. I thought about what Feral would think when she arrived back and found the place in ruins. I could almost see her collapsing to her knees over the dead bodies of her friends, with bright tear streaks cutting through the clay. It wasn't her fault, nor was it Furiosa's. The flare could very well have been a war boy. After all, since Fury Road, a few war boys have turned up from the desert. And with the threat of Gas Town looming over our heads, it made sense that they took the fleet.

       I did strongly believe that we had a chance, however small. Furiosa was a warrior, and I knew she wouldn't take this sitting down. Her and Feral would fight until their last dying breath, and even after that their soldiers will go on. My mind flickered back to Fury Road, when Feral mowed down her own war boys without a second thought. If she was so willing to kill the people she grew up with, I knew she would be more than willing to tear the throats of Gastown out. A twinge of pride sparked in my chest, like a match lit in a room with no oxygen. She would live up to her name, if she ever got the chance.

     Dawn light began to leak through the crack under the door, causing dread to squeeze in my chest. The Gastown boy's words from before shook me to the bones. I was to become a wife to the new Gastown mayor. Would he be like the last? With his rolling flesh and mutilated face? I recoiled from the thought, running a nervous hand through my hair. My fingers caught in the new tangles that my struggling created. Someone could be here any moment to take me away.

      Max awoke when the light turned from orange to blazing white. He didn't say a word to me, just gave me a quick look that seemed to read as concern. I must have looked awful, with my eyes all droppy, my hair disheveled, and my face smeared with dirt. I didn't speak to him either, because I didn't trust my voice to be steady.

     There was a painfully loud clank sound. It came from the door, and I could see two little shadows cutting through the morning sunlight under the door. My whole body tensed, and my fingers dung into the fabric of my pants. I briefly felt a pang of gratitude towards Furiosa, because she had given me these clothes in trade for my old ones. They gave me a small dose of bravery, despite the gloomy circumstances.

     The iron door creaked open with an air of hesitance. I expected a burly soldier to march in and take me away.

      A tall, skinny figure of a boy slipped inside, closing the door behind him. He was all warmth and color, with skin that was a balance between the darkest skin and the lightest. His hair was black as night, and was messy and hung over his muddy eyes. He looked to be hispanic, according to the books I've read. He was all edges and angles, with a pointed nose and a sharp jawline. The clothing he sported was tattered and torn, and looked like he hasn't been able to aquire new ones in a long time, as his wrists dangled from the sleeves of his jacket. There was a fearful, timid glint in his expression, as if he thought I was going to scold him.

     He approached me slowly, holding his hands up to show he meant no harm. I noticed with a blink that he was missing his right index finger. He lowered himself to one knee, now less than a foot from my face,

     "Mayor sent me 'ere," he began, "He wants me to check ya over for injuries an' stuff." He had the same accent nearly everyone else had around here, but it was thicker than what I was used to. 

     He reached down into a little pouch attached to his belt, fishing out a rag. It had to be the only clean thing on him. He lifted it up for me to see, raising his dark brows as if to ask me, "I'm going to touch you, is that okay?"

    I pressed myself to the wall, watching this boy with suspicious eyes. He could very well be putting on this nice act to make me put my guard down. I wasn't going to let that happen.

     He took my silence as a yes, and gently took a hold of my arm and began to wipe away the dirt and soot from my skin. It was almost dizzying how careful he was. It was only because I was the Mayor's new wife. He isn't allowed to harm me, I decided.

     "What is your name?" I demanded, my voice sharp. Despite my distrust, I couldn't help but take into account that he had this...Scared aura around him. If he was a prisoner just like me, he could be of use.

     He jumped when I spoke, retracting his rag and staring at the floor. I almost thought I could see his hands quake. He met my gaze for only a second at a time, then spoke,

     "Drayko." He grunted.

     I gave him a single nod, "I'm Capable."

     He furrowed his eye brows, confused because anytime I tell anyone my name it sounds like an incompleted sentence. When I didn't say anything more, he looked back down and continued to clean my hands. He examined the little scrapes on my knuckles. Another dip into his pouch and he had a little tube of ointment. He gingerly spread the clear goop over the scratches. Instantly the dull sting faded away.

     "Are you a healer, or something?" I asked, my tone  softer this time around.

    Again, hesitence. He swallowed, adam's apple bobbing in his throat, "N-No." he stuttered.

      I yanked my hand from his grasp, my eyes turning icy, "Listen, if you're here to take me to the Mayor, forget it. I won't let you." I snarled, fists balled and ready to strike.

     Drayko seemed taken aback, his eyes wide and lips parted. He didn't speak for the longest time, just withered under my stare uncomfortably. He shifted, twisting the rag the same way Feral twists her glove. It looked to me as if he was afraid to speak, to give away something that would cause him great pain.

     "I-I don't wanna do it..." he croaked, dark eyes finding the ground.

     "Then don't." I growled.

      The hand missing a finger ran through his black hair, and his gaze darted around fearfully, "He won't let me stop." He said shakily, "He'll kill me."

     I paused, my heart contracting with sympathy, "Are you being held prisoner as well?" I whispered.

     I could practically hear Max's attention fixed on me. He knew what I was doing. In the corner of my eye, I saw him lean towards us a little in order to listen better.

     Drayko stared into my eyes, trembling. He sucked in a quick breath, then nodded slowly. 

     I inched closer to him, "Help us get out of here. We can take you too."

     He sprang to his feet, stepping away from me. He shook his head, wiping a hand down his face. I tugged at my chains with irritation, suddenly overwhelmingly frustrated with my restraints.

     "I can't. I can't. I can't." He whimpered, "Trapped. No way out. No more torture...I won't do it." He was pacing back and forth restlessly now.

     I held my hands up this time, "Hey...Shh...It's okay..." I murmured, quieting his words.

     He gaped at me, bewildered. How long has it been since another person has been kind to him?

     "Escape is possible." Max interjected,  "If we do it together."

     Drayko's head snapped towards Max, blinking slowly. He backed away from us both, fumbling with the keys clipped to his belt. Once he got a hold of them, he scrambled out of the door and slammed it behind him. The little click of the lock told me we were stuck in here once more.

     I sighed, slumping against the wall with exasperation, "It was worth a try."

     Max laughed gruffly, cracking his neck, "He'll be back."


A/N: sorry this chapter is so short, kittens!! :(

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